With Manafort now going to prison, Trump is right behind him.
Get fucked you dumb retarted conservative fucks. It's almost over.
With Manafort now going to prison, Trump is right behind him.
Get fucked you dumb retarted conservative fucks. It's almost over.
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Fuck you OP. How do I downvote your post
I'm even a conservative and I'm glad trump is going to jail. He's ruined our party.
Trump is fine
The Podesta brothers are going to jail too along with the Clintons and many others tied up with the Clinton Foundation.
I agree. Trump needs to be thrown out as soon as possible.
>it's almost over
It's only just begun
Impeach trump. Now.
Its nothing...
With how close Trump used to be to manafort, it's obvious Trump is in on this Russia stuff as well. Arrest him.
>just a distraction to cover for Clinton/DNC crimes
There will be NO convictions from this morning's indictment charges
turmp goes to jail u die. its is that simple.
quick rundown.
>Manafort neck deep in uranium one.
>It's unclear exactly what the charges are right now but its probably related to money laundering.
>In which case manafort is libel to sing under questioning and sink the rest of the clinton cabal.
Reminder trump outed manafort from his campaign as fast as possible once shady dealings surfaced.
>”DO SOMETHING!” - Donald J Trump
Going to be a lot of letdown libbies when nothing happens to him. As usual.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump somehow escapes jail yet AGAIN. The man is a huge conartist.
>Get fucked you dumb retarted conservative fucks. It's almost over.
You do know what happens if Trump is removed from office right?
Trump will pardon Manafort, himself and his entire family
Likely tax evasion or money laundering, he was being investigated for almost 3 years now.
Wow you really don’t understand how any of this works do you?
If you think a lifelong Democrat (Manafort) getting arrested for illegal dealings with other Democrats (Podesta) is somehow bad for Trump, then you have absolutely no means to think rationally
Dude come on its 5d chess stop being irrational. Trump getting caught it part of the plan once he's in jail he'll execute order 66
he's only being questioned.
nothing will come out of it,
hillarys dossier has evidence, see the blatant double standard?
God shills out in full force today...
So Manafort worked with prominent democrats for 30+ years. He worked with Trump for less than 2 months. As usual, Trump fired him the minute he realized he was dirty. If you think there is any shot that this comes back to Trump, then you’re going to have a really bad holiday. By Christmas, we’ll see multiple democrats jailed over this. Manafort literally illegally wired $2.2 million to Tony Podesta.
Yup, shill thread confirmed.
wow, this really made me think
sounds like the fbi might end up bringing him in for that reason and not the trump. was it their plan all along....
wonder if this is tied to Joe Bidens son taking a seat at a Ukraine Oil company the the Podesta deals
We all know manafort is a DNC plant for the GOP swamp
That’s exactly what they’re bringing him in for. Illegal wire transfers from 2013. Before he even knew Trump.
When is Soros going to jail user. I want to believe.
Trump throws Manafort under the bus to cover his own ass. Pathetic excuse for a "president".
I thought Trump only hires the "best people". If so, why did he ever hire Manafort?
This was my understanding, holy fuck these shills are desperate, this is actually mind boggling that they would lie so pointlessly
4d chess, made the swamp think they had a golden ticket, but ended up with a pocket full of dog shit (bag broke)
Wtf I'm demoralized now
>WWIII would have been a better alternative
Did the DNC fire Shareblue?
>every stupid nice drumpf makes is "4d chess"
Why are Trump supporters so retarted?
Trump's a kike sympathizer, so nothing of value is lost.
hows that nothing burger taste?
>how do i downvote
You get your ass back to faggit and stay there. But i agree on your view
Are you not aware of user ID?
Tax fraud from years before he worked for Trump. All this effort and that's all Mueller could come up with. Sorry, Dems, ya got nothing.
User ID is fake news you liberal faggot
You already know it's a subhuman "american" how can you Even get offended by these degenerate filth?
Sorry psyop nigger, let me remind you he sent money to a Democrat and he got booted by Trump on a jiffy.
obvious trolling guys cmon
we'll see :^)
>investigated for tax evasion in 2012
>still no evidence of collusion
How much is Brock paying you faggots? The shilling is insane today.
Psyop nigger replying to himself please off youself from the board and life.
It's over for trump.
Even if he does. Doesn't effect trump. He fired him.
im actually a ayy, i don't glow
Timeline of nothingburgerness, according to Trumptards:
>rumors of Russian scandal
It's a nothingburger!
>Trump speaks highly of Putin, even though he's shit talking the leaders of every other country in the world besides the guy in the Phillipines who's committing genocide
It's a nothingburger!
>Comey opens federal investigation into Russian scandal
It's a nothingburger!
>Trump fires Comey because he knows that he's dirty as fuck
It's a nothingburger!
>Mueller is authorized to replace Comey to continue the Russia investigation
It's a nothingburger!
>Congress passes Russia sanctions, with support from the majority of Republicans, and adds a clause stating that the president is not allowed to modify the way that the sanctions are enforced
It's a nothingburger!
>DJT still refuses to put Russia sanctions into law for reasons that no one has been able to justify as of yet
It's a nothingburger!
>DJT's campaign manager gets arrested, with charges having been filed by the man in charge of investigating the Russia scandal
It's a nothingburger!
I'm sure the next episode will be:
>Page and Flynn get arrested for criminal activity in relation to the Russia scandal
It's still a nothingburger, damn it! Don't you guys know what nothingburger means!?
Nah, I just come to Sup Forums every time Trump gets BTFO so that I can see what kind of retarded mental gymnastics you monkeys have to use to continue ignoring the fact that you elected an actual moron whose #1 defining trait is that he has terrible self-esteem issues and needs lots of compliments to make himself feel good.
Yea it’s almost over. We got seven more years to go.
Trump will leave office January 20th 2025 and there's nothing you can do about it LOL
yeah everything is fine, everything is fine
This is now a roll thread
Not a Trump supporter but no. This actually shows they have nothing on Trump and are now desperate.
>Reeeee! How?
The dirt on Manafort is something like a decade old and completely unrelated to Trump. Basically it relates to Manifort's shady lobbying practices and possibly his failure to register his activities.
>but that isn't Mueller's brief! It was Russia! Reeee!
Exactly. Mueller hasn't been able to find any dirt related to the Trump campaign, even on Manafort.
>so why is he being indicted?
It's the usual play - arrest the 'little fish' and coerce/blackmail him into ratting out the 'bigger fish'. Again, though, Mueller couldn't catch Manafort on anything related to the Trump campaign, so he had to dig in the weeds. It's a clear sign of desperation - a stab in the dark. He doesn't even know *if* Manafort has anything - he's pissing in the wind.
Now, that doesn't mean he can't get lucky. Maybe that piss will hit something. Maybe Manafort *does* have something and will be forced to give it up.*
But what are the chances that Manafort knows something that Mueller and his team haven't been able to establish after all this time? Like I said, this is a last throw of the dice.
*and how could he be forced when he knows that Trump can give him a full pardon, whatever happens?
This confirms for me that the Trump 'investigation' is not only going nowhere but is politically motivated. If you don't find evidence of wrongdoing, you close your investigation. You don't attempt to generate evidence out of thin air by blackmailing your subject's associates (you do that when you already have evidence and need witnesses to corroborate it).
Does this mean no chance for Pence? That the whole administration is in trouble or just Trump?
Your retarted if you think drumpf will make it 8 years. He'll be lucky to make it to the end of the week without being arrested for treason.
pence has the protection of literal jesus fire
Well said
Realistically? Nothing. Axing manafort would just result in him plea-bargains by and putting 300 mainline republicans and democrats in prison, because he worked for both sides. It isn’t worth the blood price, he’ll walk.
Fools gonna get impeached
Any day now, I'm sure you'll get what you want. Just keep watching Colbert.
Psyop nigger get off the board. Why don't you come back when Soros is in jail? Then er can see the mental gymnastics you will pull off to justify releasing him.
I'm sorry sweetie, but who won the election?
>Paul Manafort was part of Trump's campaign
>shady shit turns up around him
>trump fires him
>Manafort has now been arrested, the shady shit was linked to democrat and republican lobbying firms as well as the uranium one deal
>shady shit has nothing to do with trump
>main stream media is desperate to try and pin it on trump, trying to rewrite reality in the process
To get investigators to look into Manafort and Podesta. They wouldn’t have touched him if trump didn’t hire him
What is ID?
But no one knows what he was arrested for.
>t. user capable of rational thought
You ignorant nigger.
>5 million dead
>10 million illegal
>buses of paid voters
leftist retards will fall for any shit
Several places say money laundering, tax evasion.
You don't get that you don't get it. Soon the cognitive dissonance will reach critical mass and your head might actually explode.
OP is a faggot. This thread is gay as fuck. George Soros wasted his money.
It's so weird they don't realize mueller is going after Podesta Group members.
Maybe by tomorrow they'll figure it out
I haven't heard of any FBI investigation into Soros. Have you heard of any FBI investigation into Trump and/or the people around him? Just so we can compare notes, you know.
lmao you soros shills have been waiting all weekend, knowing Monday would be huge damage control. Hope you enjoy the extra few dollars you make today, but just remember we'll string up every one of you treasonous kikes in the next 5 years.
Imagine if getting Manafort next to Trump was a last ditch effort to get him caught up in what Podesta Group was doing. It would be a smart move ensuring media disinfo for all eternity.
Wow, sure is shilly today.
Trump won the election with him. He fired him right after. Sounds like good hiring.
I don't see that. He was under investigation for those sorts of activities, but I see nothing about the specific charges that led to this arrest.
Where'd you read that?
this board is literally being grabbed by the pussy
>Trump won the election
Technically, he didn't.
Technically, he did
Your dead illegal grandmother voting 15 times does not count, fucko
Apparently includes 1 account of conspiracy against US.
Think someone had a post mentioning that some Republican basically forced Trump to use Manafort for the elections, as well as choose Pence as his running mate.
Ok psyop nigger. Tell your boss Soros that when he gets fucked, that if he goes back to Hungary , they will hang him and his family for all the crimes he has committed in both the U.S and Hungary. He has nowhere to back off to. Once he loses, he is dead.
>technically he didn't
He's the President, don't stretch.