Stefan Molymeme begs his viewer to tell him what the fuck is going on in the middle east. Why they did kill gaddafi...

Stefan Molymeme begs his viewer to tell him what the fuck is going on in the middle east. Why they did kill gaddafi, why focus on Assad, why those lies about weapons of mass destruction, why those endless wars in the middle east ?

Well pol, whats the answer he's looking for ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Gaddafi hated Israel. Assad hated Israel.

Israel sent its pitbull (USA) to take care of them.

Not hard to understand.

For further information, read "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" written back in the 90s. It lays out the (((plan))) for the Middle East.

Everything is going according to plan.

to save those poor people from despotic rule and give them what they're truly yearning for:democracy.

at least this is the idea you would get if you only watch the news.

damn we're really nice!

Couldn't watch after he started lying
>I'm a nice person I'm a good person
Only tells his mother to be grateful he didn't kill her, tells kids to leave their parents and give him money, and attempts to lambast anyone that points out that this isn't kosher,Christian, but instead Haram

>I don't understand
I think you do pointless video meant to indoctrinate viewers further with misdirection because you are a nice guy

Says at least twice that he can't see why Israel would benefit from having its neighbours be smaler fiefdoms locked in in-fighting instead of desert Prussias. Nigga please.

i'll give you a hint

Natural recourses Pax Americana

Sheesh. Fundamental secrets of this universe like this will remain covered up forever, i think...

Neither of them had Rothschild banks

gee who could it be?

I would archive, but it seems to be down right now. It's not a long read, but it may explain some things to you younger anons with regard to people like Stefan.

fucking why

I mean, I like some of his stuff, especially about race but especially since his book came out he really turned into a basic bitch alt lighter. He's also continually misinformed about Europe (X country is over).

Tl:DR: Basic dialectic. That guy is kind of bad at getting to the point.

>Tl:DR: Basic dialectic. That guy is kind of bad at getting to the point.
"This is what I finally understood: all famous people are there to misdirect you. ALL OF THEM. "
This was his only real point and he gets to it in the 1st main paragraph on the 1st page. What are you talking about?

I liked Stefan but when he pussied out over the JQ I abandoned him. At this point if he isn't willing to address the JQ then he's dead to me.

It's called the YINON PLAN


This is why.

I'm cross-posting this from the GG thread, but the story is interesting enough and it relates directly to the topic.


do you guys think stefan says not israel twice to put israel in people's mind so that he can justify a israel bashing video ? the fact that he repeated it at the end make me think its the goal

Chinese secret Service fucked over Afghanistan in 1979, got the UdSSR involved, unleashed jihad and baited the US to fuck with the commies.

please everyone bump this in the comments so that he at least redpills the masses on the


Recently he always shoots the Israel question down. There was a period where he was really on the ball with the JQ and Israel (like here: but then there's also videos where he denounces every suggestion about exaggerated Jewish influence as conspiracy theory.

That's one of the reasons why everyone says Israel is a good ally and only the leftist globalist Jews are dangerous are idiots btw.

There are no greater conspiracy, the chaos arise from a change of the rules, and everyone play and half the players play chmess and the other half chess.. It is a cluster fuck, that is what is going on.

Reminds me of WW1, where the first part of the war, was almost indistinguishable from the end of the war. They approached the war initially in a traditionally fashion, with regiments marching in formation, cavalry on the flanks, an officer walking on the side ready to give commands..
They quickly went away from that, when it became clear that a machine gun can fire +200 bullets per minute, marching in formation was a silly way to approach you enemies then.
The first world war is full of crazy stories.. where people simply didn't understood the game they where playing..

>There are no greater conspiracy, the chaos arise from a change of the rules, and everyone play and half the players play chmess and the other half chess.. It is a cluster fuck, that is what is going on.

There is literally neo-cohens admitting that everything from Iraq II (and I recently saw some shit about even Iraq I) was to safeguard Israel. It's really not too complicated, secular Iraq and Syria that are in opposition to Israel = bad, Syria and Iraq smashed into many warring pieces = good. Just look at France against Germany pre and post unification.

usa and nato wanted to steal gadafi's gold

he was a joke it's no secret nato tropps there there air lifting gold

that is why they didn't want gadafi living if he was he would not give the gold cos he said he would give up

now libya is dead imigration is comming down to europe and europe will burn

uk's been trying to leave eu cos they do not want imigrants it's all going to end in tears cos of the liberal mind set the eu government has there will be a rise in bigatry and hitler like leaders soon

most of these leaders seem to be supporters of israel it's gonna be hellish soon

>Majority of Jews live in Europe/Russia
>Nations all destabilise into 2 bloody world wars where 100 million people die.
>Jews move to Middle East
>Middle East destabilises into endless conflict.

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

I try to watch this guy then he starts talking

Basically this

tldr ^^: competing gaslines. most of europes nat gas come from russia. new pipline would change that. russia would lose power. so russia can't let that happen and we want it to. syria happens.

also tell him about ry dawson he explains the problem very well and explains the resons hwy

because of his (((German))) mother of course!

Even if we accept what you say as the truth; things are hardly running according to plan. Have they succeded? in what cementing Iran as a regional great power, along with Russia.
To turn the American election into an entirely unpredictable process.. If they had succeeded with what they where doing, Jeb! or Hillary would be president, and the white house would be talking about how they should feed the public with breed and games, while further pursuing wars in the middle-east.
Yet, none of it appear to be playing out in their favor.. Rather than being in front and planning ahead, the entire world appear to be reacting to they manifest themselves out of nowhere..

the guys jewish so doesn't want to bad mouth israel

Opioids for children, petroleum for industry, and strategic minerals for consumer electonics.

>Even if we accept what you say as the truth; things are hardly running according to plan. Have they succeded? in what cementing Iran as a regional great power, along with Russia.
It's not even a question anymore that Jews are driving the plans. Yes it didn't work out as planned but that tends to happen.

The American election had nothing to do with the foreign interventionism, the main issue was the issue of mass immigration and shipping American jobs abroad, as well as a general everyone vs whitey thing going in.

Again, it might not have worked out perfectly but we live in an age of mediocrity. Look at any of the people at the top or pulling the strings, do you see any Stalin or Bismarck or Napoleon?