Corrupt judge seals Fusion GPS records

Get in here Sup Forums

>The federal judge presiding over whether Congress gets to see the bank records behind the Trump Dossier company has placed the financial records under sealed protective order, effectively hiding them from the public and even most lawmakers.
>U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan is a long-time Barack Obama supporter and crony.
>Fusion GPS itself has filed a motion to block the committee’s attempts to subpoena its bank records, citing it would divulge the confidential client list of the company. Chutkan largely agreed.

>Chutkan is presiding also over the Imran Awan and Hina Alvi bank fraud case in D.C.
>Chutkan made headlines when it was reported she was appointed to the federal bench by Obama after she kicked thousands in campaign donations to his presidential campaign.
>That case too could implicate her former boss Obama.

Her name is Tanya Chutkan, and she is currently overtly doing obstruction to protect her tribe.
You know what to do guys

Other urls found in this thread: OR panel_ids:620

Court staff information can be found here.


>You know what to do guys
actually no
what are we supposed to do again? can someone give me a refresher?

What a bitch. And of course shes a black

Why don't we live in a country where the citizens just storm the building and hang these people

>what are we supposed to do again? can someone give me a refresher?

Use weaponized autism to find everything about this cunt judge
Spread it publically everywhere
Raise awareness of this corrupt judge on social media
Forward information to sympathetic media

The big story that is being hidden is Fusion GPS spent millions giving bribes to MSM journalist and feeding them smear stories and fake news.
Every time the MSM sited "sources" to push a story that later turned out to be bullshit it was Fusion GPS behind it
Opening the bank records will show all the pay outs to MSM journalists

ahem ... just gonna drop this right here.

help digging some information on her
spread the word on the illegal sealing of a file that is at the very core of a state scandal
find anything that may reach her
take it to Twitter
she is a crony, and she needs to feel the pressure of places like Sup Forums
Nobody will do it but us, because if there is no public opinion pressure on this bitch, she will get away with it
Only non-mainstream vigilantes like true pundit have noticed and mentioned the information so far

why u got nigger judges?

Knew she was a negro before it was confirmed. Hopefully they take this to the Supreme Court.

Don't forget, this same judge is presiding over the Awan case too.
Fuck the justice system.

Apparently the cunt already violated federal law in another case related to Homeland Security, willfully neglecting to disclose that one of her relatives works for Homeland

Otherwise she is Jamaican, born in Kingston in 1962, and has been appointed by Obama in D.C in 2014.

Please don't let this slide guys, I don't even know why I've got to solve 12 captchas to post

Dumb cunt

>what are we supposed to do again?
get 50 guys with axe handles and break bank windows at 2am, call in to the news and say it was about this, spray paint the names on the broken windows

I want niggers out of my society

Same judge who ruled that tax payers must fund illegal alien abortions

This is the lasting damage that Obama has done - our state and federal agencies are filled to the brim with thrid world corruption becuase his administration installed third world vermin at every post.


*blocks your path*

bump for the cunt

Didn't Obama campaign on transparency?

what a fucking nigger

look at that uppity nigger bitch

I don't see how this works, can't the DOJ just unlock them, or the spooks say it's for national security?

So many Special Agents in this thread holy shit

Bama appointed

>you know what to do guys

jesus christ how does this happen?

I hate Obama more everyday. That mother fucker burrowed in deep like a tick.

We need executions, stat.

Any judge that has a clear conflict of interest that doesn't recuse themselves should be immediately removed from office and investigated for corruption.

Find an anarcho-capitalist and insert eels into his bum.

This shit wouldn't be happening if we were still allowed to lynch them.

Have a bump. Unfortunately /pol is more interested now in pedo Spacey letting slide some very important threads

It wasn't that it was allowed, it was that people didn't care that it wasn't.

Special agents forgetting to change their flags and calling for violence against a federal judge
Holy shit you niggers are trying so hard this morning

All Obummer did was put incompetant minority hired everywhere possible the AG was horrible lots of asians and blacks in Obummers cabinent

This is just stalling, is it not?

Impeach her ass! NAO!

She isn't 'black' you fucking leaf, she's a nigger.

*lynches coon*

so Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (strong portuguese man) can directly subpoena Fusion for these records and this judge just spits in his face... wow

Obama campaigned on a lot of things he didn't do.

Burn it down when?

Not with Jeff "I recuse myself" Sessions running things. Incompetent fuck doesn't want to upset the established order of bipartisanship. Meanwhile Obama holdovers and appointees laughing their asses off as they fuck over him, the entire DoJ, Trump, his backlog of appointees, and pretty much anything else government related.
This is just another example of R's playing nice while Dems overtly fuck them over with a massive grin on their face because they know there are 0 consequences.

Fucking traitorous cia cunt.

What's sealing it going to do?

I already know what happened and how the gov't was played.


Literally fake news, and not in the Trump sense.

this nigger was BORN IN JAMAICA.

Hillary probably threatened to suicide her

lol blacks with power

this is the only correct answer
holy shit they cannot be stopped

Basically forcing anyone willing to go to the heart of it juridically to deploy extraordinary political capital to unseal the records, putting the burden of the proof on the prosecutor "why do you need to access sealed records" instead of the defendant "hey we've got these records here and these transactions are suspicious Mr. Fusion GPS, can you tell us more"
This is purely a political maneuver intended to deny the Trump administration access to important information
And as we know by now, Fusion GPS may be the gordian knot to unlock the whole swamp draining combo, very powerful people like Obama and Clinton are threatened by what an in-depth exam of their activity could reveal


Ah, I was also wondering where all the shills were gone

Still haven't forgot that Laquisha bitch that was arrested by FBI earlier in year for taking money from Chinese government, whilst she was working for Obama. Still haven't forgot that Farkas bitch, that was pushing Trump/Russia bullshit, a former Obama aide, handing out classified info to MSM, all the while she worked for (((research institutes))). This FBI indictment, goes to show, they are complicit, by omission.

What can I do?

We do! 2nd amendment

Find anything on her and spread the word here and on Twitter
we need to make her known
public pressure is our best weapon, people need to know that the firm at the heart of a massive scandal is being protected by an Obama crony


When people outside the Balkans get involved in the Balkans then they deserve all the shit they get.

Russia was fiddling with Serbians for a long time and WW1 has not bee good for them. They stil are fiddling with Serbians as they are the most russophile out of the whole of east europe but now we got the USA involved with Montenegro thqt is just Serbia Splinter Nation Mk2 Now without NATO bombardment.

Becausenwhy should theere be only one issue that might spark a confrontation locally via Art 5 be Romanian Moldovan unification when you can get both Russia and USA dick in Balkans, Serbia specifically.


Trips of Treason

bumping for something unfortunate and coincidental to occur

take one for the team

Inform Judicial Watch or the ACLJ then. They're the only groups you can trust with this sort of shit who have the lawyer and finance power to get things done. Not only that, but do you have a source sides True Pundit? Don't want to pull the trigger yet.

Bump for the removal of this Jamaican cunt.

>inform judicial watch
the land of the cucked grows more pathetic by the day. maybe we should make some blog posts and get a hash tag going? anyone know where the petition is? lmao

her opinions/cases she has worked on: OR panel_ids:620


How long will it take them to appeal this to a higher court and get this traitor overturned?

I guess the left has no choice but to do stuff like this to protect their criminals, but it's really making them look bad. Every time some judge stands in the way of the law for obvious corrupt reasons, we get a little closer to DOTR.

holy fuck, what the fuck.
I am so sick of these smug fucking traitors.
If they want to behave like apes, why dont they go back to the fucking jungle

KYS shill
Judicial Watch gets shit done constantly

>he thinks we live under the rule of law in a civil society
lmao, keep paying your taxes sheep

bump. time to clean out the obama niggers

It's crazy how quickly the first black president turned the USA into a banana republic

what have they gotten done? anyone in jail? anyone's wealth been repossessed? anyone been fired?
>b-b-but they file motions and get documents released and stuff
pretty fucking gay and useless when no one but us has to obey the laws

>You know what to do guys.

Don't worry. I took care of her for you.

it's almost like us crazy racists are actually quite sane and niggers are garbage that belong in chains

Really, I'll say it again. Kill all corrupt judges. They are the real problem.

we were trying to hard to prove we weren;t racist and express our disgust about the lies that got us into the middle east that we didnt even see the Black Jew coming and we get Black Jewd Hard

people tend to care about their families more than themselves, at least white people do anyway. don't know if the same is true for niggers. probably not.

>same is true
With a good bit less consistency.


Thank you
>oh0 VA lsP

Thus the cuckservative meme. All these ineffectual (R)s need to fucking go.

>punished Chutkan
>A judge denied his bribes

Letting non-non-Whites into government is a fucking disaster



boomers, first they fucked us, than, they cucked us

Did you read the article? Her injunction just blocks the public and some lawyers from viewing. It’s not going to stop the committees or the DOJ. But, that doesn’t mean this cunt shouldn’t be investigated

Most important thread on the board right now, have a bump

That's meaningless unless her decision can be reversed.

Or, a lot of Americans hate their government. This has been the case at least since ruby ridge, Waco and the like.

Hmmm, intwesting


wew lads
obsma wants to get rekt

>a black

Don't let the shill slide this thread

Good shit user, keep it going

This should be pinned

niggers care for their families to an exteent but not when chicken wings ribs and jordans are involved.