>Black and orange day
It's Halloween, not a fucking prison cell, discuss this shit /Pol
>Black and orange day
It's Halloween, not a fucking prison cell, discuss this shit /Pol
Nigger ginger day?
It's racist because black people wear orange...in prison.
how come this shit is ok in the west suddenly..would you go to germany and tell them sorry..no more octboberfest..sorry I just don't like it
actually you probably could now..
My great grandjew was killed at Auschwitz in October! Shut it down!
How do kids these days resist not relentlessly trolling their teachers?
"Now kids today is Monday and.."
WHATTT?!!! MONDAY you call it? Deebly offended.
Vaffanculo, ve lo dico in italiano.
Fuck the haters
What is offensive about halloween? Is it because there are christians who think it's of the devil?
Come out ye Black and Oranges, come out and fight me like a.. Like a.... Fuck.
What is the reasoning behind this, though? Usually they have SOME semblance of logic behind their "arguments"
Well, in Sweden we call it "allhelgonadagen" or "alla helgons dag" translating roughly to "day of all the saints" (although it's technically november 1st)
We use it as a day to honor our dead by leaving flowers, candles, etc at the graves of relatives/family.
I thought hallow's eve is meant to be the day before all saint's day, and for whatever reason that's the day that got caught up in commercialism and costume traditions and shit?
Halloween isn't even really a thing in australia, it gets forced on us by supermarkets and shit trying to make some money but the actual population are mixed on it - lots of people are resistant to the concept because they see it as american and not our culture (because it's only ever seen in american media)
Well its spooky season
Thats why every teacher needs to get checked mentally because there is Something wrong in their shrivled up sjfag brain
Can you even get to the gravesite before being blown up by a peaceful refugee?
black and orange day
>mein fucking sides
Dutch niggers appropriation day
But isn't associating black and orange with spooky kinda racist towards African and Asian Americans? I think white men should check their white privilege more often especially during the so called "holidays" that celebrate colonialism and oppression of women.
Well if you still need a Halloween costume idea...
black and orange day? those are called "just another day" in federal prisions...
Halloween is a pagan holiday.
None Northern Europeans can fuck off.
>black and orange day
Eyo hol up