Is there a anime character who can defeat shiki?
Is there a anime character who can defeat shiki?
Madara Uchiha.
But at what stage?
A servant.
He can kill servants.
Can servants ever die for good? Or does killing them send them back to wherever they came from before they were summoned?
no One Punch Man or Demonbane in this thread please
Male Main Character of Fate/Grand Order.
He defeats Void Shiki using only the dick.
Void Shiki was great
“I am a Servant. Whatever happens, no matter what orders you give, I will obey. After all, it's just so fun.”
>Void Shiki will never be animated fucking shit up
the one that doesn't have you go off on that fuck huge copy paste
Reinhard Van Astrea
>“Things I love? Of course, it is you who called my name, master. Even if that is only a fleeting dream...”
>“This room feels so calming. If this is what you desire, forever, just like this...”
>“You who looks at the battle from above. I who face the battle head on. Fufu, our positions are reversed now. How refreshing to be an active participant for once.”
What did she mean by this?
Plenty as Shiki is bound by an only above average human body, you just need to outspeed and kill before she can retaliate. Void is broken and can deal with basically any threat but is still bound by her human body, you simply have to kill her faster than void can perceive it with her body which is possible but quite a feat to pull off.
Kokutou Mikiya, as he's the only one able to wed and bed her.
He is a servant now
>“You who looks at the battle from above. I who face the battle head on. Fufu, our positions are reversed now. How refreshing to be an active participant for once.”
>“I am a Servant. Whatever happens, no matter what orders you give, I will obey. After all, it's just so fun.”
>not minding being either top or bottom
God, Void Shiki is so lewd.
>If the male protagonist of GO tries to a mana transfer with more than one female servant or any female servant he'll get BTFO hard.
>It takes awhile for his command seals to come back.
>If he mana transfer with Void Shiki and someone tries to interrupt a lot of Chaldea will go missing.
Such is life.
anything that can appear "unkillable" to her correct?