Does anybody else kinda regret voting for Trump?
Does anybody else kinda regret voting for Trump?
I do kind of regret it because he hasn't really done anything since he's been in office I think Hillary could've had a bigger impact
Huh? You dont live here
Me too
you are german, you didnt vote trump.
Go fuck yourself.
Yes, I wish I voted for Hillary Clinton. It was her turn.
I regret it every day.
Yeah I only did it as a form of protest, but I support abortion and don't like Israel.
you start this every day
You're a fucking German and you're a disgrace to your people.
Hiroshima was a mistake. It should've been dropped on your parent's house.
Kill yourself, faggot
Hillary might've been the better Cthulhu choice, come to think of it...
I regret voting for clumof every day
Good thread
I wish I was educated so could done voted hillary
Fuck Drumpf and fuck whypipo
Is discount shill day on Sup Forums
It would be nice if you at least tried
Hillay wouldn't of kilt grandpappi and meema
I voted trump, but then I started to read books and educated myself just to find out I made a huge mistake,
Not so much "regret" (only other choice was Hillary) but more disappointment in Trump
Fuck off Achmed
Yeah I wish I hadn't done it. I really hope she runs in 2020, I mean she technically already won this time, but of course we had to hold onto this all constitution
Worry about jamal fucking your family before you worry about us
you motherfuckers retarded, sage goes in options for shit threads like this
You dumb cunts do realize he could just be visiting Germany or using a fake IP right?
I hate myself for it every day. Impeach!
I do
fuck Blumpf
B-but he said he'd drain the swamp! He PROMISED, Daddy Trump can't LIE! I thought he was one of us! Why did this spoilt rich boy turn out to be one of THEM?
He's probablz in germany right now, the ip on your phone does change if you have a new Internet
Nice proxy op
Its more likely a german shit poster
Is this parodying shill threads of an actual shill thread? I’m confused.
it's an every day bait thread by a muslim
>sage goes in options for shit threads like this
THIS, dummies
This man gets it
I see, it was a bit too obvious!
Yeah, the SJWs said that he would hurt and ban muslims and mexicans but he didnt. Now I regret voting for trump
come here brother, as someone who cast his vote for Drumpf I know that feel all too well
I supported him I the start, but really now I must say that BLUMPF is finished
Legit actual trump voter here (can show you a picture of me voting for him in my phone for proof), and I regret voting for trump. We should’ve voting for Evan McMillian.
I do. Then again, I'm a rural and suburban retard.
Post pics
As opposed to????
If Hillary runs again, I'll totally vote for her. Her candidacy itself proves the system nearly irredeemable. If she's that sure she can stand astride history, maybe that's the universe telling me it's time to stop worrying and learn to love the "anti"fascism.
I regret not voting for him, and it was not even my country president
Hey, we should cut the Germans some slack. They are literally getting fucked in the ass by their government and shitskins every single day. Imagine living in a country that lost two world wars and then lost a cultural war to the left. Poor bastards.
>Pic semite related
No, Ahmed, I don't regret anything.
You need to go back.
If that's the case then fair enough. I don't usually visit pol.
I should have voted for Hillary. I feel like a fucking moron after these months of inactivity, BS and only doing pro Israel shit instead of Making America Great Again or helping our Puerto Rico fellow citizens. I feel used. Fuck Drumpf.
>pic related: my face after realizing my mistake of voting for Drumpf
I don't regret voting for him because the asspain he caused was, and is, still hilarious. However I was never a delusional kekistani wearing maga hat neckbeard that thought he would be the savior of western civilization. I just did it for the lulz.
Republicans VS Democrats is just a stupid distraction to to divide and make people feel that they have a real choice in politics.
No, because I didn't vote for him, but I'd probably feel regret too if I had voted for a fucking puppet of the Kremlin.
this is not what i voted for
No, because I didnt vote last year. Both candidates were beyond terrible and I wanted nothing to do with either of them
>Americans are unaware of the heavy shilling of the non American countries pre ellection era to vote for trump
>thought voting for Trump was their own idea
>non Americans now rub their hands together while America is on the brink of civil war
>watch the conflicts and hysteria on youtube
>chinks are rising up and give a big middle finger to the petro dollar
>Trump is rulling over a bankrupt country
>Trump doesn't believe in debt
>US debt is somewhere in the 100 trillions
>Winter is coming
Thanks America for your Rome2.0 I'm enjoying the last seasons. You guys are more entertaining than any other country.
>Lives in a country that pays Israel $7 Billion every year in foreign aide.
>Has a president that is an outspoken Jew supporter.
>Then precedes to pretend to be an anti-semite.
no this no fake
>Doesn't know about IDs
Toppity tip kek Muhammad
It is major shill time for some reason today.
Maybe they think can influence people. I think totally not understand the movement in USA right now. Will be very surprised when Europeans organize for violence again, too.
They very miss the point.
As if it wasn't obvious he wasn't right wing. Stupid americans fall for the same trick every election.
Another thread, another autist that talks to 'imself. Soros ain't paying you enough for online retardism, now kys
pretty sure this has become a new meme
wafer thin mint?
Former Trump voter here I’m off the Trump train
God bless Monty pythonn
yeah, Drumpfstein is finished
former Trump voter here, I really thought he was the real deal, but I guess it's dumb to believe so anymore
yeah, fuck this Russian owned orange traitor
This new meme is boring.
At least use a bit of originality.
I have zero regrets for voting against sHillary.
Does anyone else regret taking a job as a shill?
it's been fun watching dgongald grpnpdmppf crash and burn, but seriously, we can't let him get near the nuclear codes
> yeah, fuck this jew owned orange traitor
I regrett leaving behind my 2 sons in Aleppo when we had to give up that shitheap. But helping the Russians hack Hilltonbot was the most fun i had since the Ethnic Cleansing in Yugaslawia
Yeah bro, me too. FUCK DRUMPF
No you retard. By going against trump you are giving the left ammo to use against us.
he's dumb but I'd still rather have him than Hillary commie
only cucked niggers have regrets. GPD is up over three percent, hasnt happened in almost a decade.
Can any of you fellow Politically Incorrect enthousiasts tell me how I get this to the frontpage? New here
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I think there's a lot more for a German to regret, Eurocuck.
You have to be a gold member.
I regret my vote for Crimph . I'm know #isaneforMcCain
Manafort will roll over on the Podestas.
Man, if USA can't get a smart and effective nationalist protectionist president, just let everything burn under Trump.
>also at least not Hillary
PRAISE the Chaos I dont regret it for ONE second, You might not too if you realized what's actually happening and what he's up against.
I hope he keeps messing up the "elites" perfect little world. kek
I regret voting for Drumpf. We shouldn't have let that man get his hands on the nuclear codes.
>dumb fucking burgers actually thinking this is a shill thread and not just a making fun of shills thread
Nope. Alternative was Hillary.
She might die of old age before then lol. We know she has health problems.