Rate the race British Isles version.
Rate the race British Isles version
English Anglo-pride World wide
Yea oaky
the uk is muslim now.
Save the good old Britain! Start deporting poles, pajeets and pakis.
Paki is the most powerful Man in London who is supposed to ''deport'' them?Do you understand how unrealistic that is?
I wish so badly to have been born in Britain.
My genetics are purely British, my family has not racially mixed since coming to the US in the 1600s.
I want to have a nice little farm in Britain, and honor Brittonic and Anglo-Saxon heritage.
But instead you all just want to import Arabs who rape your women and hate your culture.
I feel so shit.
Swap us around Paddy and you've got a deal.
I've always had an affinity for Scots. I don't know why.
> Start deporting poles
unironically this, the poles that migrated to the west should all start coming back
a pole told me that only the degenerate poles went to the UK, would you really take them back?
t. 5% subsaharan african, 5% native american
Scots invented just about everything the brits take credit for
Scots being brits, i see no problem
I think it's because of this man.
That is partially true as far as I know, but there is also plenty of Poles that migrated to the UK for good reasons without being degenerates. I'm sure most of them are salvageable for reintegration into Polish culture.
The English are undoubtedly the best, based on their incomparable record of innovations and accomplishments in Empire, all the sciences, literature, art, etc. They are wacky and intelligent but need to wake up and kick out the shitskins.
Scots and Irish would be tied second, as they certainly have punched above their weight in achievements, Scots in science and Ireland in the arts.
Welsh are next simply because they've historically been the most silent and unassuming . They've given geniuses like Bertrand Russell and Dylan Thomas, but their small population and relative obscurity puts them last. Good singers tho.
>Cucks, basically the angsty teen version of a country
>Sheep Shaggers, proud owners of the worst accent on the planet.
>Turbo Cucks
The English are the only reason that the Brit Islands have ever been relevant
Britain United >>>> all
If I was picked I'd say southern Scotland/Northern England (both on the east coast). Only because those areas have the highest percentages of Scandinavian DNA and obviously I'm going to choose my own... same thing everyone else will do in this retarded thread.
t. Negro
See For the reason why.
Buttblasted celts will never understand how British Scandinavians created the first tv, train, telephone, etc
Reminder that s*xons are not Brythoniaid.
Drunk rednecks
Best candies and liquor of entire UK
Literally who
Good sense of humor. They were the best in the past. One of the best sound equipment manufacture of the world
>tfw you realise s*xons are just germanic mutts which is why they love shitskins so much
>Good singers tho.
Thanks man. It's literally in our national anthem.
'land of bards and singers.' desu.