ITT shows only you watched

ITT shows only you watched

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I tried to watch it, but I ended up dropping it. Chloe was cute.


I want to give this show a third try, but the first 2 episodes were so boring

Kimi ni todoke.

That's okay. The show was literally nothing, anyways.

Desu yo

Louie the Rune Warrior. Aila's my waifu.

I watched it until it stopped being about the THICK gymnast.



You must not have been around when it was airing.


Nah, I come and go. The only thread I've ever seen for it was one I made myself.

ITT "I'm a special snowflake, you tottally haven't watched this show, NO, SHUT UP, YOU DIDN'T, YOU'RE LYING"


What's this about? I found an old battered DVD box set in a used records store for $3. Might go back and buy it if it's good

Figure 17

Nice rec thread
Why don't you go to a board where it is welcome?

I watched it so long ago that I remember literally nothing about it.

Does Chloe actually do anything like the meme she's known for?


fuck you, I watch this every week in nicodou

I watched this too user! It was ok.

I've forgotten just about everything about it, but I remember enjoying it. I could never forget that "nii-san" either.


a bunch of kids get stuck on a spaceship with no adults, drama ensues. the guy in front is marginally the main character, but the show has a pretty big ensemble cast that all get some focus.

definitely worth it for $3.

yeah it was decent, I enjoyed it.

Anime Lord of the Flies in space with some light mecha action, lots of teenage angst, and quite a bit of implied rape.

Directed by the guy who would go on to create Code Geass

thats a lie

Is this the KENSAKU KENSAKU anime?

That sounds right up my alley, guess I'll buy it then. Thanks

>super pop love hurricane
What does it mean?


This was rather popular back in the day.

that was a comfy show

l always try to watch shows with an all girl cast

fuck off, that was not my intention.

Im pretty sure you some /aq/ enthusiast that wants to watch this board burn

also a couple murders and at least one future child molester.

What the fuck is /aq/? Are you from Sup Forums?

What is this

I doubt many other people were dumb enough to finish this.

I have literally, LITERALLY seen zero threads for this show.

Which is a shame because Dennou-Coil is one of the few anime I can take seriously. Like it's a real piece of art or something.

It was good enough series to do bdrips for.

oh yeah this show was dope.

>not knowing /aq/

This is why I want moot back

Sup Forums doesn't talk about good anime
well, except for moeshit

fun Sup Forums fact: universally enjoyed, quality shows that many people have already seen and enjoyed don't get talked about all that much because few are interested to extend talk about it through self-evident shitposting.

This is also the reason so few people here cares to talk about Seto no Hanayome.

I fucked up and finished it.

Every thread.

True Tears

You seem like you know what you're talking about.

I'm gonna watch that anime right now.

I watched this twice. I liked it a lot better the 2nd time when I knew the characters more

Stupid melodramatic chicken shit

>and that user above insisted it wasn't a rec thread

why would you think that only you watched it?

You're kidding right? I've never watched the show, but I see it get mentioned on here all the time.

We need more based MCs like Huey.

Chloe Lemaire desu yo~

Zhis anime is ze best anime in ze world. I wonder why... peut-ĂȘtre it's because la Française mignonne zat stars in it? Who can tell?



>chicken shit


Fuck you, I love GF!



The kaichou is love.


Fun fact: Kanata was originally 18 years old until her CV was decided to be Kikko-san, which then was changed to 17 years old.

Isnt there usually a comment that goes with this?

>daily shake

>Quite a bit of implied rape
Not exactly. One girl was just bullied as hell which isn't remotely "implied" rape at all, and the other girl just has an outfit which makes people assume she's raped but it's probably not that.

Neither of those are "quite a bit" rape by current anime standards.

Never seen anyone here discussing this

Tsuritama, and i dont even have a pic of it.

Okay, srsly now, I know a few people on old Sup Forums watched this, Just want to see if any are still around.

I guess?



I wanted this show to be good so bad but it just kinda wasn't

It left some important stuff untold. Read the manga (unfinished) while listening to the songs and you get a better experience. It's much slower, which might also be a bad thing, since the author makes like 5 chapters of building a single side character, then ends up not releasing nothing for like a year

The show was trash, but the threads were 10/10

She just punched a hole in the locker.
So what does her friend immediately stare at?

There is nothing wrong with sharing opinions of, and recommending shows. If we can't even do that, what's the point of this board in the first place?

I wish for their sake that no one else had to sit through this shit


You're kidding, right?

But that was unironically AOTY.

Mahou Sensou is probably the single worst show I watched all 12 episodes of.

It's like everyone either doesn't know it exists, or it's been forgotten.

I loved seeing Sup Forums's reaction shortly after the 2011 Idolmaster series ended, when they discovered that Xenoglossia existed.

>That ending.

this is my go-to when I just need a dose of pure, shitty moe

This is on my rewatch list, i assume it's because of the age that nobody here talks about it

I really, really like this post.

It's a manga, not an animu

I couldn't wait for this show to end while it was airing and now that it's over I miss it
Mizuki was adorable Ari Ozawa goodness and Angelina was delicious
Could have done without the Rei clone

Didn't she really like fried chicken


Cynthia > Rin

I only willingly remember it to post in these kinds of threads or to fap to the catgirl
Never once remember seeing a thread up for it

>mfw I usually post these
>mfw I seriously can't tell whether I posted this myself or someone copypasta'd it
I can't remember Chloeposting yesterday or the day before that.

Feels bad man


I don't get it

Saw it myself. Both the best and worst shit I've ever watched.

I cannot recommend it to anyone, not even to my most hated enemies. Watch at your own risk.

I dropped these halfway through, does that count?

Chloe is a meme character in Japan because of how her VA tried to pronounce her name.