apparently trannies beat up another terf
i am of course rooting for the trannies
apparently trannies beat up another terf
i am of course rooting for the trannies
what the jew is a terf. i dont keep up with words leftists make up
lesbian who hates trannies
>rooting for either side
thanks independence bro
lol trannies don't want me castrated and dead
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
I kinda like em, for cunts they're not completely insane, they don't want men in their bathrooms so that makes some sense
Remove that flag, you snaggletoothed teanigger.
lol retard, they hate you with every bone in their body
They prolly don't want men anywhere so they're just being consistent.
When feminism and gay rights activism finally get divorced, who gets to keep Islam?
Anybody have any videos of this happening? I want to see femicunts get smacked around by delusional castrated men.
of couse they do
>at least they're fucking hinest about it, unlike the rest of the cunts
I also think it's good to sow this discord that's growing on the left, these cunts are our allies whether the like it or not
Guys, I need help. I am in love with a jewess.
no man trannies and whatever genius came up with feminism for islam are our allies, trannies justify male violence and islam justifies misogyny
Who cares what women think? Their opinions don't matter once your dick is inside them
>Rabid anarchotrannies are now considered "white men"
We should should shill to both TERFs and anti-TERFS.
Make them eat themselves.
Spread this shit:
these are actual lesbians
>getting beat up by a tranny
HAHAHAHAHA thats why you carry a gun you stupid nigger
Thank God
I was worried that I would be able to commute to work without losing my legs
isn't that what they call just any "feminist" (not even radical) that doesn't 100% buy into 9999999999999999999999 genders and trans retardation?
they claim laci green is a terf even though she's hardly a feminist anymore after getting dicked by that puerto rican white supremacist.
Does anyone have an infograph on the hierarchy of all these groups. I can't tell who has the highest diversity rating.
I'd sack her like Jerusalem
Most of the women in my family are feminists, this is a hot button issue and actual violence makes em foam at the mouth about it
>spread it
A reminder that this is what trannies do to themselves.
And this is what they must do for the rest of their lives to stop it from closing up.
they've kinda split up ever since BLM decided to stop protesting nazis and that think with bernie sander's and the women's march
intersectionality is dead
>second wave feminists destroy the meaning of marriage
>differences between men and women grow fewer each day
>men have no need to actually man-up, allowed to become women and do women things in this brave new world
>the architects of this brave new world have issue with this
>their female spaces that they used to turn women against the family, against traditional society are now being invaded by freakish soyboy men
>get beaten up by men in dresses
>get called fascists
>get eaten by the society they produced
I have no sympathy for second wave feminists in all this. Reap what you sow.
LGB vs T
who will win?
p.s. how dare you call him a man
his pronoun is "cocksucker"
ready for the tranny meme to die at any time now
I hate both so I have nobody to root for.
Hope they eat each other.
I agree. They're essentially militant cat ladies, but they generally don't deny reality and their beliefs are internally consistent.
Both sides suck ass but at least trannies don't think anything with a penis is subhuman. Life under TERFs would be hell, if their ideas are shut down by mentally ill men in dresses then that's what they deserve.
This desu
Trannies: You are men trying to invade womyn's spaces while upholding patriarchal gender constructs that oppress womyn.
TERFs: Transmisogyny is still misogyny, you fucking hateful problematic misgendering shitlords.
holy shit this is entertaining.
I thought this was 3rd wave feminism, not that it really matter desu but I thougjt I was sort of like the third Reich nomenclature where the first 2 weren't actually called that but the new systemidentifies closely with them so they take up the mantle so to speak
so it's all about penis envy?
for God's sake I'm trying to eat my fucking lunch here holy fuck does someone have to post this shit in every goddamn thread
If I wanted to see 10 billion mangled cocks I'd go to /d/
did you get those the wrong way round champ
>tfw Kahn installs a muzzin in Big Ben
We need to encourage this feud. Suggest painting all feminists as intolerant of trannies and attacking white feminist privilege.
they're doing that already
First wave was Susan B. Anthony basically enlightenment philosophy but it applies to women too, Second wave is Radical Feminism, SCUM Manifesto, Dianic Wicca, etc. Third wave feminism is basically what Sup Forums rages against mostly. Dyed hair, all-inclusive, sex positive, etc.
Gender war inbound.
>fight for girl power
>men become girls
>overpower you
Sjw men wanted a way to be misogynist but in a woke way so they decided to prioritize trans women over actual real women in their identity politics hierarchy. Feminists who noticed this and don't want to have to defer to a man because he's wearing a wig are callled TERFs. It's the biggest wedge issue on the left today and also extremely amusing so you should read up. Google speakers corner TERF attack
So this guy is a TERF, not a tranny. Pic related.
This is why TERFs need to be stopped at all costs. They are basically female supremacists who want masculinity and male spaces to be completely destroyed. They are 1000x worse than trannies.
Well,that's a new one
fuck off back to lolcow you cunt
No dummy they already do that themselves. All good leftists hate TERFs to an insane degree. Most of them don't even know what TERFs are except that they "hate" transwomen. You need to stand up for the TERFs and make leftists acknowledge what they really believe (that they support men punching women as long as the man is wearing a wig). Get them to admit this and the normal quiet leftists watching all wanna bail out.
oh why oh why won't the nukes drop already?
Trans women are women. Full stop.
>TERFS need to be stopped
TERFS need to be hijacked. Meme their narratives into our hands
Surprised you can still type through your tears after the manafort indictment
jesus anarchists are fucking weird
>The publishing of this book and its distribution in anarchist spaces was a move designed to provoke. It provoked. We leave it up to you to decide what anarchism is better off with: a commitment to anti-authoritarian ethics, or post-modern cheerleading of indiscriminate murder committed by those who refute anything to do with anarchism.
terfs are a worse enemy than trannies
I still don't understand what the fuck is going on
idc about trump you fat slut
trannies punching lesbos
Kmao is this what happens at anarchist book fairs? All the identity politics rejects are turning on each other
those who demand their own space shall find it.
This is not what you want. See TERFs are basically hardcore second-wave feminists who hated men so much they inadvertently created the tranny phenomenon. Then they regretted that because even pressuring men to cut their dicks off wasn't female-supremacist enough for them. A society in which TERFs have power would be one in which anyone with a Y chromosome is considered subhuman.
We shouldn't stand up for the TERFs. If you want their support you should get them to stand up for a right-wing trans-exclusionary party, on the condition that they renounce everything else having to do with radical feminism.
All-inclusive? They sound like a pretty exclusive bunch. And what’s with the dyed hair anyway?
Passable trannies are our greatest allies
>no boiling semen
That picture is fucking shit, and no where near as gay as it should be, fagot.
TERFs are only useful allies as total subordinates to a right-wing traditionalist movement. Left to their own devices they would completely destroy masculinity. They are a cancer even worse than mainstream feminism.
>Dianic Wicca
oh lawd
I'm a tranny and these people piss me off. It's literally a TERF religion.
not really a secret, Susan B Anthony was trans
I'd give her the Zyklon D.
the left is just a loose confederation of mentally ill people. trannies, feminists and niggers
They are all Cancer and should all hang on the day of the rope.
Fuck off, you are just rooting for violence.
radfems are cancer but trannies deserve the ISIL treatment
violence against people who hate me
ok actually now i get how minorities feel about nazis
muslims actually prefer trannies over gays, i shit you not
> be anarchist
> go to anarchist event
> get beaten up - its total anarchy
> "please help me, society and government!"
attacked physically, in feminist-speak, means they tried to hand her a pamphlet.
>speakers corner TERF attack
Oh God, that's funny af!
Based Lord KEK truly works in mysterious ways!
what a shitty gif
First wave: women need the same rights as men
Second wave: women need to be treated like men
Third wave: men need to fuck off and die
Trams Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They're exactly what it says.
Also they get offended at being called that.
>Third wave: men need to fuck off and die
more like unsexy men need to fuck off and die but rapists are fine
either that or women just didn't tell the feminists about the army of rapists, which is even worse really
TERFs are never going to actually take over, at least they're sane and realize that men and women are different and that physical difference is what causes "patriarchy" to emerge, not men scheming to be dicks to women.
Plus all the feminists who actually like men like Greer and Paglia are considered TERFs now. You don't have to be a radical feminist to be a TERF, you just have to question the trans hive.
if you want to red pill a lefty about trans stuff play them the documentary Be Like Others, it's about how in Iran they make gay guys go trans (because all this trans shit is not progressive in any way)
Who... who is this.
I root for the destruction of both of their stupid man hating puritanical anti white cults.
I know. You hear about shit like this & wonder why you can’t just drop a grenade in the room, solve everyone’s problems.
fat terf slut
This is just sad
2nd wave grew up with 2 mothers
daddy was a used condom found in trashcan
butthurt because not daddy's princess
burn the trashcans
>when she sees your dick
ok i just read something written by her and she's both insufferable and irrelevant
we don't need "leftists" to demonise muslims
Sorry lady in the oppresion scale trannies trump women.
Enjoy the privilege adjustment, it feels like oppresion because you are privileged.
>trams exclusionary