The delusion edition
Authorities going to ex-politicians offices, to dismantle the place
Politicians acting like nothing happened
pic related
Catalaniggers larp in full force
Would you care to translate this meme language that is Catalan?
>In my office, fulfilling the responsabilities the catalonians has put in our hands #wekeepgoing
just in: two mossos appeared, and the guy bailed out 1 hour later
>a tintinfag
Red pill me on this what side is soros?
independence, to weak EU
makes it all the sweeter when they are finally faced with the inevitable truth that they fucked their movement up and achieved absolutely nothing
Soros put money on the independentist side. Just take a look at their video trying to look like victims. Exactly like the one from Ukraine, also funded by Soros.
I'm all for independence i love sitting back and watching the happenings
Soros is paying the ANC and omniumcultural, both are independentist organizations whose leaders were arrested for sedicion
>6 million euro bail
¡Fuck off spain !
¡We are Catalunya !
Redpill me on catalan.
It just looks like spaniards trying to be frogs.
Get in here.
Soros is in no side, but the EU, UN, IMF and top globalists side with Spain.
hurr durr it's a conspiracy, globalist support Spain!! reeee believe me reee!!! The thing is Soros finances cucktalonians because he wants to balkanize all Europe, divide and conquer
That's because Soros tries to get profit from any political insurrection. It doesn't matter if it weakens or strengthens the EU, he's just doing his business. Yeah, he's financing Catalonian independence but actually he's in no side as Ancap user stated.
If his purpose was to weaken the EU, then he wouldn't have financed Euromaidan, as it was a pro-Europeist movement. By the way he was even financing neo-Nazis during Euromaidan protests.
So Soros in 2014 paid 50k for a couple of conferences about migration, racism and euroscepticism done in Barcelona and you somehow get to the conclusion that he is financing the independence of Catalonia. With 50.000€ 3 years ago, you can't be serious.
It's not a secret that breaking up Spain will kill the EU so obviously all globalists hurry to defend their creation.
1. Catalonia becomes seperate nation, Spaine gets weaker.
2. Catalonia joins EU.
3. Profit: Weak nations, strong EU. No real opposition to the EU.
A copied video doesn't prove that Soros financed anything. So muh Soros muh jews is nothing but delirium.
The thing that I don't get is why is the EU so hardcore against the independence of Catalonia if by your logic they want that.
Because Spaine is a EU member state and they can not undermine the spanish sovereignity officially.
Then Spain would be fcking mad at the EU.
>It's not a secret that breaking up Spain will kill the EU so obviously all globalists hurry to defend their creation.
This. Soros is a habbening addict like any Sup Forums user, the difference is that he has money and knows where to put it. Actually the outcome of a political insurrection can be more profitable than supporting the establishment, and Soros knows it well. Soros is even hated by the Israeli government:
>Al Andalus trying to subjugate white people
Easy there, Mohamed Al Hispania.
Sometimes there's no 3 layer deep agenda and Catalonians are destabilizing fags and no one wants to give separatists the light of day.
Also they're (led by) commies so thats enough for me to be with Spain anyhow
They can't join if Spain veto, I believe.
>no one wants to give separatists the light of day.
Then why did you separate from Turkey ?
>just in: two government thugs appeared, and the guy bailed out 1 hour later
Imo Soros is just a globalist more and all of them are in the same team. He isn't free to do what he wants.
>Also they're (led by) commies
Prove it. There is no place in the West governed by communists, unless anything left of Hitler is communist for you.
>to weak EU
So we should all be pro Catalonia then.
Wouldn't soros want a strong EU?
I think you mean Europe
Mek jte kas la tet moi
wtf i love catalonia now
Face it, greek people don't exist anymore. Only roaches. Stop larping and pay your debts.
Catalonia literally want to ditch Madrid to be controlled directly by Brussels.
Divide and conquer, big countries can veto the EU, tiny ones can't oppose brussels decisions.
Stop larping as the extinct frenchman and tend to your camels, Abdul al Africani
>Also they're (led by) commies so thats enough for me to be with Spain anyhow
But Spain is led by this lady. Don't you remember anymore what she and her buddies have done to your country, Giorgios?
You need proof when making such stupid statements. I've been following this closely and the ones sucking EU cock hard are the unionists, independentists don't want to be in the EU because it sides with Spain.
Pic related is the unionist logo ffs.
> Catalans try and hold referendum vote.
> Spanish cops show up in riot gear, beat the crap out of voters.
> European Commission talking heads and various UN bogus idealists start swarming around like flies, talking about "establishing dialogue."
> Spanish government offers entirely false apology for infesting Catalonia with violent police.
> Catalonians promptly accept apology and roll over, begin to talking to government as if nothing ever happened.
platform court
>the ones sucking EU cock hard are the unionists
EVERYONE in Catalonia sucks the EU cock. Only CUP (small SJW-ethnicist party) is openly against the EU and abandoning the €
There are no relevant anti-EU parties in Spain.
>independentists don't want to be in the EU because it sides with Spain.
Independentists that are not from CUP claim that an independent catalonia will eventually get in the EU
>Put some hot bitch sobbing in the video that will make the betas rally up
> Catalans try and hold an illegal referendum vote.
> Few spanish cops show up in riot gear, some retards resist and get beaten/pushed. No deaths.
Not even 100 years ago they would send tanks and shoot on the people. Indipendence (if not consensual) must be payed in blood, either by dieing on the battlefield or starving because the economy tanked. muh self determination is fucking bullshit. The kurds went to fight in the syrin clusterfuck just to have a chance to form their state. You guys voted 4 times each on a sunny day.
> European Commission talking heads and various UN bogus idealists start swarming around like flies, talking about "establishing dialogue."
because, yknow, destroying Spain and probably the EU plus starting a chain effect in every state with an independist movement kinda bad
> Spanish government offers entirely false apology for infesting Catalonia with violent police.
Yeah they didn't need to apologize
> Catalonians promptly accept apology and roll over, begin to talking to government as if nothing ever happened.
Because nothing happened and they're starting to realize that the economy will tank and they will be like NKorea
I fucking hate 90% of the people here but they're right on one thing: modern world and liberal democracy made everyone a soyboy
But disregarding politicians, which side do the people support the EU the most? When I look at pics of rallies, unionist supporters carry a ton of EU flags while independentists barely none.
I generally don't communicate with people who imply that the EU should continue to exist.
I wonder how long it'll take Sup Forums to understand that secession is the answer.
You are all a bunch of brainlets.
Puigdemont, CUP and every party and actor involved in DUI and the Procés are just part of a big conspiracy by PP to obliterate the independentist movement in Catalonia. It's just obvious given their total inaction to recent events and the absolute retard decisions made by the independentist politicians.
PP wanted them to declare Independence with no solid basis to make it effective. They wanted to show everyone that independence is a stupid goal by letting them set up a false victory which leads to nothing except jail and economic damage.
They killed independentism in euskadi, and now they have done the same in catalonia. They are master 7D chess.
Catala iggers are primordian evil kikes. They enjoy:
Wanton slaughter
Senseless murder
Generally burning and destroying civilization.
The all mighty and all benevolent spanish people have tamed them at best we can.
>PP wanted them to declare Independence with no solid basis to make it effective.
This one is actually true. Rajoy could have applied the 155 article a LONG time ago, but he preferred to use his strategy of always letting your opponent do the first moves and not act until the last second. He did let them declare the independence on purpose just to show how rightful are his actions.
I have to say I admire how cool blooded he is, even Felipe González said he would have applied the 155 a long time ago