Are they all retarded there?
What the fuck is wrong with Reddit?
You really need to ask this?
Poltards, plebbitors, tumblrs are all cancerous and must be killed.
You need a shit mate?
if you need to ask that then you need to lurk more
that's a pretty funny costume, what's wrong?
They're about 90% retarded. Nothing worth salvaging there.
As far as Halloween costumes go it isn't horrible. I would do something like this for one of my bros if they got injured. Literally 1 night a year where you can wear a stupid costume, might as well get some laughs.
kek, imagine if you guys knew what having real friends felt like
The fact that he came up with the cross dressing idea means he's a mentally ill faggot
The right-wing boards get purged on a fairly regular basis. They all come here after every purge. All that's left is degeneracy.
i honestly had trouble identifying this as a man and woman at first, i thought it was a tranny in the dress and a real (but very desperate) man in the chair
rather than a tranny in the chair and a desperate man in the dress
not even that bad, lighten up OP.
This shit is not normal, folks. It's gay and retarded.
for once India is right
audibly kek'd
They have a system that purveys the hivemind. It's called negative/positive karma.
At least he is less beta than a dirty meme flag poster.
M8, wat m8, cunt m8, fuck m8, shit m8
Kys degenerate.
Now, run, get a facial plastic surgery.
Jews aren't ok, but you're absolutely right that 4channers, redditors and tumblrkin are all the same
>Neo nazi
Hmm, incel I'm guessing.
Blame everyone for your shortcomings.
Frustrated virgin. Drop out. No work.
I can see why you're frustrated.
Poltards are whinier than SJWs.
And no, Jews are A-okay.
Got your plastic surgery done?
Squeeze it out mate. You'll feel better for it
You'd know.
That's pretty funny tbqh.
Just because you dress up as a woman on a costume event for shits and giggles doesn't mean you're a tranny enabler.
My mates and I dressed up like this once, most free drinks and worst hangover of my life.
Read this?
Am I the only one that thinks that guy puts on a dress for more than just Halloween?
So this is the power of Poo in Loo banter.
I can see how this is funny and okay. Perhaps I'm too old for that tranny shit.
reddit is so easy to manipulate it's not even funny. admins allow it because it fits their political agenda.
Sure, we're all the same in the sense that the colours red, blue, yellow and green are all the same you. You're dumb as fuck.
Except that we are confined to this one board and the mainstream opinion is constantly against us. Get fucked you stupid Indian faggot.
Pajeet my son...
Did your ass hurt in the morning?
Lol, please. You faggots are so fucking lame and cringey. And whinier than fucking SJWs.
>meme flagtard.
Go code a working plumbing system.
>reddit is one person
some subreddits are fucking gold, deal with it
Ok, rape u next week
You are asking the impossible
I don't want to know how that happened.
Somebody did the needful
based stinky
raep you next week**
Atleast learn to meme, faggoty memeflagtard
Hitler was shorter than me.
1.75m fucking kek. MUH SUPERIOR ARYAN GENES.
I honestly don't see a problem with the pic in the OP. Other than it being reddit.
Guy was trying to cheer up his friend. So what?
Ok pajeet i'm sure your greasy brown skin and nasally girl voice attract all the qt hindu poopy pussi
>I honestly don't see a problem with the pic in the OP. Other than it being reddit.
Guy was trying to cheer up his friend. So what?
I think he did this because deep inside he wants to be fucked by men and made himself "pretty" for them. And the reddit crowd is cheering, only because trannies were recenetly made by the mainstream media.
*were recently made popular
I dressed up as Tanya from Red Alert at one point for halloween, doesn't mean I'm a tranny or support that shit.
>that leap in logic
Shit like this happens all the time. It doesn't mean you're a faggot or whatever else, it's just silly fun.
Honestly, being this insecure is embarrassing.
Straight in the loo, never forget
Lol, maybe in your culture dressing as a faggot is okay, but in mine men still have a shred of dignity.
you talk big for a third world literally shithole, i respect that
>shred of dignity
>one of the most corrupt countries in the world
>insecure faggot leader
>most jews in power in all of Europe
>most Muslims in all of Europe
Russia is a shit hole.
And you should probably kill yourself, insecure closet faggot
Remember how kikes love to make black rappers dress in drag? This shit is degenerate.
Thanks! Learn the ways. Your country will be the next 3 world shit hole.
>meme flag.
5'8" kek
Lol, you're from Catalonia. I didn't notice it at the beginning. Commie faggot.
Do you realize how many degenerate tranny retards browse Sup Forums? Browse Sup Forums? How many threads have you been in, today, that just exhume superiority? The difference is that Sup Forums tries to keep us anonymous but how is that better? Any nigger, fag and degenerate can post and browse and you'd be non the wiser. Sup Forums keeps you blind. You're a retard to think Sup Forums is any better than Reddit
this is what:
>not going to church
do to you
>too retarded to even know about it being a meme flag
I'm not even going to bother anymore, you're literally retarded.
the funny thing is they all turned tranny because of watching too much anime
oh no, we're being baited by curryniggers
what a disgrace
Good. Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out from.
Memflag lol. More like I'minsecurefaggot flag.
Just shit my shit up
And what was Sup Forums built upon? Anime. This website is litterally a stepping stone to a degenerate lifestyle
Nice meme flag faggot.
How do we stop reddit and it's relentless cuckening? These numales and soyboys can't keep on like this.
I'm sorry, but I refuse to take shit from your shit field.
Shut up Hameed!
>when the poo is true
it didn't, my spinchter was fairly elastic even back then :^)
seriously, my whole point was that we were making fun of gays, not pretending to be them
How's it going Mohammed?
Go suck a Punjabi dick, faggytwat
Sounds like a laugh desu.
>coming to MacKenzie this summer
Great Prita. Have your scientists managed to reverse engineer the u-bend yet?
>making fun of my country when hundreds of thousands of your most educated and richest poos abandon their homeland and people for greener pastures here.
nice try pajeet. Tell your friends to stop coming here, we're full.
No, I'm gonna send all Punjabis to Cucknadia.
Yes, Mo
Not really that bad. If my mate was in an accident and wanted to dress up then I'd help him out. I think about my masculinity in terms of how I see myself, not how others see me
Low test
Everyone is retarded.
If they are both straight, CIS, and Non-Trans. This is actually clever and funny if they are Trans and shit then this is absolutely revolting and degenerate,
Stop calling me and pretending you are from Microsoft and that your name is Peter