>british police
British police
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this is beyond sad
>german flag
are you implying your poh-lease is any better.
Don't go to Britain, it's a silly place
Conveniently cut out the part where they took him down and nobody died.
our police has guns
>this is good
if a guy attacks police, how is the police shooting him not justified?
A disgrace
which havent been used since 1945.
That fucking sucks holy shit
We have yearly complaiments against police brutality at far-left protests, so we're not that bad.
What's the problem with this news ?
This guy had thirty bombs in this garage.
Every year in France, we destroy bombs of the world war one because they are dangerous, again today.
The non-white bobbies have teeth
Get in here.
Guy is captured with zero injuries, how terrible.
AS IF I want or need a bunch of john waynes swaggering around executing people in my country.
This makes me want to genocide Britiah police for the good of Britain
This country is a mess.
WTF, this shit should be in a museum. Are they that batshit insane that they would destroy pieces of history that have been perfectly preserved?
Oi mate drop that sharp spoon or we will report you to the cyber police
The same exact thread with the same responses, it's like groundhog day.
Is this a fucking comedy skit? If not holy shit is that pathetic
why dont british police just carry knives or swords or something?
>wanting your police to oppress you
>not ensuring they stay sissified
They don't care about you. They are not there to protect and serve.
......why the fuck would they blow up perfectly preserved pieces of history?
fuuuuuuck this makes me maaaaad.
That was his collection entire not some rusty unexploded dud.
They basically destroyed and entire museum because they were scared of guns.
>Guy is captured with zero injuries
>Is let back out that very day
This is why your country is collapsing.
>tfw you get to watch a once-great country crash and burn in real-time
it shouldn't feel this good
but it does
I wonder what happens when you break down the data, like how many of those are illegally owned weapons, and how many of those are gang/black related shootings.
Ah ok that's sad
muslim police would either save yurop or completely destroy it
both options look ok to me
No it's london niggers being corrupted by american gang culture and chimping out.
If they hurt him there would have been chimpouts. You should know.
When brexit comes, we're taking ALL of your fish.
>No it's london niggers being corrupted by american gang culture and chimping out.
in other words, niggers being niggers.
>german police
wtf is wrong with that country? it's like Shaun of the Dead was a documentary.
They only blew up the bombs. Misleading article to make people mad and get clicks.
Boohoo nobody gives a fuck about a few nigger lives. Not even BLM. Everyone knows the movement was started by the jews for more power.
Has this been put to benny hill music yet?
>blaming your problems on America
You deserve it holy shit. SCOTS WAE HAE WI WALLCE BLED
I wish
>guns murdered
get rapefugeed and choke yourself
looks exactly like america, except obese americops magdump everyone
can't wait for the anglosphere to burn tbqh
Scot pleb
Scotland is the most cucked country in the UK.
>british police
When I was a kid the father of a close friend of mine went batshit out of the blue one day and ended up in a standoff against the cops, taking his father-in-law hostage and waving a knife around like a lunatic. The police put the effort into taking him down non-lethally. Afterward doctors found a golf ball sized tumor in his brain, they were able to remove it and he made a full recovery.
In americlapland they would have just aired him out immediately, and if the video made it to the internet the spiteful fucktards in this thread would be cheering and saying he deserved it without knowing a fucking thing about him or the situation.
I hate my police
But black-on-white rape and suicide are much more prevelant in the US than here...
That's gotta be an edit.
Birth-place of Valor the country of worth.
The real men died or came here.
you will have to forgive people if they believied the entire collection got blown up.
the number of totally crazy, orwellian shit happening in the UK is mindblowing.
my "lmao uk" folder is so huge, filled with retarded british shit, if i dumped it all here you'd probably hang yourself.
its both funny and sad at the same time.
yea your police is pretty shit(skinned)
yes they are
now go back to cleaning toilets dirty po(o)le
I doubt they would actually blow up the uniforms too, probably just bad reporting
>polish flag
>I wonder what happens when you break down the data, like how many of those are illegally owned weapons, and how many of those are gang/black related shootings.
Almost all of them.
Shitlibs love blaming law-abiding citizens for the actions of beaners and nogs.
meanwhile in america they would have all mag dumped on him and hit a civilian in the background, rather than no one being hurt
>oi m8 got a licence for that hate?
Yes i will kill myself if i see the exact same meme images posted again after the millionth time
It's a good way to keep track of muslims, you know where they're driving, where they are byphone, and they always have a radio on them.
They dont have a gun so you dont gotta worry about them having an outburst of peaceful expression either.
This is accurate.
Last time I went to Scotland it was like walking into a medieval reenactment. Little hovels everywhere, stocks and gallows...
I ever saw tons of hairy gingers in skirts use brute strength to topple over an IRN-BRU truck before savaging it's driver, scalping him and running off with the drinks.
Horrible little people. They didn't even let me get a grow your own Loch Ness monster kit.
>catalan flag
The pic was a German officer, but ours aren't any better
it's a memeflag you silly britpaki
scotland is the original cuck nation
feel free to shit on the polaks all you want, im a bong, in Warsaw for the next month.
in all seriousness, though, this place really looks and feels like a fucking ethnostate.
Only thing i dislike is the polish food, too much god damn potatoes and cabbage everywhere.
wow much progressive
Now post the long haired kid trying to buy spoons or the tranny muslim soldier
So fucking boring
Yeah that's pretty much the case, but people never seem to think about that or point that out.
I wonder what he would have done if I walked up to him, nicked his wallet, and ran off.
>sharia bobby memes are true
why don't they just shoot him??
Thats a PCSO retard, not police
UK police, government etc is a joke.
they are ruining my country.
but lets not pretend we're unique in western europe in having traitorous politicians and incompetent police.
that makes it even worse
Since you're a Paki I bet apologizes for not giving it to you in the first place.
Makes me feel real safe
How does that not apply to the other countries listed ?
> goes to poland, the literal niggers of europe
> h-hey lads this feels like an ethnostate!
fuckin britpakis
How many innocent bystanders are shot by police in the US? Can you post that?
How can bongs not kill themselves after watching this?
Oh wait... kind of hard to kill yourself with a dull spoon.
>Now post the long haired kid trying to buy spoons or the tranny muslim soldier
...hey, i dont have these in my collection!!
post em plx.
Still part of the police force and community support officer are pathetic
Alas, the elusive "white American" remains unseen.
Why would I kill myself after watching a webm from london 5 years ago you fucking queer
You post it here daily Pavel yet your countrymen are desperate to move and settle here in droves. stay obsessed.
"When we are ready you don't have to dodge bullets anymore."
>be american
>get shot