Sup Forums red pill me on the holocuast
Sup Forums red pill me on the holocuast
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It happened.
It didn't happen.
Prove it didn't happen.
didn't someone work out with math that 6 million weren't killed.
IMO, its not that the holocaust is hoax, its that its been wildly exaggerated
it needs to happen again
>what is burden of proof
The last time people took the "prove it wasn't X" seriously, we had the fucking Salem witch trials.
this is a slide thread
We can dream, user.... we can dream....
Maybe it happened.
This among a lot of other (((coincidences)))
I wish it happened
Literally one of the rules of the board says refrain from posting such topics.
There's nothing in that pic that indicates there was a Nazi government conspiracy to murder 6 million Jews in gas chambers.
Prove it happened
It's also against the rules to raid a board, but you guys are doing ti anyway.
The six gorillion is the holocaust though. The claim isn't just that some kikes died, it is that six million died and if you question that figure you are guilty of denial in their eyes.
bad people made a lot of money off it, JFK had to be killed so the public wouldn't find out
the numbers are largely inflated. cca 1.2 million were actually culled. near Jasenovac
>didn't someone work out with math that 6 million weren't killed.
Lyndon Larouche claims 1.5 million died
the whole board is a slide board today, the budget for this is massive
red pill: blaming the jews for your problems is nigger tier, they're only 1% of the population and you're the majority you fucking idiots
Biggest lie of the century
>holomodor 1920
Check them digits nice pic
Evidence for:
- LOTS (**LOTS**) of eye witness testomonies
- A number of confessions from camp guards
- A large number of documents
Evidence against:
- Eye witness testomonies are the lowest form of evidence after hearsay / rumours
- The guards were taken and forced to sign stuff under duress
- Unless putting multiple (2-3) people in 1 oven doesn't cut into the time it takes to burn a "full oven", there wouldn't have been the time to kill 6-11 million people in these camps unless they were under use 24/7. Even then it's a little sketchy.
There's so many people that attest to what went on, the problem is that people can lie.
No idea if the death camps existed; what we can know for sure is that Hitler persecuted people based on race which is hella wasteful IMO.
What do you see in pic related? Proof of the holocaust, right?
What you see is a picture of a soldier in British uniform at Bergen-Belsen. All of those Jews died from typhus/starvation AFTER it had been liberated and quarantined during the two months they were in British custody.
>Nearly 14,000 prisoners would die after liberation.
Were the British genociding the Jews?
No. Bergen-Belsen was not a death camp. The 50,000 Jews who died there (14,000 of whom died in British custody, meaning 36,000 could conceivably have died from exactly the same causes in the few months at the end of the war) were not deliberately genocided. They died for exactly the same reasons as the Jews in the pic and Anne Frank, who died of typhus in the Bergen Belsen camp hospital after having lived for two months in Auschwitz, not from gassing.
This is what Josef Kramer, Assistant Commandant of Auschwitz and "the butcher of Belsen" attested to at his trial:
>I have heard of the allegations of former prisoners in Auschwitz referring to a gas chamber there, the mass executions and whippings, the cruelty of the guards employed, and that all this took place either in my presence or with my knowledge. All I can say to all this is that it is untrue from beginning to end.
That is your holocaust. A lot of Jews dying from typhus and starvation near the end of the war. No government conspiracy, no gassings, no 6 million.
>Eric Hunt: Why we believed
Oh look another redpill meme thread
why are they so largely over represented in the banking and media industry?
oh look a jew
And thus, we got no further.
If people refute your claims, try backing them up.
That goes for either one of you niggers
Why do all nazi gas chamber doors open inwards when bodies would pile up and block the doors?
It happened, but the numbers were probably in the thousands, not millions.
Someone calculated that it should have been 400-700k based on the time each "batch" would take and how much space there was. Can't find it, though.
>they smart n shit bruh
You mad my bloodline didnt get killed? You mad that ill be forever superior to you?
Only communist Jews were killed(they were involved in the 1930's communist uprisings in Germany), the few "death camps" that existed didn't use gas to kill people and the death toll was less then the 6 million propaganda number that has been pushed.
Read all OP's of the KB threads:
[Shill Operations being done against the KB Threads]:
>LOTS (**LOTS**) of eye witness testomonies
There are NOT "lots" of eyewitness testimonies for holocaust events such as gassing. There are very, very few. And none that are reliable. And they ALL contradict the actual forensic evidence. There is no forensic evidence to corroborate them. No plans or orders. No gas chambers. No mass graves. There are also many testimonies from Jews and SS that specifically contradict the gassing conspiracy theory.
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the positive assertion.
The evidence for the holocaust is eye witness testimony (the most flawed form), Nazi confessions (which they were tortured into giving), and the supposed gas chamber which is a small room with a wooden door that is not airtight that is near some cremation ovens (again not enough to burn all the people at the main camp with).
There are lots of people claiming to have witnessed it. The credibility of these people is another matter I mentioned in the 'evidence against' part.
I think I remember reading / watching something about some woman who was laughed at by Hitler himself as he personally burned her husband alive... yeahokaysure..
Anyway, as you said, when faced with little physicaly evidence the credibility of the witness (or lack of) is the main issue.
We know how many deaths there were in the camps, because the nazis kept records and issued death certificates for each and every one (till society collapsed in 1945). These numbers are also corroboeated by the death tolls transmitted from the camps to Berlin that London could listen to after we broke their codes. Unless you are willing to believe that there was an off the record conspiracy to gas 6 million extra Jews that left behind no evidence.
>Bad Arolsen contains 30 million documents on survivors of Nazi camps, Gestapo prisons, forced labourers and displaced persons. It rivals Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust centre and the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum in historical value.
>The Red Cross (ICRC) had managed Bad Arolsen since 1955.
>“At death camps like Sobibor or Auschwitz, only natural causes of death are recorded - heart failure or pneumonia,” said spokeswoman, Kathrin Flor. “There’s no mention of gassing."
>There are lots of people claiming to have witnessed it.
There are not lots who witnessed systematic killing. There are so few that I have had time to read most of the most famous ones in the last 2 years. Each and every one is one of contradictory, physically impossible, and/or absurd. And ALL contradict the forensic evidence. READ the testimonies that talk of mass gassings. That is the quickest way to prove to yourself that the holocaust didn't happen.
is that a fucking Dayquil?
>free ur people from the chains of capitalism
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
Zyklon B was a common cyanide pesticide. During WW2, Germans purchased 750 tons of it to delouse fabrics at all concentration camps because of the typhus epidemic that originated on the Eastern Front in 1941.
Typhus, also known as "jail fever," is a deadly disease for which there is still no preventative vaccine. It was the primary cause of death in German WW2 concentration camps, the vast majority near the end of the war as German society collapsed. For example, Anne Frank and her sister Margot died from typhus in the camp hospital at Bergen-Belsen after their transfer there from Auschwitz, where they had spent 2 months. Anne Frank's father, Otto, was liberated from the Auschwitz camp hospital where he was also ill with typhus.
15,000 of the 50,000 Jews who died in Bergen-Belsen died from typhus in the 2 months AFTER it had been liberated by British troops.
>Nearly 14,000 prisoners would die after liberation.
The Americans used Zyklon B to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border.
>Zyklon B arrived in El Paso in the 1920s courtesy of the US government. In 1929, for example, a Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the materialhydrocyanic acid in pellet formas a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez.
The British Empire used Zyklon B for fumigating passenger ships and food granaries, as discussed in these journals.
>During the past three years various products such as Zyklon B have been used in Colombo in the fumigation of vessels, lighters, granaries, rat burrows
>A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels
As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B gas deposits a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure. The Prussian blue is clearly present after 75 years in the Majdanek delousing chamber, but not in the Auschwitz main homicidal gas chamber. Extensive testing has been done on the Auschwitz gas chamber walls, both by independent researchers and the Auschwitz museum authorities. They all returned the same result. They were found to contain only trace amounts of cyanide, as much as one would expect to find in a room that had been fumigated, but not a homicidal gas chamber.
Fred Leuchter was "The nation's leading adviser on capital punishment" in America according to the New York Times (October 13, 1990). In 1988, he tested the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber at the behest of Ernst Zundel and found only trace amounts of cyanide. It was this scientific proof of a gas chamber hoax that brought holocaust revisionism into the mainstream (1:23).
The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum
and Germar Rudolf, a chemistry PhD student at the Max Planck Institute.
The main homicidal gas chamber on display at Auschwitz museum is in fact a Soviet reconstruction of an air raid shelter, including fake holes in the roof and fake chimney. The Auschwitz museum did not inform the public of this deception for 47 years.
>The crematorium I building was adapted as an air-raid shelter in 1944.
The only reason we know this is because of an interview between Jewish American historian David Cole and the head curator of Auschwitz museum, Dr Franciszek Piper, in 1992.
whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Even if it did "happen" as documented.
It was not simply the eradication of Jews as popularly portrayed it was the destruction of any and all opposition.
Around 45% of Holocaust victims were non-Jews, including significant numbers of Catholics.
Narrative BTFO..
if they wanted those jews dead why not just withhold food and water ?
the gas chambers didn't need to be airtight as the gas used was heavier than air. originally they were used to get rid of lice and other insects by gassing clothes and bedding, later for corpses that couldn't be burnt immediately and allegedly for murders.
Josef Kramer, Assistant Commandant of Auschwitz:
>I have heard of the allegations of former prisoners in Auschwitz referring to a gas chamber there, the mass executions and whippings, the cruelty of the guards employed, and that all this took place either in my presence or with my knowledge. All I can say to all this is that it is untrue from beginning to end.
Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz, Nuremberg testimony:
>I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946.
From the memoirs of Rudolf Hoess:
>I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear.
From an interview with Captain Bernard Clarke, officer at Rudolf Hoess's arrest:
>The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'
>Hellstorm (1:09:02)
nice strawman
You mean like the americans did to their german POWs?
Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the camps in Western Allied occupied zones. He described this experience in his book.
>Crime Doctor: Dr. Charles P. Larson, world's foremost medical-detective, reports from his crime file
As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors on his findings.
In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.
>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.
>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...
>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations.
unfortunately yes
Americans were starving too while German POWs were getting free handouts. Resources were tight all around the country. Not saying it was alright, but at least they treated them as POWs and not as vermin that needed to be gassed.
You faggots took my bait like it was nothing. What a bunch of pussies this board has become. By the way I'm Indian you sons of bastard bitches
Goy, never forget 6 trillion of the chosen people were killed by Aryan monsters such as yourself.
How did they find Hoess and make him talk?
>In the last days of the war, Himmler advised Höss to disguise himself among German Navy personnel. He evaded arrest for nearly a year. When captured on 11 March 1946 in Gottrupel, he was disguised as a gardener and called himself Franz Lang.[36] His wife had revealed his whereabouts to protect her son, Klaus, who was being “badly beaten” by British soldiers, many of them Jewish.[37][38] The British force that captured Höss included Hanns Alexander, a British captain originally from Berlin... The Jewish soldiers accompanying Alexander began to beat Hoss with axe handles. After a few moments and a minor internal debate, Alexander pulled them off."[36][40]
Hoess's daughter corroborated that their family was threatened in an interview with the Daily Mail.
>That was the worst time. British soldiers shouted at us children, demanding to know where dad was.
>I did not know that, next door, these atrocities were taking place.
>I thought at the beginning: "it can't be!"
>'He was the nicest man in the world,' she said. 'He was very good to us.'
She denied knowing the holocaust happened despite that "They could even see the prisoner blocks and old crematorium from an upstairs window." All day, every day, for years on end, there were thousands of Jews filing past that window into that building and only smoke coming out. How come she didn't notice?
train supposedly full of jews, actually full of german refugees after the war. proof by the fact that the train in the background is from 1946
>The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
>The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax
>One Third Of The Holocaust: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
Gay cuck detected
It doesn’t matter if it happened or not.
Jews see a benefit from us and everyone constantly bringing it up.
They get sympathy points and if they are criticized they can just pull the holovictim oy vey goy yousa antisemite card to avoid further criticism by making you look bad and getting you ostracized by your sheep peers who buy into this shit.
This is the true redpill about the holocaust.
jews had a habit of claiming genocide with literally every single conflict because they owned all the mass media
Prove it did.
>skipping leg day even once
Holocaust is socialist term, invented by Marx, that defines the industrialized genocide of people unwanted by socialist regime.
Russians are the victims of the real holocaust.
Also later - Chinese.
Jewish holocaust evidence are vague and only provided by the jew-affiliated organizations. While there is evidence, that jews where serving in Luftwaffe and SS, that american jews actively worked with Reich for Reich. The victim numbers are also very far from genocide, unlike Russian numbers.
it happened and it was the biggest fuck up of human civilization. the stupid fucking nazis had one fucking job and now we all have to suffer for eternity because of it. the nazis are literally just as bad as the fucking kikes.
this and is two of the biggest red pills on the holocaust. Every single supposed death camp we investigated ended up being just a normal work camp. The only accepted death camps are the ones we could never inspect and just took the word of the commies
Final red pill is that the claimed kill count was impossible even with modern technology being used for over a fucking century or some shit
top kek
absence of evidence is evidence of absence. it is in fact, the only way to prove absence. and all the "evidence" for the holocaust is fake. if there were real pictures theyd have used those. and if there were real events, there would have been real pictures, there aren't. not a single one.
Holocaust denial seriously is for brainlets who look exclusively at sources that confirm their own bias.
one of the strongest images, and there are many facsimiles of this.
showing that not a single death camp or death squad was ever found by americans of british or french, no, only COMMUNIST SOVIETS, ever found these "death camps" how odd, how coincidental that only those who are proven liars are exterminators of their own people had discovered these and not, you know, americans or brits who would not have dared kill off large numbers of their own soldiers who would tell the truth.
incidentally, there are many stories from americans who did go to auswitz and they all say that it wasn't a death camp
It happened, but it shouldn't effect how we treat (((certain groups)))
ah i found the pic, super weird coincidence that nobody reliable ever found a single deathcamp
>As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B gas deposits a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure.
>Prussian blue