Why is Poland so based, Sup Forums?

I can't handle how based it is, it's too much for me.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.be/maps/place/Lipiny, Świętochłowice, Poland/@50.3094887,18.9026539,3a,71.9y,63.39h,79.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWA4iNM5dKRUyVn_FLgfotw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4716d2bacec7726b:0x34e76076caac12af!8m2!3d50.313277!4d18.9024416?hl=en
google.be/maps/place/Osiedle Kaufhaus, 41-700 Ruda Slaska, Poland/@50.293213,18.8709563,3a,75y,104.83h,87.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soGjjHxT_pCY0Y4LkSzmNcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4716cd4d7f8ecc09:0x871d7d244603c311!8m2!3d50.2937726!4d18.8734047?hl=en
google.be/maps/place/Włókiennicza, Łódź, Poland/@51.7740934,19.4602561,3a,75y,85.11h,85.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZ76GBF_7oQlgbaKKauXJvw!2e0!6s//geo3.ggpht.com/maps/photothumb/fd/v1?bpb=ChAKDnNlYXJjaC5UQUNUSUxFEiAKEgkzvIqW18obRxE7dIy-Dts7ZyoKDQAAAAAVAAAAABoFCGoQiAM&gl=BE!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x471bcad7968abc33:0x673bdb0ebe8c743b!8m2!3d51.7741277!4d19.4605947?hl=en
google.be/maps/place/Abramowskiego, Łódź, Poland/@51.7546232,19.4674882,3a,75y,104.8h,86.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s00lpRjtwRNwh-OjTKnv54A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x471a34cfca8c347f:0x14f4bc6ddfe29b99!8m2!3d51.754631!4d19.4676741?hl=en

Sup Forumsand

If I was a slavshit devoid of culture or any meaningful contribution to humanity I'd also find Poland based

Poland is fucking awesome

They lived under feudalism, libertarianism, imperialisms, fascism, communism, and egalitarianism.

They learn pretty much everything there is to learn about totalitarianism and they're sick of it

What do you expect

>calling others devoid of culture

>replying to me
Fuck off, you are the nigger of whites

we are not based, our women love niggers, our country is a shithole, everyone is always drunk. Seriously do not come here

no longer this brother
we in phase 2 now
take whites, gas leftists, kill germany with their own economy

no fucking wonder some shart-in-marters loves pooland, I bet you dream of moving there and shitting the whole place up non-stop, just so poor plumberbois run after you and clean your shit up for 20cents per hour whilst offering your used-up camwhore pussies of their female relatives

nonononono, look maciek I don't think you understand, our country is ukraine v2

> being this fucking deluded
can you stop role-playing and just tell us whom you're planning on selling your asshole to next?


B-b-but Master, I've been using Google Maps street view for 6 hours now in Poland, I've found no niggers, no fatties, no mixedfags, everyone so far is white.

Sorry, I'm simply an Amerifag-desu.... I'll refrain from questioning you anymore, Senpai.

good lad


K then, I gues I'l just stay here in 'Muricuck then.
>Pic related, it's me.

Reported your post to the EU Human Rights Commission
But well once the EU cuts your money and nordstream 2 is build your shithole will starve anyway

nooo, please my german overlord think about the kids

can you imagine spreading your shithole this wide tryina convince some (probably betabux) amerinigger to PLEASE COME TO POORLAND?

1) for every 1 euro given to v4 countries by eu, germany takes back 86 eurocents.

2) we are not given money, its a loan.

3) we want to be out of the EU, EU is cancer

4) nordstream 2 will not be finished + in 2022 when long term deal with russia ends, v4 countries won't buy russian gas anymore.

nobody gives 2 shits about whose gas you buy, but you should watch out making such bold statements when you're the country that tried suing russia over not buying your apples, you dumbfuck plumberjew
and WE would LOVE for you to get the fuck out and you better believe that all EE trash that got smuggled here through your shithole, is coming right back at you

Aren't you supposed to be sucking cock now, perma butthurt austrian? lmao

Daily reminder that his snowflake ==>

what the fuck kind of cucked attempt at a reply is this, do you even have a couple braincells of your own to rub together?
> plumberland is a nasty turd world shithole which is known to be the designated political prostitute of europe, selling its asshole every 10 years
> "h-eh you s-suck dick, austrian l-l-lmao"

Shit-tier response, cuckboy. Step it up ivan.

TOP LUL the guy who spreads his asshole for foreigners like in post, is the same plumbershit that doesn't like when I call out his plumberchats with the local plumberdiaspora and makes screencaps of me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
put a fucking plunger in it already, even your "austrian" friends don't back you up anymore

Is this also photoshopped? :(

Poland doesn't even have to be based no one wants to move there. Poland gets paid by germany to hold refugees in poland cuz the keep trying to get to germany.

>I've been using Google Maps street view for 6 hours now in Poland

I have a location for you: google.com/maps/@50.3561306,18.8712812,3a,75y,87.3h,85.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seiES45yOTBjSFDW6kmjYDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

And what is your culture? French/Britcuck diaspora.

no, that is hologram

tak szwedzie, polska to jeden wielki mem

Paszal won sabaka

so based, its countrmen are leaving their conservative paradise in droves to work and live in western liberal degeneracies.

Do not outsell west, west for all its faults still better than eastern countries. "at least we dont't have blacks-gays-muslims" is an excuse for their shittyness.

I'll believe eastern european countries are based when westerners migrate to them en masse, not the other way around.

How does it feel to be russian loser?
Your shit homeland will collaps within 1 year according to every western think tank. :]
Now your family is paid with toilet paper and vodka but in few months time they won't be paid even this, they will fcking have to learn to eat grass

I speak way better translit than this actually, lifetime stats put me at about 2 years worth of russian gfs :^)
the one "language" I never ever bothered to even THINK about learning is most definitely poorlish though, and that's despite bleaching your ezy 14 year old whores whenever the fuck I want

ale my teraz przerabiamy memy w rzeczywistość, tak że tego

Eastern europe is a shithole. Why do you think they aren't getting targeted with mass immigration? It's because they don't need to end white supremacy there. Slavs are, well, slavs.

russia's been "collapsing" for about 20 years now, according to Pjotr Pierdolevs like you, but I guess any day now it really IS gonna happen

If you live in Poland, that you hate so much (which is quite possible, due to paid trolls here), then you're going to jail, and be "plumbered" daily.

Poland is a lying shithole.


Yesterday I nearly got robbed by a group of polacks. They're fucking scum and you're retarded for praising them.

Is whole Poland a hologram? :O

happens in poland too

google.be/maps/place/Lipiny, Świętochłowice, Poland/@50.3094887,18.9026539,3a,71.9y,63.39h,79.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWA4iNM5dKRUyVn_FLgfotw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4716d2bacec7726b:0x34e76076caac12af!8m2!3d50.313277!4d18.9024416?hl=en

Yes and like a week ago I was almost been hit by a falling tree due to a storm.

Kys yourselves and your gay Holobranches.

You got any sources for that, marek?
Dont pretend that Poland is not getting way more out of the EU than it is giving back
And why do poles keep pretending like they were forced to stay in the EU against their will, no one wants your authoritarian peasant state
You guys don't have the balls to leave because even you understand that it means certain death, you wouldn't last a year on your own
So show some respect to EU members on this board

for very long time already oil price is 2 low for russian economy to properly operate.

putin tried to lower world oil production but he didnt succeed.

the money reserves russia had are already finished or will finish in 2017

russia have no industry etc, without selling oil it will collapse

The only way you don't see it in random statistics is because putin sold out few biggest russian oil companies already.

in 2018 he will either sell remaining russian oil companies and try to make russia not collapse until voting for new president or he won't be able to do anything, people won't be paid any money, they will go on streets and the whole gov will collapse :]

What do you expect, there are probably more muslims now in Germany than in Turkey now, so we are trying to deal with them instead.

based orkan grzegorz btfoing nutsacks

our niggers are based


based black man, we need to import more based africans

nice cuckfic, but it's pretty much fact that plumbergirls turn into massive roast-monsters at around 14 anyways, so yeah keep your jail-threats to urself, while your sluts run around in their high-heels fully made up, getting bummed in their favourite place of all time, the public toilet

top kek this fucking country

I think it's time to take your redditposting and go spread your asshole for foreigners in another thread, nicolezko pierdlolecko

Yeah because trees falling is totally comparable to my scenario.

Kys untermensch.

google.be/maps/place/Osiedle Kaufhaus, 41-700 Ruda Slaska, Poland/@50.293213,18.8709563,3a,75y,104.83h,87.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soGjjHxT_pCY0Y4LkSzmNcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4716cd4d7f8ecc09:0x871d7d244603c311!8m2!3d50.2937726!4d18.8734047?hl=en

google.be/maps/place/Włókiennicza, Łódź, Poland/@51.7740934,19.4602561,3a,75y,85.11h,85.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZ76GBF_7oQlgbaKKauXJvw!2e0!6s//geo3.ggpht.com/maps/photothumb/fd/v1?bpb=ChAKDnNlYXJjaC5UQUNUSUxFEiAKEgkzvIqW18obRxE7dIy-Dts7ZyoKDQAAAAAVAAAAABoFCGoQiAM&gl=BE!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x471bcad7968abc33:0x673bdb0ebe8c743b!8m2!3d51.7741277!4d19.4605947?hl=en

google.be/maps/place/Abramowskiego, Łódź, Poland/@51.7546232,19.4674882,3a,75y,104.8h,86.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s00lpRjtwRNwh-OjTKnv54A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x471a34cfca8c347f:0x14f4bc6ddfe29b99!8m2!3d51.754631!4d19.4676741?hl=en

What's wrong?

This thread is a bait for butthurt germs and stormcucks. Do not reply.

1) wprost.pl/317666/Z-kazdego-euro-wplaconego-do-Polski-Niemcy-odzyskuja-86-eurocentow
Sorry but i doubt its possible to find this info in languages other than v4 countries languages for obvious reasons. im not gonna spend xxx time looking for english version. Basicly every media wrote about this even the ones owned by Germany :]

2) We are forced to stay just like any other eu country just like UK. German economy is based on exporting goods, you are killing competition and any1 enterprise in other country and than you force countries to buy german things.
3) Few countries have no other choice than to stay in the eu as if they will leave it they will turn into 3rd world country overnight because they purchased most of the bonds -> Germany, France, Spain, Netherland.

Shhh stfu you moron...

> I think for OBVIOUS reasons you won't find any articles about BASED POORLAND, that are not in POORLISH

Kek. You make it so easy to recognize you. I feel sorry for Russian Intelligence, that they need to hire such obvious trolls.

i quess nothing, but it matches the stereotype of a patriotic shithole

Do you even know what is on this pic?
Its the garden area. In slavic countries it was popular for people living in towns full of flats to have their own garden in designated areas and this pic shows one of them

What are you trying to prove? Get a life and stop wasting time arguing with social rejects.

> Sup Forumsack talks about Turks in Germany
> Erdogan talks about Poles in Turkey

Full denial mode.

"Tourism also sees good developments," Erdoğan said. "During the first eight months of this year 205,000 tourists from Poland visited Turkey with a significant increase from the previous years." However, he said that when the Schengen visa problem is resolved, more tourist exchanges will occur between the two countries.

Erdoğan also announced that a delegation from Turkish Airlines (THY), which currently has five regular flights to Poland, will visit the country to discuss raising the number of weekly flights.


> Poland rallies against Russia all day
> Sucks Jew dicks instead



They're right you know.

> tfw keep getting promoted by plumberbois for shitting on them
> tfw already achieved rank of supreme RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE

So you're doing it for free then?

You are fcking braindead
Do you know why we won't buy russian gas?
1) Its the most expensive in the world, All central european countries pay for it way more than for example russian dogs named germany.
2) Even American gas is cheaper than russian
3) The day Lithuania opened their lng terminal russians dropped their price by 30%. BY FCKING 30% over night !!
4) v4 countries can't do this yet because we have shit long term deal signed by commies
5) When we stop buying russian gas 2 things will happen - either russian economy will collapse if it havent collapsed yet, or germans will have to pay way more for gas.
6) USA is just one of the gas sources that we will use, 2nd source is for example Norway, Poland is already leasing oilfields there.

Are you actually surprised by the fact that I can shit on you pretty much effortlessly?
You've been the designated nigger of Europe for centuries, pierdocuck, do you understand what that means?
It means that anyone who's not some piece of shit uneducated migrant or shitskin, KNOWS that poles are literal trash.
Off yourself.


What's wrong with patriotism you leftist cuck?

Haha, that was some 4d chess right there. When Germoney and EU hates Turkey and Turks have no chance of getting into EU, Duda endorsed Erdogan.
Yeah, because EU is charity organization. Give me a break.
3 are enough.

You didn't answer my question. Are you afraid of answering? Lemme ask you again: Are you doing it for free?

We have Euro 2012 then. People who support our team drive with flags.

>Are you actually surprised by the fact that I can shit on you pretty much effortlessly?
Shiting so often... get colonoscopy, it may be cancer Ivan.

Shitting on people ain't free, you should know this Pjotr. It's your literal job to know this, because you get paid to clean up shit with your hands.

have to say
this pic is pretty aweet

Ok, that's enough answer. So you're being paid to post hateful posts here on Sup Forums. Thank you for your cooperation. Saved.

Whoa colors changed a little bit on Sup Forums

> russian gas is most expensive in the world
fuck I know I HAD the map of the prices Europe pays for RU gas somewhere, goddamnit where is it!!!

EU is such a charity organization that it fcked up all southern european countries. According to the western think tank countries like Greece, Spain won't fix their economy for at least 1 generation.

you don't know what you're talking about...

>all of Poland is decaying familoki
Pls kys, that's the shittiest parts of Poland and you know it.

>posting the edit
dumb burger

gonna call head officer of russian intelligence to get that map asap, brb

Ask your supervisor i bet he has it.

I know this thread is a joke, but Poland is far from "based". They're the reason we have a Jewish problem, and almost every pole has Ashkenazi blood.

learn how to post reddit leafcuck

Dear niggers and shitskins
don't come here, we are a shithole, our women are ugly gold digging whores, you will only suffer here.


this. except for chopin. he was based

helloh newfriendoh

alright here we go
> be forever eternally asshurt belt
> talk shit on russia, because america tells you to and you're fucking retarded
> have to pay more for gas
honestly, back in the day people got straight up executed for spreading lies like this, why don't you want W.Europe to deal with Russia, you little fucking jewboy?

Shilly you, you forgot to name your img 'cheekybreeky.png'

aayyyy szwediu,tylko czekalem

>back in the day people got straight up executed for spreading lies like this
Back in the day people like you were thrown off rocks after being born... but what can you do.

This is well spotted on. The same thing applies to the other countries of the V4, that's why they're so based.