Remember when we made fun of Christians for saying 'accepting gays would lead to people pushing for Beastiality aceptance'?'
Remember when we made fun of Christians for saying 'accepting gays would lead to people pushing for Beastiality aceptance'?'
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Can I have a link? I refuse to believe our society has sunken this low so fast.
Well, compared to dogfucking and whatnot it really isn't.
I'd rather live in a society of dolphin fuckers than fags
Literally nothing wrong with this, as long as the animal is okay with it, then it's okay
anyone got that story about the woman in the flooded house that gave handjobs to a dolphin?
Mate nooooooo
"I asked Wallen why it's considered acceptable to manually stimulate animals in order to collect semen for breeding purposes when the same behavior is often forbidden in a research context. “It is strange, isn’t it, that masturbation for commerce is seen as normal and appropriate, but masturbation where its end point is sexual arousal is not,” said Wallen. Sex has an uncanny way of revealing the inconsistencies in our thinking. “I have always suspected that it reflects the odd feelings we have about sexual pleasure," says Wallen. "It is not pleasure in general, but specifically sexual pleasure.” It's an important distinction: We think nothing of scratching under a cat's chin while it purrs, of course, but look askance at a human stimulating a cat in heat. (Although -- surprise! -- there are videos of people doing that on YouTube too.) As Lovatt learned this week, sex is one arena where nuance is forbidden."
Roasties BTFO by superior dolphin females!
Fucking white people are so weird.
>creating giant facilities that birth, raise, and slaughter billions of animals in inhumane and sometimes outright cruel conditions? Sure why not
>create a warm and loving home for animals, sheltering them, and keeping them happy, and occasionally having sex with it? Oh hell no not in GOD'S COUNTRY
How will sapiancunts ever recover?
Do these fucking morons ever stop for a second to think that maybe we evolved to be repulsed by interspecies sex?
Did you know ADIS literally only exists in humans because some disgusting fucks in the deep ass of africa were fucking chimpanzees and it jumped to our species, AIDS basically didn't exist in humanity till after 1980. Think about that for a second
you don't really believe that, do you?
>Why is it ok for a doctor to touch a kid's willy and get paid for it while I can't?
Salon is a bastion of retardation.
One could argue that africans fucking monkeys isn't interspecies sex.
Remember when we made fun of Christians because they promoted their shy gaylord
You can buy a ticket to Canada and see people sucking dog dicks on evety corner in Toronto.
How is monkey on monkey sex considered intersex?
Imagine a 50y.o. article
"human on nigger sex is not really that weird"
All that matters is you and me and Sup Forums are breaking the conditioning in our own lives. The rest can go and fuck dolphins
>creating giant facilities that birth, raise, and slaughter billions of animals in inhumane and sometimes outright cruel conditions? Sure why not
you mean Africa?
>create a warm and loving home for animals, sheltering them, and keeping them happy, and occasionally having sex with it? Oh hell no not in GOD'S COUNTRY
You mean Europe and refugees?
What are you people going to think when tech advances start letting the dolphins flirt with YOU?
Remember when you picked the most perverted and bizzarre thing you could find among thousands and thousands of clickbait sensationalist articles, and tried to convince simple minds at Sup Forums that people are generally accepting dolphin sex nowadays
Get out of the internet, weirdo. You can probably find thousands of disgusting things daily if you just look up for them. Everybody can write whatever they want on internet.
Most people aren't published at SALON.
I am 29-year-old hugless, handholdless, kissless virgin and my only goals in life are to lose my virginity to a female dolphin, to become the world's first REAL superhero and then to achieve moksha.
Dolphin pussy is amazing though. The ultimate MGTOW goal should be getting a dolphin GF in your backyard swimming pool.
* I am a
Yeah, i'd better go outside to enjoy the gay pride kids licking 40yo hairy trannies.
Checked, I'm impressed! Now remember to archive!
tfw no dolphin waifu
Would you, Sup Forums?
Just you wait. It's still a few hundred years out, but the dolphin reconquista is going to be epic.
>implying the chaddiest chad who ever chadded could please that roastie
Yes, in a heartbeat. Post more pictures of dolphin pussy.
Is that male or female
They look the same externally
I knew a guy whose job was jacking odff turkeys. he had to do it many times a day. Domestic turkeys are too fat to reproduce normally, so they jack the guy turkeyts off, put the semen in AN ACTUAL TURKEY BASTER, and squirt it up in the females.
That's not was this chick did. I mean, she modified the bottom floor of the house to be flooded deep enough for the dolphin to swim in whenever he wanted. She admitted being attached to him emotionally, which means they fucked., or at least she submissively masturbated it whenever it rolled on it's back.,
No surprise seeing Salon behind pushing this shit again, with the zoos and the pedos.
Remember when you were a finn? Yeah that was funny. But seriously this isn't a "most people are accepting it" it's "the fringe psychos that abuse anyone who doesn't agree with them are pushing it"
>They look the same externally
No they don't.
bumping for this
No, I don't. It's also a stupid fucking non-argument so retarded, only a Christcuck come up with it.
Never mind that Bündnis90/Die Grünen (Greens) tried to legalize this AND pedophilia - well, hebephilia but its essentially the same - in the 1980s. And they are a majority Christian party.
Aids was developed by the us
The idea was to get rid of gays and blacks
Did they ask Koko the gorilla doesn't it feel ashamed being naked, its pudenda and bosom visible in public? Does Koko enjoy sexual pleasures with its master?
Still waiting for that dolphin porn dump
I dare you to even try to argue against pastor andersons point
b.. but muh slippery slope?
yeah, yeah
>le 52% white face
are you saying all dolphin sex, even amongst dolphins only is rape?
I have a diferent moral spectrum
Only future/prescent society players should be granted legal/physical protections
delfins can't endanger society if they get mad so, no reason to protect them
same with dogs
Thanks, based Nord
>""""Christian""" political party promotes sex with animals
You are one dumb son of a bitch. Stay seething in your cuckshed wannabe viking faggot
Do they squirt?
Stop browsing Sup Forums Putin.
there's literally nothing wrong with loving dolphins
Remember when we made fun of Bush-era right-wingers for using the term “Gay Agenda”?
You should just laugh and mock people like that off, especially when they try to sound like objective, neutral and liberal while discussing some otherworldly perverted stuff.
Don't ever try to argue them, just laugh at everything they say and feel free to show your natural, pure feelings of disgust. Blackmail them with the weirdo shit they try to force on people, inform your local animal activists that the writer is fish-fucker or something.. get creative
But still, its a fucking sensationalist clickbait shit. They make them shocking and bizzarre to get clicks, thats about it. They may have agenda, but the sensationalism is the priority number one.
Just like that weirdo I worked with my first year at Monkey Tree.
What a freak!
c'mon now, thats internet fucking with your brains right there. I really hope you don't have weekly gay parades?
How can women ever compete with the superior dolphin pussy?
there is nothing wrong with the gay agenda
There's literally nothing wrong with bestiality if you're not hurting the animal though.
I mean if a dolphin didn't want you rubbing it's genitals it would just swim away. Worst that'll happen is it might try and fuck YOU too rough and hurt you.
Keep in mind humans kill tens of thousands of dolphins every year for food.
>Judging from the collective horrified response, you would think that a human giving a handy to an animal was an aberrant, unthinkable act. But such fondling isn't unheard of in the realm of animal research.
I completely agree with you. Also, checked.
>Sup Forums is turning into /zoo/
god bless this hellhole
Good post Hugh
I am looking forward to it
Nazis or not Sup Forums are degenerates in denial
you and only you made me a tranny/cuck porn consumer
the amount of semen demons that you post here is insane
I'd rather see dolphin pussy than fucking Anzu for the gorrilionth time.
mata stie ca sodomizezi cainele familiei?
The day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Why don't you have an aquaryan gf yet Sup Forums?
In a heartbeat!
Srsly tho, no STDs, no suprise babies, and PURE instinctual LOVE. NO strings attched either. What's not to love?
I'm too poor for the superior dolphin pussy.
I cant wait for Solon to have to write articles about the mass deportations of Jews to Israel world wide.
>ywn have sweet nothings echolocated into your ear at frequencies youll never hear
why live?
AIDS hit he world a bit further back, but only in the 1980’s did we start noticing. Going back and resting some mysterious deaths has led scientists to find AIDS probably crossed the chimp/human barrier in late 19th/early 29th century. There’s a confirmed case of a Norwegian sailor and his family having died from AIDS in late 1960’s cause the man was fucking whores in Africa.
Of course, The scientists always blame it on “bushmeat transference”, like some African butcher was hacking up a monkey for dinner and cut himself. Your theory could be just as correct.
br monkey bringing the bantz
>isn't unheard of in the realm of animal research.
wait until they find out about jacking off working dogs ...
M8 my close family is ded (Parents & grandparents). I do have a dog, but he's purely so I don't kill myself from loneliness (I was lucky enough to inherit an apartment, I'd be fucked otherwise)
If you see how some people start to treat their pets this wasn' t so far down the line.