Psycho Pass

Just finished season 1 and I'm starting 2. It's good?

Also, Psycho Pass thread i guess.

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it gets worse

Theres no Psycho-Pass second season, you must be imagining things

Don't bother watching Season 2. It's complete shit. Just go for the movie instead.

season 2 is unironically shit
dont even bother, it will just ruin your memories about this show.


I enjoyed Season 1, but Season 2 was honestly pretty bad.

S2 is mediocre, the movie is better than it.

All the direct references to real-world philosophy and psychology ruined it for me. You can subtly reference stuff like that and it can be good, like how The Matrix incorporated ideas of Plato's cave, but I'm pretty sure The Matrix didn't actually name-drop Plato in dialogue to stroke the writer's ego.

Fun fact, S2 was made by a totally different animation company, plot and all (tatsunoko rather than studio IG). Digibro had a pretty in depth video on his channel if you enjoy long analytical videos

S2 wasn't as good as the first, but still worth watching to fullfill that need for more stuff happening in that world. Concept really was interesting.

if you look closely at the ED of s2 you can see that the 2 studios collaborated on the ED only
(i think, not sure if it was that or just different drawing style to make it look like the did work together for the ED, too lazy to check too)
look at the character designs when the profile picture appear in the ED and you'll see what i mean

but i do know that IG made s1 and the movie, like you said s2 was done by another studio, so its their fault s2 was shit not the series like people seem to blame

psycho pass: mandatory happiness out 13th (today/tomorrow) in NA and 16th in EU. will it be worth getting?

want to know this too

Collective CC from S2 will probably come into play in S3. I still don't think that's enough to suffer through S2 though.

Nips are saying it's good, you play from the POV of original characters so don't expect a lot of Akane.

I watched both seasons and I regret nothing. S2 is quite good so all this hate is unfair, I guess.

Would Sibyl know if you had sex with Akane?

Why is this faggot getting shilled on here constantly?

Since when Akane were stacked?

In animu movies bust size of characters always gets an upgrade.

looking forward to see new characters actually, akane wasn't that good of a MC