The greatest mathematician in the world was Indian

>The greatest mathematician in the world was Indian

How does that make you feel Sup Forums ?

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like taking a hairy crap on the street

open bob

Funny. When Rananujan came to London for the first time he was shocked by how filthy it was compared to India.

He eventually caught a disease and died because you couldn't stop throwing your feces in the streets.

>how smart was he???

>he was so smart he sometimes took a poo in the LOO and not in the street

>A 1994 analysis of Ramanujan's medical records and symptoms by Dr. D. A. B. Young[51] concluded that his medical symptoms—including his past relapses, fevers and hepatic conditions—were much closer to those resulting from hepatic amoebiasis, an illness then widespread in Madras, rather than tuberculosis. He had two episodes of dysentery before he left India. When not properly treated, dysentery can lie dormant for years and lead to hepatic amoebiasis, whose diagnosis was not then well established.[52] Amoebiasis was a treatable and often curable disease at the time.[52][53]

Greatest? That's definitely not true.

Please go back to your brainlet containment board

He was the greatest. Acknowledged by every mathematicians afterward.

Kant made more important discoveries via astrophysics as a hobby
I don't think so

Makes me feel like pooping in a toilet like a human being.

But seriously though, if you are very well educated and can be a highly productive member of society I don't mind.

Not true, by a long shot. It's just something you brainlet and dicklet poo in the loos say to make yourselves feel better. What you think Gauss was shit?


>Not true, by a long shot.
True. by a longshot.

> What you think Gauss was shit?

I know you're larping with your flag but this is very representative of this board's psychology. Acting suddenly defensive like your very pride is under attack whenever a person of color achieves something.

How do i calculate the diameter of toilet witches perimeter with feces area?

so Indians just like being in shit? instead of just being too stupid to clean it?

>he had two episodes of dysentery before he left India. When not properly treated, dysentery can lie dormant for years and lead to hepatic amoebiasis

Died from taking some nasty poos. Do you think they were in the loo?

Indian dot or Indian whoop?
All I see in the pic is brown

He wasn't the greatest. He was certainly one of the most insanely briliant people in history, but he didn't live long enough to contribute much and was outside of the mathematical community too long to take advantage of his genius.

Best mathematicians all time: Euler, Gauss, Newton, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi

The smartest mathematician was Caucasian. I guess it’s true. Math is racist.

ramanujan was no doubt a great mathematician, but euler, perelman, gödel, where greater

You using the word person of color makes me ashamed to be Canadian.

oh come on we both know it has to be dot

What did he work out? How much he could defecate on the street?

>greatest mathematician
umm no sweetie all his work are memes that are truly useless
brainlets belong at you have to go back

>Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
Ah yes, creator of the first calculation for melting steel beams.

Wow, I didn't realise that

{choose one:}

was indian

Why would you be ashamed? He's a poo in loo invader, not a fellow Canadian.

don't forget gödel

>Samefagging this hard

Nice try shill.


not greatest, but yes a great mathematician.

No, not even close. Pic related.

Without the British Empire, its doubtful Ramunajan would have received the kind of recognition he did without a formal education background.

>grouping euler in with these plebs
Seriously though, the amount of maths that euler's fingerprints are on is absurd. The world as we know it wouldn't exist without him.

I've got news for you, there's more reasons for you to be ashamed, but you knew that didn't you sweetie

Significant =/= Greatest

It takes a certain IQ to understand that but some discoveries might have had a big impact, doesn't mean they were the hardest to find.

The greatest mathematicians this day still can't fully understand Ramanujan's demonstrations, although we are 100% sure they are true (all formulas work and the demonstrations that we were able to understand were accurate)

No one came close to him in terms of Mathematical genius, and the greatest European mathematician at the time, who met him, acknowledged it.

What are you even on about rajeesh?

You have to go back

euler was brown?

the greatest mathematician off all time is either gödel or perelman

And without a German aristocrat as his patron Gauss would have never went to college and would have never received a formal education.

Mathematician here.
greatest mathmetician in the world was proabably either euler or euclid.
Ramanujan was a very good mathemetician in many ways, but in many ways he was not. he had nearly no concept of what a formal proof was and was not taken seriously while he was alive. He could conceptualize numbers and think symbolically very well, and sure, he was a pretty great mathematician, but by no means was he the greatest.


You mean the guy who stole Hamilton's ideas and claimed them as his own?

bitch lasagna

even being facetious, you can't even say that. Newton invented goddamn calculus. Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem. Perelman proved the Poincare Conjecture. I did put Euler first, but these guys are all nth level geniuses.

the guy who solved the Poincaré conjecture, one of the millenium problems

Ramanujans contributions to math:
>any number can be written as the sum of no more than 4 primes
>how to divide a number into two or more squares of cubes
>ramanujans number: 1729. literally useless, it is just the smallest number that can be written as the sum of two cubes in two different ways

Euler contributions:
literally an entire encyclopedia entry of them:

>Ramanujan was a very good mathemetician in many ways, but in many ways he was not. he had nearly no concept of what a formal proof was and was not taken seriously while he was alive. He could conceptualize numbers and think symbolically very well, and sure, he was a pretty great mathematician, but by no means was he the greatest.

seen that movie yesterday on tv . going to foreign land and get a disease , he could his work from india and still live life .

who the fuck is that

>ITT: Inferior white boys who can’t handle the truth so they resort to poo in loo memes

Yeah he stole Hamilton's idea!

At least Gauss had one, and didn't require a foreign occupying power to get recognition; more than what we can say about Ramunajan.

He did literally poop to death tho

That title goes to Euler unfortunately. On another its a real pity such a genius wasted his life until he was discovered. How much human capital is wasted through the centuries because it took too long for the cream to rise?

To this day the best mathematicians are nearly always Euros with French, Russians. British with Iranains performing strongly for some reason. And Jews.

Jews are so comically underrepresented in the sciences its not even funny.

can you read math at all? some of his work is good and some of it is utter dog shit.

Euler is the greatest modern mathematician, but you also have to include Gauss, Galois, and Cauchy if you really want to be honest.

*over-represented, autocorrect

Hi Pajeet

What about Archimedes and Poincare you disgusting limey wretch?

Hi Dick.

ok mike

>he had nearly no concept of what a formal proof was
Because his mind worked too fast to understand the steps he needed to take to write a proof others could understand.

This is the equivalent of a gifted child having a stuttering speech

>by no means was he the greatest.
He was the greatest. No one came close to finding as many complex theorems as he did and no one to this day has even caught up to some of his discoveries.

Many of euclid's discoveries where found in other corners of the world seemingly developed independently and imaginary numbers would certainly have been used within a century had Euler not existed.

No one has yet to find theorems remotely on the level of our Mathematician.

>greatest mathematician
He was good though.

ill go ahead and list some anyways:
>function notation
>eulers number (extremely useful)
>i notation
>eulers formula
>eulers identity
>power series expansion for e and the inverse tangent function
>euler-lagrange equation
>euler product formula for the reimann-zeta function
>he proved newtons identities, fermat's little theorum, Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares, Lagrange's four-square theorem
>invented toitent function
>euler method of approximation
There is literally so much more, this is like a quarter of what euler is notable for

>b-b-but I approximated pi!

> 1 poo
> 2 poo
> 3 poo
> 4 poo
> 5 poo
> "whoa this guy's pretty good"
> t. nobel jews

>Because his mind worked too fast to understand the steps he needed to take to write a proof others could understand.
this is religious type bullshit right here

I love how facts absolutely rekt the Leaf you replied to.

>Jews are so comically underrepresented in the sciences its not even funny.
It's the nepotism. Scientific breakthroughs rarely come from them, just typical follow up tidbit papers as they band together and start riding the new discover bandwagon train.

>he had nearly no concept of what a formal proof was
>Because his mind worked too fast to understand the steps he needed to take to write a proof others could understand.
Yes, and a stuttering child must be the greatest english speaker ever, his mind just thinks to quick for other people.
hate to break it to you, if you cant prove your conjecture you are not a mathematician, you are an educated guesser

Some Pajeet expat feeling a bit patriotic I'm guessing? Talk to any real mathematician. Its not even a debate. This is BE and AE. Before Euler and after Euler. 4 of top 10 equations picked by mathematicians for their logical
beauty were discovered by Euler alone. So pipe down India fags

There are always exceptions to everything.

I don't care, I like indians and their culture. He wasn't the greatest though, but even if he was no big deal. Some of the greatest mathematicians were arabs and persians and we all owe a lot to them anyways. I have no problem with other cultures, I take interest in every single one and appreciate what they might have of interest. Even a tribal african culture has something refreshing of naiveté and good heart towards each other that I appreciate and find interesting because it learns us about how the early tribal Europeans were. Not wanting foreign culture parasiting and polluting my culture doesn't mean I despise or denigrate other cultures as long as they stay where they are. For that matter I think colonization was one of the worst thinks we ever did as europeans because we destroyed other cultures and laid the foundations for our own culture to be destroyed by those people coming here now that they speak our language and know we exist and are rich. No need to feel angry or resentful or unhappy with what you are, or trying yo prove you're superior or not. History has proven that whites while not all good, have been superior culturally to every other culture in the globe. While there are exceptions, that is a fact. Doesn't mean your culture isn't worthy, it's just different, and not a successful as our culture.

I don't see how Britain, who was very reluctant to promote native Indians, in any way contributed to his fame. The one man who found him and took him back to Britain was an independent famous mathematician who recognized his genius.

It's just like that thing I said in another post. Whenever a brown people bests you, it's like your very well being is under attack.

apu make me a sub bbq rib

Go back to poo land. You're not Canadian.

> who is cantor
> who is grothendieck
> who is erdos
all white

Sup Forums doesn't know who Euler is.


> why aren't you promoting our poothematicians BRITAIN!!!
you shitskins are gonna fucking get it one day, preferably in the form of an antrax suitcase in your overpopulated shithole "countries"

it makes me want to POO IN LOO

He was a good mathematician DESPITE being indian, not because he was indian.

Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia 42 years ago. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Weinstein scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.

Get this trending. Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Hugh Hefner was scum.

Share these links via your social media as well.

either b8 or you're legit retarded

>greatest mathematician

I know you're a Pajeet expat, but tell me exactly what makes him better than all the other mathematicians out there. Especially considering literally nobody other than math students have heard of this guy.

Gauss and Euler were better. The most interesting thing about Ramanujan was that he was such an exception.

>Postmodern ironically semitism

Look we can try meme them out of the picture all you want but it doesn't change the fact that for some reason people of Jewish heritage have made more contributions to science that any other ethnic group bar none for their sample size.

Its ridiculous. Even ardent anti semite Germans said after WWII that attacking them was retarded. What could have Germany done with Einstein and dozens others?

If you are unironically denying that he was a great mathematician just to be a contrarian you're the kind of retards. Not a single expert denies his genius and everyone agrees that like many of his kind he had troubles explaining his discoveries to other people because of the immense gap in their level of understanding.

I hope for your sake you don't act like that in public because people would just assume you're a moron.

That's not even what I wrote. Are you stupid.

probably just stank of shit all the time and nobody wanted to listen to him, but then the SJWs whitewashed his "based shitskin" history

Hardy was born into that very empire and taught at one of its most prestigious schools. Ignoring those foundations is not a valid viewpoint worth entertaining.
>muh brown people
Thanks for proving non-whites can be racist, and its pretty obvious what the objective is here, not a very noble one.

I prefer judging by contributions, which is why I would be more impressed by physicists than by mathematicians, if you can give me an example of an Indian who can top say... Paul Dirac, let me know.

We Jews are smarter than all the goyim. Einstein was the smartest man ever.
How can goyim compete?

>discovered moments
so, newton for babies. Literally not that great, just early. He was around early enough when philosophy became a cultural thing and people started to care about maths, that there was a shit tonne to discover that are not that difficult. Obvs still very intelligent, but even a primary school child can understand all of archimedes's principles. I doubt if archimedes was born in Newton's age he would've been a notable mathematician.

And poincare couldn't even solve his own conjecture, so why should I care.

it actually is, look it up

Everybody has heard of Einstein so I assume he was the greatest scientist of all time?

Sup Forums's mental gymnastics.

arguably his only useful discovery was a proving a certain congruence relating to the tau-function which Serre ended up proving in general anyway. some say his idea led to the proof of fermats last theorem but that is total bullshit. let me put it to you this rama dama ding dong pooed on the street and Serre ended up shitting in a golden toilet

Descartes and Aristotle would disagree

>it actually is, look it up
what is ?

How so pastanigger? Richard Hamilton had already worked everything out and was in the process of unifying it all when Perlman posted his alleged proof. Perlman being the lazy fuck that he is, left MASSIVE holes that needed to be filled in.

maths is hard,fuck that shit. thank god for jews.

I don’t have an issue with Indians. The ones I interact with are hardworking and modest. The chinks all bust their ass and mind their own business as well. I just want niggers and muslims to fuck off. Poos can be good people.

