How do you go on knowing spider hugs will never be real?
Monster Musume
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dumb phoiderposter
As I walked through the bathroom door
I noticed something scary on the floor
It was slimy and unlike a human
But then it took the shape of a woman
The pounding of my heart was caused by dread
And then it throbbed from love instead
Without any time spent on hesitation
I engaged in the act of copulation
As I was saying last thread, how many rooms are we sharing when we take the MON team to the love hotel?
We have to arrange a lottery for Manako, she's for one on one vanilla loving.
Looks like 4, leaving Doppel
One room, share the love
Dopple is not allowed to date anymore, court ordered.
So we're all sharing a room for the 8 of us right? Don't want to waste money for rooms we don't need.
Better be a big ass room
the last thread was auto-saged and on page 10 when this one went up.
I didn't know we were /vg/ now, and needed a new page before our old thread was even down. Because an immediate thread before the other one was even finished, killing another thread on the board, is completely necessary.
Still wasn't in the archive. There are days I find myself sympathizing with the guy who started dumping centaur yaoi manga and Cirno posting in these constant generals.
There's 1 king sized bed. That'll be enough for us right?
I will stab anyone who wins that lottery.
>user ends up winning the lottery himself
>Stabs himself to death to ensure Manako remains pure
Your sacrifice won't be forgotten.
What if you won that lottery?
> to death
Whoa, hold the fuck up, I didn't say anything about death. Just minor incapacitating injuries.
The sort of thing I could get her in a nurse's outfit for...
that makes me think, Zombina in a Nurse outfit would be ironic, no?
Either that, or one hell of a video game shoutout
Cosplay sex? Sounds cute. Will they all dress as nurses?
I actually read a pretty hot Silent Hill doujin the other day.
There's a sentence you don't want to hear without context
>Tio in a Nurse outfit
She'd kill more people than she would nurse back to health.
It would be an endless cycle of injuring you and nursing you back to health.
At least it's not that zombie girl one
Difference between diddling with your fingers and diddling with something else, probably.
Probably a good cure for a nurse fetish though.
If you were a real madman you'd go for the spooder whose hugs are itchy.
You mean Welshman
What's the difference?
Fair point.
What can I say? I'm both.
Just tell us. i love weird hentai lines
Because i know spider hugs will never be real.
I like them odds that you're wrong
>ywn make your large breed a jam sandwich
>ywn find her in the middle of the night eating jam straight out of the jar
But fingers aren't an erogenous zone.
Maybe yours aren't. I for one really enjoy running my hands over a warm friendly surface.
Goddamn, Sup Forums. I need to watch a romantic movie while she hugs me with her pedipals. I want to sleep under her, hugged by all eight of her legs.
Shit man, you just set off a magatonne nostalgia bomb for me.
Now swap large breed for Wasp.
Sneks aren't warm, though.
But they are friendly, almost too friendly.
Snakes are literally cold blooded, it's why she's trying to siphon Darling's body heat all the time.
>she falls asleep while you're both watching TV
>she wakes up to see you're watching a documentary about tarantulas
>"Aww user you're learning about me!"
My poor heart can't take it.
>she will never carry you on her thorax after a long tiring day.
>you will never wake up to the warm spider fuzz you've gotten used to.
>ywn hug snek until she becomes warm
user pls
>ywn wake up to a sloppy snake blowjob
>Her fuzz becomes softer to you as you get closer to her emotionally.
>She finally reaches maximum softness to you when you propose.
>tfw when she says yes and hugs you, and your worries disappear in the soft fuzz.
>Kiira accidentally drinks tea with honey in it
>She attacks you with four-armed hugs and kisses
>She gets embarrassed when you bring it up later
Stop making me feel this way user.
I'm going to marry Draco!
What's wrong with tea?
Doppel is the Superior Girl
The honey in it
Honestly the artist did a pretty bang up job on all the girls in that one.
Well, what's wrong with honey?
You ever read Winnie the Pooh? Shit's like crack, yo!
I liked the ending
>These dreams
of her when I close my eyes
And every second of the night, I live another life
>Rach getting blown the fuck out and tentacled again
Source on that?
I'll show YOU spider hugs
I want to cuddle with Rachnera while this plays in the background.
>Tio hugs
Simply the best.
>Lose virginity to Tio in the gentlest, kindest, most motherly way possible
>She shields me in her cleavage when I tear up from the sheer emotion
>"Higher Love" starts playing
That Tio looks a little too big.
Higher love is a good song.
I would also listen to
for some serious degenerate ________vanilla________ action with any of the girls..
If it wasn't for the thick lower end, I'd swear that this looks like Kloah's handywork
Which girl would be the most vanilla in bed?
>when you see your monster waifu for the first time
Rachnera because she's never in a bed.
Snooze tight pupper
Main: Papi.
Mon: Manako
Out of all the other probably Merino.
So...what butt does she poop from?
Or does she have to do it upside down from a web?
'Cause that booty looks to be placed in a most unfortunate spot.
How far is Wales from going to civil war over sheep vs fuzz spooder?
Cerea would likely be more vanilla in bed than Papi. As vanilla as you could get for a centaur at least, so yeah, Papi does win in the regard you're saying.
Bestiality isn't vanilla.
>implying the Welsh Tarafag isn't the only Welsh survivor of the Pan Faun Wars
RIP Wales and New Zealand
Way to read only the first word of my post, user. Try hard next time.
He's telling the truth though. Cerea can never truly be vanilla cause you're fucking a horse.
Cerea is most vanilla.
Though there would be nursing.
Sex with Lala would get pretty crazy. You could fuck her neckhole and have your dick coming out her mouth.
Or you can reverse cowgirl her body while you make out with her head.
Again, read more than the very first word of my post.
Ah, not you, sorry. Yes, centaur wise Cerea would be the most vanilla. As a whole versus other girls you obviously can't consider her this though.
Not sure I'd agree with your spoiler.
>Cerea most vanilla
>when Miia exists
Post lala
You're asking far too much from the knee jerking anti-Cerea posters, user.
Cerea is vanilla.
Miia is like artificial vanilla flavoring.
>they have degenerated into circlejerks with low quality posts and zero worthwhile discussion, and therefore deserve to get purged.
>A new chapter once a month does not merit an around-the-clock thread.
I think he's talking about us
>You could fuck her neckhole
Pretty much. Second part probably not so much though.
This. No other girl blushes while holding hands.
That's real vanilla.
what if papi had a kids friendly Saturday morning cartoon?
Nobody cares. People always whine Sup Forums is structured specifically to their preferences and it never will be
The Papi Adventure Squad show would be pretty dope.
Who cares?
The Mon Musume General shows up on every list of things that should be purged posted in that whole chain of threads.
At least they don't ignore us.