Men Hate General /mhg/

>50% of the population
>98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape
>87.9% of those arrested for robbery
>85.0% of those arrested for burglary
>79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children
>77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault
>96% of all homicide perpetrators

Other urls found in this thread:

Articles to discuss:

Hillary please just find some dick

>Women Earn More Degrees Than Men; Gap Keeps Increasing

>Breadwinning Mothers Are Increasingly the U.S. Norm

>Marriage may be obsolete: Fewer couples are getting hitched than ever before

>Men Are Obsolete

I think women should have these threads because otherwise it comes out as passive aggressive autism at munches. Lesbians are ALWAYS the cringiest guests.

Making The World's First Male Sex Doll

>Women’s college enrollment gains leave men behind

>None in degrees that matter
Guess by who your computer was made where you can post your inane shit.

Men are Obsolete. Women no longer need men
They fought hard for their rights and now they have the right to vote and equal rights with men. They don't have to get married. They can go to college, start careers, and own their own money. They don't need a husband to give them money.

More women are living single now than ever before. They aren't even interested in men. They just go about their business. You see them walking down the street with earphones in, listening to their music, and ignoring YOUR catcalls. You see them in the bars and even the sports bars with groups of their friends chatting and laughing among themselves, but if you try to approach them, you'll get shot down because they aren't interested in men any more.

They even have a variety of sexual devices to please them at a moment's notice. Hitachi wands have basically made penises obsolete. And children? Well, they can just visit a sperm bank if they want one.

Women no longer need men. How does that make you feel?

Clearly this is the proof that the justice system is sexist and androphobic. Men are gud bois dey dindu nuffin. #MaleLivesMatter

The fuck is a munch

>they fought hard for their rights

If it wasn't for men, these stupid cunts would not have any rights to begin with.

With in vitro fertilisation technology and long term sperm preservation men have been rendered completely obsolete.

It turns out a lot of hetero men look at trap porn. Check out this video, or the book A Billion Wicked Thoughts

and men wants woman who doesnt look 35+ in their twenties

dude your really sheltered aren't you

wow OPs pic managed to BTFO the entirety of pol in one sentence

wtf i love feminism now

Oh, it's degenerate shit, I'm not into that.

oh no you dont you stupid whore
commencing /r9k/ tier women hate dump

I do not hate all women, just shallow dumb whores like OP

Men don't really need women though

Once this is realized in a broader scope society's problems will solve themselves

>Sup Forumstards think they are chads

Men's brutish behavior is annoying, but it can also be extremely attractive in the right circumstance. They also are almost invariably the top performers in any given field despite medians favoring women.

Goes without saying a father figure is important for raising children as well.

>women no longer need men

Good. Now fix the fucked up child support/divorce laws since you “dont need no man” you ovarian niggers.

Let me know how it works for them when the infrastructure starts crumbling

lol cucks are actualy sending her money, she isnt even attractive. what the fuck


Woman are subhumans.

100% of selfless warriors, hard day to day workers, impactful thinkers.

>100% civilization builders

hello red dit

This is now a women hate thread. If you dumb cunts weren't so entitled I would never have come to Sup Forums. Fuck you stupid whores, get off my board. Dumping my whole folder, feel free to join in.


>Data from the US National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) showed that males made up 90% of adult child sexual assault perpetrators, while 3.9% of perpetrators were female

Protect kids from men. Kids of single fathers are much more likely to be abused. Men should be forbidden from being around kids in general


>discriminate against men in almost every field
>fuck them in school
>fuck them in work
>fuck them in marriage
>complain about them beeing more violent.
Men like to act instantly, women choose to kill silently over many years.

Men want real women. Not washed-up roasties who look like men, don't make us orgasm, don't do cleaning nor know how to cook. When we have sexbots and artificial wombs, women will be obsolete. Women are the niggers of gender.



Right, an agressive man is attractive to women because he's capable of violence. What good is a wimp who can't defend you and your children, or provide for them?


>discriminate against men in almost every field

HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Are you even serious right now? Get out of this echochamber you cringy autist.

>discrimination against men

Just kill yourself you deluded pig


>Have gender quotas payed by men
>Have welfare payed by men
>The court has a bias towards you
>claim that men are obsolete.

it does not work like that Stacy

sorry, this isn't redddit sweetheart. Downvoting won't work here.

Oh fuckoff. Some women are subhumans, some men are subhumans too. Stop falling for the divide and conquer gender war bullshit. Be like and learn the difference.



Filtered. Not interested in the opinions of ugly omega males. You are invisible to women who the fuck cares about you? Just go to the corner and die


>@OP pic: inb4 she changes her mind after >getting her face remodelled and completely anally >annihilated by black cock
This is how you operate. You just go along with anything until you're no longer profiting. You're weak. Obsolete. You're losing. And you know this, hence you posting here to gather some white knights that would throw money at you.


>women want....
>who gives a fuck?


how much you must fail at life to lose with sex doll

modern politically correct wooman

>I-i am dumping my /r9k/ meme folder t-take that roasties!!!!

Why are male pigs so cringy?

exactly haha
they think we care what they say/do as if they say/do anything of relevance ever



>starts hate thread

I am bored

>Reminder to filter the butthurt sexually frustrated ugly cuck bois

I love being a woman. Especially in this day and age.

Finally, with the protection of the state, we can assume our role as the dominate gender. We can beat the shit out of our husbands, emotionally torment them, even cheat on them and there is nothing they can do about it and ugly men will never have a chance to even be with us.

For example, my husband filed for divorce a little over a year ago when he discovered I was having an affair. I wasn't even ashamed when he walked in on me fucking another man, because I was sick of him and his bullshit inability to satisfy me sexually. I continued to sleep with my black lover for weeks after he found out, sometimes even while my husband was home. He had to listen to us fucking and me getting pleased by a superior black cock while he slept on the couch. He eventually lost it and smacked me, giving me just the justification I needed to press assault charges and file for a restraining order. Under advice of legal counsel, I cleaned out our joint checking account and froze it and froze our credit cards while he was in jail, to prevent him from being able to afford to hire a competent lawyer.

Yesterday, I was awarded full owenership of the house, custody of the children he doesn't even realize aren't his, 1,450 dollars a month in child support, 3,725 dollars a month in alimony and basically suffered no consequences for being unfaithful. All this for being willing and able to take a smack across the face :)

He whined like a little girl to the judge, claiming he had to get a roomate now, because he can't afford to rent an apartment by himself and pay me what he owes me. So pathetic.

But then who supplies the sperm bank? checkmate baby, destroyed by the WHITEST MAN in the WHITEST country.

How does that make you feel darling?

ALL of this was made possible by rich,white MEN in the government !!!! Are you FUCKING RETARDED !!!??? MEN made womens sex toys - Sperm banks -EVERYTHING WAS INVENTED BY MEN you useless black hole

Yeah, because you womyn even uncapable to make a real crime. All you can do its just bitch around and pretend you mean something (no)

Artifical wombs will put an end to your meaningless existence

Riddle me this slut , how many women have won a nobel prize in 2016 and 2017? Yeah bitch cry me a river

OP crying in an apartment full of cats, unopened jars, spiders.

pasta post

You are definitely a shitposting dude. Stop making women look bad. Why do you pretend to be female?


Its your problem, roastie. No one owes you nothing.

to epically troll Sup Forums!
for teh lulz!


Real men rape, rob, burglarize, beat their wives and molest their kids... and they kill anyone who stands in their way.


Because you can't handle the TRUTH, you filthy, dumb roastie scum.

>Not interested in the opinions of ugly omega males.

Sure, you're so uninterested that you replied to me. You're not fooling anyone, bitch.

>You are invisible to women who the fuck cares about you?

I'm not invisible to you, that's why you replied to me. But then again, you were never a real woman to begin with.

>Just go to the corner and die

No, I will NEVER go to the corner and die because that's for losers like YOU to do. Fuck off, cunt. Men are BOTH the heroes AND the villains of the human story (which is known as HIStory), while women are merely background characters. kek

>Women no longer need men
then why do they flip when men start to think they no longer need women?

Because the rest of Sup Forums is Kevin Spacey faggotry and Mueller bullshit so I'm bored.

Also, I'm aware women can't argue and I'm just using this thread to redpill others with info dumps about these whores. This is my thread now, you nigger, not theirs.

We found the roastie boys.

Tits or GTFO. But not here obviously because that would be lewd. So for you, I guess it's GTFO and then tits to whatever sinkhole of depravity you climb into

give me your adress, I will be your real man

I think you need to have a flamethrower in your ass, you faggot. You belong to an oven.


> men overthrow tyrants and create modern republic system
> please let me vote or I cry
> fought hard for their rights
Just kys

What happened next?

Based lefty caveman

Slut is gonna have to filter half the thread hahaha

Also, this pic is a YUGE redpill, I highly recommend you all read it and be aware of the state were in with modern womyn.

Fuck you and your thread

Literally everything that women control is shitty.
>Women make babies
White women have a 1.5 birth rate, so they dont do their job
>Women control who have sex
women only fuck the top 20%
>Women raise the children
Single moms give statistically the worst outcomes for the children

Literally everything that women have a monopoly on is shitty and men are desperately trying to fix this shit with sex dolls and artificial wombs which we will have around the year 2050.

no idea, only half of that story surfaced

>How does it make you feel?
Perfectly. I will work as a sperm donor and work in science field to create an artifical womb To make womyn obsolete forever

It makes me feel like that sounds like WGTOW. Pretty pathetic. Just like dude's marrying sex dolls. What reaction are you fishing for here?


>How does that make you feel?
She is referencing this thread (pic related)


I know you are excited for getting female attention for the first time in your life but just stop you are cringy af

we need some answers

> Fathers are a thing of the past
No they're not. I raise my two kids by myself because their shit mom took off and doesn't see them. I know another guy in the same situation.
We just don't want to be with you old hags anymore because you make Men Hate General threads and the like. You're obnoxious creatures.

Um, so have women... what are you even fucking talking about. Both genders are obsolete. It's Brave New World, my dude.

Jesus I need the rest, poor fucking guy

Looks like someones hit the wall...

Nah its just funny to remember how slutty the sluts are , real woman are different