3 new Umaru chapters

>3 new Umaru chapters
>she isn't on the front page
What the fuck is wrong with you, Sup Forums?


>she isn't on the front page

Maybe....Just maybe....Nobody cares?


I care tho





Why would he think of Taihei

Sup Forums being a shit, sorry.
And that was ch 146

Now for 147.


Not gonna lie, these street sign captchas destroy me.

why do we get only 3 chapters after a long hiatus



Beggars can't be choosers, user, just be happy we got any at all.



That was 147.
Now for 148


Dead meme manga

What a fucking cockblocking cunt. Hamster is that guy who tells the group of girls that you have an STD so that he has a better shot.

This bitch is ruining the glorious wincest ffs.


Fuck off EbinaxOniichan OTP.



Stfu filthy casual

Says the one typing like a complete spastic.



Literally asking for more Umaru Abuse

Aaand that's all the 3 chapters.

We discussing ship's about a 3rd rate gag manga its pretty clear at this point that both of us are lonely retarded virgins with ausperger.






I hope we'll catch up soon