new ange thread

Damnit man, you gave me a strong nostalgia.
>old threads are not in the archives

She's perfect.

A woman can't be perfect without nipples.

Don't worry.
There is one archive with pre-August 2015 threads.

that was my one gripe with this show and anime in general
if you're wanting to show nipples/sex just fucking show it. who cares?

I just want Nana to be happy.

And that is? The two I'm using don't seem to have old threads.

Coco is my wife~


That's one lickable chest.

Earlier this month I re-watched the entire show in one fucking day! Never before did a two cour show in a single day.

When will Yukarin appear in Tokyo Encounter?

I would like to request Hilda.

>brown salia

I use that but last time I couldn't even find posts from that Era. I'll check it back then though.

IIRC,they didn't add nipples because they didn't have the budget to add them in every scene that featured nudity.


Background characters!

I still don't get how this show of all fucking things attempted character development and succeeded.

>brown cowtits edit
Got any more of these?



>that cute small butt
Would smash.


>getting drunk on wine and engaging in an inebriated lesbian threesome in the only master bedroom on the entire base with a Jacuzzi bath
Living the dream.

That was from January 2015.
I don't remember any others.

And they're underage. Shit's great.




I was surprised how she ended up being one of the better girls aside of the main characters. She was certainly better than Chris, Ersha, and Salia.

Pretty much sums up joining the military too. It sucks, but you learn to embrace the suck like a daki.



They're like in the range of 16-17 or older. Perfectly legal where I live.

Superior Ange (WITH nipples)

1000 times better. DFC is the best C.

I think she survived.

They meant to make her a mean bitch, hence the mole, but Kaori's voice acting made her too cute and they just went with it.


Superior Momoka (also with nipples)

I thought she was killed with the majority of the girls during the massacre.
Fuck mana users I just want the cute girls to live


Salia's face looks off.

She was on the flying submarine later.

Ending showed all three of them working in cafe Ange.

Hilda is simply the best.


I really need to rewatch this. How are the BDs?



>Ange thread

What is there even to discuss?

Mostly the same, some QUALITY was replaced with other QUALITY. They added a sex scene for Ange and Tusk.

>Scruffy red hair

All she needs is a long braid...

wiafus duh

Yeah, me too.

Hilda slapped her ass and one finger went too deep.

How season 2 never


>you can come out of the box when you stop being a faggot.


There's not much to discuss but it's nice to take a breezer every now and then and look back at what happened in the last few seasons.

Ange was great.
Watching it with Sup Forums was the most fun I've had in ages on the internet.
New fun Sunrise original, when?

How the fuck did Tusk and the maid survive the fucking explosions?

I hope they died a painful death.

She's more prettier than she's portrayed in that spread/ promo.



Salia in the magical girl outfit makes my dick so hard.

Pantie shot!

Which orifice?


Anus. After that Hilda asked people to smell her finger.


I would lick it clean for her.


What does Smellias anus smell like?


>yfw she's fated for BABY FUCK BABY FUCK BABY FUCK

My dick and semen.

Bags of sand.

Can you imagine if the girls were to read these threads and discover there were random fucks fawning over them?


>anime about normies
>Sup Forums was all over it
Fucking traitors.



i'll take the one on the right



The sadistic Doc is superior.

>tiny hand full
Salia a best!


i still lose my shit that these shots were literally ripped from Seed/Destiny.


I wish I could at least have a scan of that.




