Why niggers are not made for living in Europe/North America

And i'll tell you why Sup Forums
Nigger are not made for surviving in Europe/North America :

One of the most important molecule for the right constitution of the skeleton is Vitamin D.
Indeed, the vitamin D is synthesized in the skin, which needs some specifics rays, the UV-B rays.
The problem with darker skin (with much melanin) is that the more melanin you have, the more stops more efficiently UV-B, then you cannot synthesize efficiently Vit D for the needs of your body. Add to this the fact that in Europe/North America the total time of sunshining is far less of what you have in Middle East/Africa, and the fact than light of the sun is much much less powerful, and the nigger/shitskins and their children will suffer a lack of Vit D.

What the consequence to this ?

The biggest consequence to this is rickets, or rachitis for the kids, and osteomalacia for the adults. These are diseases that affect the human skeleton because the calcium cant be efficiently fixed on the bone matrix. And as you all know, calcium is the most important thing in the constitution of the bones.

The other thing that might be less important, but still important, is that Vitamin D stimulate the osteoclasts, some big cells which are involved in the renovation of the bones. So less vitamin D means less renovation of the bones, then an aging and more fragility of the bones.

>pic related : rachitis on nigger children

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It's going to make them depressed and suicidal, what could go wrong?

Sorry for my approximate english by the way.

this has potential, we should fire up the sock puppets and make it a humanitarian cause: keep nogs out of Europe for their own health

yet another beneficial side-effect of global nuclear winter. why are we not funding this?

Just go Jew mode and try and seize control of the vitamine d supply and drive prices up so high it become almost impossible to afford. I'm sure you can see the benifits and profit to be made

Nuclear winter... More and less.
That would be bad for all of us.
But yeah, the whiteys we all are will survive much more efficiently to this than every other races because of this, if that might happen.

The rachitis and osteomalacia are by far really handicapping diseases.
Bones diseases are even worse sometimes than muscular diseases.

(((They))) will just say to give them vitamin D supplements and that whites should pay for it because racism

It is much more simple than that.

African environment is much more favorable than European one. A warm land filled with trophical fruits and a climate that allows one to grow crops throughout entire year. And in such warm climate one does not need a well built house.

So the people who fail at living in a much better environment are being shipped to cold and dark Europe where it takes much more work and intelligence to survive.

>cold and dark Europe where it takes much more work and intelligence to survive

For this to apply, we need to stop showering them in gibs

The problem is that in Europe and especially in France, our health system can cover everything that is vital for the person.
My country for example is the only one in the world where u can go to the emergency service in the hospital, be cured and go home without drop not a single piece of money. That's why the (((WHO))) is proud to say that we have the best health model in France, to make nigger come here. (And actually that works, even if the germans and the swedes stole us the star)

So the murica model would be nice to make an advantage to this : "you pay everything nigger, the state wont give any shit to you"

The gibs will be cut when the white european wont be enough, and wont be earning enough to provide to the niggers the gibs. Then, they will stop to come. And they will stop to make kids by dozens. (Even Macron say they're making too much kids, that triggered all the leftists)

We joke about blacks and bananas but bananas are easy to harvest and very nutritious.

Compare picking banans to maintaining a wheat field and then working to process that wheat into an edible food.

A lot of blacks lived in paradise compared to Europe. Our farming mostly became efficient only after we got potatoes which was some 200 years ago.



Niggers in France, Swede, Belgium and other states are already receiving free (gratuit) vitamin D and supplements.

Top kek

Niggers only raises one type of banana species made in a lab by whitey.

When whites stop being useful to nonwhites they will get rid of them. And then they will pretend that they are better off without whites like they do in Haiti.


The problem is the same everywhere in western world :
Niggers take more money from the state than they put in. Unlike the white man.
Our welfare system wont last longer when there are going to be to much asking for not enough putting in.

You are naive enough to not realize that nonwhites want to murder you to steal your property

Tbh, even if niggers were the perfect immigrants that brought an extra 1 million euro per person to your economy...
That doesn't mean France or any other country should become foreign.

A country is not just the economy, fuck the economy, our people matter more than currencies on a screen.

No money would make me trade my people for a better economy.

Nonwhites want to kill the men, kill their children, rape their women, seize their wealth and settle their country with more nonwhites.

Because whites are not fighting back.
They keep poking this sleeping giant that is actually just a huge pussy.

But they are not and they never will be.

Most foreigners and that includes the "Based hard working Asians" love frauding money from government.

They love the welfare and tax evasion because they do not care about the country

Nonwhites are far more cowardly than whites.
They are just loud because there are no consequences for their mouthing off.

Meanwhile a white "racist" will lose his job and have his life ruined. A negro either has nothing to lose, is too low IQ to be socially aware or is never held accountable for his actions


Like they're doing in South Africa.

But we are on our land bro. We still have the strenght of number. And above everything, we have the strenght and the superiority of our blood.

I dont think that my people wont fight back this time. Maybe the libcucks and leftists will defend this, but they will be killed anyway for being white, and maybe wont regret to be killed for this. But most of our people still have a strong survival instinct when it comes to the survive of his family, and his fellow people.

Of course they dont like us. Look at Europe. We drew this world. Spanish/portuguese drew South America. French/English drew North America. Western Europe drew Africa. English drew the middle east. French and English drew south asia, south east asia. Europe drew more than a half of this world.

But even if the (((media))) would like from us to let them do, the survival instinct of our people is much stronger that "muh colonization". I know something about it.

We got the gist of it.

Suis pas bon a Francais

That is partially our fault. We helped blacks to increase in numbers and gave them modern technology which they cannot handle on their own.

The issue is that there will be no fight and if we were smart enough we would never have to fight anyways.

We could just make nonwhites sterile and control immigration like the jews do.

Our battle should be a war on culture not a violent confrontation. Afterall our countries are not being conquered through violent conquest

Blood is more important than money bro.
Slavs and Japanese understood this more than everyone.

Norway - immigrants have vit D deficiency


You're talking about a people of drug addicts here, so obviously the gibs the get in white countries will come before their health.


Interesting user, thanks.

> We
That's where you're wrong kiddo, (((they))) did.

dont worry white boi will go to work and pay for vitamin D suplements for us.

Where are the studies to back this up?
Show me that blacks are affected by richits at a much higher rate than whites.

rK selection theory.

I mean that's nice and all, but they just have to take vitamin D supplements. Sadly. Kinda wish our own land helped us defend against the invasion.

but would it be worse or better if we left them on their own in that bortherline-stoneage civilization they lived?

Lol this will be the easiest race war ever

Correlation is not causation but it sure is a hint

Don't forget that the supplements cost $200 a pill and get paid for by the taxpayers, as well as their 10k ER visits they use because they came down with a cold.

Dat nigga do the breaky leg on da right to thou

That's possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read 2bh

Is THAT the stanky leg?

I live in a sunny area (RĂ©union Island), have white skin and still have vitamin D defficiency because I stay too long in my mom's basement.

I mean, I want shitskins gone. However, vitamin D supplements are like 5c a day. I know some Indians who live in Canada take them.