ITT: redflags for anime


Calling it!!

Funny enough there's nothing that Re: Zero did with Isekai that Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku haven't did 16 years ago too. Re:Zero even missed things like rape and preteen pregnancy.

Being genre savy doesn't mean it's a deconstruction

It's not a deconstruction you fucking retard. The only thing that gets deconstructed is Subaru, in other words the NEET protagonist is what got "deconstructed". Everything else is not out of the norm for the genre.

>the only thing that gets deconstructed is Subaru
Literally this
The difference being in Re: Zero everything except Subaru is typical of the genre where as in something like Madoka the whole premise is atypical of the Mahou Shojo genre

Hunter X Hunter is the greatest shounen of all time

>He's the weakest
>But he has an unmeasurable power

>battle shounen

Do I want to understand Japanese culture this well? Can't I just appreciate the byproduct of a sexually repressed society that thrives on cartoons?

wibu boku no onu gaku goku

>It's an ongoing series with no end in sight

>battle harem

Exactly. Re:Zero wasn't made by someone who think Isekai is shit, just someone who looked at the protagonists of Isekai and said, "Why don't these characters have to move fucking mountains to get anything done, given the sorts of people they are?"

In a way, it's not even fully deconstructive towards the protagonist, as Subaru is trying to change himself to EARN becoming a more typical hero.


>Yuuki Kaji voicing the MC.

>The main girl is a loli

People seem to misunderstand that Re:Zero isn't a deconstruction of the isekai genre but a deconstruction of the otaku protagonist in the isekai genre. It's a pretty important distinction.

>is comfy

>post 2000

*construction of otaku

>It's not a deconstruction of this
>It's a deconstruction of that
So it's still a deconstruction?

OPs point still stands

it's not like the MC of Isekai ever anything other than otaku or a NEET or some sort.

>He can't feel relaxed when watching a SoL.

>doesn't get falseflagged on Sup Forums

>Sup Forums says it's good

>LN adaptation
>Manga adaptation


>Shit art style/animation

>light-novel adaptation

Gotta keep those waifus pure and untouched otherwise otakus won't buy it.

I'm willing to bet the series wouldn't even be half as popular as it is if the author was hardcore enough to throw in rape and pregnancy and even NTR.

You guys claim that show is full of suffering, but it's not even doing that properly.

>not even fully deconstructive towards the protagonist, as Subaru is trying to change himself to EARN becoming a more typical hero.
exactly this. subaru grows toward self-awareness, nothing is being deconstructed.

> LN adaptation

That's ok for certain types of stories like SoL/CGDCT

>Look at this moe fag
>Everytime I do it makes me gag

Battle harem gives me an intant aversion reaction
I'm wary with isekai

Great "visual direction"

It's not even similar and the protag never grows at all, there is a point when you realise things won't actually be diajoubu but he everything bounces right off of him.
That show never goes anywhere with it's edge it was just "child soldiers, revenge and industrialization for the sake of warfare is bad", the american girl should have been the protagonist.

Do I have to watch Fate/0 and Aldnoah 0 in order to follow Re:0?

everything that's not made by Kyoani



>coming of age

Stop throwing that word around as if it means aynthing to you, explain your thought or shut the fuck up. People throwing around words like deconstruction, proably havent read or watched any media in their life other than childish anime(not all anime is childish dont evne try)

>male in the cast