I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, that which is, that which was, and that which is to come. Revelations 1:8
That quote describes "life", not an old man in the sky, or a god that looks human.
You are destroying the word of God through your traditions that you have handed down. Mark 7:13
In other words; the Bible says traditional religions destroy the truth of God. The Bible is central to the Christian religion, but they don't see what it says.
What if the Bible and all other religious books are being misinterpreted?
What if the truth is in the Bible and many other religious books, but no one can see what it is? This book uses science, philosophy, religion, art and inspiration to reveal the unseen truth. It shows that most of the great prophets, philosophers, and poets are saying the same thing, but almost no one knows what it is.
Jesus is saying something completely different than what Christians think.