When are you gonna learn you're not welcome in America, Sup Forums?

When are you gonna learn you're not welcome in America, Sup Forums?

We are America

Notice the fact the sign has a FOREIGN country on the positive side

A foreign country that America owes much to for all they’ve done to fuck them over.

Football isn't welcome in America?

I love that he triggers liberals so hard

If you are against your own country, that is treason, and you will hang. God Bless the United States of America

Lol when normie/ betacucks try to insult pol/ on pol/ it always go so well for them

>Be me
>Be Muslim
>Hate three things on the left side

Guess which three.

W...why isn't touchdown Tommy allowed in America?

I'm not there though.

>Tom Brady
Uh, someone explain?


You also beat me to it.

Excuse me? we're not exporting 90% of the heroin used in Mexico, Mexico's doing that to US. Mexico is not innocent just because they're a shit country. They're a shit country because they are corrupt to the core and basically let themselves be bought and run by drug cartels. The weak always blame the strong for their own shortcomings. It's called Jealousy/Envy. It's a flaw. One mexico and the rest of you weak loser faggots should spend more time fixing in yourselves, instead of trying to steal and cannibalize the productive minority that raised you degenerate nigger faggot scum out of the mud and into civilization.

Why isn't the cool fidget spinner welcome in America???

This. He will always be the GOAT.

>Star and Crescent
I'm a muslim AND a proud Sup Forumsack.
They aren't mutually exclusive.

this guy must be a Seahawks fan

on his knees for refugees

Two actually. The 2D Blue Star of David design originated as the Israeli flag.

Why is Tom Brady on there? These people are retarded

Because he's a fucking white male.

>They're a shit country because they are corrupt to the core and basically let themselves be bought and run by drug cartels

This is true, but i bet the cartels problem wouldn't be as bad if you weren't in such a big need of being doped up the ass.