CNN white privilege in Halloween

CNN white privilege in Halloween
We don’t even need costumes

halloween is for children
why should i care about this or cnn?

Apparently if you’re a non-leftist, hetero Caucasian make youmay scare the crap outta kids somaybe you shouldn’t be seen on Halloween

Good one CNN


people are waaaayyy to sensitive about anything and everything these days. World of victims

no matter what costumes you put your white kids in, it's apparently wrong.

those people really need some professional help..


I tried to get this meme started last Halloween - with pictures of blacks appropriating and mocking white culture, but it didn't take off for some reason.

Maybe this year is the year?

The ability to command obedience is what they really want.

Is this scary?


So white girls can't dress up as characters of other races OR characters of their own race? How the fuck does retarded shit like this get published?

Heck in that case anyone dressing up as say a doctor or astronaut or whatever should be publicly shamed for



I’m glad Pepe triggered you ;-)

Halloween or Samhain as it was originally known, is an Irish thing and anyone especially non whites who celebrate Halloween are guilty of culture appropriation.


God you people get triggered easier than SJWs! What the hell is wrong with you snowflakes?

People still running with this Pepe meme should be cleansed from Sup Forums....

>racism is satire
CNN is now Sup Forums

The voter comments are the funniest part

“Hellraiser Bad Guy - concerned judging him/her/ze would be xenophobic

Well darn. I can't dress as a...

rapper - cultural appropriation
woman - gender appropriation
doctor - profession appropriation
gay - orientation appropriation

But if I dress as nothing then I'm a white boogie man

So does me not having to buy a costume at all make me even more privileged?

I'm ok with this.

checked and pondered

Stop please guy.

That psycho demon doctor didnt go through med school to be made fun of. Come on guys.

>Hellraiser Bad Guy

He's CHATTERER, Google isn't there just for porn.