An Ideal World

An Ideal World

Greeks are better then other humans

t. Mehmet

You must be the Armenian in Spain.


Greeks don't waste money.
Your people on the other hand have no self control.


Then how come we had to pay them €100 billion

You paid nothing.
Greece just got unfair credits in form of some digital numbers.

Ibikey we had this thread yesterday

no, actually not

You are just jealous and the map makes you angry.

le funny repetitive thread XD lmao lol good one op

t. ibrahimos karamanlios

The downfall of our earth is not funny.

jealous and new

Yes I did. My tax money was borrowed to Greece and it's not coming back

>it's not coming back
Because it is tax money.

And Greece is still paying everything back.

You should confront your government and not me or Greece if you care so much about you tax money.
But I guess you have only a big mouth in the Internet.

Thank you Papadopoulos Mcmenu.


Why do you make this thread everyday? Who are you convincing?

the human race

Get in.

>Because it is tax money.
Which should be spent on the Netherlands
>And Greece is still paying everything back.

>Which should be spent on the Netherlands
Holland profits from a stronger EU. Your country just saw another opportunity to make money.

What's funny about that?
Greek economy is growing and Greece is paying back the money. That's the reason why it took the credits after all.

You don't seem to care about this topic and are just jealous of Greece.

Dijsselbloem has publicly admitted we shouldn't expect a single penny back you absolute fucking retard

That's the ugly Dutch man with the inferiority complex.

You came to my thread just to insult me and Greece for no reason and call me retard?

Greece is still paying back the money. You and Dijsselbloem are jealous of Greece and ignore facts.

>That's the ugly Dutch man with the inferiority complex.
That's Mr. President of the Euro Group to you, Klaus.
>You came to my thread just to insult me and Greece for no reason and call me retard?
No but now that I'm here why not?
>Greece is still paying back the money. You and Dijsselbloem are jealous of Greece and ignore facts.
They literally aren't. Not a penny.

who fucking keeps shitposting this, i want to punch you in the face

I am a Greek

>No but now that I'm here why not?
Because Greeks are better than other humans.
We should respect the most influential civilization of the human race.

>They literally aren't. Not a penny.
Do you want to tell (actually lie) me about my country?

Germany earned 1,34 billion Euro from the Greece credits alone.

>I am a Greek
Fuck off you fucking subhuman. You disgust me.

No Greek threads allowed here.

Just imagine the debt

I agree, we should throw all greeks in the ocean

By the definition of the word, it's the Dutch who would be subhumans.

Hitler was jealous and feared the Greeks.

Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations.
—Adolf Hitler

Germany lost WW2 because of Greece.

Many Eastern Europeans have inferiority complexes.
That's why you see mostly jealous Czechs and Poles in Italian economy threads.

you mean where all the greeks are at the bottom of the ocean?

You are probably a jealous immigrant with inferiority complexes.

you know what I mean

B-bbut who would pay for it?


Germano-Hellenic Herrenrasse reporting in

pay debts

Greeks don't waste money. The debt problem of America and Americans is much bigger.
You must be a jealous immigrant or non-white since you don't care about it.

pay debts

You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

Pay debts filthy subhuman

pay debts

read this post again You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

Pay debts

p a y d e b t s

Under Greek rule the Earth will join the Intergalactic Union and take number of loans with galactic average interest. Before joining Earths interest rate was 50% above the galactic average, evaluated by private banks. Eventually Earth will take more loans to payback older loans while saying it goes to economic spending.

>mfw greeks destroy intergalactic union by going in debt

Greeks don't waste money. You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.


Greeks were wealthy people throughout history.
You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

I don't have an inferiority complex I just want my fucking money back.

Pay debts.

all greeks thrown in the sea? i agree

read You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

Greeks are Mediterraneans and can swim.
You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

You have a 100 billion euro debt to pay

And Macedonia will finally get rightful macedonian clay back

I don't have debts.
We Greeks generally don't waste money.


Macedonians own most of Macedonia.

>We Greeks
>German flag
Really makes you think

Pay debts
>his HDI isn't even in the 90s

It's not a funny post but you try to push it because of your inferiority complex and jealousy.

You also know what "pushing" means when refered to Greece.

Wow norway has fewer than finland. What does this mean exactly? Are norwegians europoors

I am a Greek

read You have an inferiority complex and are jealous of Greeks.

what does pushing mean in reference to Greece?

OK I'm getting bored with you now and your thread is sufficiently derailed. Bye
