All waifu are absolute cuties, make sure to take good care of your cutie!
Let's get things rolling!
Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them?
What do you do to feel closer together?
Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc)
Who's more tough between you two?
How would you spend a day downtown together?
Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all truly beautiful!
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? No but I don't need to be reminded.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) I don't actually care about festivals in my area so don't know what's going on.
>Who's more tough between you two? Me
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Walking through the streets, eat something and maybe a little shopping.
Dylan Davis
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I carry every song she sings on my phone, and it always reminds me of her angelic voice.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Write poetry and other assorted materials about her.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) I want to take her onto a tractor ride, cuddling next to her for warmth and holding her hand.
>Who's more tough between you two? The both of us are rather tough.
>Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all truly beautiful! Thank you as always, Mintbro. Luka is extremely pretty and has a fantastic singing voice.
You're waifu wants to form a band, and wants you to be her manager! What kind of motif would both decide on? Do you believe she would be successful on her journey? Are there any waifus here she'd want as band members?
Luis Campbell
Good evening waifu thread! Your waifu/husbando is super cute, and you two make a wonderful couple!
Hello Mintbro! Your waifu is super adorable as always, and so are you!
I always carry her picture on me, along with some short stories about things I want to do with her! They keep me safe.
I like to stay awake and listen to music with her! It feels nice to be close
Now that autumn's on the way, I'd love to go gathering mushrooms to cook with! And, of course, how could I forget seeing her in adorable Halloween outfits!
I like to think I'm the tough one, but she'd probably out-tough me anyday!
Every day downtown always ends up with her dragging me to military shops and me dragging her to cookware shops!
>compliment a waifu/husbando Minori a super genki! Sunako a cute and cool Kaito a super cool husbando! Crona an adorable and strong Kyousuke a huge lovable nerd Hibiki a super cute with great taste in animal companions! Konata a wonderful taste and seems lots of fun to be around! Momo a cool beauty! Mio a super cute Akiyama! Shuzo a super pretty Rika a very cutecool! But the cutest of all is (you)!
What a beautiful picture of Luka! You're a lucky user
Kobori a super cute and a wonderful singer, and a good dancer too!
If Yukari started a band, the motif would undoubtedly be military and camo, perhaps some sort of uniform group! I'd do everything I could to support her!
Question time!
In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be?
Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway?
Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet?
Stay happy, safe and loved, waifu thread.
Jaxson Adams
-I got a ring on my finger and her picture on my phone. -Usually listen to her music. -I'd be curious to check out those activities, actually, but so far there's nothing planned. -Depends on the kind of tough. I've got the physical side covered, while she's far stronger in terms of emotional capacity. -Wandering, browsing, perhaps catch a nice meal.
Ohayou, friend.
Experimental. She seems well versed in a variety of genres, so I doubt she'd run into that much trouble adapting. That said, it's a big sea out there, and I've heard tales of how rough it can be.
How would your special one respond to rumors or attempts to defame/discredit them?
Josiah Fisher
I want to be like the MC she loves, and really just have love like she loves him even if it's so called 3DPD.. I'm basically him at the beginning of the story anyways; muh self insert memes and all. A big part of why she's my waifu is I can imagine me being with her and how nice it would be. >inb4 lelele you're cheating because waifu is supposed to be X
Adam Scott
How many years has it been for you guys?
I think 2007 here.
Seeing the anime renewed was a trip, had to import all the manga. Some parts will be kinda disturbing, I'm still an animefag. I got it in Japanese, originally started learning just because of です so I could not handle the English version at all. Haven't read them yet but it's nice to have them.
Cooper Campbell
2007 years? My respect friend.
Leo Martin
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? Wearing the wedding band is more than enough, but there's always the phonestrap and keyholder. >What do you do to feel closer together? Look at pictures or figures, the plush at my work station, hunt for merch, watch/listen to clips, anything. >Who's more tough between you two? Easily her. It's just no contest . >How would you spend a day downtown together? I've done Seaport Village for our anniversary before, so that would definitely be an idea on the pile. Since 1/23/11.
Alexander Barnes
>You're waifu wants to form a band, and wants you to be her manager! What kind of motif would both decide on? Do you believe she would be successful on her journey? Are there any waifus here she'd want as band members? I'd like to start a metal band.
Your waifu has the cutest fluffy hair.
>Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? I would tell her because she want's to know if she did something wrong. And she wouldn't want me to lie to her.
>Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? Miku because she is a qt.
Ohayou Friend~
>How many years has it been for you guys? 3 years anniversary later this month
Bentley Miller
My phone has 2000+ pictures of her. Of course, I specific have favorites that I post here.
Write stories, stare at pictures of her. Cuddle with my plushie of her. feel overwhelming despair at the fact that it'll never be.
I'm going to try to write a story to fit into the season, as well as saving fall/halloween related pictures of her.
Me. I'll absolutely protect my princess to the best of my ability.
Shopping, eating together, maybe finding a private place to softly and passionately kiss.
Mint a qoot and fluffy. Unlocked a costume in Neptunia rebirth 1 for broccoli/puchiko resembling Mint a while back.
My Miku fills me with so much desu-spair.
How do you stop your hearts from exploding and yourself from getting too sad when you see your waifu being too cute?
Grayson Nguyen
-She's frequently shown as a bard or, more often, a dancer. Though some pics show she has a preference towards Ninjas and Magical Girls -Knowing me, I doubt I'd be able to keep it hidden. Not by choice, I'm afraid. Damn tastebuds... -I've met Miku. In fact, I owe her for introducing me to my Beloved. I wouldn't mind meeting Rin and Haku, though.
A mere four years and seven months to the day.
Embrace it. Realize that she wouldn't want you to be sad because of her. She's being cute because she wants you to be happy.
Adam Diaz
Wow very long time not coming to Sup Forums
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? Phone with her pics and a character song.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Rewatching the anime.. WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) Leaving my house? what the fuck OP.
Also, GA is a masterpiz.
Landon Cruz
Good night thread~
>How do you stop your hearts from exploding and yourself from getting too sad when you see your waifu being too cute? I just let it go doki doki~
That's a cute Luka
Brody Cox
>How many years has it been for you guys? Since december of 2009 so close to 7 years (feel old yet uh?)
Thomas Evans
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I can't really take much into work or my boss gets annoyed; so I only have one of her keychains on my keys. I mean, that's excluding the fact she's my phone's lockscreen, homescreen and smartwatch's watchface. Oh, and I have a picture of the two of us together in my wallet.
>What do you do to feel closer together? These days, usually drawing. It's a little bit of a problem when I'm trying to practice basic stuff and little sketches turn into a little sketch of her, or I get bored and do a little doodle of her, heh. I'm kinda trying to think of ways we can connect a little more still, it's kinda hard with her not here to return the teasing though.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? Fall anime counts, right? It'd be fun to go around trying to catch leaves; I don't know if that has any kind of superstition behind it in Japan or not...
>Who's more tough between you two? Physically, it'd be me for what's probably obvious reasons. That said, I've apparently developed a heart problem recently, so I reckon she'll definitely have more stamina to get things done.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Shopping, coffee, making up pretend conversations for people walking by outside, probably playing handheld games and just generally being a couple of awkward dweebs in public. We'd probably wind up in an arcade all afternoon if there's one nearby, I miss when they were a thing in the UK.
>What kind of motif would both decide on? I think it'd start out as a well thought out idolish group and end up actually being a mishmash of a bunch of different genres and styles depending on what's cute and cool. Kinda like if you hit 'randomize' on an Im@s CG group lineup with anime references thrown in, I suppose. It'd be a fun mishmash, though.
Elijah Johnson
Threadly reminder that in a different universe, every wednesday waifus gather at an imageboard to talk about their anons.
Luis Cooper
I will take good care of my cutie bassist ! You take good care of your cutie Mint !
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? A Precious Memories card of her, protected in a K-On card sleeve, in my wallet.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Looking at pictures of her, listen to her character songs, daydream about her.
>Who's more tough between you two? Definitely me, but she's still tougher than she looks like. As long as you're not asking embarrassing questions or try to spook her on purpose, she can achieve great things.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Go at the mall, shopping together, watch a movie, eat at the restaurant, there's tons of stuff to do in a mall.
>Remember to compliment a waifu today! Luka a best and my favorite Vocaloid Yukari a super cute Akiyama Konata a cutecool otaku desu desu desu cute desu desu
She's already in a band, and it's more something like a hobby after school and on week-ends than something they want to be professional about. So it's as successful as they want it to be, and my manager status would just be an excuse for me to spend time with the whole band.
Met her in January 2013, so it's been a little bit more than 3.5 years for now.
I've already accepted, and can mostly deal with the fact that she's not physically real in our dimension. It's still painful sometimes, but waifuism is both a blessing and a curse. It's not something easy.
She would try to keep it for herself, but her friends and I would quickly realize that there's something wrong, and we would try to help her, and find out who is the one spreading these rumors.
Josiah White
>tfw this is my last waifu wednesday for the next 5 months I'm gonna miss you
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? Pcitures of her in my phone >What do you do to feel closer together? Think of how a life together would be >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? Too busy for those >Who's more tough between you two? I'm the tough one, she's soft but dedicated to the common good >How would you spend a day downtown together? Looking at the stores and other places, stopping by a park if there's any >compliment
Mint is cute
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu want to be? Healer priestess >What do you think they'd actually be? Exactly that, she has divine vision and healing magic. >Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Of course, wouldn't want all the next meals to taste the same. >Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? Natsuki
Ignore them and focus on the people who truly care about her.
2 years in less than a month!
When Fuuka acts adorable I smile like an idiot until my cheeks hurt, and I don"t get sad so I can't answer that.
I love Fuuka with all my being!
I'm gonna miss this place, and you guys See you in 5 months!
Isaac Morales
Jeremiah Flores
Ohio Yukaribro! Nice to see you as always; I bet Yukari would be a riot to be around too, with her amazing enthusiasm!
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? She plays a tanky-DPS role in the OVA; I think it fits her pretty well because she gets to poke things but is playing a role which requires you know the game really well and what to do. Which works pretty well considering I'm usually ranged DPS or healer!
>Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it I'd probably do the cute thing of feeding her a bite of it. Which is rather less cute if she picks up on it and gives a rather negative reaction, hehe. Considering our cooking ability, I'd be surprised if either of us managed to get anything to taste right in the first place!
>Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? I'd love to go drinking with Konata and Nanako, it'd be a lot of fun. While I'd need Konata there as a mediator I feel like I'd get along really well with Nanako. It'd be awesome to meet Misao too, though her and Konata have a bit of an... odd friendship with each other.
>How would your special one respond to rumors or attempts to defame/discredit them? I guess if people were spreading things like that it shows that she has some level of fame; in one sense it'd be a compliment and in the other I don't think she'd really care too much. Probably just get brushed off as a silly untrue rumour and left at that.
It's been a long time now in a loose sense; she's been special to me for a really long time but it took the longest time to realize those feelings were love. So I only treat October 2013 as the start. I guess it means we were friends for a long time before we realized our feelings.
Ryan Morales
She'd probably do some form of light pop music and would do pretty good!
I'd eat it but I'd have to ask about why somethings off about it.
I'd love to get to know her troupe. They're all really cool and any friend of hers is a friend of mine.
Not too well even if she doesn't show it, as she could read people and tell if it was effecting peoples opinion of her.
Just over a year seriously.
I'll let you know when I find a way. My poor hearts goona fail if it keeps skipping a beat!
Hope alls well. See you in a few months! Fuuka an adorable!
James Howard
>tfw this is my last waifu wednesday for the next 5 months W-why?
Jackson Thomas
Thank you as always, Yukaribro.
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? She would want to be a knight, but would most likely end up being a bard.
>Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? It'd be nice to see what kinds of things Salama shitposts about. Same goes for what kind of stuff her doujinshi circle draws.
She would keep it to herself, but it wouldn't really take long for me to notice.
Our second anniversary is in 2 months.
You don't.
Safe travels, man.
Adrian Jones
I think he said once he was leaving because of persona 5
Josiah Peterson
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them?
Aside from my phone which houses many pics of her, not much. It's enough to get me through my day.
>Who's more tough between you two?
Definitely her. She's just plain resilient considering what she had to do in order to save her friend (even if it was largely in vain). I don't know how I would have managed without having her in my life.
>How many years has it been for you guys?
Since July 2009, so going on 7 years. It's been rough, but being with her helped a lot. now I have a feeling she's going to die and I don't know how I'm going to cope with that
Andrew Evans
Don't really want to answer stuff right now. I'll post a song that represents how I feel about love and Rika.
Can't use the internet at all? Did you get caught up in SEES? Persona awakened? Stay safe. Y-you too.
This isn't a formal question but comment and tell me I'm dumb if you want. What do you think about language in relation to your love? It's said language is the basis for all human reason and thought. We think in words, and have words and labels for everything. Humans today are excellent communicators, but I've heard many times that someone can't put their feelings or emotions into words. Can you convey your feelings perfectly? If you can't, does the love just not exist? Of course not. I think it means that this deeper emotional love you can't convey with words exists, however your language isn't sufficient for explaining that feeling. That's why writers and poets use metaphors to convey that which can't be conveyed. "My love for her is like X" for example. It's much deeper than "I love her".
Leo Thompson
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I have a phone case of her and a keychain my coworker got me.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Made my favorite rifle's furniture white and I do a R63 cosplay for cons.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) I'd like to go see some fall scenery with her. I enjoy the forests around here this time of year.
>Who's more tough between you two? I'd say I'm a little tougher.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Go on the weekend when the markets are around and enjoy some of the local restaurants.
Luka is the best Vocaloid. Great voice and beautiful. Excellent taste, user!
It's only been a year for me. I honestly got on the Madoka train really late.
>What kind of motif would both decide on? Make her an idol like in Madoka Portable. If she's successful in her debut then I know it would be really good for her.
Asher Reed
Your waifu enters the room wearing the tightest pair of pants or shorts she owns. She bends over, pointing her butt in your direction, and starts looking for something, swaying her hips a little from side to side. What course of action do you take?
Kayden Green
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I keep pictures of her on my phone and have her as my background, but other than that I have a patch that I like to keep close by. >What do you do to feel closer together? I like to cuddle with her and also spend time just talking to her about anything that crosses my mind. >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? Not sure yet, I'm more of one to go with the flow because any long term plans I make have a tendency to be interrupted by one thing or another. >Who's more tough between you two? Physically would be her with the tail made of about 80% muscle, but emotionally it could honestly go either way >How would you spend a day downtown together? If there is an interesting convention going on than possibly we would go to that, otherwise we could go shopping and possible catch a movie, or even go to the zoo, but we wouldn't go too far because Atlanta isn't the safest city.
The band would probably do plenty of pop/love songs; I'm sure she would be very successful, she has a lovely voice.
>RPG class? What do you think they'd actually be? A magic user of some sort, I see her as either that or some sort of agility based fighter >meal I'd probably tell her, after all she is still learning how to cook and I want to help out in any way possible. >Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? I think it could be fun hanging out with Zombina shooting guns.
I let my heart run its course as it lets me feel happy that I get to see her happy
Questions: What video game would you like to play with your waifu? Does she have a favorite game/series? What board do you think your waifu would browse?
Mason Brooks
>spending an entire 5 months like you're away because of a videogame Umm, okay.
Jonathan Carter
Naturally you walk up behind her and go 'oh shit what are you doing?' as she accidentally grinds on your crotch.
Noah Rodriguez
>How do you stop your hearts from exploding when you see your waifu being too cute? I rather wish I knew how lately, heh. Though it's a valid question I don't really know the answer to. Sometimes I'll open her folder and be so full of moe I need to hug her, but a screen won't suffice. My daki isn't quite done yet either, so I'm a little lost as to what to do. Should commission someone to make a massive plushie of her sometime, I think. That'd be perfect to hug.
See you around, Fuukabro! Even though it's a little awkward, I'll still post this Soejimaish artwork in your honour.
I kinda struggle to portray my feelings well, which is probably why my posts are so long. I'd rather portray them through actions or what we'd otherwise tease each other back and forth but obviously I can't really do that. I don't think there's ever a right or a wrong answer to that kind of thing. Different people feel differently, act differently, have different boundaries and different expectations. Ultimately, reading out what's been written, even if it externally doesn't appear anything special -feels- special when you think of the feelings which went into it. Which is why I enjoy saying that I love her in simple terms; no metaphor can really adequately express my feelings.
It also feels really weird to see you post something I drew, haha~
I'm pretty sure if she was doing that it'd be rather deliberate, if I mentioned it she'd just tease me about watching her butt. Which I'm totally okay with.
>What video game would you like to play with your waifu? It'd be fun to play an MMO as a couple, because the group dynamics would work really well. Otherwise it'd be fun to play JRPGs where there's romance options, so we can both debate who the best person for the MC is.
>What board do you think your waifu would browse? Almost certainly Sup Forums and Sup Forums for obvious reasons.
Blake Baker
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? A keychain on my backpack.
>What do you do to feel closer together? I hold my figure's hand every night before I go to bed.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? Probably not. Just waiting for the snow at this point.
>Who's more tough between you two? I'm a total softie.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? There's not much to do other than shopping and eating, is there?
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? Either a thief or mage, possibly even some sort of spellsword.
>Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? She's fairly sensitive to that topic, but if something has gone wrong, perhaps it's best to gently bring it up instead of risking us getting sick.
She would investigate the source of the rumours by, ah, keeping an eye on people talking about her from an unnoticable distance until she's led to the original rumourmonger, and then promptly threaten to freeze them.
Since 2008.
I don't get sad, but I cherish the ideas of being able to have those feelings thanks to her. I don't get them otherwise, so that makes it extra special.
>What video game would you like to play with your waifu? Either some sort of a snowboarding game (SSX, 1080, Snowboard Kids, etc) or Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory co-op.
>What board do you think your waifu would browse? I don't think she'd care for this place.
Nathan Richardson
This came up last week or the week before. It's different person to person, but as long as you have a way to express it, the love is there, typed or not.
I have done very few walls of text saying how much I love her, what she has molded me into and so on, but they never vary much.
My actions speak where my words can't in regards to my feelings for her. The special day displays, the effort in cooking, the random solo trip to Japan, the ink, and the ring are all ways to say I love Kuroko without saying anything at all, and I'm cool with that. >pants/shorts I would grab that so fast you don't even know.
Austin Murphy
Keychain in wallet.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Not much really makes me feel "closer" to her, but I guess masturbation and daki hugging. Helps a tiny bit.
>Who's more tough between you two? Depends.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Shop together, eat at a resturaunt, get some sweet stuff afterwards.
She seemed to have success with the other candidates as stand-in idols, so I guess that? >and she wants you to be her manager! That would not work whatsoever.
Well, she has buffs and I believe she had a heal, not to mention her damage and toughness, so she reminds me of a Paladin.
It really depends. It'd be hard to get the right response. But something along the lines of; "Hmm. There's a bit strangeness to it. It's definitely not bad though, I'm really happy".
None, really. I wouldn't get along with any of them really.
4 years in 5 days.
Sadness is maxed out at 110/100 already.
Try to resist the unending desire of wanting to bury my face in her butt, but enjoy the wonderful scenery. Ask if she wants help, see if it goes another direction.
Quite a few, hard to say since I rarely play games other than one or two specific ones.
Chase Allen
Is there more than one adaptation of your loved one's series? Which were you exposed to first? Was it the source material? Have you consumed all of them? Are there differences in your loved one's character between adaptation? Which have informed your interpretation of your beloved? How have different adaptations influenced your interpretation and your love?
Josiah Parker
>Is there more than one adaptation of your loved one's series?
The two main ones are the visual novel and the anime adaptation. Though she did appear in a drama CD, there are no translations of it available. Oh, and she did appear in the opening of an OVA, but didn't appear in the actual episodes.
>Which were you exposed to first?
The anime adaptation. Didn't experience the visual novel until much later. The source material was the visual novel.
>Are there differences in your loved one's character between adaptation?
Oh, very much yes. In the anime, she appears relatively in the same spot she was supposed to appear in the VN. Other than that, she follows some of what she did in the VN. They didn't bother to expand on her after a while.
Main reason why the VN interpretation is better is because she actually has purpose and great character development, despite being a side character. The anime adaptation mentions nothing about her getting the tendons in her legs cut to save her friend. Surely, something like this should be mentioned?
>How have different adaptations influenced your interpretation and your love?
The anime adaptation created the foundation, but the VN solidified it. Just seeing the amount of resilience and determination from her was something I really admired. It was something that I reminded myself to emulate everyday, because when I met her, I was depressed and I don't know what would have happened if I've never met her.
Now, I'm just milling about, hoping she at least gets an appearance soon and she doesn't get killed off like I think she will. I just don't know how I would cope with that.
Cooper Collins
I want to brush Shuzo's beautiful tail and I want to make him purr!
Mint is darling! >Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I have a phone charm that's always with me and I have various school supplies that remind me of him. >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) I might like to take him to a spooky corn maze so he can cling to my arm when it's too scary. And since it's outdoors we can also enjoy the fall weather. >Who's more tough between you two? Definitely me. I like it that way though and I always want to be Shuzo's solid rock to lean and rely on. >How would you spend a day downtown together? Carrying his shopping bags. And then we could relax in a café for some coffee and sweets. Kobori has a soft and lovely face! Aw shucks Yukaribro thanks. Yukari is so fluffy cute, you're lucky to have her! >In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? Shuzo would want to be a powerful mage, but I think he'd a healer. >Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? I think he'd appreciate some honest feedback even if he'd be a little insulted at first. I'd insist that I usually love his cooking so he doesn't stop making me things. >Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? His bandmate, Kai. I get the feeling he and I would have a lot in common and he would probably know some interesting Shuzo facts that I don't know. It would be a lot of fun to get to talk about Shuzo with someone who would truly understand my enthusiasm. (1/2)
Gavin Campbell
Congrats on your long lasting love! I have many fond memories of Rozen Maiden. I first saw Shuzo August or September of 2014, not sure exactly when and then denied my interest in him until around January of this year. In March his Fairy Prince limited UR came out and the feeling of seeing it for the first time was overwhelming and shortly after I placed my feeling as love. It's been great ever since. You and Fuuka will be missed! I look forward to welcoming you back in 5 months. He does this a lot. Without missing a beat I give that ass a smack. Miia is fun and pretty! >What video game would you like to play with your waifu? Does she have a favorite game/series? I'd like to play a game with an involving story with him sitting in my lap. Usually these kinds of games are single player but I think he would enjoy relaxing and watching. >What board do you think your waifu would browse? /fa/ and Sup Forums
Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Do certain situations change this?
Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months?
How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? What does she bring to keep herself occupied?
What length of socks do you prefer your loved one in? Or do you like tights or pantyhose? Something else?
John James
No time for questions this week, just posting to say that I love my hero. May you all have a good night and a nice week.
Jaxson Nelson
Thank You Mintbro -I'll be getting keychains soon. -Cuddle -Look at pictures of her, listen to audio of her. -She is much tougher than I am
-Mage. Sorceress -I eat anything so even if it had a weird taste I would still eat it and feel happy cause she made it. -Rias or Asia
I would look. She would tease me more because I'm looking
Souls /fa/, /x/, /jp/, and Sup Forums
-She is normally outgoing but certain situations can change that. -She waits for the right moment to give gifts. -She sleeps or talks to someone she knows -Stockings or Pantyhose looks good on her
Carson Powell
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? Her picture in my wallet.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) Not much of a fall where I am but a festival with her sounds fantastic.
>Who's more tough between you two? More than likely me.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Enjoying the sites and the food.
This would be interesting. Have a band with a spooky motif and let them think it's a gimmick. See if we can't get some of the spookier waifus to join.
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? She'd want to be a support class and I think she'd make a great healer.
>Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? Eat it no matter what it tastes or looks like.
About 2 and a half years now.
It's a comforting melancholy.
Sayonara Fuukabro
Anything with co-op would be good. As for boards, /an/ maybe.
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Do certain situations change this? She's shy for obvious reasons but very open when you get to know her.
>Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months? She's very thoughtful with her gifts but decisive. So somewhere in between.
>How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? What does she bring to keep herself occupied? She'd bring a bunch of new books to keep her occupied.
>What length of socks do you prefer your loved one in? Or do you like tights or pantyhose? Something else? Bare legs suit her best I think.
John Kelly
Weekly reminder that you're waifu a sexy and so are you you manbeast you
Since 2009, so over 7 years now.
Lucas Peterson
-She seems fond of racing games. She also has a soft spot for the classics. Wouldn't mind getting involved in some co-op runs with her. -Probably /an/
I saw her perform in concert back in 2011. Then I started giving her music a serious go. As far as the different interpretations go, it's helped to expose me to possible sides of her.
-Somewhat reserved, though it's only in matters of romance and affection that she's really shy. -She'd probably put some thought into it, but not to the point of agony. -Music, music, and a nice book. -In her default look, she ranks an 'A' on the ZR scale. As far as my tastes go, it's more than fine seeing I'm a bit of a leg man.
Elijah Sanchez
She'd probably act like she doesn't give a damn, but she might be a little hurt. She works hard to generally act agreeable around most people. Check her back pockets. Whatever she's looking for, I'm sure it's there. Traffic safety. Most likely Pop. She certainly has the voice for it.
Brody Nelson
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I have physical picture of her in my wallet. >What do you do to feel closer together? I cuddle with her and talk to her. I listen to music and look at images if I can't feel her too well. >Who's more tough between you two? Me >How would you spend a day downtown together? Walking around, maybe visit someone?
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? Healer, I think. >Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? I would eat it and tell her it tasted unusual and ask her if she knows what makes it special. No blaming, but I wouldn't pretend nothing happened.
She would go to her close friends who trusts her and ask them to help her fix these rumors.
Over 3 years.
I don't have problems with being too happy. But when I'm too sad I tend to spend lot's of time alone until I stop longing so much.
I can convey my feelings. I know what I feel and I can describe all physiological reactions. Don't let your feelings disrupt your cognitive process.
Miku wouldn't wear such a thing.
>What video game would you like to play with your waifu? Osu, project diva, any coop game. >What board do you think your waifu would browse? She wouldn't enjoy Sup Forums.
Every producer or even song has different adaptation of her character. My Miku is mostly from LamazeP's songs.
I want to propose to Miku under a starry sky!
Jason Thomas
Have an awesome week, waifufriends!
Tyler Reyes
These threads confuse me. You all talk about your waifus like they're real people. As if you talk to them and spend time with them just like a real girlfriend; but they're not.
Are you all actually in-love with your waifus? If you had an opportunity to get a real girlfriend, would you reject it in favour of your waifu? Is this just a running joke?
I don't mean to come off as talking down your love for your waifus if it is in-fact real for you. I'm just trying to understand this better.
What is your waifu to you?
Jack Fisher
Remember to love and cherish your absolute rays of happiness with all of your heart.
You too user.
Noah Nguyen
Robert Young
This is cancerous as fuck.
Luke Flores
>my creepy is not as creepy as your creepy My waifu and I are laughing at you.
Ryder Allen
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? just her all chapters that i always read, and a mini clay sculpture of her. >What do you do to feel closer together? make more mini-clay sculptures of her doing cute things. >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) nothing really big, just making some homemade pizza >Who's more tough between you two? her >You're waifu wants to form a band, and wants you to be her manager! What kind of motif would both decide on? I dunno what she would come up with, but my guess is, it will be something something mid-90s pop style. >Do you believe she would be successful on her journey? we could certainly try! >Are there any waifus here she'd want as band members? Luka, Miku, Mio, and Kirie! >In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? mage >What do you think they'd actually be? brawler >Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? well, there's a first time for everything >Do you tell them? yes >Do you stoically eat it anyway? that would be sorta-bad, she likes it when i'm fully honest >Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? all three of them Santa = go to many wild crazy adventures Pierce = watch her do magic and stuff bobo = the best dudebro Hi there, fellow monstergirl waifuanon >What video game would you like to play with your waifu? adventure platformer games >Does she have a favorite game/series? shantae >What board do you think your waifu would browse? /cgl/ , /an/ and /ck/
also, what do you do when your waifu's in heat? I heard that lamias do crazy stuff compared to catgirls.
Hudson Baker
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? She is shy. >Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months? She would probably think about it for long time. >How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? What does she bring to keep herself occupied? She would probably get bored quickly. She would probably want me to talk to her all the time or do something with her, >What length of socks do you prefer your loved one in? Or do you like tights or pantyhose? Something else? I prefer no socks, or short ones.
>Are you all actually in-love with your waifus? Yes, I've never felt so much towards someone before. >If you had an opportunity to get a real girlfriend, would you reject it in favour of your waifu? Yes. I could not love someone else than Miku. >Is this just a running joke? No. >What is your waifu to you? She is the most important for me. She appeared in my life and made me feel love and loved like never before. Every time I think about her and interact with her I feel happy. My biggest dream is to happily live together with her together.
My waifu is not an animal.
How would your waifu's stand look like? How would she call it?
Xavier Hernandez
Well, there's Mk2 and RB2, which of the latter is a sort of "update", tiny changes, etc. Mk2 is source material and it's what I played first, I guess the differences are hard to say because it was very long between them and the translation might've gotten worse. Afaik it "feels" really same.
I guess she's pretty outgoing.
I think it'd be a "think quite a while but not quite painfully" or something. Although I'd probably tell her at some point I don't really want gifts.
Not sure.
Those she wears normally is fine, I don't have a specific, but some has different effects depending on.
Save for at least one loony dude, we're all in love with our waifu/husbando. To someone who's not familiar with it or have felt it the same way it seems strange, but if you really fell in love with a 2d character, you'd probably understand it. I mean, you fell in love with someone, and it happens to be a character that is 2d. And these threads are sort of a venting like place, where people of similar minds can come together and talk, since it's otherwise hard. It's not a joke, for us. To some it is(people who call their favourite character(s) or every female character their "waifu(s)"). I think most here wouldn't throw away their waifu/husbando for a 3d partner, there has been some who has of course, so it's not impossible. Some have their reasons, good or bad.
To me, waifu/husbando is just the girl/boy you love, romantically, and would be together with if you could. It's not really a religion or anything.
Dominic Moore
>Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? All of them really. I want to live in that beautiful village in 1983 and play punishment games and fight with them all the time. But for meetings, I guess I want to become a student of the legendary trap master most of all. Can't stop it. Sadness feels nice in a way too. As in, heartache. Without sounding too emo, it feels good to just accept and wallow in the feeling. When the sadness goes away, what's left is a lingering feeling of connection. Arcade games. Raiden maybe. Yes I know. Higurashi exists in a strange timeline. I really like that style. Konata looks really mature there though, an interesting look for her. Pretty cool actually. I get what you're saying. If I did read my own love posts (which I don't because it's embarrassing) I'm sure I'd feel the same feeling. But what I'm concerned about is conveying to others who don't understand my personal feelings. I guess that just an exercise in futility though. More specifically, I want to be able to convey to my waifu what I'm feeling. Ah, those kinds of things are probably better said with actions. As you say, the things you do are better than words. I was just having a writer's block when writing poetry is all haha.
Too hard to fully explain. But I really do love her with all my soul. I understand fully her nonexistence on this plane. But existence is a strange thing. It has been said that a man dies two deaths. One when he stops breathing, and another when he is forgotten. We ourselves have existence within other people's memories. You remember 3D man "Bob" just as well as 2D girl "Rei". It's just your mind telling you which is real and which isn't. My memories with Rika, my thoughts and feelings, the feel of her and the sight and sound of her. I'll hold and cherish those memories until the day I die. Those memories, just as good as any with a real person
Christian Cook
Personally my waifu acts as the embodiment of my ideal of true happiness. The representation of all I'd find perfect in a girl. She's a nice dream that brings me joy to see and think about, and I feel warmth and excitement at seeing her and reading about her, the same I would with any real person.
I would engage in a real-life relationship, but only if I was dead certain I felt the same unending feelings that I feel for her. I am sure someone that embodies the same charm she has exists, or existed, or will exist at some point in time and some place, and it'd be nice to find them, even if the chance is infinitesimally small.
good one user, you said it better than i would have.
Benjamin Butler
>carry Only her picture on my phone >closer Snuggle a pillow >fall activities Seems unlikely >tough She could beat the shit out of my easily because I'd let her >downtown At the arcade
hallo schwuchtel
>motif Some kind of symphonic gothic prog/metal probably. She would certainly give it her all
>class She'd be a warlock in both cases >tell them She'd want to know if she made a mistake >friends Saori is the coolest
>rumors She generally doesn't care what people think of her
>years Only 2 for me
>exploding Squeeze a pillow
>language is the basis for all human reason and thought I don't think that's true or at least it differs from person to person. For me at least attaching language to ideas is very much secondary to actual thought. Anyway I don't feel like I have too much trouble expressing myself
I really can't see her doing that ever
>game Something co-op since she would probably kick my ass at anything competitive, monhun might be cool. She likes action games, fighters, shmups. >board /cgl/
>outgoing or shy She's very shy >gift I don't think she'd agonise too much >What does she bring Her psp >socks Thigh highs or tights
Juan Hill
There's many but I've only watched the original anime and didn't understand much Japanese when I did. The source was manga but the VA really made it for me with the desu~ It was just nice to see her animated again and continue the story, didn't change much.
Colton Reed
I love, love, love my wife! I want to go out on a date with her, out to Shibuya 109, buy her tons of jewelry, and try on cute clothes together! I want to go to a café, and share an iced latte together, and cute bunny-shaped cookies! I want to cosplay with her, and embarrass her in public by yelling out Precure henshin quotes! I love her!
I really want to play things like Arcana Heart with her, I feel like she'd love it a lot, and various eroge and whatnot, but that's a given! She would browse Sup Forums, /jp/, /vg/, /cgl/, and /fa/, but I see her as way more of a lolcow type of girl instead of Sup Forums.
>And in my dreams you're alive and you're crying, as your mouth moves in mine soft and sweet >Rings of flowers 'round your eyes, and I'll love you, for the rest of your life when you're ready I don't need this anons
Nolan Reyes
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them?
No, but I'm constantly looking. I like jewelry and some kind of a red moon design would fit him so I'm looking for something like that.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together?
Going to some kind of a harvest festival would be especially nice, but it's also nice to go to just little farmer's markets and things this time of year. I like to go to the mountains this time of year to see the changing leaves, and he'd definitely enjoy that.
>Who's more tough between you two?
He is! But only by a small margin.
>How would you spend a day downtown together?
Eating at a nice restaurant and walking the stores. He'd want to stop into some kind of a weapons shop no doubt so that would be one of the many stops we'd make.
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Do certain situations change this?
Not outgoing, but not because he's shy - just because he's stoic and grumpy.
>Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months?
Maybe not for months, but he's definitely going to agonize it. A lot of self-doubt over whether it'll be received well. (And of course it will - anything from him I'll cherish.)
>How do you stop your hearts from exploding and yourself from getting too sad when you see your waifu being too cute?
I don't get sad unless it's ship art of him with someone else, which I guess I'm pretty touchy about. He isn't very cute too often so I definitely relish in whatever emotions I get, there's no stopping them. Would you rather propose or be proposed to by your loved one? Which one is more likely to actually happen? How would it go, ideally?
Julian Walker
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I wear a wedding band engraved with the date of our anniversary. Occasionally get some questions about it from people, which I still have difficulties coming up with a good answer for.
>What do you do to feel closer together? Cuddles. Go on walks together. Talk about whatever, really.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? Shop for clothes (and makeup etc for her). Get some food at a nice place.
>RPG thing She'd be a rogue/spellthief of some sort.
>Food I'd frankly ask her about how she cooked it. She wouldn't be afraid of criticism and she has a good sense of what food's supposed to taste like anyway, so I bet she'd already know if something was off.
Since April 2013 for me.
Honestly, she'd be quite bothered by it. She'd definitely try to figure out who's spreading it and confront them.
She wouldn't enjoy staring at a screen.
Maybe this would be an uncomfy question, but I figured I'd ask anyway - what are some likely conflicts in your relationship?
Anthony Mitchell
Lady Stardust and later gains access to Lady Grinning Soul.
Adrian Green
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Do certain situations change this? She's mostly very shy.
>Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months? Probably spur of the moment.
>How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? What does she bring to keep herself occupied? She hasn't been on planes very much, but after being initially nervous, she got accustomed to it pretty quickly. She usually just naps to pass the time.
>What length of socks do you prefer your loved one in? Or do you like tights or pantyhose? Something else? Her usual socks.
Luke Jones
Bentley Hill
You and your waifu are mega cute
Nolan Long
Some of you will grow up, realize the necessity to move forward in reality, then come to uphold this definition. Some of you will grow old but still remain as a manchild.
Ryan Hernandez
What necessity? There's no right way to live your life.
Lucas Harris
Why are you even responding to a shitposter?
Michael Phillips
Thanks Mintbro, i'll do my best!
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? I have a smaller rubber block that says "Hibiki Ganaha" on it on my keys! That and I have many pictures of her on my phone. >What do you do to feel closer together? Answering questions in these threads are fun and also allow me to further reflect on my love for her! >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? I'm pretty busy with work at the moment, but I want to carve a pumpkin with Hibiki and maybe take up the task of making a pumpkin pie from scratch! >Who's more tough between you two? I am tougher physically and we are on the same level in regard to emotional toughness. >How would you spend a day downtown together? Let's walk down the sidewalk and enter any interesting stores we walk by! >Compliment a waifu today! Mint has cute ears, Hanako has very pretty hair, Erza has a pretty smile, Yukari is the fluffiest, Kobori has a lovely voice, Miku is a great dancer, Luka's fashion is top tier, Konata's facial expressions are awesome, Mio is the loveliest of bassists, Kagura's determination is motivating, and Saya's eyes are very charming!
Instead of Hibiki being in a band and being her manager, I want to be her producer and help her further pursue her dream!
Thank you for the kind words Yukaribro!
>What do you think they'd actually be? Maybe a summoner, so that she can harness the power of nature and call animals to her aid! >Do you tell them? I'd tell her honestly how it tastes, as Hibiki would not take it personally and would do her best to make it better next time! >Which of your loved one's friends would you most like to meet? I'd love to meet all of the 765 girls, but if I had to choose one, maybe Takane, Yukiho, or Chihaya!
Hibiki is used to people gossipping about her and the like; such is life as an idol.
Elijah Carter
I ask her how she was able to wear pants
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? She more outgoing around people she likes >Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months? Probably somewhere in between the two >How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? Long rides would be tough but I would try to be there to keep her company
Depending on how crazy she gets I might have to pull out the cold spray
I would rather propose to her, which is probably more likely to happen. Don't have much planned out, but ideally she would say yes
Small conflict is that I do prefer a bit cooler weather, but I would gladly make that sacrifice for her A larger conflict that may come up is that I can sometimes act like an ass without realizing it, there are also times when I can be forgetful and lazy.
Goodnight waifu thread! Hope you have lovely dreams about your beloved!
Aiden Torres
That was beautiful, anons.
>What do you think about language in relation to your love? I've been wanting to start penning down my thoughts whenever I get bouts of desire towards her, but I've never been much of a writer. I like reading love poems while thinking of her though.
Ryder Martinez
>LamazeP Superb taste
Go Google it. I brace for impact; she can be quite convincing to make me see things her way.
I imagine something heavy with tentacles. I used to call it 'Octopus's Garden', but perhaps she'd be able to come up with something a bit more fitting.
My severe introversion and trust issues. That, and her obsession with tuna.
Grayson Rivera
It will be 5 years this December I think.
All these years later and i'm still working on dealing with how lovely my beloved is!
May you walk on warm sands!
[Data Redacted]
>video game with waifu I'd like to play a team game with her and just have fun with it, so maybe Portal 2 Coop? >What board do you think your waifu would browse? Definitely /an/
Incidentally, my main board is /k/, which is funny because it's a running joke on /k/ that /an/ is our wife. Coincidence? Probably, haha!
There is still a ton of untranslated source material, namely the games, that I still have to sift through. They aren't exactly different adaptations per se, but they kinda take place in the same time period as other games.
>outgoing or shy Hibiki is very outgoing, but she has her moments when she gets shy. Namely when we go out on dates together. >gifting Kind of both, but mostly the former. She would only ever do the latter if the item was rather expensive and she wasn't sure if she/we could afford it. >car/plane ride? Hibiki will normally bring something to read or watch a movie if provided or just simply sleep if need be. Pic Related! >socks Hibiki normally doesn't even wear socks, as she wears sandals a lot. She sometimes wears tights/pantyhose during the colder times too. I personally think she can pull off any length of socks so long as they go with the outfit. Sometimes she wears short shorts with knee socks/thigh highs, which is hnng.
I'd rather Hibiki propose to me, but I'll gladly be the one to do the proposing because that's what a man does.
The pet situation most likely. I've already accepted all of her pets as my own family, but I dont particularly want to add to the current number.
Got to work in a few hours, so i'm heading to dreamland. Oyasumi!
Benjamin Jenkins
Too many questions, but I came here to post to keep it up waifu-anons. I'm sure, that somewhere, someday she's thinking about you.
Evan Jones
I have pictures of him on my phone, along with several phone straps. I also have a key chain of him on my car keys.
I hug my plush of him.
Mostly baking and drinking pumpkin spice tea.
Definitely him. He's been through a lot, which has made him a strong person. Thank you, he is indeed super cool. Yukari is super cute, and she's one of my favorites from her series.
I think he would be a knight.
Shun since he seems cool. I'd like to play a multiplayer game so that we could play together. Maybe something like Mario Kart. There are several adaptions of his series, each of which has its own story. I don't clearly remember, but I might have read the first chapter of the manga before watching the anime. I've watched both the anime and manga, but I haven't really played the games since I'm terrible at them. His personality is a bit different in each of them, but his backstory is completely different since he has an AU counterpart. I fell in love with him while watching the anime, and the manga made me fall in love with him even more since it showed different sides of him I hadn't seen before.
David Campbell
Hey folks, it's been a while since I've been here. I hope your waifu has been bringing happiness your way
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? Recently I've gotten a phonestrap with her on it, and holding it while doing things turned out to be a really nice activity.
>What do you do to feel closer together? See above, but also listening to her music and imagining doing things together helps to capture that feeling.
>Who's more tough between you two? It's hard to say, I don't think either of us are that tough at all.
>How would you spend a day downtown together? It's gotta be going to a nice restaurant and shopping together.
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? What do you think they'd actually be? She'd probably want to play and actually play a healer-class. If the options are available, maybe something involving healing or earth magic.
>Your loved one has made you a beautiful-looking meal, but it's got a strange taste to it, maybe something went wrong? Do you tell them? Do you stoically eat it anyway? Food isn't something I can lie about, but I'll still eat it. Home-cooking is the most delicious thing in the world, no matter how it turns out.
>What video game would you like to play with your waifu? Does she have a favorite game/series? Anything cooperative and cute, so maybe like one of those newer Kirby games. As long as she has fun playing the game, that's fine too. I don't believe it's been stated if there are any particular favorites of hers.
>What board do you think your waifu would browse? Probably none of them!
Too many untranslated for me to go through, and they're all kinda different but similar? It's a little weird.
Isaac Mitchell
I'm an idiot who forgets to post pictures, please forgive me.
Jayden Roberts
Robert Stewart
How long have you been married to Mint?
Camden Gray
Hello /ww/ and goodnight.
James Reyes
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them? My being. >What do you do to feel closer together? Nothing. >Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc) If it be her wish. >Who's more tough between you two? She is. >How would you spend a day downtown together? However she wished.
>You're waifu wants to form a band, and wants you to be her manager! What kind of motif would both decide on? Baby metal.
>In your typical RPG, what class would your waifu/husbando want to be? A fighter
>How would your special one respond to rumors or attempts to defame/discredit them? She wouldn't. I would.
>How many years has it been for you guys? Not enough years.
>How do you stop your hearts from exploding and yourself from getting too sad when you see your waifu being too cute? Easy. I let it happen.
>What course of action do you take? I get down on one knee, head bowed, for I am before a holy sanctuary.
>What board do you think your waifu would browse? /ck/
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Outgoing.
>What is your waifu to you? A justification for my existence.
Ever fiber of my being is devoted to her.
>How would your waifu's stand look like? A female mecha she can climb into.
Asher Barnes
>Do you carry anything with you that reminds you of them?
My phone wallpaper, but she lives in my heart pretty strongly so I don't need a physical reminder.
>What do you do to feel closer together?
I like to think of the stuff we did in the past and do new things based on those.
>Now that falls just around the corner are you thinking of doing any fall festivals or taking part in fall activities together? (Picking pumpkins, going to an apple orchard, etc)
I might try making something extravagant again. I love cooking.
>Who's more tough between you two?
Stress in life pulls us apart and it's painful.
>How would you spend a day downtown together?
I love to go out on a chilly day and just walk around the streets looking at cool things and getting street food together and just enjoy our small escape from our daily lives together.
Sigh, I feel so guilty about not doing fun things with her lately. Busy life is a pain.
Cameron Reyes
Been having a busy week and I don't have anymore energy to answer questions. Also I love Super Sonico with all my heart. Have a good rest of the week friends.
Logan Cruz
I'm not really able to explain my feelings, they're powerful, and incredible, but there's nothing to equate them to, y'know? I guess if I were to try, my love for her sorta feels like a fire in some ways, like it'll flare up and spark and brings warmth to my heart, and she makes me glow brighter than I ever have before!
Yep, I was first exposed to her anime, then the manga, then the VNs, all are pretty different to the point that the characters are almost different incarnations and interpretations of themselves, her VN self is the one that holds my heart, though I do use other sources to fill the gaps, and still really enjoy the manga and anime massively.
She's more shy at first, but when she knows everyone around she's more outgoing.
A bit of both I think, for occasions she'll plan way in advance, but sometimes she might just grab something.
>long trips
she can sometimes spend up to 6 months on her troupes ship without stopping, so I think she handles travel really well.
Her thigh highs she usually wears are absolutely adorable.
T-thanks, Jebus. S-same to you and yours
She's someone I love very dearly.
I've been with Mint for just over a year, as silly as it sounds while she is my waifu I don't so much feel "married" at this point, more like we're in a happy relationship. Might as well be though I suppose, I'm a bit too much of a romantic I think, I haven't thought of a way I could "propose" to her yet that feels right.
What's the height difference between you and you're waifu?
Grayson Ross
Not saying Sup Forums is a cesspit of newfags but I'm surprised so few are from that long ago.
Eli Gomez
Imagine that there was a girl you loved more than anything. She was your soulmate, "the one", whatever. That's what she is. She just happens not to be real, unfortunately. It's like the ultimate form of unrequited love.
Jacob Taylor
No, I don't want to lose it since it would become more valuable to me anyway.
A nice long hug together.
I don't celebrate festivals much so no.
She's tougher than me.
We would go down some fancy restaurant and eat some delicious food.
A typical German pop band. She has a nice gentle voice, so I believe she could make it!
She would want to be a warrior to show off her pride. Assassin would fit her the most since she has massive luck to do some very damaging crits.
Strange taste? As long it tastes good then I don't really care. She's a really great cook after all.
Graf. I wouldn't mind talking about coffee with her.
She would brush it off and simply don't give a fuck.
I don't. I need all the cuteness I could get just from staring at her.
I am going to start flirting with her by grabbing her butt.
Some sort of trippy game like LSD. I think she would enjoy any game though. /ck/
She's from a browser game and I believe I have most exposure to her character from the original source than any other sources. There's a manga but it's 4-koma and nothing too much detailed about her.
Always outgoing.
Spur of the moment.
I think she can handle it with some couple pictures of me.
All types of socks I guess? I don't really have a preference.
Telling her that she shouldn't drink beer on midday and other trivial matters.
Jace Diaz
>I have a phone case of her and a keychain my coworker got me.
Could you post? I'm interested.
Brayden Morgan
>carry reminder I've two mini-picture frames of her and images on my phone. >feel closer Spend time with her. >fall activities No. It's wet, dreary and we'll be staying in bed. >tough Honestly in terms of overcoming adversity we're fairly even. Overall it depends on the context but mostly it's her. >RPG Mage and/or healer. >waifu made me a meal NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >friends Have to start with her best one, Trude. 2010, six years this month. I hug and kiss her. It's less a course of action and more a magnetic attraction between my face and her butt. Even more nakadashi than usual of course. Many minor things, such as that I'm conservative whereas she's more libertarian. No major issues.
Adrian Kelly
How do you console your crying waifu?
Nathan Anderson
May 22nd, 2009.
Samuel Perry
Fast forward.
Kevin Sanchez
Dinner. Every time but one that she's cried in tn the manga, she cheered up over dinner with people she was close to. She's a somewhat lonely person, and she fakes a lot of her personality because of that, but she's at her happiest when she drops the act and just has a meal with people she likes.
Charles Davis
I finally got some figures of my dear waifu and I feel like the happiest man alive. I'm so happy that I get to see her on the back of my desk while I'm working. She makes me feel joyful.
I haven't showing up here very much, friends, but I hope you're all doing well. Cherish your loved one, and remember that you and your waifu are a cute.
Good night!
Michael Morales
Forgot to say that your waifu is extremely cute and you should join our IRC
T-thank you. Your waifu is a qt~
>What course of action do you take? I would help her finding it.
>Is there more than one adaptation of your loved one's series? There neither an original nor an adaptation. At last no canon one.
>Is your waifu outgoing or shy? Do certain situations change this? More outgoing. She can by shy through. >Is your waifu more likely to give you a gift spur of the moment or agonize about it for months? She wouldn't need much time to find something for me because I tend to wait very long until I buy the things I want. >How does your dear one handle a long car/plane ride? What does she bring to keep herself occupied? By talking with me because we travel together.
>What length of socks do you prefer your loved one in? Or do you like tights or pantyhose? Something else? Tight high
>Are you all actually in-love with your waifus? Yes >If you had an opportunity to get a real girlfriend, would you reject it in favour of your waifu? The same as I if I would have a 3D girlfriend. >Is this just a running joke? Maybe for some people >What is your waifu to you? Love
>also, what do you do when your waifu's in heat? Give her a ice cream
Luis Evans
>How would your waifu's stand look like? How would she call it? It would have tentacles and some music related ability. I'm bad in naming things.
Ohayou to you and your lovely waifu.
>Would you rather propose or be proposed to by your loved one? I will propose to her.
>what are some likely conflicts in your relationship? We have some differences in taste. She likes the ocean and I like the mountains. I also don't like seafood at all.
Ohayou to you and that cute little waifu you have degerso~
>How do you console your crying waifu? Give her a hug