What are your thoughts on Mattis, Sup Forums? Would you vote for him if he ran for president?

What are your thoughts on Mattis, Sup Forums? Would you vote for him if he ran for president?

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I once took an oath to die for this man.
>I'd cast a vote in a heartbeat

When the Norks kill Trump on his Korea tour next month and Pence is a stuffed shirt in the oval office, Mattis is going to be running the country.

I'd die for this man.


he probably jacks off a lot, since he doesn't have a vagina to use


Thinks dudes who chop their peckers off make good soldiers

From what I've heard, yes. I've never looked into him super deeply but he sounds pretty fantastic from the few speeches I've heard

>What are your thoughts on Mattis, Sup Forums? Would you vote for him if he ran for president?
Hell no! He's a closeted faggot. He's a globalist shill. McMaster is his protege. He's resisting the Presidents ban of trannies in the military. He hates his nickname "Mad Dog Mattis."

He's way more cucked than all his Conservative common man supporters know.



I actually met him, back in 2013. He had a pretty commanding presence, even for a general. And he does have a reputation for caring about his Marines. That being said, he may be a homo, he's a Boomer, and most importantly it is almost impossible for someone to be both a general and be /ourguy/.

Needs a 150000 more troops for Afghanistan - that would be a no.


Nobody fucks with Mattis

Actually not gay, the story was he got engaged to some antiwar chick who wanted him to leave the army. He said no, she left.

You would know.

Army... Australia's Canada pls
Also, his background is not nearly as public as most prominent flagOs, so unfortunately rumors can spread. I don't have any proof either way. Maybe he's a Tinder sex machine, IDK. All I can say is that he makes an impression. I've met a gorillion flags, very few were memorable.

fuck no
The meme is that he's some killer or something
he's just a neocon shill

put that in your notes, schlomo

>"Mattis...inspired by his older brother, who had fought in Vietnam, joined the Marines."
>"...with protests raging at home, it was not an auspicious time to be a military man."
>"Mattis proposed to a woman named Alice Gillis, who said that she would marry him only if he left the Corps."
>"Mattis began the resignation process"
>"fellow-marines stopped him...and tried to talk Alice into withdrawing her demand"
>"They told her that his future was too bright.”
>"Alice agreed, and a wedding date was set."
>"Three days before, she called it off."
>"Mattis dated other women, but struggled to imagine a marriage that could accommodate his job"
>"'I think he just gave up,' the friend said."

Women are vile and this man is a machine.

Forgot link: newyorker.com/magazine/2017/05/29/james-mattis-a-warrior-in-washington

But don't click on newyorker

I wonder who she ended up marrying.

what is up with those ears?

>"Three days before, she called it off."

Jesus Christ what a cunt.

Eminems dad? Nah.

>Women are vile and this man is a machine.
