Capitaļism does not benefit us

Why would anyone support capitalism?

It's a system that is keeping us down and poor

Please refrain from defending capitalism Sup Forums, you are not a rockefeller or a trump, you are not rich and you dont get no benefit from capitalism

youre right lets plit our stuff up, i have nothing.

>ou dont get no benefit from capitalism

Uhm, sweetie....every heard of trickle-down?

Because I'm not a fat lazy inbread sweet tea drinking scumbag and I don't mind working for what I have.

i need some of your stuff too because i have nothing

Why? Because it is ultimately individualism that they defend and the only thing communism or socialism offers is welfare in exchange for rights

>be me
>do literally fuck all

because I own property and I'd like to continue doing so.
If someone was to ever seize it, they'd have to pry it from my cold, dead hands

I dont have any property, thats not fair. you have to give some it to me. or even better lets all give all our stuff to OP and he can divide it equally. JACKPOT BABY

Capitalism sucks and has failed everytime unlike communism.

that sucks, maybe your dad should have built a household before knocking your mum up.

oh well.

this is my revolution, fuck off

or maybe you could stop being a racist classist pig and hand over the goods. why do you like to see people suffer?

You can still own property under socialism
Welfare is a capitalist institution it allows nonworkers and other parasites to continue buying commodities without producing or contributing. It is a corporate subsidy. It is a farm subsidy. Socialism would demand a universal mandate to work.
Tough luck pal

then how do i get property? cocainum?

you must be burnt the fuck out.

No capitalist claims that trickle-down exists.

Under socialism institutions like central banks and wall street would be abolished, usury formally banned and the income of workers increased indexed with the cost of living. Only the means of production (e.g. factories, utilities, logistics, etc.) would be socialized. Private property such as homes etc. would be available to all just as it is today. In fact it would enable the working class to have more of it and to work less. The only class threatened under this would be the billionaires who would cease to exist. Socialism would not end meritocracy either. It would not seek to make everyone equal, only to remedy the social ills of poverty and obscene wealth. In my dreams it would also be Christian and more socially conservative than the nihilistic consumer cult of today.

My great grandpa worked on a farm and used newspaper as insulation for his walls. His son ended up working as an "exploited" factory worker for General Motors because it offered him a better life outside of dirt poverty. Then his son had the opportunity to get a college degree and work a well paying job for a trucking company, earning a well off middle class lifestyle for his family. Then he was able to provide me with the education and opportunity to become an engineer and maybe someday provide an even better life for my future sons.

That's what capitalism has done, it allowed my family to rise up from barefoot poverty to a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle with nothing but hard work and determination. It wasn't a government program that lifted us up, it was the freedom and opportunity that capitalism provides.

>Capitaļism does not benefit us

>It's a system that is keeping us down and poor

what in the blueberry fuck are you talking about for rabid badgering sake

capitalism makes even the poorest person in the west living a better live than a royalty back in a day

we got so much stuff made for us to satisfy our every need, some poor shmuck is making 3D renders of imaginary creatures genitalia to be re-created and sold to people so over saturated with excess they are getting bored with reality

Capitalism is god damn amazing and anyone claiming otherwise on a computer, running on electricity via the internet is a hypocritical peace of proverbial shit.

For the love of sanity and moral hygiene, off yourself OP

that religion part must go. where does agriculture and literary works and movies fit in. who owns the rights to create works of art and how are they paid.

>unequal amounts of wealth, struggle, rewarding outcome for continued work
>work or die faggot
Psst! Hey! If I were you, i'd pick the first one!

Why can't it be both our revolution comrade?

Actually all of that is what capitalism is currently seeking to end. The wealth of the middle class is being transferred into the hands of a small class of global oligarchs. Their policies of mass immigration, devaluation of values and income inequality are effectively destroying everything the middle class ever cared for. I respect anyone who works hard for what they have. I do not believe in welfare and i believe that everyone must work. The global oligarchy is seeking to turn us into a mongrelized cultureless renting class with no hope and no sense of God's love.

Holy shit. I think i love you, Bulgaria.

I doubt anyone would be allowed the dubious lifestyle of "professional artist" but as the benefits of technology are distributed equally and directed towards the common good, automation will work towards freeing us from labor rather than competing against us.

>don’t get no benefit

Nigger detected. Lynch yourself.

I don't think so. Looking around at the world we have seen nothing but oppression of the working class from attempts at socialism. A man ought to have the freedom to do what he wants with himself and his property, and if he wants to sell is labor he should be free to do so.

Without Christ's love, socialism is always doomed.

Man, you commies are such whiny little faggots.

because you have not proven yourself fit for the party, you must show your worth. find me 10 subversive agents in this thread and I will know you are truly a comrade.

It’s literally the only thing that has brought people out of poverty you stupid ass. Specifically property rights and being able to keep what you produce

Because I charge people money to live in properties I bought that other people foreclosed on during the 2011 recession. Capitalism has certainly benefited me. Fuck Boomers. That's what they get for buying shit they couldn't afford. Now I have their family homes.

Its only brought the most people out of poverty than any other economic system in the history of humanity . fuck capitalism though

>gibs me dat
You're not getting free stuff. Stop fucking trying, you lazy fuck.

>if he wants
What is the alternative? Starvation? Besides, millions are impoverished under global capitalism. We dont see it in the west because we simply outsourced our slavery to the east. Components for smart phones are made from rare earth minerals mined by child slaves in a process which is spoiling some of the last wilderness left. 80% of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day. In the west we are seeing an obvious trend of immigration, outsourcing, nihilism and self-obsession which is destroying our souls and way of life. What is capitalism's solution for all of the problems it has created? Also i detest Marx and all materialists.

Education creates unequal intelligence. I don't see the problem.

It's a slide thread. You faggots replying are beyond retarded, please kill yourselves immediately

Then how do oil and other commodity prices work? How do currency values work? I will tell you: massive state intervention. By corrupt rootless politicians.

you indoctrinated fucking TWAT every time the means of production were stolen by a criminal gang of brutal oppressors in the name of the people, the societies having the unfortunate fate to endure the said change got shafted so hard, it will take them good part of a half century to recuperate

taking the fucking means of production, with no proper knowledge of running the process, marketing the product and of course compete with others, thus striving to constantly improve your craft leads to the god damn travesty of (pic related)

Billionaires as normal humans come to different shapes and sizes. You get your Warren Buffett, you get your George Sorros, you get your Zuckerberg and you get your Musk. Even of there are despicable people among the bunch there are some that literally change the world for the better. A single government launch of a space rocket costed 400mil. dollars, Musk got it down to 40mil... an order of magnitude of fucking ten god damn times ... in couple of years. You think soviet union was more efficient ?!? Are you huffing glue in your spare time for fucks sake ?

God damn, spoiled fucking leftist brats, why don't you move in eastern europe to see the aftermath of that crap, enjoying the concrete buildings and the fucked up roads ?

No you will not, you will complain from the comfort of your western life style, the society is not giving you even more free stuff than you already have. Fucking spineless fucking twat.

Sup Forums is for the discussion of politics. It is not your bootlicking safe space.

>What is the alternative?
Working in a commune, working for a coop, being self employed, or being self-reliant in the wilderness. "If anyone is unwilling to work, he shall not eat".

>We dont see it in the west because we simply outsourced our slavery to the east
In nations which have chosen to embrace government authoritarianism, such as China. It's a shame, but we can't fight their battles for them, if they want freedom they're gonna have to fight for it.

>80% of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day
Pic related is thanks to capitalism.

I'm a landlord, why wouldn't I support capitalism? Faggot.

Valuing efficiency over human decency is where you went wrong. Sure BMWs are nice but how many people can afford to have them? The only people i see driving them are drug pushers.

Fuck off, lazy filth.
I had to steal during socialism, now I live good life of hard, but fairly rewarding labor under capitalism.

>we cant fight their battles for them
We are the ones funding that entire authoritarian regime! Capitalism uses terror states like China to do what it cant do in the west. The only possible good outcome for today's globalism would be AI slavery and even that is dubious because the actual resources needed to produce and power such a process would only exascerbate the destruction of planet earth. But maybe elon musk will have moved all the valuable people off world by that time.


why are you stupid fuckers rerplying to this obvious bait/shill thread? stop being influenced by antifa niggers like this you retards, ignore it and contribute to quality threaads. holy fuck.....

go home commie

dude you're honestly so fucking stupid im shocked people are even bothering to talk to you. guess its time to start cutting yourself....

Imagine I was a fisherman, I brought my rod down to the ocean and caught 20 fish. I'd then sell the fish on for money.

The fish is very popular and doesn't stay on the shelves for long, the store requests more quantity but I cannot deliver on my own. I buy another fishing rod and ask my friend to help me catch fish, and I would pay him in return.

More stores are now asking for fish, I hire more friends and supply more fishing rods to keep up with demand. It's come to the point where I am so busy making sales I am no longer fishing myself. My time has freed up because of this and I have the money to allow me to buy the nicer things in life.

Moral of the story is, if you want more out of life, buy your own fucking fishing rod.

Yeah everyone get to the lauren southern white knight thread or the thinly veiled pedo normalization thread or the pewdiepiethread


Nice non argument youre boring.

So if you can't drive a BMW nobody can drive a BMW?

>We are the ones funding that entire authoritarian regime
We don't fund their regime, we merely trade with them, which is actually the best way to get rid of their authoritarianism. Take Cuba for example, for the longest time we've been embargoing them, hurting ourselves in the hope that it will stop their behavior, but now that we've begun to trade with them again they've decided to embrace some private businesses again, bringing freedom back to the people.

Same with China, who we've been trading with for years now. While progress has been slow, step by step they've been giving their people more and more economic freedom over time.

As compared to... Feudalism.

Sorry, I meant Communism.

Wait a sec, if Communist leaders become rich (like noblity) and "the people" stay poor (like serfs) then it's exactly like Feudalism.

My point is what good does BMW do for society by producing something that most people will never use? What good does it do a man to own such a luxury? The absolute state of the rootless nihilistic consumer drone...

> 'I have never seen the inside of a factory' - the post
> 'I have never been a part of any working party' - the post
> 'I am privileged little white filth' - the post
> 'I am middle class Guardian reader' - the post
> 'I pretend to care about worker because my rich college professor told me to' - the post
> 'I loathe the working class people, especially when they talk back to me' - the post

Again your arguments are purely ideological. What does "economic freedom" even mean in this context and why do you consider it such an absolute good? Why ban child prostitution and heroin? Why ban contract killing?

Society benefits from income disparity. Systems of any kind benefit from disparity in most cases.

Consider the "muh poor education quality meme." It's true that the US has low AVERAGE test scores compared to Asian or Nordic countries, but then why do we supercede those countries in intellectual output? Because our best are lightyears ahead of their best.

Raising the average is a foolish, feminine idea. It's the cause of mediocre stagnation amongst democratic socialist countries. Its antipode is why America roars ahead in almost every way you can measure it: quality of life, strength of economy, intellectual output, technology, even art.

Quit falling for the "muh average" meme and sage this gay post.


You just scream 'I am a cocksucker who never saw inside of a factory and I have never seen the level of automation we have' - just like that lifelong parasite and slave owner Marx.

Under appreciated post.

>Valuing efficiency over human decency is where you went wrong

That human decency executed more people in my country than we've lost in WW2 for fucks sake, it incarcerated people for telling jokes and drove small land owners to suicide for their refusal to hand over their acre of land and single cow to the state. It literally made people feudal peasants again, barring them from moving away from their villages, while giving them no incentive to stay as they took away everything from them safe for their yards and houses. That decency that got children of party members fast tracked to universities and the children of former business owners barred from anything but most lowest jobs with merit thrown ed out the window ? What are you even trying to say when you talk about decency, because we seem to have wildly different opinions to what that word even means.

Failed strawman. I am an industrial mechanic and have been working in that field since i was a teenager. Parents were drug addicted scum of the earth. I have never and would never attend the hypernormalizing liberalism of a university. I see poverty as an obvious social problem as well as being morally obligated by my Saviour to help the poor. You sound like a nihilistic contrarian. Where do you work?

>Again your arguments are purely ideological.
that's rich coming from a commie

I do gain from capitalism. I can have voluntary transactions on the market. Just now I bought magnetic chess for 2.5 dollars from China, this is the beauty of capitalism.

You backed up none of your broad claims. Just a lot of hoakey opining.

Wow how triggered are you?

>What does "economic freedom" even mean in this context
The right to self-ownership, the freedom to do what you want with your own body, and the right to own property and do what you want with it, so long as you don't infringe on other's rights.

>why do you consider it such an absolute good
Because we've consistently seen it give us the greatest amount of prosperity compared to other systems. It's what allowed my family to reach the prosperity it has today.

Once again i am not a Marxist. The soviet union was a criminal organization. I get that.

capitalism demands a constant flow technological advances which has over time deprived man completely of the lifestyle and activities which he was evolved to do, DOWN WITH THE CAPITALISM FUELED TECHNOCRACY

There is plenty of empirical evidence suggesting it's true.

North Korea and South Korea. Identical language and heritage. Similar geography. Similar natural resources. North Korea was even richer at the end of hostilities. What's different?

Venezuela and Colombia. Similar culture and history. Same language. Venezuela even has a wealth of natural resources (oil). What's different?

The reason why "capitalism in the US had failed" is because we are a Socialist society.

We spend over a Trillion dollars each year giving poor people free shit under the condition that they STAY poor. It's not a social safety net anymore, it's a fucking hammock on a beach.

See i think you and i are just morally irreconcilable, but i feel i can respect your cares. The truth is for me all of the socialism i would propose must be voluntary.

>Capitaļism does not benefit me, because I am not clever enough to utilize it.

fixed that for you.

Game Theory, enough said.

I love capitalism because in my country I'm lower middle class/poor, but compared to 80% of the rest of the world I'm rich as fuck.

I'm the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. It beats eating the neighbors to avoid starving after 10 years of marxism.

>The truth is for me all of the socialism i would propose must be voluntary
You can already do that under our current system. You can form a coop or a commune and draw in the workers, see if they prefer you over your capitalist competitors.

But yeah, at end of the day we just have two different ideas for how society should be run.

Weird how people that have had to actually endure socialism hate it so much. See how cuban “Americans” vote.

This always stumps those stupid faggots.

You can make a socialist community within our system. Why don’t we see them taking over?

Probably because they don’t work.....ever

However you can’t start a capitalist group under socialism

How triggered? Well, I did live in socialist paradise full of little swines that regurgitated EXACTLY the same shit you are now spreading here, and I had to steal and hustle even with full time job just to get very basic necessities and I stood in a bread row at three in the morning. Triggered, sure, but to cut your throat and watch you gurgle away would calm me down.
Please make sure that you stay in your little rich bubble, otherwise working class might show why did your twisted ilk switched to waffling about automation.

>capitalism: unequal amounts of wealth
>communism: equal amounts of unhealth

Right and the commune and the Church are to me furthering the good work. Although most communes are just yuppy burn outs at this point. My beef with Capitalism is that it allows such an accumulation of wealth that normal values are superceded by profit. The gay agenda is profitable. Birth control is profitable. Opiod addiction is profitable. Maybe im wrong but i do think people need to be saved from themselves. We have public relations masterd running campaigns and while classes are required to drive no such education os required to vote. Society is quite obvjosly degenerating and globalists keep saying to just wait until it gets better. I dont see how it will get better.

Look all i want is for people to work and live decent lives. I dont see why the world needs billionaires.

Shit. I know a dozen Cubans more American than people born here.

Ayy lmao

No other form of communist society can be created by a hypothetical regime other than a carbon copy of the soviet union. When you have to mend discrepancies in the social strata you have to use a hammer for the lack of better analogy, when someones stand out, you must use a sickle. Then boom, with all your good intentions and such, you've just merrily hopped along the road to hell. As long as there is ambition, tenacity and distinctiveness among humans, communism is bound to use violence to correct that, so everyone could fall in line and as the lowest common denominator goes, make everyone poor and miserable.

Communism is unattainable system pushed by greedy megalomaniacs to rally bunch of lowlifes to violently overthrow the social order under the quire of brainwashed idealists like you.

Do you know what happens to the free thinking "intelligentsia" after the deed is done ? They are politely reminded no further impute will be required now, that the glorious system is in place and should keep their propositions to themselves from now on, as the party in it's infinite wisdom knows best. Then if crushing the next generation drive via indoctrination is not enough, the said "intelligentsia" gets a prompt monkey court with charges of treason and a summary execution.

I support capitalism because under capitalism :
1.) Life expectancy has soared to the highest it's ever been.
2.) Globally speaking, the number of people in extreme poverty has dropped dramatically as capitalism has spread.
3.) Disease and famine rates have dropped to the lowest they've ever been.
I can name more ways, far far more ways, that capitalism helps everyone, but aren't those 3 alone enough for you?

>Private property such as homes etc. would be available to all just as it is today.

>own home
>rent out spare-bedroom
>Congratulations you are now filthy landlord bourgouisie scum and your property is forfeit.
>"W-well j-just don't rent out your spare-bedroom!"
>implying that will save you
>implying the party won't find out about your spare-bedroom going to waste and insist you take in a homeless man as a lodger RENT-FREE.
>implying you actually own your home if the government can force you to allow people to live there and will confiscate your home if you complain
>"t-the p-party would never do that!
>The political party whose entire ideology revolves around redistributing resources would never redistribute your resources if they feel you have more than you need. Yeah ok.

Being Red is a choice, wake up before it's too late.


> Why would anyone support capitalism?
why not? answer you bitch
> It's a system that is keeping us down and poor
it's a system that has created more wealth and saved more lives than any other single thing in the universe
more lives and wealth can be attributed to this than to
literally in existence.
so. why not?
i fucking ask you
you dirty dirty nigger.

You are of course right and to me the only hope for a better world is in Christianity because we must change inwardly before we can effectively change society. I mostly just state my ideals and opinions to counter those who would say there are no problems within capitalism and that poverty is not a problem.

>Welfare is a capitalist institution
Holy fuck, how retarded are you?

>Currencies can't exist without government
>Gold and cryptocurrency doesn't exist

>The gay agenda is profitable. Birth control is profitable. Opiod addiction is profitable
They're profitable because the people celebrate them. The businesses follow public opinion, although unlike under a socialist government they are free to divert from the public opinion, as we've seen with Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A. A socialist nation would simply follow the same trends as the current capitalist system, especially considering how many socialists today oppose Christianity and support degeneracy.

>Maybe im wrong but i do think people need to be saved from themselves
It sounds like your in favor of a "benevolent dictatorship" or something similar. Which I simply don't trust anyone with that much power.

>I dont see how it will get better
It's been getting better for a while now. Poverty is rapidly decreasing, Christianity is on the rise, we're on the cusp of space colonization and technological advances are exponentially growing, there's a few setbacks here and there but on the whole the world is becoming a better place.

billionaires cured polio you ignorant fuck
jonas salk
went to NYU
then to Mount Sinai
Then UoM
EACH of these institutions were founded and reliant upon endowments from billionnaires
> i dun c y we need billunairs
> hehe look leddit lets retweet elon musk
> he will give us universal income
> and free sex robots hurrr hurr
i hope you die really painfully and really soon
like today

there's plenty of gutters in the commons that you can use to go die in
do something useful and thrive
be a useless lifeform and fucking die you piece of shit

yes they do
unless you don't think Milton Friedman was a capitalist
unless you don't think Bastiat was a capitalist
They both raped your asshole raw and explained to you how 90% of public good was done through private donations
and 200% of public wealth was created through private investments
and how 800% of public ills were through public theft
no go die
from the realization
that you are responsible
for the unimaginable suffering
of countless children
because you're such a wretched and pathetic lifeform

>My beef with Capitalism is that it allows such an accumulation of wealth that normal values are superceded by profit. The gay agenda is profitable. Birth control is profitable. Opiod addiction is profitable. Maybe im wrong but i do think people need to be saved from themselves.

That is probably the only valid criticism of Capitalism you have brought up here. However, communism is not the way to fix this and while capitalism may lead some people astray, in the end of the day, they still need to take responsibility for themselves.

Capitalism is definitely not perfect and still need much improvement and fixing but so far, it's the best one we can have now.