No race best race

Blaire is the only trap I would let suck my dick and not feel guilty about it. Just my 2 cents.

>tranny doesnt know what pride is

what a surprise, I agree he is very base

>There is no reason to feel proud of it either
You know...unless you aren't white

>how do you do, fellow women?

Wrong. I can be both proud and without guilt

Yea never feel proud of your country or your people.

Didn't expect anything less from a mentally deranged person that felt sewing boobs on themselves was a good idea.

Blair is dumb for one of us transfolk, but she's dead-on on this one. There is no reason to be 'proud' of your race, it's literally the stupidest fucking thing imaginable.

>his dad was never proud of him

who would have guessed. Seems like there are a lot of people that dont know what pride means

>Said the mixed race mongrel with shit tier genetics.

Makes sense,

>With a positive connotation, pride refers to a humble and content sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging.

Because they are low capacity self mutilating scum they will never have a sense of belonging

Your race should INSPIRE you to do extraordinary things, achieve your goals, ascend beyond plateaus
But, yes, you shouldn't merely coast off the successes of other members of your race

It's the first part, the inspiration, that Leftists want to omit

i go on pol and enjoy is because they have good discussions and they hate stinky black people to, black ppl stink up and are dumb and violent and has lots of sex with big stinky dicks, stinky blacks

but then pol says nanking massacre happen, and i say there idiots, nanking massacre never happen, nanking were faggots and deserve the bayonets anyway, fuck nanking and fuck pol stupid idiot crackers dumb burger americans with dumb, loud clapping and dumb, loud eating fuck

BASED tranny

>but feeling proud of AIDS gifting, dildo suits and public butt banging as a "parade" is fine

Checked. But why is it ridiculous to be proud of your race/ethnic group?

Understand the American poster.
>52% white country
>48% chance you are speaking with a non-white.

Muh equality


Remember to sage all slide threads
This is a slide thread

He just doesn't understand pride. I'm proud of my race, but am also humbled by it.

I actually agree but when other people are targeting you because of your race you kinda have to take note of it.

When people say the feel pride in their heritage, they mean that they feel a sense of belonging and identity to their ancestors. This is a different thing than someone who feels a sense of pride in winning a race, because he is signifying a feeling of accomplishment and hard work, as opposed to belonging and identity. English really has two different meanings in the word pride: one is for heritage, and the other is for accomplishment. I am proud that my sister is doing well in her life, not because I had a part to play, but because I belong to her and she to me. I am proud of my mother for starting her own business, I am even proud of my dog at times. And when I look at my family history and my nation's history, I feel belonging and identity.

My dad is proud of me even though I'm a tranny. He's always been proud of me. How can he not?
White ginger. You literally can't get whiter or paler than me.
A whole slew of reasons, starting with how ignorant 'race' is as used in America (DOUBLY so with the 'white race' horseshit; there is no 'white race' there's an amalgamation of tens of thousands of separate, many now-extinct haplogroups that crossed and crossed and crossed until we have grouping of pale colored individuals, and NOW we want to call them 'white' as if there were some commonality (unless they're arabs, or jews, or any pale people that the right doesn't like, then mysteriously they're 'shitskins' and 'not white').

You have to be literally fucking retarded to think ten-thousand ingredient haplogroup pairings yield the 'pure white race'.

This is true. Most of the meets here have more in common with a welfare queen than Mannerheim, Ramon y Cajal, Hobbes, or any other great white men.

Right, and there's no reason to feel proud of your country either. You didn't choose to be born there or help create it. Same with culture. History definitely doesn't define us at all. Let's all just be good goys and leave behind all this silly pride so we can stop trying to be better than the other people.

*rubs hands*

classic slippery slope.

I want to have sex with Blaire White.

This is a good distinction, but when used this way it precludes color from being important; your ancestors are still your ancestors even if you marry someone from the Congo (which I wouldn't recommend, but examples and all). I don't think most of Sup Forums will find this satisfactory.

Being proud of your shared history is entirely different than pride in your skin color you strawmanning faggot. White nationalism is a dumb amerimutt invention.

Exist in the ethereal plane you physical form having cuck.

end your life, abomination. it's your statistical destiny.

Your daughters (if you can actually find a slut to fuck you), and sisters will be or already riding superior black dick gleefully without a care in the world? Your pathetic race will die out and all the misery, Slavery and pain in the world will go away because of this extinction. How does it make you feel that your women are our toys to fuck whenever we want? And not only do they keep coming back for me even if they get treated like shit, your men are too pussy to be anything about it? I hope you all see whites finally get BREED out, and I thank you all and your daughters/mothers/sisters for complying Ahha

He looks like Micheal Jackson in that photo.

Never be proud of your parents or children or cousins or brothers goy...

How is it a slippery slope? It is literally the same exact logic she is using. If you shouldn't feel pride in your race because you didn't choose it and did accomplish the things other people your race did, then that must apply to everything else.

A slippery slope fallacy is an irrational argument saying one step will inevitably lead to something (like gay marriage will lead to bestiality and pedophilia), it is not applying the same exact logic to other things.
But that's wrong. Your race is part of your shared history. You don't get to pick and choose.

>My dad is proud of me even though I'm a tranny. He's always been proud of me. How can he not?
why would he be proud of you?

what the hell is this faggotry, now we need a tranny poster child?

Yes, they're not white. The reason they're not white is because they are not. Ascribing being white to arabs, mexicans, asians or jews is stupid, just because they're halfbreeds and the children of traitors, doesn't change the fact that they are abhorrent and disgustingly nonwhite and even white people with a tan is easier to distingquish from nonwhites, to those of us with eyes.

Oh wait, carry on

fuck off

>You will never cuddle with Blair after she destroyed your asshole
Why even live

qt jap girls

its like being proud of yourself for a football match that you didn't play

like i give a fuck what some tranny mutant thinks. 1488.

Traitors are trators and death is death. You're all going to die, and the white empire will never have to look upon you shit covered races ever again.

you can be proud of others, but being proud of yourself for the accomplishments of others is dumb

>My dad is proud of me even though I'm a tranny
wew. No. No he's not


You can totally be proud of that, and lots of people are. The thing you retards don't get is, it's not taking pride in yourself, it's being proud to belong to the community and being proud for your people. I'm not big into sports, but I still root for my teams and get proud when they win because they are my teams. This is just basic human nature.

> Don't be proud of the sacrifice and strenght of the people that you love and estimate.
> Don't be proud of the sacrifice and hard work of your father and mother yo give you a high standard of living.
> Don't be proud of the sacrifice of your brothers and sisters to keep the legacy of your family alive.
> Don't be proud of the strugle of your ancestors, which is the only reason that you are breathing, thinking and being today.
> Don't be proud of your race, your tribe, which is basically the people whom share geography with you, but not only geography but history.
Which means that share with you not only in a spatial dimension, but in a temproary dimension. A common history.

Basically daddy issues.
Most people that is really against of thinks like being proud of your race, your nation, your family name, etc, come from broken homes, abusive fathers/mothers, etc.

Get in here. Hollywood openly promoted Pedophilia. Pedo actors finally being called out.

Get his leftypol meme garbage out of here

>> Don't be proud of the sacrifice and strenght of the people that you love and estimate.
That's your family, not a 'race'. You have no esteem for me and I'm white, you know.
>> Don't be proud of the sacrifice and hard work of your father and mother yo give you a high standard of living.
>> Don't be proud of the sacrifice of your brothers and sisters to keep the legacy of your family alive.
>> Don't be proud of the strugle of your ancestors, which is the only reason that you are breathing, thinking and being today.
...no, you would still be born somewhere.
>> Don't be proud of your race, your tribe, which is basically the people whom share geography with you, but not only geography but history.
So you love liberals, gays, trannies like me, and criminals so long as we're white, right?
>Which means that share with you not only in a spatial dimension, but in a temproary dimension. A common history.
We share 'common history' with everyone on earth.

>Most people that is really against of thinks like being proud of your race, your nation, your family name, etc, come from broken homes, abusive fathers/mothers, etc.
I'm totally with you on being proud of family, maybe even 'clan' to include extended family and friends, maybe a couple leaders. Past that, it's bullshit.

Your sexual orientation or gender is not an accomplishment or achievement. You shouldn't feel proud of it you faggot.

>it's not taking pride in yourself
that's my point
>it's being proud to belong to the community
that's being proud for being a cheerleader

all of us should feel ashamed of being subpar to the best of our respective ethnicities.

aaaand dropped
guess trannies aren't /ourguys/ after all

Agreed with the tranny.

Only people who feel proud of their race are insecure faggots who have accomplished nothing by themselves. And this goes for people of all races.

To the helicopter with her

So should we not take pride in our country either?

Fuck no, but you can take pride in the good your country does. Small difference in wording, huge difference in praxis.

you can do whatever the fuck you want.
i could feel proud that my taxes are contributing to the development of my country but that's pretty much it (in my case).

Right, so nothing but kikery from you.
Without pride in our country, we have no reason to want to see our country do better. Most technology comes from war, happens because of nationalism. We would have never had the moon race without pride in country. If we aren't going to be proud of our country, we may as well just eliminate borders.

Most of the things that are important (IQ, personality traits, income, hobbies/interests, law abidingness, political views) are highly heritable. Being proud of yourself is having pride in your genes, and by extension, your race/ancestors.

your country is like your team. you can feel proud of your team. but if you haven't contributed with the success of your team, you shouldn't feel proud of yourself for being on that team.

Do you not feel pride when your father gets a promotion at work, your brother graduates from college, your grandmother knits a gorgeous quilt, your sister wins first place at an at competition, or your mother organizes a successful and fun neighborhood barbecue? What about your cousins, your aunts and knuckles? How many generations must I be detached to not be proud of my family?

No, it’s like admiring your father and being proud that you’re his son. It’s good to feel proud that you’re descended from, or related by blood, to great men who founded the civilization you’re living in now.

Nah, you're just too stuck in all-or-nothing syndrome. Learn to think in shades, user. Here, check it out.
>Without pride in our country, we have no reason to want to see our country do better.
Sure we do: so we can take more pride in it. My way (pride in the good your country does) means that you WANT to have pride in the country BUT it must earn it. You now have incentive.
>Most technology comes from (((PREPARING FOR))) war.
The nationalism part is unnecessary, unless you're specifically discussing Nationalism as the Holding of Nation (ie, the opposite to Globalism). Nationalism the jingoistic term is a pure route to genetic death.
We would have never had the moon race without pride in country.
Yes we would have -- getting to the moon is an obvious good. Anything that develops the future for all people, or a huge chunk of people (without oppressing others) is a net good and worthy of pride.
>If we aren't going to be proud of our country, we may as well just eliminate borders.

My 'genes' give me some basic potential -- like the starting stats on a character sheet. What I do with them is wholly up to me. Being intelligent is useless without education, for instance, other than basic street smarts (and even many of those require education of a different sort). Being strong is nothing if I'm inside all day (the current method our 'race' promotes), and so on. And since we're talking about 'race' and then using it to justify having all hobbies, IQ, politics, etc, I would point out that all of these things belong to all groups, which pretty much shows that race had little to nothing to do with it.

> I'm totally with you on being proud of family,
> maybe even 'clan' to include extended family
> and friends, maybe a couple leaders. Past
> that, it's bullshit.

Not really... The same can be told about your family. If your brother end up being a rapist degenerate would you be proud of that?

On the other hand "being proud" doesn't mean ignore all the shitty parts of your history.
Means to own it, to have a real identity.
You own the good and the bad, you take pride in a nation as a project to be build in community.

> Muhhh but modern society is degenerate.

Yeah well, part of that is because people today completely forgot their past, their family history, etc.

I'm convinced that all this "faux" identity bullshit like non-binary-unicorn-sexuality is precisely a hijack on humanity natural predisposition to tribalism.

Race != family. I support being proud of your family for any reason you so desire.




>What I do with them is up to me
Where does that decision come from? Your genes and environment. If you can’t be proud of one of those things or both you literally can’t be proud of anything you do. This is my point.

>you can be proud of other

just like you can be proud of your country, ethnicity etc..

Gas yourself tranny

If you were a saiyan, would you be proud of your saiyan race or would you only care about your family?

we have an obligation to our ancestors to carry on everything they fought and died for. i am proud to carry on their legacy.

No I wouldn't be proud of a brother like that, but I don't think you SHOULD be proud of your family, only that you should feel pride when you think it's deserved (for family).

As for modern society, that doesn't make us any less white (or whatever race is in question). These retards claim to be all about 'preserving the race', 'being proud of white', and all this horseshit right as they also talk about killing fully 3/4 of the populace (lol) to accomplish their 'white pride'. It's laughable on it's face.

As for non-binary, some of them really are real, but I agree a lot are just using it for a political wedge.

>Race != family. I support being proud of your family for any reason you so desire.

same principle behind it, you just have to sense of belonging to your race or country

> Race != family
You can call it extended family.

People that even if they are strange you are more comfortable to be around.
That you know exactly what to expect, because normally, they have a similar history to you.
Not even mention that they share a similar genetic background. So your chances that this stranger isn't a retarded low iq that is going to jeopardize the entire colective project called civilization are higher.

All this "you can't be proud of your race" stinks to damage control, because the ethno-nationalist positions are growing stronger.
Heck, i'm not even a ethno-nationalist myself. But i want every person to be proud of their identity.
Is not just a right but a DUTY.

Instead of fixating on people that take proud on the accomplishments of their race.
Why don't get mad at people that take pride in footbal teams? Or soccer? Or brands? Or state affiliations?

Its true though. Even if you see your race as superior, or even if you just think it's a great thing that is worth protecting, it makes no sense to be "proud" of it.


KYS. I'm serious.

I agree, not sure why you would feel proud of yourself for that, you (we) were just fortunate enough to be part of it. It's about being proud of the group and everything they achieved, which should ideally motivate you to help or do the same

"Killing" is a hiperbole...
Nobody is going to run on the streets killing nobody except that society collapse. And if that happens the idea that you are going to thrust strangers only because of their race is ridiculous.
You know that's truth.

In a realistic scenario what is going to happen is the conformation of interest groups.
German descendant, spanish descendant, italian descendant, armenian descendant, french descendant, etc.
More people reclaiming interest on their heritage. Going to "cultural centers" and shit like that.

Basically a "private club" where you can't buy your entrance into.
Some people go really mad and really violent against that.

> What? This french/danish/spanish qti3.14 said that she preffer to marry somebody similar to her... OUTRAGEOUS.

Common.. All this "racist" claims are just self-interest bullshit.

No, that decision comes from me. I will not subscribe to the literal ignorance (not calling YOU ignorant, user) that is essentialism. It is mildly influenced by genes, mildly influenced by environment, and heavily informed by thought and research.
My family (and by extension, friends that I consider family of course).
No, not in the slightest. I don't know what to expect, and they're not comfortable to be around OUTSIDE of mental pattern-matching keyed to familiarity. I'll grant you that that exists. But I NEVER know what they will do. I can ASSUME what they will do, but that didn't help me when I was shot. I can PRAY they won't do something, but tht didn't help me not get stabbed. I can HOPE they will help me, and sometimes they will like during the tornado that hit my house.

As for fixated, I only picked a thread to post in that I thought I might get converstion in. I don't consider this topic to be of much importance outside of keeping the Nazi wannabe filth from killing me, and I'm quite prepared to go to lengths that would make Hannibal Lecter proud to make sure THAT doesn't happen.

>gay op

It’s not about being proud, it’s about the fact that my race has been targeted for genocide.

Through coming to terms with that, I have learned the about the greatness of my people and the love for my people grew.

The fact is that I am proud of my people... because their mine. My child’s accomplishments are not my own, but I would still be proud nonetheless because he and I share in the same story.

You are equating people taking pride intheir heritage to actively plotting against your well being.

That's a faux assumption, don't make any sense, and is retarded...

On the other hand what is real is that people taking pride in their heritage can (and will) actually mean and increase on their in group preference.

It doesn't mean that they will try to actually harm you, but that they will seek to actively help people that are similar to them.

I'm sorry if that made you feel threatened. But the idea that you need to destroy the identity and community of other people to feel safe like some kind of "preemtive strike"...
Well is a really jewish-zionist-imperialist-neocon way of thinking.

>My family (and by extension, friends that I consider family of course)
I disagree. I think it's ok to take pride in your race just like how Vegeta takes pride in his saiyan race. He is proud that he was born with the traits they received. He loves how strong they have become, how smart they are, how unique they are, and overall how he is the prince of them. Anyone would hate the idea that their race has disappeared or become extinct. What's so wrong with loving the people the same race as you?

Interesting proposition. I'd at least check it out, just on principle. Not too many Celts around here, though.

>Common.. All this "racist" claims are just self-interest bullshit.
You don't hear me saying those things. Marry who you like would be what I say.


You...ARE aware of how Vegeta gets decimated by Goku, yah? Vegeta's pride is his ~weakness~.

It usually is. That's why the Bible warns against it so much.

Wow really makes you think...guess we can just stop teaching history in education then!

what is there to disagree about, the guy you responded to just simply doesn't have any attachment to people who arent his family or friend. he doesnt feel any sense of belonging to his country or people. There are probably people who feel no sense of belonging or attachment to their children or parents either.

>decision comes from me
I never said it didn’t. I just define the self differently.
>heavily informed by thought and research
Which arise from genes and environment. What other thing determines your actions?

Also, the fact you admit genetics play a role in your outcomes means being proud of your achievements is in part being proud of your genetics.

I have a sense of belonging, but it's not ~pride~. I am an American, a Celt, a tranny, I'm a great many things. I am proud of what I've accomplished. I'm happy I'm from a strong bloodline and ethnicity. It has made some things easier, others harder. I'm proud America helps people when it does, but I'm very disappointed in how America treats its own citizens. I can't take pride in that.

Maybe it's too fine a line for some to see? Not sure....I think about semantics a lot, which doesn't always help.

Your race is your family, f.a.m.

How can a father be proud of his son, when the son turns himself into a caricatur of a woman?