I regret voting for Trump
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You forgot your meme flag so you can hide your real flag.
Kys you eurofag shill. Sage
Nice try dip shit.
Kanker groenlinksert, ga is deaud relnicht.
the shills aren't used to posting so frequently, they're slipping up a lot today
Hello shariablue cuck
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You're a nigger and you're wrong about the world.
>Americans are unaware of the heavy shilling of the non American countries pre ellection era to vote for trump
>thought voting for Trump was their own idea
>non Americans now rub their hands together while America is on the brink of civil war
>watch the conflicts and hysteria on youtube
>chinks are rising up and give a big middle finger to the petro dollar
>Trump is rulling over a bankrupt country
>Trump doesn't believe in debt
>US debt is somewhere in the 100 trillions
>Winter is coming
Thanks America for your Rome2.0 I'm enjoying the last seasons. You guys are more entertaining than any other country.
suck my fat cock you absolute jew
Fuck off shill
How can you be a "former" trump voter?
>WWIII seems like a better alternative now
Ah...toothpaste, the european leaf
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Use a meme flag next time you silly fucking Moroccan
Sounds almost realistic. Presumably you dont own any stocks.
Watching Trump crash and burn as we lead to his inevitable demise makes me glad I voted for Hillary Clinton.
Same wish I never voted trump! :(
why your vote made no difference? be proud you were one of the 11% of eligible voters who bothered
What a faggot
LMAO bottom text
hes the worst president ever
Only suburban and rural retards voted for Trump
City people voted for Hillary
you are right,user
fuck this orange dumbass drumpf
But you're a fucking frog you cuck
He's the best kike the goyims could vote for.
He has studied the kabbalah and is in contact with aliens/demons/angels(hyperdimensional beings)
He makes sure that the demiurge keeps us trapped and the greater Israel plan will go forward.
>being autistic enough to not only vote for retarded reality TV personality but to continue defending him to this day
sorry Farmer John but defending donny on the internet isn't going to bring back the coal mines
10 trillion in debt and you are stating you wished you had voted for the woman who would of continued the debt and brought the country to its knees unverified Obama Care debt.
Wow just wow levels of stupid.
If Hillary was in office I would of laughed so hard when bankruptcy would of been called a second time for the USA - this while your still paying off the last bankruptcy.
>Obama Care debt.
Good thing Trump got that repealed am i right?
I agree. Voting for Trump was a mistake. I'll vote for Hillary next time.
So many sage threads this morning. Shills are losing their minds and going full retard trying to throw anything they got. The youtube comments are out of fucking control!! youtu.be
Nice copy pasta shill faggot
Sage for the sage god.
Me too. Worst decision of my life.
itt paid larping shillfags that didn't vote for trump. probably didn't vote at all.
To be fair, you have to be really low IQ to vote for trump, but in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hillary tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.