Who's the best male tsundere?
Who's the best male tsundere?
Hayama from Kodocha.
Vegeta. He's tsundere to his wife, kid, and Goku.
Do you mean best tsundere character or best at being tsundere? Because Inuyasha is the reigning king of male tsunderes last I checked.
B-Baka! I-It's not as thought I like >(You) o-or anything!
That was easy.
No question.
Just what is it that makes male tsunderes better than their female counterparts, Sup Forums?
More cuter
No cooties.
They don't beat the shit out of you over stupid reasons.
that's a good reason
>draw a tsundere
>call it a boy
Basically cheating desu
I win
Absolute best right here
Best Fate girl
Came here to post this. Doubt he's the best but a fine example nonetheless.
This bullshit here is half the reason I stopped watching harems.
My first two choices were already posted but Goto-san a cute too
This faggots are right. Would bully and then cuddle Fakir.
Tomoe is the only correct answer.
Does Tora count?
It's objectively vegita
>31 replies
>no pic related
Sup Forumsutists are a bunch of faggots
forgot pic, goddamn
You know that there are some female tsundere that don't beat the mc?
Not him, but male tsundere overreact less in general. They scream less, blush less, don't stutter like retards, aren't stupidly violent and so on.
His relationship with Sakura is really cute and brings back way too many memories.
The live action was better.
Don't you mean Machias?