Saki tanoshii - Leaks for Chapter 165
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I like this pic, it has some Aiura vibes...
and the mad woman did it again.
Vanguard match is over? Well they were in the South round already, and Ritz can wrap up the remaining hands in this chapter. Also all players had some nice scenes already.
and according to the pic the final points probably were
Toki / Senriyama 120800
Subara / Shindouji 100800
Suzu / Himematsu 94600
Naruka / Usuzan 83800
note to self: add the pic next time
Senriyama talking
Last pic for now with some nice legs of Nodoka and Yuuki.
Next chapter October 7 without delay, yay!
And do I see an untoned Kana on the previous page?
Next Stop: Page 10.
I know ;_;
Well, I will dump the raw or chinese scan when it appears, but I don't have time now to keep this thread alive. See you in the next one.
>Suzu going minus
That poor forehead.
Jesus Christ, ritz isn't trying anymore
>I'm looking forward to Saki live action. If I knew this would happend maybe I should have drawn more normal clothes.
>Kobayashi Ritz
I think Ryuuka just surpassed Nodotits here.
There's one thing to have tits bigger than your head, but another to have tits bigger than your entire upper body.
> If I knew this would happend
does she mean recently or at the start of the series?
page 10 already?
LA announcement was like a carpet bombing on the already dying village of tanoshii. I can only hope some of us escaped to some bunker safe from Ritz-tyranny.
I can't believe there was something worse than the tragedy of Triple Release Day.
September 2nd will forever be known as the day that the tanoshii died.
Is she saying she does not want girls in skimpy clothes playing mahjong?
Ritz know that 3D trying to emulate 2D fashion is just pure horror.
The opposite is fine though.
We will have ping pong tanoshii next month. Can it be the spiritual successor of Saki?
(I did never read the manga but it was mentioned a few times in Saki thread in the past).
October the third can't come soon enough, it seems. Oh wait, wrong series.
by MS
Another Saki chapter without Saki probably.
How many more chapters until setting the record? I think it was 7 in a row.
>If I knew this would happend maybe I should have drawn more normal clothes.
Oh God, I hope this doesn't mean the fashion is going to take a hit from now on, that's like one of the best things about Saki.
Oh baby.
I see Kana (right) and Mihoko (left) ghost images in this pic.
>loser coke
Inoue Jun's birthday = 9/14
Kakura Kurumi = 9/15
I wanna fuck him.
Glad Ritz hasn't forgotten how to draw sexy legs with all of the upgraded tits.
>vertical lines behind complex kanji
Thanks for breaking Google TL, Ritz.
>実写化 すばらです!!
>Live action is Subara!!
"The vanguard match is over!"
Next up: 5th place sergeants
Remember this Nodoka fig from Summer Comiket?
should be a reply to
So she's going to get a job at a Bunny cafe?
it's possible
Too far, Ritz.
>live action is subara
And here we see Ritz using the still warm corpse of the saki series as a disgusting puppet for their evil ambitions
3DPD - fixed
save us Kyouka
My bet is on 1 page. But I don't know, maybe sergeant matches actually last longer without Mako.
The year of Kyouka turned out to be nothing but pain.
She was a false prophet
Being proclaimed a false prophet by people who have blindly followed tbe Ritz for more than 10 years should almost be an honour.
Nishida's going to miss it!
She better hurry. It's a 3.5+ hour drive from Lake Goldfish to the tournament hall.
Didn't she take the Shinkansen?
I think the nearest Shinkansen stop is Ueda, and according to google it still takes 100 minutes to get there from the camp. Road system in Nagano is sort of all directed towards the capital regions so traveling within the prefecture can be more cumbersome than you think.
Maho looks strangely frightened as she walks in.
What are her senpais doing?
alternate top
Subara is also looking towards the camera, indicating there's some sort of crawling creepy uncle type taking the picture from a lower angle.
It's just Ritz being Ritz.
So they're making upgraded Nodotits figure now.
Looks pretty good, but it would've been better if they used an outfit she actually wore in the series.
Muro actually looks cute there.
live futaba:
Midget a cute.
Art is wonderful.
>about Saki
I'm actually really surprised they haven't made a Toki figure yet.
I just want a Ryuuka or Toki figure
>mfw all the sakis get a fig
How much dough would Ritz being drowning in?
I better start saving just in case.
They need to be a matching set, with handholding or lap pillowing.
I always thought there were more Saki-figs, but turns out some of them are amateur made.
That reminds me.
You many only post in Saki threads if you own the Teru Nendo. I seriously hope nobody here is disobeying this rule.
This will be the least relevant match in the history of irrelevant matches.
>super ace of second strongest team
>cheat ability future sign
>awaken new power
>only +20000
Toki is such a joke.
Fuck you Ritz.
Someone please marry this farmer girl already.
I'm sure this is crossing some line somewhere. Damn it Ritz.
You do remember she was in the hospital only a few hours before this match, right? It's retarded to expect a top performance from her right now.
You forgot that Toki helped Naruka and Subara to win some hands because she wanted to stop Himematsu.
Toki can only see the future, she still needs to complete her hand normally, and if she's too slow, the end will always be YOU LOSE.
Then don't play.
Not only does she disrespect her opponent for not playing at her full strength, she is also stealing the opportunity for more competent Senriyama player to play, like her senior.
tl;dr: toki a shit
That's some retarded logic.
Dishonorable scum.
She's still better than anyone on the table.
>Toki is such a joke.
It's only a hanchan. If you compare it to two hanchans in the previous rounds, she would get around +41,600, Kirama around +1600, Suzu around -10,800 and Naruka around -32,400.
Why? None of them even have powers because they're too minor for Ritz to create ones for.
Is Ritz really going to waste paper showing which team's literally who can choke the least?
30 yen battle will be without any powers as well.
>scale 1:4
it's fucking huge
>17 inches tall
>25k yen
That's practically a statue.
Wow Ritz, this is just ridiculous now.
No one.
None want this.
Ritz wants it, and you know whatever Ritz wants, Ritz gets.
next chapter: Saki wakes up, gets ready, enters the common room: Hiroe and Sara are playing.
You foolish souls, how little you know of what awaits us
>The year is 2018
>The age of 'punished' tanoshii continues and so does Ritz's anger
>We eagerly await the 3rd live action season of Saki, where we finally find out whether Saki will get back together with her boyfriend Kyoutarou
>a Toki live action series has been announced
>there exists no more hope for a new anime
>Leaks have just surfaced of the 20th chapter of the 5th place Sergeant match, there is no end in sight
This is the glossy future.
>there exists no more hope
This is good news though. But honestly though the segeant will not be long, not enough tits to draw for Ritz will make it painful for both parties.
No, you love it.