What's his name?
What's his name?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kevin "Rapey" Spacey
Kevin "K-Sex" Spacey
Kevin "Sodomy" Spacey
Kevin "Rapi5t" Spacey
Kevin "My Anus Is" Spacey
Kevin "Not a Safe" Spacey
Kevin”Se7en inches” Spacey
Kevin "Baby Driver" Spacey
Kevin "Not in that" Spacey
Kevin "Keyser Sogay" Spacey
Kevin "Aids Outbreak" Spacey
Kevin "He was eleven" Spacey
Kevin “Butt, Officer” Spacey
Kevin "Unusual Places" Spacey
Kevin “American Booty” Spacey
Kevin “Wax that K-Pax” Spacey
Kevin "House of Nards" Spacey
Kevin "Probe You Deep" Spacey
Kevin "No Older Than 7" Spacey
Kevin "John Wayne Gacy" Spacey
Kevin "Let's Get Racey" Spacey
Kevin "Ass Like Goatse" Spacey
Kevin "Consenting Adult" Spacey
Kevin "Twinks are Tasty" Spacey
Kevin "Big Kahuna Spoona" Spacey
Kevin "I like 'em age 11" Spacey
Kevin "Boys Are My Pacey" Spacey
Kevin "I get minors hazy" Spacey
Kevin "Your Face or Mine" Spacey
Kevin "Put Down the Macey" Spacey
Kevin "I'll make any hole" Spacey
Kevin "Casino Jack Me Off" Spacey
Kevin "The Director's Cut" Spacey
Kevin "Put Rapp on my lap" Spacey
Kevin "He was *only* eleven" Spacey
Kevin "I'm gay so it's okay" Spacey
Kevin "I was Drunk and Rapey" Spacey
Kevin "I'm What's in your Box" Spacey
Kevin "at-least-he's-not-Gacy" Spacey
Looks like a faggot
Kevin "Your Cornhole is Tastey" Spacey
Kevin "Wearing something lacey" Spacey
Kevin “You’re 11 I’m In Heaven” Spacey
Kevin "Got More Boys than Gacy" Spacey
Kevin "I'll make your asshole" Spacey.
Kevin "Don't wakey while I rapey" Spacey
Kevin "I can be Chad also Stacey" Spacey
Kevin "Has no concept of personal" Spacey
Kevin "The Man Who Stares At Boys" Spacey
Kevin "turns out he was gay anyway" Spacey
Kevin "The Men who Stare at Scroats" Spacey
Kevin "L.A. Not Confidential Anymore" Spacey
Kevin “Drunk on the night in question” spacey
Kevin "Pedophile You Say? Nah, Just Gay" Spacey.
Kevin "I'm serious about L.A. Confidential" Spacey
Kevin "Wanna have a threesome with Scorsese?" spacey
Kevin "Liberal Media guarded my pedia-philia" spacey
Kevin "Stop flattering yourself, I was drunk" Spacey
Kevin "Out Of The Closet Into The DA's Office" Spacey
Kevin "I get careless when the dick is hairless" Spacey
Kevin "Wine and preteens make my memory a little" Spacey
Kevin "Hand me the preteen you fucking cocksucker" Spacey
Kevin "Hiding in the boy's changing room at Macy's" Spacey
Kevin "Age not on the clock? Then you're old enough for cock" Spacey
Kevin "Now I have to hop over the Mexican fence to avoid the fury of Pence" Spacey
Man. He's a good actor.. Sigh
Scum. Reddit threads you have people saying you should still watch his shows and movies. Other people on twitter congratulating him for coming out. People also saying 'if' this happened its 'not a good look'.
What the fuck is wrong with the world. If he's comfortable enough to try to fuck a kid you've probably done it before
>He's a good actor
thats like saying he's a good hooker
american ugliness
>If HE'S comfortable enough to try to fuck a kid YOU'VE probably done it before
I thought he was 18! I swear!
Kevin "Se7en Times Two Only" Spacey
English is hard
Kevin "for 14 year olds not a safe" Spacey
Kevin "14 year old cock is outta" Spacey
Kevin "little boy heaven" Spacey
Kevin "the greatest trick the devil played was with the dick of a 14 year old" Spacey
Kevin "who cares what's in the box, I'm looking for prepubescent cocks" Spacey
Kevin 'da kiddies ain't safe' spacey
Kevin "Frank Underagewood" Spacey
Top lel
>Kevin "John Wayne Gacy" Spacey
Came here to post this.
Devin Spaghetti
>Kevin "Has no concept of personal" Spacey
Meant for
Daily reminder: He plays a Gay/Bisexual Athiest Cuckold on House of Cards.
It's a hollywood open secret with lots of injokes for those in the know.
Seth Mcfarlane joked about this a while back just like he did with Weinstein. Video proof of Stewie running away saying he escaped Spacey's basement.
Kevin 'that alcohol had me a little' Spacy
I remember some comedian saying that when he's having sex and he doesn't want to premature ejaculate, he'll picture Kevin Spacey's disembodied head floating in the room watching him
He's a good actor.
I just want to thank everyone who participated in the thread last night and posted all of the names.
original thread
kevin "its only smells" spacey
Kevin "Invading My Personal" Spacey
>Kevin "the greatest trick the devil played was with the dick of a 14 year old" Spacey
holy fuck
Kevin 'for a 14 year old your anus is really' Spacey
can someone give me the basic gestalt/quick rundown
Not mine, but I love it:
Kevin "no sense of personal" Spacey
>Kevin "On a bed getting teen head " Spacey
>Kevin "I like my blowjobs bracey" Spacey
>Kevin "if you're 14 come back to my placey" Spacey
>Kevin "I like them all pimple facey" Spacey
>Kevin "10,11? I'm in heaven" Spacey
>Kevin "If I'm drunk kids get the junk" Spacey
>Kevin "Minors are finer" Spacey
>Kevin "I like them young and hung" Spacey
>Kevin "Gay deflection from my pedo erecton" Spacey
>Kevin "Ride child actors like tractors" Spacey
>Kevin "Get teen ass in Epstein's first class" Spacey
>Kevin "I'm the Weinstein of teen peen" Spacey
Kevin "wear something lacy" Spacey
He was accused of making sexual advances on an actor who was 14 at the time. He tweeted an apology saying he was drunk and didn’t remember. Then came out as gay to deflect attention I guess.
Kevin "I vote democrat so I can get away with that" Spacey
Kevin "dirty cockrider, another rock spider" Spacey
Kevin "biting the pillow is my peccadillo" Spacey
Kevin "kpax, small cracks" Spacey
Kevin "On silver screen, in male pre-teen" Spacey
Kevin "it's not a hard riddle, i like kiddie fiddle" Spacey
Kevin "hardon collider, preteen rough rider" Spacey
Kevin "Hi- five, at least I'm still alive" Spacey
Kevin "the usual suspects eat pizza to get erect" Spacey
Kevin "young ass to prosect? Here is your usual suspect" Spacey
Kevin "american beauty is a 12 yr old booty" spacey
Kevin "I played john doe in se7en, young boicunt is heaven"
Kevin "frankly underage" spacey
Kevin "dont ask me about Singer, only i like young dinger" Spacey
>Kevin "If I'm drunk kids get the junk" Spacey
>Kevin "I vote democrat so I can get away with that" Spacey
another zinger
Kevin ''I'm a friend of Hillary you can't pin it on me'' Spacey
Kevin ''Going in dry so i can claim it as a lie'' Spacey
Kevin ''Lester Bum 'em'' Spacey
>>Kevin "I like my blowjobs bracey" Spacey
Oooh, that's nice.
Queervin Spacey.
Guess his house of cards is already collapsing
Kevin "Anus looks to" Spacey
>Kevin "Not a Safe" Spacey
Shlomo "the random hollywood jew nobody out of a*erica cares about" Shekelsteinberg
These are terribad
>Kevin "Keyser Sogay" Spacy
Only good one here
Kevin "I know you're underage but my dick says we're on the same page" Spacey
Kevin "If I say I'm gay or bi, I will get out jail for free" Spacey
Frank Thunderwood
Kevin 'I like my peen in age fourteen' Spacey
Kevin "space AIDS" Spacey
Kevin "I got away with fucking that kid because my lawyer is a Yid" Spacey
John Wayne Spacey
That ones my favorite
keyser fucking soze
>this thread has 60+ replies.
The board is alive and well, I see.
Kevin "Take a ride with my Pride on the Lolita Express Side" Spacey
Frank Pedowood
Kevin "I'm With Her" Spacey
I expect that there will be a lot of shariablue staff losing what little self respect they have left today having to post that pederasty is ok. We can look past pedo spacey because he is a good actor. Hmmm ok you soulless insects.
Despite everyone being universally in agreement that fucking kids is not ok, they will astroturf consent anyway.
This helps dilute any future stories thay may come out about sloppy drunk politicians being photographed with children. You know, those photos that get taken by spooks while he is black out drunk and now they really should support your bill to milk the tax-payer and give the nation away? Yeah those stories wont be such a big deal if spacey et al paves the way. And i'm sure they will turn it around and make all white men pedophiles too by the end of the weeek.
Creepy Joe, you can come out now.
Kevin "Makes young tight girls more" Spacey
Why the world is so rotten.
Kevin "say aaaa" Spacey
There's great fun to be had trolling feminists and LGBT activists on Twitter by defending Spacey and subtly conflating being gay with liking young boys. Congratulate him for coming out and make it appear as if you support gay rights. It's hilarious, rabid dykes and tranny activists throw a hissy fit
got any examples or tags? Id love to see this in action.
Someone please explain to me what he did recently?
Tried to diddle a 14 year old kid 30 years ago and came out as gay to distract from that
Kevin "your teen butt has no safe spacey"
Where are the receipts on gays being over represented on pedobears? Are there actual numbers on this?
what's hilarious is he came out as a fag after this scandal. Well guess what Kevin everyone knew you were a fag already so nice try using the fag card to get out of trouble.
First post Fag post
>Kevin "if you're 14 come back to my placey" Spacey
Kevin " If you're 14, I'm drunk come please me" Spacey
its cool cause im gay spacey
Perez Hilton says more to come.
Kevin ''Keep that ass in my Facey'' Spacey
Kevin "Keyser Sogay" Spacey
Kevin "14 year old ass is Heaven" Spacey
"The man who stares at Boys"
Thus isn't even that funny but my head has all kinds if images now.
"The greatest trick the faggots ever pulled was convincing the world the age of consent didn't exist."
Kevin "early anal palpatation" Spacey
Kevin "safe space dominator" Spacey
Kevin "I touch boys because I'm gay" Spacey
Kevin "I'm gay because I touch boys" Spacey
Kevin "the psychopathic anal kleptomaniac" Spacey
Kevin "poo poo pee pee" Spacey
Kevin "I'm only straight on TV" Spacey
Kevin "the rectal fascist" Spacey
Kevin "anal ergonomic enforcer" Spacey
>tfw all the sexy male actors are gay besides Michael Fassbender
Kevin Gaycey