Are we being raided as a result of the manafort arrest? Or is this the leftypol I've heard so much about? If it's the latter, where have they been the last year and a half?
Mueller raid?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Soros cashed out last week.
Definitely a raid. It's normal to have several threads going on about one topic, but the Manafort spam is not typical. They'll tire themselves out, eventually.
Yes. And the pollacks bumping the useless threads are to blame. Wake the fuck up sheeple
They have no ability to sway Sup Forums opinion. Their memes and ideas suck....I actually welcome it, its good dumb unemployed retards with worthless degrees are able to earn $0.35 a post.
Just wait until Tony Podesta gets caught up, they they'll leave.
they're probably all T_D'ers
>unemployed retards with worthless degrees are able to earn $0.35 a post
If that's the case, then they could be making, assuming my math is correct, $1,680 if they make 2 posts every minute for a full work week (assuming 40 hrs). I don't think they're earning more than a few cents per post.
If you can't recognize trolls you gotta go back
>all dissenting opinions are le leddit raid
nu-Sup Forums retarded herd mentality at its finest. If you want a safe space, go back to /r/T_D
The entire republican team leading to Trump will all be in jail before end of 2018. LOL.
Sup Forums is always being raided. We raid ourselves for fuck's sake. Just continue on and post offensive shit and the problem will take care of itself.
I still claim libel, if you get PAID to sway democracy you should go to jail especially if you work for tha molesta... fuck these shariablue niggers famalam hope every single nu-male shitposter goes to jail for their rotten deeds
Manafort used to work for the Podestas.
>>Sup Forums is always being raided. We raid ourselves for fuck's sake. Just continue on and post offensive shit and the problem will take care of itself.
This. What we're seeing now isn't that much different than last year's election campaign stuff.
Former CTR staff making their lunch money.
Yes, of course. They are shilling hard.
My benis is so hard right, now !
I'm about to lose my wizard status, oh fugg!
Wish me luck goys! Oh and what happened with the Manafort thing.
Seems pretty typical for recent months to me, and expected. Of course they want to distract from and slide the threads about Mueller's investigation heading exactly where we've been saying it's headed. Not to mention the Pedowood threads, the JFK threads, the Vegas threads, the CF threads.... It's their *job* to distract us as much as possible from all of those.
So don't respond, just sage and hide. It takes a little effort, but you'll find the threads and posts that matter despite them.
it's pretty simple
>hear about manafort
>think it's big earth shattering news
>go to where you consider to be the most powerful opposition
>go to Sup Forums
>start posting smug posts, think Sup Forums is getting owned by this story
>after you've spent several hours liberal shitposting, go back to safespace
this happens every time, whenever there's a story they deem big, they're drawn to this place like flies
OP here with a follow up question:
Is pol strategically important enough for Soros funded shills to put effort into? Are we that important/influential?
They're always here just because they don't work.
They just really suck at raiding, just as much as they suck at life. If you see a Nords VS Meds-tier thread, don't reply to it. Same with the " Slavs are not white" threads.
No I think /leftypol/ just wanted to see us shit our pants over manafort arrest and are upset to find that we don't care. so they stick around and shitpost because they're already here.
wrong flag.
Or you know, maybe some people are changing their mind and their patience has run out with an incompetent administration?
>german flag
you elected merkel twice
I don't know if other people have planned to raid, but I know I always come to Sup Forums to laugh at your reactions when something shitty happens to Trump.
Half of it is just us trolling ourselves. Unfortunately it motivates leftypol to think we aren't being ironic and they pile on as well. No point in thinking too hard on it.
Former Trump supporter here--this is absolutely true. I was 100% on board the Trump Train at first I subscribed to r/The_Donald like all of you. I bought EVERY hat he offered, even the pastel ones. I fought in the Great Meme War and saw many of my fellow pedes banned.
But I now see it was a mistake to vote for him. He can't get anything done. The Russia connections are undeniable at this point. He lied about amnesty and the wall. He's trying to get us all killed in a nuclear war because of his ego.
He's even going to go down in history as the first president to be impeached. I don't understand. We were supposed to be tired of WINNING, not LOSING.
I never should have supported him. If we had voted for Hillary the world would be so much better right now.
Sup Forums is a bunch of trolls who try to trigger each other when not messing with the general population. The people posting blacked are the same ones posting nigger hate threads. If you feel agitated after reading Sup Forums, you shouldn't be here.
>He's even going to go down in history as the first president to be impeached.
wat, is this a typo?
Soooo completely nothing? Nobody cares. Its funnier yo watch lefties act victorious and smug while literally 0 people give a fuck
Yes, this place is important. But I don't think it costs him that much, in the grand scheme of things. For one thing, many shills do it for free (remember, there were Internet trolls *long* before anyone thought to pay them). SJWs do it because they hate themselves and God for creating them, and they want to piss in everyone else's Cheerios to get revenge. No one has to pay them.
We are always being raided. Leftypol is a seperate board on a different chan. They are likely part of the raiders.
>Just keep spamming offensive shit
Why? What is the point of participating if all you do is spam stupid shit. You'd be better off leaving. What do you guys get out of this place? How is it improving the quality of your life?
Offensive, not stupid, you fucking retard.
Why? What are you accomplishing?
Weeding the people who have a weak constitution out, and making those who can overcome their weakness understand that the world is a fucked up place.
They are trying to enact damage control. Like I said last night here is how it is going to go down.
>omg lol drumpf,blumpf is going to get arrested
>tick tock
>still hard and make shut tons of thread's a day
>next day comes around
>nothing happens
>Trump still in office
>Shitblue makes some excuse
>CNN, abc, and other left wing news sources admit defeat.
>shareblue pretends this never happens
>shareblue disappears for awhile
>once in awhile post off topic threads
>wait till next thing Muller says
>rinse and repeat
Soros has a lot of money.
prob cia and fbi niggers
These parasitic faggots need to have their higher ups hanged and to have their agencies scrapped desu. They are terrorists and traitors to the nation.
The election killed Sup Forums. It's all t_d now thinking this is their home to stroke eachother off and no other beliefs are allowed.
It is a little annoying also I may have a plan since there is rumor that msm networks are leaning away from the Russia probe. They are blaming "right wing extreemists" world wide through Sup Forums for interfering with Democracy.
Happens whenever big news drops which is potentially bad for Trump.
Le reddit come to taunt le Sup Forums.
>Are we being raided as a result of the manafort arrest?
Yes hardcore
>He stops posting
LUL, nice Job
It's a waste of money if he thinks it can do any sort of convincing here.
>prob cia and fbi niggers
Stop being a retard it is and has always been Shareblue and /leftypol/ faggoys
This is just typical /leftypol/, media, and shareblue trash.
Don't concern yourself with it. It was worse yesterday when they thought Trump was going to be arrested.
Ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos charged with making false statements to the FBI and has plead guilty
Paid shills, trying to control the narrative but failing.
/thread, except bump for visibility.
>Ever supporting Blumpf
If you were an enlightened city person you would've realized Zrumpf is finished from the start. But instead, you let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
people posting reality is "paid shills"
You guys really do live in an alternate reality.
Bump for bump
These soros shills are exhibiting the most obvious, banal, unintelligent, repetitive drivel.
But when the pedestal boys get served, when the Awan scandal rears its head again, when uranium one investigation facts are revealed, when Assange dumps his load, etc., etc., we will laugh and laugh and laugh.
Happy Halloween all you shillary mcshilltards
>haha we're not shills
>YOU GUYS are crazy
Trump wasn't involved in criminal behavior Manafort did during the Obama and Hillary administration.
The left loses again. Trump will continue the destruction of the left who hates our country. Today is another great day. I love salty leftist tears.
I was hoping for a big liberal tear fest today. Guess I have to wait. I really want a repeat of the election levels of liberal butthurt. I wanna see 300 pound blue hair lesbos gnashing and flailing their limbs til they give themselves heart attacks.
We should take the time to use the next opportunity coming up. The MSM are going to step away from Russia and blame Sup Forums for interfering with Democracy. So we should use the next opportunity to use evidence against shareblue and present it to fox and other news media. One thing shills hate and that will slow them down is being exposed to the public eye. We become 10 steps ahead of them. Shareblue will be hit with a sucker punch of criticism and Soros will abandon shareblue funding.
They're shills for sure, that 25 million from Soros at work. You can tell by how weak their arguments are, and by the fact that they're using MSM headlines with no links because the details explain how it's not related to Trump in any way.
This is so fucking sad.
Fair enough.
>be Trump
>have 180+ IQ
>Know Manafort's guilt
>Know (((they))) will investigate Manafort in efforts to defame Trump
>Make him campaign chair for this reason
>Manafort gets indicted
>Manafort squeals about Podesta and the Podesta Group
>Podestas and Clintons arrested
Le 36D backgammon