

When are we going to get doujins of a OC donut steal girl character who can kick Juns and Tomos ass at the same tme then rapes Jun so hard he ahegaos right in front of Tomos battered and crying face


I wonder if he still wants to fuck her mom.

It begins

Her leg is too long. Fumita sucks at drawing karate kicks.

So he's chanelling Tsubasa. big deal



>not titties
you fucked up

Title: The Entrance to Admiration
Panel 1:
Jun: Excuse me, is Tomo here?
Akemi: Oh~? Little ol' Jun deciding to come here on his own is a rare sight~
Panel 2:
Jun: I-It's fine if I decide to come here by myself, isn't it?
Akemi: Nahahaha! Tomo's in the middle of karate training. Wanna go see?
Jun: Eh?
Panel 3:
Jun: [That day was the first time I saw Tomo doing karate. In the middle of a group of adults, a lone child stood...he wasn't winning, obviously, but...]
Panel 4:
Jun: [It sort of looked like...]
Akemi: They're really going at it.
Jun: [...he was shining.]


>Akemi: Nahahaha!


>Akemi: Nahahaha!
I don't think my dick can ever recover


Oh my thanks

I always pictured Tomo and her mom having massive pancake areolas

I picture you dead, you fucking faggot

judging by panel 4, that's out of the question.

I'd rather have a doujin of Tomo mom walking in on them then teaching them how its done

You guys won't believe me, but this is the first time I have wiped out my dick for this series.

What kind of quickshot faps to 4koma?

A lot can happen in 4 panels.

I don't know if I want to date or be Tomo anymore.

That was the day he became gay.

Reading through for like the fourth time. So Jun's gotta be like 6', right? How else could Tomo be tall for a girl in moonland.

I want Tomo to date me so she can make me into her. Like a wereTomo.

That was one gay ass childhood.

Tomo is about as tall as the average guys. They're both about a head taller than other people of their gender.

tomo is 5'5", jun is 5'8".


I know they're Japanese but Jun is probably taller than that since he looks significantly taller than the other boys.

there's no way that height different is just 3 inches.

>Jun is 5'8"

Where was this mentioned? During the couple pages of checkups?

Jun is one gay ass child

>5'11" and 6' respectively.

>...he was shining.

Even when he was a kid, Jun was one dumb motherfucker.

Or is he so manly his dick knew a person was aa girl before his brain did.

I wish the author didn't go for this cliché.

Why would you assume his kid version would be smarter than his teenager one?

Because I was assuming Tomo kicked him in the head once, and turned him into a retard.


Aw shit. He caught the gay.

what a fag, I bet he can't even get a boner from girls

Oh shit that Tomom.

Jun is massive homo.

Could this be really considered gay? consciously, he thinks Tomo is a boy at that point, but subconsciously/instinc he could know that she is a girl and that's why he feels attracted.




I don't get it.

Tomo is the Typhoid Mary of gayness.

Technically it is possible to pick up on pheromones and other indicators of a persons sex without being actively aware of it.

It's true, but these kids didn't even reach puberty.

What's with the teeny-weenie nipples and areolas, fuck.

I'm mad people don't just call her ToMom

We used to. Or we'd call her by name, Akemi. It's the newfags, I swear.

It almost goes without saying at this point, but at no point in this comic did Jun's speech actually imply Tomo's gender.

So it's true, he only found out that she's a girl after three fucking years.

Shit now I'm gonna be self concious of my manletfaggotry

Junisstraightfags BTFO


Jun just needs to come out of the closed and say he's straight.

>tfw 5'9" king of the manlets


>hurr durr Jun a retard for thinking Tomo was a boy when kids
This meme is seriously getting old.

>not saying "that's alright, I'd rather stay with you until they're done" and fugging Tomom

Jun pls.

despite the fact he is still in 1st year, Heck he is 15, 16 at most that's freaking huge.

Not to mention he is an eleven.

Jun is so fucking gay.

>wanting heterosexual lewd acts

the dick knows

That Tomom is exuding a motherly aura

It's hereditary!

>dem hangin missiles in panel 4
Hot damn.

How many times must it be repeated?
jun is a Tomosexual.


Tomom's titties are a miracle of the universe.

Tomo's mum a best.

Tomomom is WAY more fucking fun to say.

Tomom is awkward to say.

What kind of third world country are you from?

Tomom is way cooler and rolls off the tongue smoothly and uh way cooler

Toe-mom sound fucking stupid.

Tomomom has alliterative appeal, rolls of the tongue great. Tomom is not nearly as fun to say. Toe-mom. Fucking gross.

Also, fuck you I've been saying tomomom before reddit started the whole tomom bullshit


Tomom also has alliterative appeal, but rolls off the tongue much easier. Tomomom has an unnecessary syllable in it, which is just a repeat of another syllable, which makes it less flowing. The only difference between the two words is that unecessary syllable.

And no, Tomom has been called that from the first day she was introduced by at least some people on here. Further, it's somewhat telling that you know what reddit does or doesn't do.

In short, reddit is confirmed yet again as possessing shit opinions.

n-no homo

Jun has been confused all this time thinking he was gay and now he's even more confused that she's a girl and that its alright for him to like her.

Jun is a confused teenager. Its why he dated Misuzu to see if he was gay or not.

>Tomom also has alliterative appeal,
Uh, no it doesn't.

Except for the word "mom". Which is so common that it ceases to be interesting. Tomom is a short, stunted word with no real comedy or fun.

>tomomom has an unnecessary syllable in it, which is just a repeat of another syllable, which makes it less flowing
Oh, you never went to college. Gotcha.
By the way, I've called her tomomom since she appeared as well, and have been reading this longer than you have.

>The reason Jun is so confused about present day Tomo is because Jun has been thinking he was gay for years and he now has problems coming to terms with his heterosexuality

To be fair we all have shit opinions. I always liked Tomomom myself, but Tomom is fine too. Either way she's fine as hell. Who really cares.

You know what I call Tomo's mom? bitch

>I've called her tomomom since she appeared as well, and have been reading this longer than you have.
Not that faggot, but you're dumb fucktard to think he hasn't been called Tomom since her first apperance. It is the fucking pun you literal cuck.

Tomo : Tomom

Holy shit you newfuck dumbass.

user please don't call my mom the b word.

>No, it doesn't
>Except for where it does

>short, stunted word with no comedy or fun
Mate, you're literally just putting Tomo and Mom together as they are. Tomo Mom. There is literally no comedy or fun in that. Tomom instead takes those two and utilizes the shared letters between the two to combine and form a much more flowing.

>Oh, you never went to college. Gotcha.
Oh, so the fact that having an unnecessary syllable makes it much more unwieldly to say means I didn't go to college, huh? Mate, just say the words aloud. One is just Tomo with an M on the end. Short, simple, to the point. The other has an additional "mo" thrown in there for shits and giggles. It breaks up the flow of things.

>thinks that people haven't been calling her Tomom from the start, and that it was introduced through reddit
>claims to have been reading this longer than I have
Mate, if you've been reading this for longer than I have, certainly you'd have known people were calling her Tomom since day 1.

And in the off chance that you have indeed been reading this for longer than I have, that wouldn't particularly matter, now would it? Or are you desperately trying to dickwave because you've been proven wrong?

>implying Tomo wouldn't swear like a sailor
>implying she doesn't call her mom a bitch
>implying her mom doesn't swear right back

Tomo only learned that when she got older. Tiny Tomo was 100% pure, now she's like 99% pure.

I disbelieve that notion. Tiny Tomo is 100% pure tomboy, which means she knows how to swear fluently in six different languages.



She's like 6 user. Most kids don't learn curse words until they're like 8-10, or most don't start saying them consistently until then.

>that's freaking huge
For a jap, maybe
t. was 1.9m at 15

Who /ss/ here?

Chances are he's probably already hit his growth spurt, he wouldn't grow much more if really it all beyond a cm or two. Most people hit their growth spurts and they're done without steroids or some type of constant stuff to massively builds muscle and bone fast.