that the """muh aryan race""" is just a tool of the superior ALPINE RACE.
>pic related are the poofs
that the """muh aryan race""" is just a tool of the superior ALPINE RACE.
>pic related are the poofs
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder. Hitler was a 1.75m shorty twat
>be Poo
> male average height in india is 166.3 cm (5 ft 5 12 in)
> call 1.75 man short
I'll flush you, Poo!
you got poo'd on dude
how the tables have turned
Read my OP you fucking shit
Bavarian independence now!
I do not want to be part of cuckmany.
FUCK gercucks.
Come back with new insults. Be creative.
C'mon! You can do it. I believe in you
Southern Reich when?
Still the tallest man in India
He doesn't have to.
You're literally to dumb to understand a basic non-scientific OP that I made. A 8th grader can read and understand such a basic OP.
You - are - literally - dumb - KYS
Dropping Chad bavarian 4U
Hopefully soon, brother.
Too* dumb to understand
I'm disappointed, Hans.
Daily reminder that according to the Muslim brotherhood Hitler converted and went by the name Mohammed Hadsh Hitler
I currently live in Bavaria (from Northern Germany). All people here are short, fat and dark haired. Far from anything that could be considered a master race.
Go home Stürzenberger
Kevin-Ali Özügözüzüzü as he lives and breaths shilling on Sup Forums
Rural and suburban retards voted for Hitler.
City people voted for SPD.
Ironic because I encountered way more muds here in Bavaria than in my home town.
Well they have standards too. they don't want to live in the shitty parts of Germany
Just leave man, Germoney destroyed you.
Come back when less insecure about yourself Pajeet.
My Landkreis has a higher GDP per head than where I currently live (Passau). Argument invalid.
I'm all in. Independence is trendy right now. Look at Spain or Scotland. Now it's time for Bavaria.
From my experience I didn't see many non-Europeans outside of kebab shops and McDonalds. Like 1 in 20 people or less. And that's Munich.
Get flushed, mate
Go back to first grade, Hans.
Passau has a GDP of 53.261 EURO and is just a small citty with about 50.000 residents.
Go fuck yourself Sören-Ahmed.
Hitler was Nordic
Oh Munich has many immigrants. the worst are from germony
>Literally posts a picture of a castle built by prussian money for the king to sellout his people
Just stop. You just embarass yourself.
You owe us the Kaiser Crown!
Where I'm from we don't care much about Bavaria.
We hate Prussians, French, Lutherans, Hessians and City People in general.
Bavarians are like the retarded inbred cousin that flips his dick around on family gatherings and everyone tries to ignore the embarrassment.
Threadly reminder that you're all rightful Austrian clay
Fien with me if you renounce fucking egrmany
so when are we destroying Eastern Europe again and genociding the designated niggers of europe?
Heinrich Heß or Rudolph Himmler?
and yet all those alpies adored their northeen "brotherts"(are north to soutrh germans even related that much?). they wanted them to mate more and so on. this is the definition of being a cuckold.
We trolled the world
>they wanted them to mate more and so on
We needed slaves for work and army
Let me explain everything to you, poor bluepilled children.
first off, let me start by saying im a proud jew.
Now that we got that out of the way, here's the rest of the redpill:
Hitler is the jewish national hero.
He was a mercenary, hired to start the war and elevate the jewish people into heroic martyrdom.
there were no god damn polak concentration camps murdering germans, nor did the war start over some dubious, retarded territorial claims.
Hitler started WW2 because Balfour declaration wasnt enough.
Balfour would "only" give us Israel.
Hitler gave us Israel, infinite money, infinite influence and total immunity to criticism.
the 60 million dead whites, from the cream of the generation, all dead and rotting, were just a cherry on top.
lmao, where the hell do you think Hitler got all the billions of shekels from, to bring germany out of total economic depression?
oh, oh, thats right.
His jewish employers.
hey goys, here's a challenge:
name even one thing germans did in WW2 that didnt benefit the jewish cause.
go on, ill wait.
>alpine is a race
>alpine is a brand
Select 1 (one) option
And (((Eichmann))) killed mostly racially impure easter european jews, all rabbis from the western Germany went to luxurious places and that got free tickets to the US.
So? Alpines and jews are allies.
Your first president was f a bavarian jew/illuminati named Adam Weihaupt, the FOUNDER of the Illuminati
Großdeutschland first.
> a brand is named after a race
And this proofs what exactly?
during the nazi era there was a popular joke
the ideal aryan is as blonde as hitler, fit as göring and has the eyesight of himmler
>spain is a shithole
>spain is not even white
select 2 options, and kys
All rightful austrian clay
I'm sorry europe, but it's true
Our rightful colonies
Our rightful clay but we don't want it
Alpenrepublik when?
Soon Gianluigi
NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NECHT NEIN NEIN NEIN! Seriously though, what's the evidence for the jewish bankers that funded hitler and his economic miracle because I don't believe the evidence exists, similar to the Rothschild messenger at the battle of Waterloo.
I am still figuring out if benito was an alpine type as well.
My name is Elias
okay austria you can lead the southern reich if you want just start already
bawarian flag best flag
thx polbro!
Also it was the flag of the Liga Catholica in the during the tinme of the 30 year war.
This would be my choice for a bavarian war flag
^ actually brown ewwww yuck!
When French and Italian parts of CH gets kicked out
Are you Putin? If you are Putin you have a deal!
You'll have an economic powerhouse as ally!
>proud catholic
t. CSU-Fotze
Go back to /r/bakchodi you disgusting poojeet
CSU stinks
Blue eyed Alpine here. Greetings to all my Swiss and Germans brothers. From Savoie,
Seriously, what must be done is a putsch in Germany followed by expulsion of US Mongrel Forces and acquiring the nuclear arsenal of its own. Followed by ethnic cleansing of non-Germanics and reunion with Austria and Südtirol. Bavarian secession memes are only fun as far as the banter on Kanakechan and twitter go
Martin Luther - dindu muffin besides working with already Jewish religion
Wilhelm - dindu muffin, Serbs started WWI
Hitler - dindu muffin, French greed and Britain started the war
Even AfD, bar the Höcke boys suck. Catholicism is pozz and overall is nothing but anti-Bavarian, anti-German anti-Germanic hostile Roman ideology.
Will you choin the Southern Reich? It will be a glorious refuge for the ALPINE RACE !
>what's the evidence for the jewish bankers that funded hitler
I'll be glad too, my family has been here for more than 3 centuries. I feel more Savoyard than French
>Seriously, what must be done is a putsch in Germany followed by expulsion of US Mongrel Forces and acquiring the nuclear arsenal of its own. Followed by ethnic cleansing of non-Germanics and reunion with Austria and Südtirol. Bavarian secession memes are only fun as far as the banter on Kanakechan and twitter go
I don't give a fuck about Germany anymore. I only care for my beautifull Bavaria anymore! Bavarian Succession is preferable but a double monarchy with Austria works as well.
>Even AfD, bar the Höcke boys suck. Catholicism is pozz and overall is nothing but anti-Bavarian, anti-German anti-Germanic hostile Roman ideology.
Can't we set up an counter-pope? Some guy like Urban II.?
Are you now Putin or not?
If you look like then you are an true alpine. You already stated you have blue eyes.
If you look like Mussolini or like Aldo Lampredi then you're alpine as well. I don'Ät have an savoir/french example of an alpine
There is no Alpine race the way you imagine it to be. Southern France and French Switzerland are literal Africa
>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African admixture
Bavaria without Germany and Germany without Bavaria are doomed to fail. You can’t do shit to change the demographics without having a nuclear arsenal to not get “”””””liberated””””” by the US
very cool tbqh
>Bavaria without Germany and Germany without Bavaria are doomed to fail. You can’t do shit to change the demographics without having a nuclear arsenal to not get “”””””liberated””””” by the US
Then we need a nuclear ally
>There is no Alpine race the way you imagine it to be. Southern France and French Switzerland are literal Africa
>>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African admixture
That's an souvenir from the barbary pirate invasions.
yes we all looks like that
Pic is our armouries
>we need a nuclear ally
Yes, post-putsch Berlin.
>an souvenir
That’s racially foreign shit admixture dating back to Rome we don’t need in our own gene pools. Them coming is It’s literally a PUBLIC HEALTH concern. The only way to avoid inbreeding and decay is to keep non-Germanics out. According to this, Germanic European should be the ones migrating to MENA/nigger/Asian subhumanistan countries and non-Germanic European ones, not the other way around, because it's the only way to fix their inbred source population.
"Genetic rescue is designed to move gene variants from an outbred population to an inbred population," says Harris. "Our results suggest managers must ensure that this movement only goes one way; otherwise harmful mutations from the inbred population may lower the fitness of the outbred group."
Any non-Germanic immigration is a genocidal genetic charity at expense of the native Germanic population
You're in Savoy.
I remember you having a great history as well!
We also gave them a monument!
>asiatic mongrel keeps posting debunked shit
Is there a legend what the colors stand for?
What a magic that ahMeds and shitskins come like out of a woodstock, when there is a Germanic thread
Nothing. It’s a barely scientific grekonigger that tries hard to “””””prove”””””” that Greeks of today are not roaches
it's an unsupervised admixture with 6 clusters, the colors by itself don't matter but you can interpret them seeing how the software assembles those clusters based on the data
blue one would be west Eurasian aka caucasoid, light green is Siberian/amerindian, yellow is east Asian proper, etc...
sorry I don't speak throat singing
>west Eurasian
LMAO. Literal memes by an idiotic who FELT IN LOVE with a skull
find a single flaw
>my mongol ass is on fire!!!
go back to the steppe Chippewa
And I thought the Rus was my friendo
Multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual. K.uK. tier roleplay and nostalgia make little sense, when virtually no European “”””””nation”””””” has the racial laws (aka just mongrelize my shit up)
>Northern Italy
The only true friend of the German People are German People themself
he is a well known d&c troll
t. mongrel anti-ethnonationalist immigrant leech
“The law was primarily aimed at further restricting immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans, especially Italians and Eastern European Jews”
Biggest opponents? The Jews. They hate Northwestern Faustian Germanic Europeans and racial purity
>Northwestern Faustian Germanic Europeans and racial purity
ooh sweetie :)
Yeah he's really slipping. Overtrolled himself and fell flat on his mongrel face