Let's Create an Ideology!

Our biggest issue is we have no proper group for what Sup Forums, the rightwing western world, rightwing youtube, reactionary generation z etc represents. There is only an idea:
>Progressivism is shit.

Alt-Right was the label given to the people who support this idea, but the "group", as in the physical manifestation of "Alt-Right" is just Richard Spencer and the various peoples who follow him, Identity Evropa, and various other groups, including NatSoc groups.

However NatSoc, White Nationalism, Race Separatism etc. etc. are only half or less than half of what the people (meaning me, you, people in real life) want. NatSoc, WN, TradCon, Libertarian etc are mostly ways people want to see the country run, but doesn't cover the largest aspect of what the movement has been about, especially among younger people, which is:
>Progressivism is shit.

I feel like there's little to no way to create a group that specifically attacks Progressivism, since Progressivism itself is not a group—rather, it's a set of constantly changing ideals made on the whims of whatever the collective assume to be "the disadvantaged". Progressivism is and ideology, and attacking an ideology is usually pointless, since people believe what they want to believe. The best thing we could do is create options.

An option, and one I think could actually work for us, is to turn this idea:
>Progressivism is shit.
into a nameable ideology. Into something we can actually say "that is what we believe", alongside the various other beliefs.

>I believe in [Progressivism is shit] and I'm a libertarian
>I support national socialism and I'm also [Progressivism is shit]
>I don't really have extreme views, I like democracy. Also I support [Progressivism is shit]

See where I'm going with this? Alt-right is the name currently being given to something like this, but it's not good enough.

>TL;DR: What's the name of our Ideology?

Large government allows for corruption regardless of intent.

National urbanism.

It would basically be a political movement based around the idea that ultra high IQ, ultra educated, highly civilized, genetically diverse city people are superior in every imaginable way to rural and suburban retards.

bump of coke for more ideas


mandatory euthanizations for anyone who starts a thread

$10 bill?

I believe that people are inherently good, obviously excepting people that are born with mental deficiencies.

I also believe that, however, many people will do horrible things if they are able to find conscience in doing so because they either believe that the ends justify the means (Many Nazis are guilty of this) or if they can put the blame onto someone else (many corporations are guilty of this). While people are generally good, large groups of people can easily become evil, even when every person in the group is a good person. With this aside, even though it would seem logical to limit corporate power as a result of this, the problem is that to take power from large groups of people in corporations, you would have to give the government (another large group of people) the power to do such a thing, which is just as inherently corruptible as the corporation which you are trying to limit. Government, however, is necessary in order to achieve three things:
-The defense of people
-The protection of individual rights
-The enforcement of contracts
Of course, that's the overall government. In order to balance it, a federal system is optimal, with self-governing states that answer to this federal government beneath it.
And any extraneous laws would be down to (but severely limited) the states, but moreso the counties and cities within.


>Progressivism is shit.

this already has an ideological name, its called reactionary

thats what all that is and what converts people into all those right wing ideologies

Retro Sovereigntism

No need. The majority of us are libertarian, fascist, or libertarian-fascists. The rest are either larpers or commies who invaded our board of peace.

Proto Supremacism

> Progressivism is shit

Opposite of progressivism = conservatism.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Although I do see it good for PR to distance ourselves from the GOP and "cuckservatives."

Every ideology gets hijacked by the left.

1. What protects our from trojan horses?
2. How do we organize to hijack their causes?

Answer these and you'll find the key.

New West
Young West
Nice idea, user. I'm not very creative. I wish you well.

-the final stage of development
-follows globalism
-return to equilibrium after rapid adoption of globalist worldview causes social dysfunction
-characterized by return to isolationism, refinement of trade and military policies, reevaluation of alliances

Experimental psychologist here. In another decade we'll be winning elections using simple propaganda stating that we shall ruthlessly destroy the enemies of our people.


Any ideology not rooted in empiricism is delusion.

Organic Nationalism
Oikonationalism (Greek for home; related to economy; connotations of literal home life with sane gender roles; connotations of homeland and economy)

We should call it White mutt-ology. It's the polar opposite of progressivism (ie. homosexual marriages, interracial coupling, radical feminism, racial inclusivity) White genes have been mixed and diluted for over a millennia so pure whites no longer exist, but that doesn't mean we can't build from the bottom up. White mutt-ology is also self deprecating enough to appeal to minorities so we may be able to rake in a couple of blacks and hispanics that way.

You don't "Create" an ideology. You know what is the truth and you tell everyone

Literally what?

In civilization 5 whenever it's time to create my religion I always name it Death Worship, can we name our ideology that?

Americanistic Philosophia - A true counter revolutionary party, Traditional Western values, Strength through Tradition. No more bending of the knee to untested and developing social ideas. Strong families work when rooted in the practiced applicaton of judeo/christian values (not a firm, literal belief) as opposed to our current "Christian Leaders" who pander to Corporate Religion as a means of enrichment. Social sciences take a back seat to real science and no fed govt funding for social experiments. That isnt their job. Let these professors of the cultural studies fund their own pseudoscience. Moderate sized governemnt is still possible, small (unfortunately) is not. Reduction in foreign aid. Remove the CIA, FBI, and DOJ and create new, clean institutions. The current ones are too vast and are responsible to no one. As well, end both the Repub and Dem parties and pass law that makes illegal any formerly elected officials and nonelected beauroRATS from ever serving again . They can not serve within a new system, they are too corrupt. This should be a start.

Hahahahahaha oh my God that ending

I disagree with your first point, " inherently good". Were the children born in Nazi germany and championed its ideas good? As far as a society goes, they were upstanding citizens only to be demonized by a larger society with different values. People are animals, and are neither good or bad, they form society as a means to defend themselves from other groups and individuals, and it is in their best interest to form or join a collective. However your thoughts on the roles of government and the US style of federalization is spot on.

Natural Orderism. Social Nationalism. New traditionalism. Neotrad. Reactionary.

The opposite of progressivism is reactionarism. Conservatives try to conserve what the progressives wanted a few decades back.

I don't like the word ''reactionary'' though.

National Libertarianism:
A mix of Libertarian ideals and western ideologies. Basically removing non-whites and having the success for ourselves.

here's some ideas
>Anti-social liberalism
or something like this

>Natural Orderism
I like this, though it doesn't quite roll off the tongue. Naturanomianism? Oikonomianism?

Rule #9434
"If balls don't touch it isn't gay."

that is not an ideology, its a movement.
First of all its far too vague.
What the fuck does a libertarian have in common with a natsoc or a third positionist or with just a moderate conservative besides believing in that progressivism is shit.
Second, it can be done effectively, german PEGIDA would be a good example.


Here is a crazy idea, why don't we defend the truth?

By truth I mean the metaphysical sense of the world. Catholicism provides one with an entirely comprehensive philosophy for the ethical and moral life and a political philosophy that one can actually implement. Catholic social teachings properly applied would appear rather "right wing" or fascist but are rooted in ancient Aristoltian and Platonic conceptions of government that operates on an entirely different paradigm.

By the power of this dub I name thy movement


We are right wing why think of a new pointless name don't fix what ain't broke mate

By definition, any right-wing position is opposed to progressivism on some level or another. If you really want to specify your disdain for progressivism, call yourself a reactionary.


Go Portugal.
By the power of these digitals i dub this ideology Great Depressionism.

> progressivism

Sounds like you mean leftism? Plenty of normal progressives that hate leftism. But the two have been conflated so they don't have a choice but to support it. because doing otherwise get you labeled as alt-right, which is a vague way of saying nazi. But leftist have overused the nazi accusation so much that it doesn't mean anything.

How subversive i like it.

So should we be changing to be more multicultural or staying on the path of importing millions of non whites each year? Think of the GDP!

Wanna know my ideology?! Send (((them))) back

It already have a name and its called being a reactionary.

The word is closely related with more right-wing ideologies, but some more left-wing ideologies are also reactionary.

I don't think that's a tenet of Mosley-Kapowskiism



To create an ideology is the RECIPE FOR DISASTER, the alt-right is proof of that.

We need to INFILTRATE OURSELVES on many ideologies and many different segments.



This is what we need to do.

Apostolic Christianity. Like the founders of our country believed - let's take it back to it's foundation and ally ourselves with our country's roots.

Based purely on the Bible. Based purely on the idea that all men were created equal. Based on the idea that you can only have a self-governing population if the individuals that make up that population believe in God, are well-educated, and live moral lives.

It is the opposite of postmodernism. It is the foundation that the West was built on. And there is no room for racism or division with "Love your neighbor as yourself"

I don't like words that need explaining. ''What-nationalism? What's oiko?''. Maybe I'm just un-cultured, but so is the average person. Some latin and greek words are recognizable tho.

The Natural Order is good in that it has positive connection with ''nature'', nobody should be against nature or the natural. It is awkward to say indeed, you're right in that.

Ordonaturalism. Naturaordalism. Natordalism. Geonationalist, Bloodsoilist...


I honestly want to see an extremely big-tent ideology that unites all races and many other groups against the extreme SJW Left, like what the Alt-Right used to be or what Kekistan currently is (though Kekistan is a failure).

Family values, anti degeneracy, anti immigration all based only off science and facts but with a nice dash of pathos for the normies