American-Canadian-Chinese Adrenochrome investigation contiuned.
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Interesting. It looks like I am sending a team out West.
I think so too. I wonder in the Pally Corner has any underaged miners?
It turns out that Imperial Metals/Selkirk Metals don't have an upper midwest mining op, just the Nevada one. But... they're financially insolvent.
Billionaires Murray Edwards and Bruce Berkowits are billionaires saving Imperial Metals "again". So, these two billionaires are involved in a failing mining company that is tied with a canadian tribe that is receiving adrenochrome. What are their connections with China and say the Rothschilds?
It is getting even more complicated. I have no authority/jurisdiction over Rothschilds. I might be able to get the Billionaires Financials, however. I wonder what spider webs those would untangle?
oh no the board is purple.
Probably connections to the Rothschilds. Hell, I'd bet that they're using the Selkirk corp to do their dirty work in importing/exporting.
The wiki for Imperial Metals says that the Nevada mining op is current.
Also, thanks An Hiro for giving us MKULTRA purple for Halloween.
I forgot to ask this as well: Do MS-13 or any of the cartels have connections in the Yukon at all? Are the canadian natives hiding any of the "refugees" coming from Africa or the ME? I wonder if the selkirks are invovled in the human trafficking end of things, especially storage. Hell, I won't be surprised if that's where they're storing people for human transplants/experimentation.
Careful not to wake too many Leafs. They might coup and then Gas the Kebekers.
I will have my team look into AZ mining companies, specficially Gold and Copper. Do any Medical Centers or Research link to them in some way here or in Canada-China? That would tell even more about what is going in. I think he was reading the thread. It look blacks to me; I might be a bit colorblind.
I think the Zetas could have/had reach up there. They were the most competent Cartel. Human Trafficking could be a real possiblilty since there is no real Reservation Oversight and they can be easily corrupted. MS-13 is mostly in the South, Northeast and Cali. MS13 might connections to The Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario. We could be looking too small; just looking in the Western Canada-US.
Xi will put a bullet into any chinaman we can nail on trafficking drugs.
It doesn't matter if it's fent or adrenochrome.
So be careful naming names. We don't want anyone innocent to buy it or anyone's family back home in china to suffer. so be cognizant of that.
I am going easy with any PRC connections. They have plenty of IC operatives in the West, to make any bad reflections, disappear for good.
Bump for cocaine. I am looking at Mayo and such Clinics in AZ to see if I find any links. Buying copper to synthesize Adren.
Found out Silver Oxide (Ag2O) is also used as an oxidizing agent for synthesis of Adrenochrome in addition to Copper. That ties in mining even more.
This ties in too it also. Take the site with a grain of salt, if it is a drug users sites. I am looking for credible sources, besides actual books.
More information:
If you know about Pally Crossing in Yukon Territory, there is where we started from.Reference other thread and links if you want to contribute.
sometimes a drug is a drug and other times it is an asset, in the financial sense.
it stores wealth, appreciates in value and has low risk of theft or loss since no one believes it exists. It's value comes from it's rarity and the risks/costs that come with obtaining it.
It's like element 115.
The 20kg(44.1lbs) of Adrenochrome that we confiscated is worth, at least, $100 billion - using research pricing. It would be a new way of moving money and a pretty fucked up one at that.
Bump, again. I can shills are awake.
sometimes mines are money laundering Operations.
the old spooks in Nevada all have gold mines. they use their dirty money from the coldwar to buy gold then they process it and sell it as though they mined it, paying taxes and cleaning the money up.
I gotta crash for the night, so I can't look up much more 'til later tonight. Got work in a few hours. Check out the ucla medical center. That's where a lot of intersections between medical research/adrenochrome/human trafficking occur. You have my burner if you need it.
We lab tested the Adrenochrome and came back as Human. The only to extract ingenious Epinephrine and a small bit of Adrenochrome is through the Adrenal Glands of recently killed Humans. Copper, Silver Oxide and serious other Minerals can be used to synthesis Adrenochrome from indigenous Epinephrine.
Thank you for the help. I will email if I need anything. UCLA was the first thing to pop on my searches. I will email in a few days about the CBP if you cannot find me on here.
as your attorney I advise you to go to sleep
>not posting in adrenochrome threads
>thinking you're living life to the fullest
pick one frend.
I just had a crazy spooky thought. Do we know how many people die in NK camps every day? What exactly is their major export and is it just the mining resources people are after?
Not how it acts at all.
"Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria." Induced Schizophrenia, Thought Disorders, Booster for Opioids. We originally thought that it was to boost opioids for Assassinations/Homicides and tied with whatever the Antifa threat is, but we have newer evidence pointing other ways. I am fixing to go interview the truck driver; we have kept him stewing in a cell for five days withdrawing from heroin. Now, it is time for interviews. We have a few fixes to induce talkativeness and get rid of apprehensions.
A lot of Human Organ trafficking comes from China and East Asia. This arrived from the Azores headed for the Yukon Territory in Canada. We are sitting on everything to get as much evidence and information. I am not contacting the RMCP, Feds, CDC or any others. The place in Yukon is basically a frigid year round from the weather and linked to a copper mine(which is needed for extraction/synthesis).
>We have a few fixes to induce talkativeness and get rid of apprehensions.
>how to ruin a case
at least larp accurately, come on. this is amateur hour in here.
I am not using him as a witness. Think ahead of that. Talk, tag and release; see where he winds up.
let's get real here: if you have a $100 billion worth of anything someone is coming to you. you don't have to go anywhere or tag anyone. i
>ingenious Epinephrine and a small bit of Adrenochrome is through the Adrenal Glands of recently killed Humans. Copper, Silver Oxide and serious other Minerals can be used to synthesis Adrenochrome from indigenous Epinephrine.
And I'm betting it can be extracted from those "recently killed" fetuses, amirite? Baby parts and fluids.
UCLA is big into human embryonic stem cell research. It's likely their med center performs late-term abortions. I'm going to research at what gestational point the pineal gland is formed and functioning.
I mean adrenal. Sorry.
Trying to make a threat? I am compartmentalizing the Case as much as possible. My Field Agents are getting to know;only what they find out; and I interview the teams separately. They would not find any evidence coming after them. I told them to keep whatever they needed to from me. Until, I need to know. I have solved almost a dozen of case like this(Financial/Money Laundering/Organs/Child sex trafficking) with people more dangerous than this(for now). If it does get too dangerous; I will handle the case off and go the proper route. My boss told me to pursue for now.
No, that does not "mature" until, at least, four years old. Basically, when the child can walk/run and that gives an advantage from Fight or Flight. They are still reliant on the Parents for safety until then.
Patrol user, you are doing God's work!
Then these Satanists are really torturing and murdering babies and children?!
Thanks. Adrenochrome is also linked to the Satanic Ritual/Spirit Cooking (myths)? I had never heard of Adrenochrome before this. The Troopers on scene thought it was, coke, tested and nothing came back. I was called out to run it over to one of the State Labs. Adrenochrome turns a bloodish-pink when positively tested and has 100% Purity. It has freaked the Techs the hell out. Two still have not come back in.
>No, that does not "mature" until, at least, four years old. Basically, when the child can walk/run and that gives an advantage from Fight or Flight. They are still reliant on the Parents for safety until then.
If babies didn't produce epinephrine in response to stimuli, their hearts would stop.
Adrenochrome is epinephrine that has stayed persistently in the bloodstream without re-uptake until it oxidizes.
Of course late-term fetuses, violently dismembered or poisoned to death painfully with saline, would be an excellent source of adrenochrome.
Oh my goodness! The spirit cooking is real. We researched that though the Wikileaks dump and found out a bunch of politicians and celebs do it! Connection is Marina Abramovic, the witch. I'll be praying for y'all. This is pure evil you're up against!
Yes, if this is not from Medical means of the recently deceased (within two minutes of verified Heart Death. Brain Death releases Adrenochrome upon cessation of function.
I was thinking more of that line of thought. I am not a Doctor. So, still learning about it completely. The means of collection after Death still remains.
the roghtschilds are untouchable, it is anti semetic to even say anything bad about them since they are protected as one of americas Treasures since they run the FED.
I should probably learn up on a bit of it then. I am going through what was found on the truck driver. His journal mentions something about "LVN" a few times - I do not understand much French and no Leaf French.
I will honestly investigate them; if I have to, I do not care if they are Jews or not. Whatever it takes to get a Conviction and get this shit off of the streets for a while(Trying to say for good is just being blue-pilled.). I am bringing a State ADA in to see how much/how many could be charged within the US.
>Brain Death releases Adrenochrome upon cessation of function.
And DMT, too. Was your 'chrome tested for other hallucinogens?
Some occultists use little brown medicine bottles to re-up on the stuff on the go.
Newer-agey cults venerate it as magic, and must dye it blue or green-black somehow. Maybe only the bottles are that crazy shade of blue, because it shouldn't be.
Real interesting
Traces amounts of DMT and natural Opioids, but was only 0.1% of all batches tests(250 slides).
OP how much would you sell out for?
hypothetically, what would it take for you to arrange for easier access to that gajillion dollar bag?
I would never sell out myself nor my Agency. I am the Special Agent that Polices the Police and brings Law and Order to other Agencies. I have already gotten 97 LEO’s convicted for Corruption of any kind since January. The average time that they are in Prison for is, 18 Years. I have 35 Life Sentences and three pending Death Penalty Convictions. I do not hold back on for anyone. Someone has to uphold the Law within our Ranks.
Thank you for your service
You have a boss who lets you investigate this? Dang looks like you got a red pilled, not corrupt one. Btw. I wanna talk to some people about this. Do you have any proof for a)the 200kg adenochrome and b)the lab results that it is adenochrome, that you can post here? (Feel free to black out whatever we shouldn't see).
digits confirm silver/adrenochrome cloudseeding for bluebeam
Adrenochrome was a subject of the pizzagate investigations here for months. All this time I thought you were aware of all that.
Trip came off. I do not sell out, period, and never have. I get to retire in 2018. So, I am doing, as much as I can; before taking a Private Sector Career in Nuclear Materials Security Consultation and Reactor Welder. I will be making $890,640/Year doing that, when combining my Pension(which will be $18,235.46/Month) and other two paychecks $43,876.24/Month doing NSMC for NES' around the Country and $12,108.30/Month being a certified NERW (Nation-wide Emergency Reactor Welder). I was offered these at the same salary, almost 20 Years ago, when getting out of the Army.
You are welcome. It is my pleasure.
I am a DSAIC-U - Deputy Special Agent in Charge(Upper). There are twelve DSAICU that supervise 24 DSAICL(Lower). My three bosses at this rank are the DSAICU1 Bureau Superintendent and the Governor's Office(Governor himself and his Team). An SBI is basically a State's own Federal Bureau of Investigation. I am the ISPO DSAICU2(Minor DSAICU).
The Agency is organized along the same Organization, Divisions, Task Forces and just about the same Special Operations Units within the State. SOD is the only place we differ with the SBI Deportation Unit(State's ICE ERO working with ICE) SBI SWAT, SBI Enhanced SWAT, SBI Hostage Rescue Team, SBI Counter-Terrorism Unit, SBI Paramilitary Special Operation Unit and SBI ISPO(Domestic ran NSA/CIA Program(old CIA, doing actual Intelligence), besides being less corrupt, not taking shit from actually going after dirty State Politicians nor dirty LEO's of any level. We also have the authority to arrest FLEO's for any reason at a Sheriff's or Governor's request.
I really did not pay attention to those threads. I thought it was actual LARPing, at the time, I am an idiot/thick headed, sometimes.
I suppose a lot of it was speculative investigation, it's hard to find the cold hard facts and proof on things like pizzagate and adrenochrome. Your find is huge though with that in mind, especially since your tests have found it to be human in origin. The first potentially real proof.
>the roghtschilds are untouchable
No one is untouchable.
Yeah, I am used to working with hard evidence and domestic surveillance program evidence(until this case). I will authorize a Public Release(withholding my name, of course) and Press Conference, but I need to find News/News Papers/Local Stations, that are trustworthy, besides PJW, Infowars, "alt-right" news to Normies and Libchilds.
This. If not them, then their Children/Spouses, I learnt that from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ty for the response. Maybe you can add some photos later. Your findings sound unbelievable, so I'm not sure how to talk to others about this without proof. Either way, ty for your work and I hope you catch / expose whoever is responsible.
>I need to find News/News Papers/Local Stations, that are trustworthy
This is the biggest mistake you can make. If you have something, make it as public as possible immediately. Doesn't matter where, share it with every possible place you can.
The longer you sit around looking for a 'good place to drop it' the higher the chances are you 'kill yourself', or die in a minor car accident.
You are welcome. I will take some pictures when I go to the secure evidence location. I need to special log everything about the 18-Wheeler Driver and his belongings. He is not talking yet, so we are going to keep him longer. He has Satanist Tattoos belonging to an Organized Theist Satanist Church from Switzerland or Bavaria. A "verse" on his arm is written in Austro-Bavarian. It talks about 'The All Mighty Illuminator'.
Jake Morphonios has done some great investigative journalism into child trafficking and the Vegas shooting. I would suggest him if trust is essential.
I might take it to Marine Corps Intelligence. They are the closest to President Trump and POTUS has more direct control over the USMC.
Thank You, I will look into him. I might drop it to Wikileaks, also.
Dude this seems so surreal. I believe you tho. Your findings could redpill the world. What do you think of Trump btw.?
adrenochrome is devilworshipper kid torturer shit. these people are the most dangerous people. spoopy as fuck. be careful man.
Lurkers start bumping. Thanks.
It does and to think it is all because of a lorry being 100kg overweight and being stopped at one of the Highway Patrol's weight stations. It might 'black-pill' the normies more than 'red-pilling'. That could be dangerous, but it would kill the Communist/Socialist/Socialist Democratic-side of the DNC forever and kill NeoCons/Modern Libertarians too for hiding it all. I love President Trump and think that he is doing a great job. The State is already spending $125m less (we spend $385m on them Fiscal Yearly) on criminal aliens from our DTF and ICE-ERO sweeps. They are self deporting now, as well. Our State GSP(GDP_ will be $80b richer, by the end, of the Fiscal Year. He has re-created 190,000 jobs in my State alone by getting Companies to stay in the US.
I know the type a bit, but not how they operate. They are not really a problem here and our database only a 419 word document about them.
How often?
Anything you could drop right now? Something in a file as hard proof of all this/something Sup Forums could collectively move in on
Need a snort?
Every five-eight minutes.
Lunch break time for me. I am going to get some superior LFFC. I do not eat BWW; anymore; since they supported NFL over customers.
I will put hidden keys, in the actual files; if that is possible? I need to photograph and written up everything that I know - it takes WL four-six months to publish the emails, though, everything being dropped now, was planned before the Icelandic Embassy Incident
Were you able to solve some (((suicides))), especially from your investigators?
Been following these threads with fascination. Thanks user for all you're doing here.
The Azores looks like it could be hiding some nefarious goings on and may be a hub / collection point of some sorts.
Apparently, Bill Clinton (in Sep 2002 after W Bush took office), ditched his security detail and along with Jeffery Epstein, Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey, took a flight to The Azores.
This, and some info regards infrastructure and US connected history in this thread -
This article mentions it too -
>In September of 2002, Clinton had a weeklong tour of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, and Mozambique coming up to promote anti-AIDS efforts, and former Clinton advisor Doug Band encouraged Epstein to come along and provide the ride. Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker were there, too"
Could the Andro be being harvested in Africa or in The Azores from disappeared Africans / children? Just leaving this here.
Try to drop something today though, i feel like these threads are getting drowned out by the shill threads.
Come to think of it, these threads might be the reason for the extreme shilling happening right now
And Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Thomas Paine, True Pundit and William Craddick, Disobedient Media.
Do. Not. Do. That.
You have to tread carefully there.
Not everyone is a friendly. Don't assume.
Yeah, I have solved 15 of them. That is where I and the State DoJ ADA's. got several Lethal Injection convictions. The State is thinking about bring back firing squads back. Six Counties already have.
Thanks. Yes, that is exactly what the Azores are. Children from Europe, ME and Africa are shipped their to be "sorted" for their "trips". White Children and Arabs go into Western/Central Europe. White's, Niglets and Arabs/Assyrians/Kurds/Turksmen Children go to the richest richer AU and Arab Counties(Israel and the Israeli Mafia/their ICA's(Intelligence Agencies) are the largest "consumer" and re-trafficker).
It is why the board is being shilled. I was taking bets last thread about how much it would get shilled.
Watch the shilling now: Israel is the largest importer or child sex slaves, World Wide, and are never heard from, again.
USSS and USMC are friendly. USMC is not under Posse Comitatus Act. Read last thread and you will find it in the few 50 posts.
I think as long as it's spread to as many places as possible ASAP he'll be fine. Just sitting on it is whats dangerous.
I need to figure out what to do with the actual evidence. They will all want slides/samples of a few hundred grams for testing and verifying every claim.
No, I am aware of USMC & PCA.
I am also quite firm in my assertions to you.
There are parts of USMC still okay.
The O202 community is not one of them, it can be a hall of mirrors.
Tread. Lightly.
Making the assumption that all USMC intel is safe is not wise. I warned about this on the other thread, including the head of DIA. I. Know.
I will be very careful. I still have several friends in the SS/DSS and Recon/MRR Intelligence.
Okay. The remaining white hats are very loyal, but they have to tread carefully as well. Not for nothing was the last administration laser focused on cleanup and new supply in this community.
I will be very careful. I still have several friends in the SS/DSS and Recon/MRR Intelligence.
Thanks. I was almost DIA, after I got out. I was an Agent for several months; whilst I was in RRC. They then re-called me in. independently, to be a Operational Field Agent , again, fo 3.5 Years. I did not like being a spoopy.
Thanks. Fascinating information re The Azores and human trafficking. The location makes perfect sense. Anons here could possibly help to delve into it further.
It's true. Could you safely obtain some samples?
I love how this entire thread is shills talking to other shills about a made up drug from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Sage you dumb niggers.
Im up, Im awake. Day of the rake now?
Gather it all and safety deposit it. Set up a DMS. I'm sure you know how to proceed, user.
I believe in this shit, but this is a frank thread.
I figured that out after Bongo sacked a few of my General friends. They are still furious and want revenge against the DNC.
Yeah. I have my Plate Carrier on(hidden) and several SUV's full of my Agents are coming with me. They need more samples; they lab wants to try pulling any kind or DNA or RNA. It is a twenty minute trip, we know short cuts, to make that five minutes. It will be very bumpy and muddy, however.
3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione is very real, Michal van der Boerne.
I know how.
Gas the Kebers. Leaf-Poutine War now!
>I might take it to Marine Corps Intelligence
No shit oxidized adrenaline is a thing. What's made up is everything else about it, from the effects to harvesting it.
I am. Their Field Post/Office is only a few dozen blocks away. I will call them here and ask for the Agents, that I know to come. Think it is soon/eariler enough for to impact Special Council and their Indictments? Mr. Manafort, has no connection to this from what I have found. I will look a few more places.
It is a Neurotoxic Psychotomimetic. It can induce Paralysis, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Euphoria and Derealization for several hours. I tried it on the truck driver to see if it would make him take.
Talk* If he can transport it and lie about doing so; he gets to see what it does, first hand. I will inject and interrogate him along as I have to him or until I break him for good..
(((made up)))