No shopping in muslim stores!

Stop buying kebab! Stop buying falafel! Stop buying pizza from muslims! Stop shopping in their shops! If you buy things from them you are actually keeping them here! Put your money where you mouth is stop buying things from them. That will make it harder for them to stay.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Stop buying kebab! Stop buying falafel! Stop buying pizza from muslims!
wait, people on this board eat meat? i thought Sup Forums were nazis


Man meat is pretty good desu.

Please stick to the subject.

A reply

Whitebois make better pizza and kebab anyways, Charge a few shekels more though but its fine

they literally have no stores besides streetfood vendors

no, that will make it easier for them to claim government aid.

I don't mind muzzies who understand the value of working

I prefer working people than any color of unemployable trash anyway.

go work in the shithole you crawled out of, ahmet

Falafel is delicious. Fuck you, you food hating nazi.

>no kebabs and falafel
Rather let my countrymen die

it's like a poor sandroach version of meatballs #puke

quite an easy task here :(

Have you ever had falafel? It's not even meat.

theyre both shit

> doesn't have any meat
> profit muhamuck prolly says meat is haram anyways
> das rite ima make balls out of veggies and fry them

There are no muslim stores where I live.

This. I stopped doing this years ago now.

but i like kebabs

I don't eat meat. Also, falaffel isn't meat, but I only eat homemade fallafel, because otherwise it's jewish estrogene filled fallafel or isis funded fallafel.

No! You compared it to meat balls (I expected a swede to do that, do you people even eat anything except schnitzel and leberkäs?)
The only thing it has in common with meat balls is the shape, you culinary barbarian!

Fucking traitor

>Stop buying kebab!

That's not how you drive them out of business as there will always be people willing to buy from them.

Make your own better kebab and sell it cheaper.

do you understand what being a poor little sandroach who needs to make balls out of veggies, means?
I've got 200euro worth of M E A T in my fridge right now, whilst you most probably have some soyboy foods and a half-eaten chink take out
off yourself


>Stop buying kebab!
No can do. Kebab is a german tradition.

With Austrian food prices that's what, two schnitzels, and half a ham? Maybe a cup of pig fat to fry your Knödel in?

Wait, you drink coffee latte with your kebab?
Boy, the commies really did a number on you.

you wanna cuck on outta this thread, roacho?
in one breath you're talking about nigger-tier street "cuisine" and following that up with some suicide watch about me not being some poor little FAGGOT like you, who unironically uses VEGGIES as a main dish
seriously, off yourself and do the planet a favor, like how have you not heard of buying entire legs of deli meats you disgusting omegamale betabuxlet

But user. Its either the muslims making good pizza or shitty pizza hut. I have no choice. Fuck small towns.

Haha, are you that one perpetually angry Austrian? That's great man. Good to see you again. How have you been?

But i like doner and its pretty cheap :/

I only eat simple fish, no cephalopods either. Hitler was dead right on this, eating meat is fucking degenerate.

What is funny is how the pussies who can't be bothered to do even cursory research will make up things like "it was a medical condition" etc., when it is totally confirmed Hitler was morally against eating meat. He pressured other high ranking people DURING DINNER with graphic photos to stop eating meat, and he intended to enforce it on regular folks after the war.

Good thing there is based falafel not made by mussies

> migrantboy is a fan of streetfood
who woulda thunk it
post the cuckshed you live in, so we all know what soyboy falaffel cucks live like
it's not like you can afford white people food anyways

It won't work... Rubes always think with their stomachs.

Kys you larping magapede.

Where can i buy my cigarettes and gas then???

Don't eat pizza you fat fuck

Exactly Sven. About time you found your balls.

think ima go cut some fresh jamon and make myself a good snack tbqh
enjoy bumming yourself with cucumbers

Stop smoking and take the bike you cuck

White people food is dogshit though

Ah, you caught me. Well, here goes. This is where I live. Now please show me the beautiful picturesque 100% white mountain village you live in.



I refuse to give niggers, especially muzzies my custom (pic related), I'm surprised so few faggots do this!

kebabs and falafel are too tasty. sorry

muslim stores ? You have muslim stores where you can actually buy kebab and falafel ? well ffs .

Dont buy halal or kosher products either.

It's not that hard to check when you pick an item off the shelf


oh well, i never liked pajeet food anyway

Good call
Boycott the kikes as well

I can't believe you all ate food made by those filthy subhumans in the first place. You know they purposely do not wash hands, spit in food, drop food on floor and do God knows what else to it when they see a white customer.

Boycott them in Minneapolis
Boycott them in Dearborn Michigan

Fuck you, I always receive exceptional service at Muslim-run shops.

Plus, they still own and run their own businesses, rather than working for corporate retails chains whose management is out of touch with the day-to-day details of the operation.

Thanks for the advice, but I already don't buy IKEA products.

migrants are just the most disgusting scum there is, no competition
take this one for example
a piece of shit who either got refugee'd into europe with his vermin parents, or is a [n] generation "dutch"boy that should have obviously been aborted
what does he do on the internet? cuckposting, cuckposting day in and day out, like the pathetic waste of space that he is
no job, no gf, no prospects, you're probably 2 steps away from unironically running the fuck back to the shithole you crawled out of aren't you?
don't worry, I know for a fact that there's some actual dutchbois around who'd love nothing more than to splay your guts in front of that streetshitvendor you eat at, because you LITERALLY can't afford to eat properly like the nu-age world piece of shitizen that you are
I'd spit on you, but it would honestly feel like a waste of my genetic materiel

Chef pajeet with his world famous "POO IN THE VINDALOO"

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Vegetable dishes. The taste is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the aromas will go over a typical chefs head. There's also the hoikkaidos omami, which is deftly woven into his inner shelf- its personal seeds draws heavily from Guy Feiris cuisine, for instance. The connoisseurs understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these flavors, to realise that they're not just tasty- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Vegetables truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the piquancy in Paula Deens existential delicacy "The fried nigger Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Gordon Ramseys bannana nuggets. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jamie Olivers genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Cucumber in my asshole. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 Taste buds measurements of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

and I was asking for the cuckshed government housing YOU live in, not photos of holland
because we actually like each other here in the civilized world and I don't need to "banter" fucking holland of all places
now go on, whip out that smartphone and impress us

>I already don’t. Nor do I shop at black owned businesses

Love a good meaty meme

Well, I wasn't on a proxy. My family has been living here for one-and-a-half generation already, i'm 100% Dutch.

I mean i'm not a blonde, lederhosen-wearing, ski-jumping, Hansi Hinterseer-listening, god-fearing mountain boy, but i'm something!


> I refuse to give niggers, especially muzzies my custom (pic related), I'm surprised so few faggots do this!

Nogs that don't strictly do business with other nogs have become smart to this, and like the Jews and Chinese, tend to hide behind white sales representatives and advertising geared toward whites.

Isn't that an obvious first step? I mean, who the fuck would support a business run by an invading army?

Next step is not shopping/eating at a place that has any migrant staff - and complaining about them to management if you can when you have to interact with them the first time.

> *snickers*
> oh yea Mikolecko Pierdolov/Ahmet Al Bagdadi/Tyrone Mu'gumbu you're of 1000% dutch-blood
> whats that you said, a whole 1.5 GENERATIONS?? wow that's bretty gud
> come over here though I got something to show you
> *kills the migrant*
screencap this, because this is your future

What are muslim stores? We do not have those.

Kebab is nothing more then grilled meat and vegetables with spices. It's very simple to make and when you make it yourself you don't eat spit and shit that Mudslimes put on your food when they see you're white.

Invest in an American made Webber gas grill and you will never want to buy food cooked by someone else again. You can even make pizza on it that will be better then anything you can buy.

Oh yeah i'm on my way!
>Pic related is artists' impression on what's going to happen

Already been doing that for years sven.. Get on my level.

Make your own, faggot!

> telling poor betabuxlets to make their own food
yea good luck with that
they'll damage control around streetfood until the cows come home to fuck
nice melee weapons mehmeto punjabi, what year did you think this was again?

Dirty fuckers!

fuck off, my muslim kebab guy is nice

1439 A.H. of course. What else.

does he put half of the usual designated pubes into your kebab?

For fucks sake, the least someone can do is give me a (you). I'm gonna get banned for this you know.

> soyboy thinks his unfunny shite is worth replying to

I appreciated your post and agreed, don't worry Danefriend.

Why are you here?

mmmmmmmm kebab, Homer like

the same as polish stores, we have both in Norway.

he's a muzzie

ahead of you mate, started months ago

I don't believe that Sup Forums posters would go and buy kebab or mudslime food, we know those niggers wipe with their hands and are all terrorists, what the fuck is wrong with this faggots, i have never eaten chink food and i tell all my relatives of how disgusting they are.

Stop buying their oil, too.

>Stop buying pizza from muslims!
Don't know about you, but pizza made by kebab shops is the worst there is. I'd rather eat a frozen one.

This. Danes saying "working immigrants are okay" are the 70s scandies responsible for ruining Sweden and Denmark.

This is actually the true reasons I stopped. It's so obvious that they don't wash their hands or use gloves.

well you better believe it, pablo, because "western country" Sup Forums is pretty much 95% migrant-trash at this point
see how fast this thread turned into
> I'm a poor little shit and I eat on the street?
classic proofs, my nigger, these guys are one step away from being streetshitters and they call each other "danefriend" and "dutchfriend" it is TRUELY disgusting

They're always 'nice' when they're taking your money and handing over shitty food!

Mayo on a reindeer pizza? That was a WHITE MANS invention.

Hair-Hands BTFO

They'll cry to the gubmint about being discriminated against, and the bongs will make it illegal to boycott, but only illegal if it's done against muslims. They will get taxpayer subsidies in compensation.

Screenshot this post.

Can you think of a more disgusting multiculti combo than kebab pizza? The shop near me has one called the "sverige pizza" which is kebab meat and kebab sauce on pizza. The end times are here

The exact same is the dane pizza. I share your anger.

You missed the joke about no muslims in Poland

your jokes are as poor as the shithole you live in