Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
Now let's wait for stuff to see or translations that we will be grateful until we learn japanese.
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
Now let's wait for stuff to see or translations that we will be grateful until we learn japanese.
Erwin is cute and he is also my husband!
this is very lewd
I like genderswaped Erika cumming inside Yukari
I want to be Erika's gf and to cum inside of me
I want Shizuka to be my wife!
Best girl
Once again the welsh are proven to be the best
I want to be Katyusha's boyfriend and feed her strawberry cake.
fuck off /generals/
Darjeeling is my wife!
He is right though, look at that OP.
The Ravager
Ukulele the Ravaged
>Kay will never shit on your face
This is how those ebin pastas start.
Before or after she pegs you?
>implying this is possible
I bet her shit smell like flowers
When did they wear this?
She gets gangraped by ducks and secretly likes it.
They wore that under their panzer jackets.
in ur dreams nerd haha
>ywn eat ton of burgers
>ywn release the biggest shit of your life on Kay's face
>ywn hear her moaning from under the mountain of your hot poop
My wet dreams.
And Rukuriri's.
h-haha okay you
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Its not true though
>implying the destroyer would make you shit out your own teeth if you said such nonsense infront of her
Kill, fuck, marry, befriend
Erikafags, Momofags, Kayfags, Anchovyfags
I want Kay to step on me!
What is the most effective way of bullying Kay to tears?
What did she mean by this?
She's a lesbian
Tell her that she reminds you of a commercial.
That every kiss begins with...well, y'know
Assams cute panties.
She is waiting for her Sakamoto.
>that new doujin
can't wait for the doujin
Translation please
Where the fuck is the CYOA? Did it died? I thought it only just started again.
Hopefully it's gone forever.
Maybe tonight, CYOA guy is a bit busy atm
Get Rukuriri to ravage her
Tell her that she'll always be a Japanese no matter how hard she tries.
So, Darjeeling is a salamander, and Erika is a... cocodrile?
what's katyusha?
take in mind Nonna
This. Even if heĀ”'s a translator. Even losing a translator is prefrable to the clusterfuck he's turned /ak/ threads into.
And insect.
Katyusha is a polar boko cub and Nonna a mama polar boko
the only face Kay shits on is Darjeeling's
>lesbian Darjeeling
attempting to bully Rukuriri the duckteam slayer will only result in your downfall
you can't delete canon, user
I thought we agreed only one, what the hell?
The threads are the same as always though. I think the only thing that's stuck around from it is the Momo thing.
It wasn't even that bad as far as writing goes, but it seriously got old having to browse past endless lewd text walls every single thread
What's wrong with Saki? Is she "special"? Should she even be allowed inside a tank?
How do the girls go to the bathroom during a match? They can last all day.
until the new OVA is release
what should we do?
Wilhelmina/Erika lesbian doujin when?
any Saki pictures in the bath room?
How is she slaying them? By offering her ass for raping until they die of fluid loss?
Empty Shell is your friend.
I'm looking for tears of sadness, not laughter at the absurd notion of a matilda ravaging a sherman.
I always like how Miho looks like she's going slid that popsicle in Erika's ass
No, but have a Hana.
That's because she it.
I don't remember this, why does this look canon.
There's nothing wrong with Saki.
>no one protected her smug
I think you got the wrong anime, also I'm sure that's not Haifuri either
and that little blonde kid grew up to be a colossal cunt
why do think her cunt got colossal in the first place?
>implying she wont cry as her sherman bursts into flame at the mere sight of rukuriri the confessor's matilda
Where do Miho's instincts come from? She always knows her enemy's weak points.
by giving them a good old 2 pounding
Hey Ukulelefag, you sound like you need a drink.
Go have a drink.
You're as bad at this "not making a fool of yourself" stuff as she is, aren't you?
Which one is Erika's weakness her butthole or her vagoo?
>Have money to buy glorious Semovente
>Nah, let's buy some Carro Veloce!
>Ooaraifags still mad about the ravaging they received
he's either very drunk or very masochistic, I'm not sure
I'm not mad. You just sound like you need to relax a little bit.
Go have a drink.
That, or a master of sarcasm
Good night Sup Forumsnon's.
Goodnight dude.
Don't forget to pee before you go to sleep, you don't want to wet yourself.
I know the truth
I want to be one of Eclair's many one night stands.
Ich bin Erika das kleines Krokodil
I wish I had a love as powerful as Sawreehfag's.
Maybe you do user, you have to unlock your hidden potential.