How many of you are acually red pilled in real life? I'm going to take a guess and say not very many. I feel pike although people come on here to vent their white frustrations but are really beta in real life.
How many of you are acually red pilled in real life? I'm going to take a guess and say not very many...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll be whatever you want for those nice tits
who is that? shes kinda hot.
redpill is a state of mind
I tell people all the time that I am against gay marriage. I am the only conservative I know who still is, and this is Texas. Too much lobertairan "live and let live"
So ya, America is fucked.
I killed a 250lb boar this weekend. He was alpha until I took that from him. Also would fuck this Wierd looking cunt laci green
>beta in real life
I own a business. It's not an insanely profitable business, but it's something I enjoy.
If my real thoughts came to pass, I'd likely lose everything.
It's not about being beta, it's about being realistic. These are things you just cannot do.
I'm a white nationalist who has a crush on a latina so I guess you're right. heh.
Hi CIA *waves spork*, I am t3H Penguin of D00M
Sup Forums (and similar places) are the underground movement of our time. You're an idiot if you reveal your true power level before the time is right.
Laci Green.
Ultra left feminazi that went Benedict Arnold the second she got a good dicking and slapped around a little bit. Full 180° to MRA/Anti-feminist shill in a month.
She figured out the same thing Lauren Southern did, market yourself to the alt-right= bigboybuxx overnight.
>fiddysih puhcent face
>1 post by this ID
>posting the same thread days in a row
kys faggot
>in all fields
Outside of the basement, in real life, you know, actual people interacting with each other, everything is fine. People carry on and hold the door for each other and say thanks!, black or white. This whole redpill mentality is 99% internet roleplaying. Don't get me wrong, niggers are going to nigger, but if you are dumb enough to be that close to niggerdom, then take that chance.
I'd hit that if I wasn't such as beta-cuck drunk on feminism! FUCK OFF OP!
OP, how do I be red pilled "in real life"? Please explain...
White guys behind closed doors over drinks are still scared to get even mildly politically incorrect in my area, including white dudes that I know for a fact have been browsing Sup Forums for years. I'm afraid years of internalizing political correctness and double think and hiding our power levels at all times have worn us all down.
She looks like a really hot cabbage patch kid, and the only time "Hot" and "Cabbage" should appear close together in a positive connotation is if you are making a stew.
I'm an ancap and I have no problem telling it to people if the situation arises. I just don't go around calling everyone I disagree with 'idiots' and screeching autistically (even though I do have Asperger's)
Most times I just get into debates with people (mostly family) about various issues and when they ask me what I believe in I'll tell them. Of course, that usually devolves into everyone attacking my ideas and I end up having to defend myself, but it is an enjoyable experience and I enjoy being intellectually challenged.
On a day to day basis I'm mostly quiet until I hear someone say something, at which point I either approach them (if I know them) and we discuss the issue, or I attently listen to what they are saying and I'll think about the issue for a while, thinking back to what I've read or discussed and coming up with new arguments.
Is anyone else like this?
Literally can't be "red-pilled" in real life when you live in a ghetto. Working to get out, but if I let out what my political leanings really are, I'd get shot on the street.
chad here. just looking for memes to spread to my massive online following of moist fertile white women and fellow chads. one day, humanity will destroy the kikes, and i know Sup Forums will be the only major platform that will report "its happening"
My job is to boss around a gaggle of nigs on a factory floor. I take great pleasure in showing them the door if they get uppity.
Oh god that face.
She's still a feminist you idiot, and continues to promote feminism and promiscuity on her channel.
To say she did a "full 180" is a fucking joke. She just has a right-wing boyfriend and placates to right-wing views slightly now and that is it.
Calm down leaf. You asking this question in a retarded environment proves you know nothing and seek attention.
I'm "eldritch" pilled. Existed for many decades and know a very interesting amount of power structure knowledge.
Read all OP's of the KB threads:
[Shill Operations being done against the KB Threads]:
I rarely discuss things with friends, because I don't like to invent events. I usually tell straight truth, facts. If I don't know something about some events, I tell them, that I don't know shit about it.
I stop communicating with friends that mentions /x/ stuff. Pathetic beings.
>a fucking sage leaf
>oh god that face
>oh god that face
Oh god those arms
When I go to the pub I start using words like monkey and paki. I'm pretty racist after a few drinks, the people who I went out with agreed with most of what I was saying.
We are all beta losers, meanwhile OP is the most Alpha Chad on the planet, this is why he spends 4 hours a day shilling on a forum supposedly filled with 'beta losers'. SUPREME ALPHA BEHAVIOR!
The irony is lost on you shills.
Mom Milk Mouth
Stop falling for this shit guys.
>Last Friday
>At the club with friends, guys I live with and a friend with his lefty gf
>They all leave to get drinks and piss so it's just me and leftist girl
>Immediatley star talking about politics
>She insists she doesn't like confrontation despite endlessly spewing politics on faceberg and bitches out of having a proper discussion
>"I'd totally have more to say if I was sober"
What does that even imply?
This question doesn't even make sense. Being redpilled means having certain knowledge, it doesn't matter what you say or how you act. That being said, I reveal my power level all the time IRL, I'll talk to anyone about racial differences or the jewish problem. The only exception is my coworkers, I want to keep my job.
Yeah, I know. Hot...
Ignore slide threads and get in here.
Yep. Albeit low-key because at uni. Will say this, the data supports race realism over the liberal view of equality. If any of you out there have access to databases, take a look at the studies involving racial genetic differences. They're wordy and cautious, but they admit there's a "performance gap" that can't be explained through the socioeconomic approach that modern liberals use.
The hard part about being so adamant is being sensitive to those who would take your words as verbal rape to their own ideological veiws.
The only thing Lacy Green is red pilled in is the wall.
I'm pretty ' out' IRL
A lot of friends do come to me and say that they feel the same on X, but don't want to say it.
On the other hand when I say something controversial, like "marriage is between a man and a woman", people who are against it are shocked - because nobody else they know say it despite thinking the same.
I don't know if I'm redpilled, but people think I'm racist.
I'm unironically a leftist in real life. I just come here to larp and shitpost.
that's gay
I say redpilled shit all the time in real life but I do it in small doses and only in the right crowd. I mean obviously i'm not going to discuss racial crime rate differences at work with my black coworkers or bring up how the gender wage gap is a myth with my female boss
that he's just making a controversial post and then running away giggling, not interested in actually discussing anything and leaving everyone else to fight
Most of us are that or moderate conservative/libertarian. I'm actually dating a Jew.
the vast majority of Sup Forums are half wit useful idiots get God tier here
The Black Sun SS anarcum tell others
I don't think OP has to hover over a thread responding to every comment. I usually say what I have to say on the topic in the OP if I'm making a thread.
Define being redpilled in real life.
I was redpilled before it was a meme these current redpillers getting around who think its all about gender or sex are only a quarter of the way there.
The rabbit hole goes deep.
It’s weird now though, I used to be politically blind until the 2016 election, I saw the LGBBQT totally overplay their hand and completely turned me 180 with their transgender agenda. I now dislike them all, transgenderism is transhumanism as far as I can see.
Do you know how difficult it is to hide your power level all the time sometimes when I start to get into the wine it's slips and then I alienate people all over the place
You think your power level is high? LOL what if I told you I could destroy everything you think you know is truth? Would you want to see? I can give you max power level
Lucky fucker, we don't have boar up here Indiana yet (thank god), so I have to settle for shooting birds and deer. I want to kill something thats gona run at me instead of away from me for a change.
people call me bluepilled here because i hate right wing and constantly criticize it on Sup Forums
irl everyone thinks im a far righter tho
Louisville fag here sup Hoosier Indiana sucks balls kys'
I would want to see it bring it on
Communism was created as a tool of rebellion and enslavement written by Marx (Jew) hired by the Illuminati to write the Communist Manifesto, modeled after the goals of the Illuminati as recorded in their own documents and documented by John Robisons Proof Of a Conspiracy and got them booted from many European nations and sent Weishaupt (Jewish Jesuit) on the run as a fugitive for many years.
1. Abolition of all Monarchial Government and patriotism to it
2. Elimination of private property and inheritance
3. Destruction of the traditional family
4. Eradication of all religion
>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up
Welcome to the desert of the real. It will take some time to get used to your brain is in atrophy because you have never used it. I am God tier red pilled and one of the most dangerous men alive to them, if I had a platform that threatened them I would be dead already
There is a game being played against humanity for the simple goal of having the many serve the few. This goal is accomplished not with force, but by tricking humanity into a submissive role. The heart of the game is what is known as the Law. It is Common Law knowledge that humanity stands above government and government serves man. But by way of trickery, humanity is persuaded to submit their authority and serve beneath government through contracts.
Under Common Law so long as a human being does no harm to another's property, which includes their body, then one remains a free sovereign individual. All other laws are known as statutory laws and by definition they require an agreement of both parties. In other words, if you don't agree to a statute law, then you are not obligated by it. We are tricked into agreement with tactics seen in the video below.
In the video our hero was given a name, or a legal entity, at birth; KEITH THOMPSON. And this name is legally owned by the Crown of England and subject to Admiralty/Maritime Law. Our hero is not KEITH THOMPSON, he is not a name or a legal entity, he is a living soul incarnated in human form. But if a Judge can get our hero to contract, or to agree that he is KEITH THOMPSON, then he submits to the authority of the Crown and agrees to the statute laws. Game, Set, Match.
It happens every day. This is all carefully written into the letter of the Law and therefore is considered fair play. Didn't you read all the rules? What the tyrants call fair play, I call a deceitful trap, but the reality is that you can beat the game. It is no different than a bully in the school yard yelling at you to "Come Here".
More like 360
You have no obligation to obey the bully, but if you do submit and obey, then through your actions you are agreeing to be the subordinate. The same applies with government, if you agree that you are the NAME then you agree to be the subordinate. And if you obey an order, then through your actions you agree to be the subordinate. (pic 1) In the video you will see the Judge playing these two strategies against our hero.
He attempts to get our hero to identify himself as the legal entity KEITH THOMPSON, and he attempts to intimidate him into submission by barking orders and calling on the (pic 2) court-room officers to forcibly remove him.
Our hero knows who he is, he knows he is the only true authority and because he knows this, he acts the part; honorable and peaceful, he does not identify himself as the legal entity, he is not intimidated by the bully tactics, and as you will see in the video, (pic 3) the Judge ends up bowing to him as the sovereign just before fleeing the court-room.
Judges bow, it is a ritual they perform at the start and end of the day, but this was not the end of his day. He bowed to our hero just before abandoning the court-room, to give way to his authority. (pic 4) Our hero then lawfully takes command of the court and dismisses the charges before leaving peacefully and of his own free will.
It's a simple game being played against us and we have been conditioned to think that we need permission, we have been conditioned to be intimidated by uniformed bullies, and we have been conditioned to believe that we are bound by every ridiculous law written.
The solution: know who you are, know that you are free, do no harm, and submit to no one. Personal freedom is your birth right and the truth shall set you free. Knowledge is the key.
To gain more knowledge I recommend the following website: Creditors In It is full of free information and links to most of the other info you can find on the web.
Unironically... Im just a civic nationalist.
God, I'd kill a Canadian to bury my cock between those fucking moomoos.
If just a small percentage of us stand up to tyranny and act peacefully and honorable then the game will soon end.
Keep it popping bro, I can show you wehre the ark of the convenant is what it is and how they used it to builds the pyramids in Die Glocke and to bring down the WTC
I have such secrets to show desu....
>I'm going to take a guess and say not very many
why not.
If you can't see the dangers of massive immigration to both jobs, democracy, wages, social mobility, culture, stability and economy then you have to be some kind of an idiot, or a politician.
id berry my dick in her ass so far whoever pulled it out would be crowned king arthur
Fucking kek'd out loud for a solid thirty seconds. Well done.
Yeah I'm Beta in real life. Very Beta and effeminate. Blonde and all, shy, submissive, p-please don't hurt me tier. But at least I'm redpilled and more in the know than the sheeple around me. Betas built this world btw.
how new are you?
Oh, shut the fuck up. Not everyone has the time to read every single goddamn post to have ever been made. I swear, you fuckers will bitch about anything. Learn to have a little fun, whinebag.
i am, but since this is finland, i dont have to defend it or be stressed about it.
i live in the woods and kill bears bare handed. i'm so alpha my brainwaves creates wifi.
Exposing opinions publicly is for plebs.
>nasa link specifically says there wasn't a polar shift in 2012, just explaining what that is
are you hoping people dont actually read these links or did you just not yourself
none of you are red pilled unless you know what this is period
holy shit use google fag and that is not what it said
here you homo
Someone literally gives you the keys tot he Universe, shit they kill people for revealing and have been hiding for 10's of 1000's of years, information that is worth a shit ton of currency to take bribes and keep to yourself and join their secret societies and I give it to you for free and this the thanks I get. See why they treat you like animals and no one gives a fuck about you? Off yourself motherfucker
you wouldn't recognize a red pill if someone shot you in the face with it
Nikola Tesla — 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'
When you can't even have a conversation with other people because you don't even speak the same language hardly then you can say you are red pilled
until then you are just in a another layer of the matrix with a tiny bit more awareness than those around you, being red pilled means you escaped the matrix
>that repulsive kike face
she looks like the cover of MAD magazine
Is this for actual real?
She is not an mra anti-feminist. You bought that?Even though she never said she was.
It is obvious that she's still on the left. She's just questioning some of the shit they do.
aw you sound like a cutie
>lol just expose your power level at work/college! you totally won't have your life utterly ruined! what are you, a cuck?
day of the fucking rake can't come soon enough
I am. Needless to say, I don't have many friends because of that and I'm seen as an outcast. I am outspoken and have to correct ignorance.
I was standing in line at a checkout one time and I heard this kid ask his grandmother what fake news was. She told him there is no such thing as fake news. When I heard that, I asked her what she thought about Hillary's percentage of winning during the election and why that wasn't considered fake news. She told me to mind my own business and got upset. I shrugged and just walked away with half the line behind her looking agitated.
Fuck the world.
that meme is old af, bruh
Not red pilled, Not blue pilled. Politics = lies, I don't support liars.
In all honesty she looks like this person I knew called sarah green who was an ex-mornom with a opioid addiction in high school that had a viral youtube channel.
I forget where my yearbook is but I fucking swear to god there is a very close resemblance that I can't shake off.
I feel pike you're a douchebag