Puigdemont run away this night to Belgium along with another 6 catalonian politicians and he's asking for political asylum.


Other urls found in this thread:


Based Flemish. Always knew they were /ourguys/.

No wonder he wanted to leave the most degenerate country in the world.



He conned Catalonia to become famous and get rich?

He's gonna write books now and become an activist, I suppose.

Gonna go give paid speeches in Scotland.


>Spanish gov executes Order 66
>Master Puigdemont senese this and escapes to Dagobelgium

I'm enjoying this



This is a waste of opportunity, what Catalonia needs now is heroes and if they were about to get arrested it will suit more the independence than ever before. Literally political martyrs, but no he ran away like a criminal.

I seriously hope you guys understand this entire independance deal was a political soap opera.
It's really quite disgusting, the absolute disregard for the wellbeing of the catalonian (and spanish) people displayed by the local politicians. They knew this was never going to happen (at least the way they did it) but went through with his farce anway. Now Catalonia will be less autonomous, the population played for fools will resent Spain as well as politics in general and the economic effects from this chaos will be felt for years if not decades to come.

They better flee, they should be tried for high treason.

What a brave president, running away in the middle of the night after breaking the law.

his (((work))) is done

>File: 1507077682407.png (2.61 MB, 3028x1768)
They were going to be tried for treason, 30 years in jail. That's why they ran the fuck out.

What was his endgame anyways?

Treason, in spanish law, is defined as one of these: inducción a la guerra, favorecimiento del enemigo, espionaje y declaración de guerra o firma de paz. None of which he committed. So he was never going to be tried for that.

My opinion is that is he is a con man. Probably earned shekels this way LARPing as independentists like other politicians

You could easily see this induction to war. His verbal statement that resistance should stay non-violent doesn't change the fact that war is the only path at the end of a declaration of independance based on an unconstitutional referendum.

>running to Belgium of all places
Is he daft?

Where's that cuckalonia user?
I want to hear his excuses.

He's welcome to stay here as long as he wants. He maybe can learn our shitty two faced politicians a bit about how to fucking separate.
One of our only based politician (in power) is Theo and he gets shitted on because he's still faithful to his beliefs

Cant wait for the best trilogy era, what do you think that will look like?


shamefur dispray

Independent catalonia was supposed to be the new beach head for the the rapefugees.
Fucking retarded people still dont understand why the big bad eu was silent as a grave while catalonians showed the world how retarded they are.

Sorry, I should have been less succinct.

>Artículo 581 del Código Penal.
>El español que indujere a una potencia extranjera a declarar la guerra a España o se concertare con ella para el mismo fin, será castigado con la pena de prisión de quince a veinte años.

Crude translation
>The Spanish citizen that incited a foreign power to declare war on Spain, or that made an arrangement [with said foreign power] to that same end, will be punished with 15 to 20 years in jail.

Foreign power being the key here. As far as we know he didn't make any pacts with foreign countries to wage war with Spain.

More than 1800 companies quit from Catalonia since the 1 October, 519 the last week

Past friday (Independence Day), about 140 companies moved their legal HQ to other parts of Spain

crash catalonia with no independence

They silently agree but still had to put a show as to not (completely) piss Spain off

I'mastounded by the amount of retards on here who supported catalonia, even when you pointed out Soros' support of it.

Are we in war with Spain now?

So Soros is not a foreing power?

The EU mus preserve the last legitimate Monarchy on Earth. The Spanish Monarchy.


Guess not...

Inb4 the eternal an*lo comes in & rants

thats good honestly, better for a small part of spain to get infected than all of it.

they will quickly learn.

>american flag

Yes,dumbfuck,the infection would only concentrate on a small part of Spain.

Why are you talking like he made a mistake or something? He perfectly knew everything you are saying but he gives no fucks. Prison sucks dude.

He abandoned you like the criminal he actually became. Now enjoy your pretend republic.


He's supposed to be tried for Rebellion, not treason. I think.


What the fuck did you expect? Since the first moment that guy demonstrated that he was a quitter and tried to pospone things as much as he could.

stupid cuckalonian
only way to get independence is through fighting
you voted to get cucked, now spread asscheeks

>prison sentence for treason

FUCK. I wanted to see this guy hanging from a pole.

simply inspirational

The absolute state of catalonia

Commies have fish mouth no matter what country they spawn in.


Congratulations catalonians! You are so progressive!

KYS Julian

Wait... that means he crossed our country from south to north without us noticing?


>what Catalonia needs now is heroes
You have still a heroine left to lead you.

What a faggot, somebody needs to icepick him

Somebody call the Carlist candidate. Catalonia needs Monarch power.

He caught a flight from Marseille

She is the only person in the government capable of ruining Catalonia in two months.

It is not as stupid as you think. This how hybrid war should be fought, playing on the limitations countries self impose on themselves.
>can bomb Vietnam can't bomb USSR
You do not expect Putin on Donbass frontlines, don't you?

HOLY FUCK Bermuda!! Serious shit on the islands

>The president runs away from the country he wanted and proclaimed to be independent.

So much for freedom hes just going to be a shittier-spanish-version of assange minus the leaks. The only thing hes is going to leak are more tears of butthurt.

I don't know much about Spain, what was the whole point of this independence declaration?



it's even more sad than the 8 second independence

Based Fernando
If he only knew how bad things really were...



>what was the whole point of this independence declaration?

The country is experiencing recovery and people don't care that much about corruption, while corruption was the main reason they were in power in the first place(want to scape the crooks in Spanish government, declare independence!) so when this started to fade away they realized that they either take drastic measure or accept being relegated to the political breadcrumbs club of being a regional party, at which they where very effective I must say, they achieved a lot in 40 years of acting as a political hinge giving their support in crucial points in exchange for more benefits and autonomy for their region.

It can also be argued that they reached a point where they couldn't squeeze the central government anymore without achieving more influence(imposible they are relegated to Catalonia so they are regional by definition) since the only thing that was left for them was pseuodindependence in the form of collecting their own taxes.

Also, 40 years of Catalonian education also means that 2 generations grew up learning about how bad the Spanish government and its people was and how important is to vote for independence parties, thats a lot of acumulated resentment so they dug their own grave creating a population that was exalted and DEMANDED independence asap.

Why would anyone want to go to jail 30 years for bravery points, if it's possible to avoid that?

30 years in jail for wanting independence for your country with all your heart and not just because Soros paid you, would make you a very big martyr.
Martyrs are very,very dangerous for governments.

Can we get rid of these memeflags now? I'm calling this turkey dead on arrival.

So if he took a boat or a plane to go to Marseille, he never actually set foot in France.

So it was purely out of greed and because they maneuvered themselves into a corner over the years, intredasting.

is that pic from spain or the usa?

Whatever. Sooner or later Spain is going to fall apart completely.

The USA you mean?
Spain isnt 20% white

USA will become Brazil soon enough, negro spic hordes incapable of white civilization.

Unlike the US, Spain has been constantly loosing territory for the past 3 centuries.

Theo is most def /our guy/

Because the US in its current territory is barely a century old and now Mexicans will reclaim their land, blacks will revolt or turn the US into a negro state.

i had to run, i'll be back soon

Y ahora que pasa con cataluña? siguen siendo una comunidad autonoma con monton de privilegios o pierden los derechos? Por ejemplo yo se que los vascos tienen mas "individualidad" a los ojos de la ley española, Navarra creo que tambien pero esos son vascos tambien. Pregunto porque me parece que si no hay sanción facilmente pueden volver a hacer lo mismo

No, the whole world is is country

English nation lost the US so yes it did, the US is a masonic seperatist state by design for masons to practice on vulnerable peasants.

Just like all those jihadis

Preach anarchy to the peasants except for the laws to reach their pockets, peadants couldnt even vote in the initial US only the madonic lodge.

Fucking catalanimals... classifying them as varmint to be destroyed on sight can't come soon enough.

Probablemente lo que pasará es que dado que se han ido muchas empresas unas vuelvan y otras no, pero de una forma u otra Cataluña pierde poder económico y si Madrid juega las cartas bien puede quedarse con esas empresas y hacer que Barcelona pierda muchisima de la influencia económica que le puso ahi en primer lugar.

Por otro lado, el objetivo de las elecciones es clavar a Rivera en Barcelona(por acuerdo con Rajoy seguramente) para que en los proximos 4 años se le deje a Rivera calmar los ánimos independentistas y dejar que los otros partidos terminen de desintegrarse dado el fiasco que han montado. Si Rivera lo consigue, puede robarle votos a podemos/PP(sobretodo podemos con la mala estrategia que ha seguido en todo el proceso) y acortar distancias o quedar como 3º fuerza politica al ganar una región que aún sigue teniendo influencia politica. A Rajoy le interesa que sea asi tambien ya que Rivera ha demostrado ser más "razonable" y sabe que el PP no puede hacer esta tarea en Cataluña por todo el mal bagaje que lleva detraś

Y por ultimo, es de esperar que haya algunos cambios, pero no demasiados, Rajoy es paciente y esperará a ver como se reconfigura el tablero para mover ficha y ver que puede recuperarse de Cataluña sin sangrarse politicamente.

Básicamente viene la parte más dura, limpiar el desastre que han montado y ver que se puede hacer para evitar que vuelva a pasar.

These are the ones who ran away.

De momento pierden parte de autonomía, porque el gobierno central ha tomado las riendas de la comunidad autónoma. El 21 de Diciembre habrá elecciones regionales, es decir, hacer reroll del parlamento catalán.

Sin duda, los catalanes querían votar, y se van a cansar de votar.

Hope tbat spineless communist FUCK is prossecuted and beat up in jail.

In English you rude motherfuckers, this is not Sup Forums

Y a Castilla esto le sirve para que? dinero no creo que sea el motivo, tener mas poder politico?

Rajoy no estaba siendo investigado por corrupción?
Y luego sigue como si no hubiera pasado nada? que flojo.

Hay una bolche Uruguaya en cataluña, espero que al menos vaya presa

>No more kings

What the fuck is this cuck doing here? Also, someone should tell him he should get a haircut. His hair is outrageous

Gallego alcahuete metete el ingles en el culo.

N-VA are the best goys

Mis costados

Le doi mis dies nomas sudaca cacahuete.