YUGE families

What the fuck is happening here Sup Forums?

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Turks on welfare


Yes, Muslims but also the Biblebelt is located there, they still fuck.

Biblebelt. Lots of conservative christians.



Stop spilling bullshit

Fuck off.

I constantly hear Dutch dudes complaining about shitty ranstad women and then praising asian girls, why don't they just go for some religious girl from the Bible Belt instead of marrying a chink?


Kind of silly that they are going to fuck their way to control a country

what race are these?

Migrants subsisting on welfare.

Usually pure Dutch
My town has a lot of them, on Sunday it's a ghost town, they always wear skirts and get a whole lot of children.
I like them more than the degenerate who gets an abortion and a dog though

They have high standards and hate Catholics

bible belt in the Netherlands

they also don't like vaccines

>hate Catholics
The reformation was a mistake

bible belt. pic related; measles outbreaks.

because they only fuck their cousins


1-100 cases with a population of millions, OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE THEY DON

Lets discuss this thread here?



nobody said they did anything bad but it's just an interesting observation that the same region as in OP's pic doesn't seem as ok with vaccines than the rest of the Netherlands

They seem like loonies

>tfw you went from an edgy athiest to having the SGP in your top 3 parties

Coincedentally there's also a correlation between those statistics, and people who vote SGP, a very conservative religious party that openly says women have no place in politics. Among other controversial subjects.


That map is terrible in terms of data vizualisation.

Wrong, muzzies don't get 8 children, only hardcore christians do

100 cases of deadly child killing contageous virus in small area

Lol so wat

Biblebelt women are the most sluttiest women there are. In public the are all nice and sweet but behind closed doors they are all sluts.

All wrong and you don't know anything about the Netherlands. This blue strip is where the Dutch bible belt is, they are crazy Jesus loonies, some don't even vaccinate their kids because death is "gods will"

Now superimpose it next to a graph featuring the white minority counties


Bible belt. I for one am ready for our new SGP overlords.

Wat zei u over mij, zondaar? Ik zal u vertellen dat ik de beste van de klas was tijdens mijn theologiestudie en ik betrokken was bij talloze geheime kerkbijeenkomsten, en ik meer dan 300 bevestigde bekeerlingen op mijn naam heb staan. Ik ben getraind in gorillazendelingenwerk en ik ben de beste dominee in de hele gereformeerde kerk. Voor mij bent u niks anders dan een doelwit. Ik zal u bekeren met een precisie die op God’s Aarde nog nooit vertoond is, let u op mijn woorden! Als u denkt dat u weg kunt komen met deze uitspraken tegen uw naaste op het internet, dan heeft u het goed mis, heiden! Op dit zelfde ogenblik neem ik contact op met mijn geheime netwerk van evangelisten door heel Staphorst en uw IP-adres wordt op dit moment getraceerd, dus bereid u voor op God’s toorn. De toorn die U en uw trieste leven in zoutpilaren zal veranderen. U bent ten dode opgeschreven, ongelovige! Ik kan u overal, op elk moment, op meer dan zevenhonderd manieren bekeren, en dat is nog maar zonder mijn Bijbel! Niet alleen ben ik zeer onderlegd in gereformeerde theologie, ik ben ook houder van een gouden lidmaatschapskaart van de SGP en ik zal niet bang zijn om deze volledig tegen u te gebruiken! Als u van te voren had geweten welke goddeloze toorn uw grappig bedoelde opmerking zou losmaken, misschien had u uw mond wel gehouden. Maar dat kon u niet, dat wilde u niet, en nu zult u daarvoor boeten. Ik zal mijn furie over u heen prediken en u zult in uw zondvloed verdrinken. Uw leven is voltooid, mijn kind!

It's a nice day to shill isn't it?
That's families with 8 or more children, which is quite rare.
What about families with 7 children, 6 children etc.? The number is definitely higher.
Also, that is from 2007. Imagine the increase in 10 years of immigration.
So, that is definitely OMG.

I didn't know Dutchland even had a bible belt. I thought they were all liberal degenerates like the kind in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The more you know

Go home Grzegorz

A lot of crazy American religious groups are actually descendants of Dutch immigrants.


God that sounds hot

Isn't that the bible belt?