>Go to 2chan, bring something back.
>Go to 2chan, bring something back.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw tried to do that at home
>hot omelette flipped on my arm
Did you eat it?
nips are always so good at whatever the fuck they do
2016年7月2日 2+1+6+7+2=18
2016年7月11日 2+1+6+7+1+1=18
2016年8月1日 2+1+6+8+1=18
2016年10月8日 2+1+6+1+8=18
2016年10月17日 2+1+6+1+1+7=18
2016年10月26日 2+1+6+1+2+6=18
2016年11月16日 2+1+6+1+1+1+6=18
2016年11月25日 2+1+6+1+1+2+5=18
2016年12月6日 2+1+6+1+2+6=18
2016年12月15日 2+1+6+1+2+1+5=18
2016年12月24日 2+1+6+1+2+2+4=18
It's probably more that he's probably been working there every day of his life for the past decade and a half.
Got it on the 2D board.
use a wooden spatula instead
heat the pan to high heat
use oil before putting in the eggs
how do they make their eggs fluffy
my eggs always flat
Beat the eggs?
Very nice
When they start getting too hard put some cream in it
they don't make their eggs fluffy the eggs are exactly the same
what kind of retarded notion is "fluffy eggs"
I don't even know where this meme came from
Either the eggs are scrambled or they're not, stop using meme words like fluffy
Or are you some kind of cocksucking AIDS infected homo that puts milk in their omelet?
>enter webm board
>see webm made here
>see webm made by me
Japanese pole vaulter Hiroki Ogita has described his bewilderment after reports his penis had prevented him from progressing in the Rio Olympics went viral.
A video of the athlete hitting the bar with what looked to some like his penis under his shorts quickly spread online.
His leg had already made contact with the bar but his arm finished the job.
"I never expected the foreign media to take me down like this," the 28-year-old athlete tweeted.
"It's one thing if it was true, but I have to say I'm pretty devastated that they'd go so far to make something up to mock and ridicule me so much."
BBC News-2016/08/17
>putting mayo on anything
wrong image
you know what you have to do, partner
fight for america
Made an Iroha wallpaper once, it got into their wallpaper board as well. I can imagine your surprise.
nice fuck me eyes
Nigga's straight up showing off.
Where does the Japs discuss light novels?
They have good porn over there desu.
google translate understands
Something tells me clicking this link might land you in jail
>go to the webm board
>find a thread with webms big, fat gaijin asses
>133 replies
This is picture of me
Maybe we arent so different after all
I hope the translator is able to show appropriatelly what I am trying to tell you.
What the fuck are you retards doing? You'll blow our cover!
I've clicked all the links on that thread
Of course Liam is posting there
Better than a thread with bestiality gifs
hair's too dark.
Samsung is fucked.
>they have a dedicated guro board
why is our imageboard so inferior guise?
They're not fucked, they're just in the wrong business.
>tfw google translate doesn't work
We used to have one too.
why would anyone do this
That looks like a pretty good figurine, honestly.
>better than beast
I'm sorry I don't understand, you have to speak english here.
Sup Forums used to have both a guro and loli board, but moot got rid of them so he wouldn't get in trubble
Spoilered for your eyes.
>Japanese Sup Forums is actually about politics
>I don't know anything about Japanese politics
Oh, I thought that one'd be easy.
Is that.....the bitch from Frozen? If it is, that IS a pretty nice looking figure. Think they have other princesses and disney shit that looks that nice over there?
>"I'm a foreigner I bet they don't see many of these around here! I bet that means they think I'm exotic and interesting and they'll shower me with attention for it! I'll show them all the wacky foreigner faces I can make too!"
Fun Fact: Abe (PM there) will make Japan great again.
I saw some JAV with ahegao in it and it made me realize how fucking retarded ahegao doujins are. I can't fap to them at all anymore, they just look so stupid now.
>tfw English teachers and military men spreading our OC in Japland
I wonder if anything I've made has ever gone there? Probably not.
>I wonder if anything I've made has ever gone there? Probably not.
People like you deserve to burn in hell. fuck you
inb4 white knight
>No catalog
>Files open in a different tab
Fucking savages.
>They have a crossdressing board
A-Am I on some kind of list for clicking on that link?
Not him, but I'm not sure what you are talking about.
I hope they make it.
What, why? I'm just wondering if any foreigners in Japan have ever posted anything I've made, though I doubt it.
Is that not a legitimate thing to wonder?
That link? Probably not. Links inside that thread? Probably.
Most of the links inside that thread lead to CP though, mostly softcore. I assumed you took pictures of naked little children, which is absolutely disgusting
Did somebody piss in your breakfast today? Jesus Christ, what the fuck. The guy asked a normal, legitimate question and you're telling him to burn in hell?
They already did
Top right looks like he's roiding but it might just be the camera angle
guys they're talking about us
Dude, what the fuck? That's Anya.
How do they show which post they're replying too?
>I assumed you took pictures of naked little children,
Some user said he saw one of his WEBMs on the webm board, never pointing out which one.
Then a different user was wondering if one of his creations might have been posted in Japan. And your first thought is CP?
What is wrong with you?
No, I meant the edits of manga pages I've made on Sup Forums and other shit like that.
Why the fuck would you make that assumption?
The same way we used to before quoting each other become common on Sup Forums.
Paying attention to subtext.
Oh, my bad. I posted this as well so I got it mixed up. My bad.
>He can't find catalog
>He doesn't have Futacro
fucking subhuman
>no catalog
>no quotes
>stealing our memes
>site looks like it's from 1996
>even their anime reaction pics are from old anime
they have good taste on doujins
>Trap successful!
God, Google translate is garbage, and Japanese is such a horrible language to learn.
Should've made them a state and made them speak English while we had the chance.
If you're fixing to start something, I'll end it.
>stealing our memes
I'll made thread on may
All languages are horrible to learn if you're a "smart but lazy" Sup Forums user.
Well, we look pretty old, too, but we're a good kind of old.
all variations of
>0/10 would not bang
They almost never post pictures outside of OP either what the hell
They all look like the same guy.
yay oniichan peace peace
Too much /l/ for me
It is the same guy.
>found a thread about my waifu
>they're posting porn in it
fucking degenerates
I'm going to sagebomb that shit
>what personal information? It's pure coincidence
I guess they all made it then.
Nips and their jpg artifacts
I don't get it.