“Study: High-Stakes Tests Disadvantage Women”


“A new study (journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0186419) in the journal PLOS ONE finds that female students may be disadvantaged by high-stakes tests. The study looked at performance in an introductory biology course and found that women performed worse on average than did men in tests in the course. But the study also found that the women outperformed men in laboratory work and written assignments, suggesting that the tests may not be capturing the knowledge of women as well as other forms of assessment.”

Basically, women are higher in trait neuroticism than men, but the study thinks their test anxiety is due to women having anxiety over stereotypes.

“For women, test anxiety may stem from social psychological barriers such as stereotype threat [40, 43, 44], whereby in high-stakes testing situations (i.e. high-value course exams) females experience a self-evaluative apprehension of conforming to the perceived stereotype of female inferiority in STEM subjects.”

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At this point I think being female disadvantages women.

Because for high stakes test men get shit together and ace it. Lab work results are for plebs to keep up.

>But the study also found that the women outperformed men in laboratory work and written assignments
Women tend to be verbally better than men, so it's not much of a surprise they perform better in written assignments. Women tend to also take these assignments and group work more seriously. Still, tests and exams test how much you really know. Maybe you just don't know that much if you fail at them.

True. Girls on average develop language skills earlier than men. I’m not sure why, though.

Women also prefer working in social environments. It is all known since many decades and the scientists try to look as if they found something new with their stupid studies.

It's not because they are verbally better. It's because fem*les are better at being good goyim. They will write whatever they are told to write, whereas men find that busywork grade padding shit like labs and essays to be tedious and a waste of time. So men will half ass it because they know that it is not worth putting full effort.

>stereotype threat
Into the trash it goes. Pure unfalsifiable pseudo science

It's kind of impressive though, they found a way to repackage the old "I'm just not good at tests" line.

>Women tend to also take these assignments and group work more seriously.

I beg to differ, it’s usually men who do the work on “group” assignments, women buckle up for the ride with tits and pussy passes

It might be like that in engineering schools where females are rare, but in high school I always preferred female group members, since they tended to do their parts well.

It depends what type of labwork it is, if its following instructions on a piece of paper then women excel and men will half arse it. But if its using your brain the whole way through then men start putting the effort in.
>t. engineering lecturer

High school to me was no different. I was kicked out of a group science project cause I refused to do all the work and just turn it in for them. Previous to that, the only thing the girls in the group did was to put up the pictures I printed in a cardboard background and they set it up the way I told them to. They read their parts I wrote for them.

I did my own work and Even though I worked by myself, cause the roastie prof wanted to see me fail, I still got an A. The roasties and betas that stayed did far worse.

have you considered that you just had the class idiots in your group?

women have poor long term memory

Women aren’t better than men at anything except giving birth, and I’m not joking or being ironic.

Bro, I was once put in a group with a nigger and a girl. I know exactly what you mean. They do literally nothing but talk about nothing.

most men will fail those tests, too. yet no one ever gave a shit about that until women started LARPing as men and then inevitably failed because they aren't

I got so fed up being forced to play retard wrangler every single time.
>outlaw gifted education
>only measure school quality by proportion who fails completely
>teachers completely ignore anyone with half a brain
>even force them to do the morons' work for them
purge when?

Alternative theory:
Men excel at objective measures of knowledge and skill because they are more knowledgeable and skilled as a whole. Women perform better at subjective measures of knowledge and skill ("lab work" and essays require the teacher to assess skill themselves instead of against a guide) because teachers like them more as a whole.
Women don't score inferior because they think they are inferior. They think they are inferior because they score inferior.

I hated doing written assignments.
I preferred to read and crunch learn for tests.
One is a chore, the other is a battle.
t. male


Lab assignments are a joke

woah that's crazy talk, it's obviously because objective measures are sexist and racist and need to be dismantled entirely to weed out the marginal losses it produces and make us richer

I came here to post this but you worded it much better. I'm sure there are a few studies around that show that teacher mark students worse when they know it's a guy and mark women better.

This is my experience too

Women are really good at following instructions to the letter, when it's written and laid out for them step by step they can do it no problem whereas I and most of the other guys on my course bollocks it up somehow

Where guys really excel is adaption and improvisation. If I need to create my own method or if I have unknowns that I need to use my head to think about and find for myself then I am a fucking wizard

In my experience at uni women work together on projects, which helps them to avoid missing the little things that cost you marks.

I suck at exams because I never have time to study, but still do alright using general knowledge.

in saying that, there are plenty of women doing better than me, who time manage better, and who generally do better work. I feel i have better general understanding, which doesn't get you far.

t. honours psych at shitskin uni AUS

I remember some british studies floating around here a couple years back on the discrepancy in grading and test scores for male and female students

men tested better, women got better grades

so much of this

Any of you cunts know much about research statistics that wants to do a bit of work for me? (overwhelmed with thesis).
We should help our fellow whites to climb the jew ladder.

To get an extra few moths in of bitching about shit.

>t. married fag

girls plain develop earlier, and women have better verbal skills throughout
onset/end of puberty comes way earlier for women, and they stop growing a full 5 years earlier on average than men do.

I have one paper called "Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Biases: Experimental
Economics in Schools" that shows this

the important result from the abstract "Male students tend to bet less when assessed by a female
teacher than by an external examiner or by a male teacher. This is consistent with
female teachers' grading practices; female teachers give lower grades to male

What do they mean by bet? Guessing their own result before having it graded?

yeah it was a study looking at how confident students were about taking a test. They measured confidence by how much they were willing to bet on themselves

Jesus, are they that fucking obvious with it.


This thing?

>female teachers give lower grades to malestudents"
This is only true when you are ugly, or average. I coasted through high school with sub 50% attendance (basically should up for tests), and got 60-70% in any class that wasn't explicitly attendance based (most tech classes and physical education were my lowest). Shit, I had female teachers offer to pay me to show up to class because they wanted to be the ones to "save me" from my bad behavior... Meanwhile, the uglies with the same attendance as me got ignored.

nah that's a different one showing something similar
Sure thing buddy

>Sure thing buddy
You're imagining a sexy female teacher... They were old saggy middle aged women. The kind that would volunteer at a refugee center just to get some bbc.

Lily Collins?

I am attending University and taking bio course. I like to talk and meet people. Asked a dozen people about their performance in said bio course. 100% of those failing admitted to not studying.

Women do better in the lab because they're flirting with the male teacher / professor / assistant the whole time.

> high stakes
Yeah, I hope so. Because one day I'm sure I'll need surgery and when that day comes I want an educated professional who didn't buckle during a test. Call it high stakes, call it manhood, call it whatever you want, but if women cannot hack it then fuck them, get someone who can.

makes sense to me
women need as much help as possible

Even fucking unicef admits it

cant work the phone but i can type and post a photo, fuckin hoe

>those sleepy eyes
>those massive titties

mea culpa

i do enjoy seeing otherwise respectable women made into whores

waste of a triple double

This is also clear when you compare high school grades to SAT scores.
Women tend to get better grades than men in school, but are completely destroyed by men on the SAT, where gender isn't a factor and scores are judged on an entirely objective scale.