What will happen to the world once China starts mass producing 150 IQ children through their eugenics programs? The world couldn't possibly compete against that unless they used the same technology.
What will happen to the world once China starts mass producing 150 IQ children through their eugenics programs...
falling for chinese are smart meme
>implying they won't become smart due to the aforementioned eugenics programs
West will be full of le 56% mulattos with 60 IQ and Chinese will be carefully breed and genetically modified ubermensch. Atleast niggers wont take over the world but chinese.
what eugenics program
the only way to compete is to legalize certain types of genetic research and experimentation here in the US
>IRL furries imminent
1. IQ is a Jewishj invention. Guess what race most often does better in IQ tests`?
2. High IQ people most often are not very productive. I'd say that most of Sup Forums has a high IQ despite being unemployed kissless virgins.
The west will die within the next 50 years anyway. It'll be the Islamic world versus the Chinese Empire which encompasses Russia, Japan, Korea and other Asian economic dirt mounds.
Forgetting that 150+ IQ chinks would start a bloody coup that would make the cultural revolution look like an Easter egg hunt.
wonderful film
Says the German falling for the American diversity meme and creating a future where America will be fucking whiter than the fatherland
Maybe in the future the Chinese will come to our help and liberate us from the shitskin problem once and for all.
Once they become smart they will overthrow their government. The power vacume left will cause chaos and many 100's of millions of chinks kill each other again.
Nothing, as even with 450 average IQ, the Chinese would still be human calculators incapable of creative thought and completely lacking a soul.
>muh 150 IQ
Nothing compared to AI. Whoever masters AI first, owns the world.
An ant is always an ant, no matter how much information it can retain.
They'd fall apart. Harder to control an intelligent population. What do you think robots are for?
Honestly it's just a race to AI at this point. Whichever country advances AI tech the fastest wins. I'd say the US has a slight edge even with the Eugenics programs because they won't start to reap the benefits from that until another decade at least at which point it will be too late.
Ok then they insert western genius DNA and become creative. Done. They're already collecting it btw
AGI is a meme
There is no hope for you. Your women are literally sneaking into refugee camps to get infected with subhuman seed. Enjoy the sandmonkey kids. Hopefully they don't throw their shit in the streets
Well it's better for them to start doing it, it wont be exaggeration to say that future of humanity depends on it. Right now kikes attempting to destroy all high IQ populations of goyim starting from Europeans, and implementation of such powerful genetic elevation in place they dont control will completely break their plans and ensure annuda shoah, this time for real.
Don't pretend your demographics are better than any other Western country.
There's no way that the Chinese government would allow that. Maybe a few special cases bred for future political leadership roles, but the majority *has* to be as obedient as possible or their whole system falls apart.
I doesn't work that way. Genius isn't the result of genetics alone. Upbringing and societal environment play an equally big role in the equation. As long as their culture is all about being a collectivist, soulless, globalist hivemind, nothing good for them will ever come out of it. All they will ever be good at is copying and cheaply mass-producing of the innovations brought by their betters in western countries.
If chinks were so intelligent they would regulate their shit at least a bit and not have explosions every day and unbreatheable air
>Genius isn't the result of genetics alone
It goes a long way tho
>they start activating genes that control intelligence
>the kids come out white
Star Trek Eugenics war
Genetics is by far the single most important factor, though. It doesn't matter how much education you give a goldfish. A crow will always be smarter.
Good job there timmy
Having a fantastic mind is pointless if you live in shithole that castrates it through censorship, indoctrination and an awful and stifling social environment. It's like putting a badass sports car engine into a shitty mini MPV car that will never see any use out of commuting you to work and being stuck in traffic for 3 hours a day.
>implying that a cow and a goldfish are the same species, therefore can be compared.
Nice argument you have there.
But ai might just master u first
Yet somehow cant grasp how cars and elevators work
More like who masters AI first, will be owned by the AI first.
Artificial insemination tends to produce tons of degenerates who are far more likely to have genetic problems.
It is also extremely expensive.
A world led and owned by gooks alone, how wonderful for them
>What will happen
they'll leave oppressive china and come to the US
as usual
They can they're just too cheap, greedy and profit-driven to care about 'collateral damage' caused by shitty construction
We become enslaved by their authoritarian asses.
The point is, genetics are a very hard limit on intelligence. You either have the capability or you don't. It's the single most important factor
what will china do once these children segregate themselves from the society that created them?
crispr will allow humans to evolve into different species... humans that don't suffer muscle atrophie in space... in low gravity environments like mars or the moon...
the question is
Yes but I was born into this country (as a pure white 2nd gen), you choose to let the shit skins in
Chinese are unscrupulous and win at all costs. That's partly why they have high IQ results--they're not quite 106. The west will sweat over the ramifications of gene mods and AI to a degree that China probably will not.
it's not just the IQ, some of them will also be genetically whiter than anyone here
Nothing... If it ever came to war all of the squinty eyed geniuses will spend the entire time arguing over who gets to be the cannon fodder... Nations need low IQ rural and suburban retards as much as they need high functioning autists with STEM degrees.
>genetics are a very hard limit on intelligence
Environment is also a very hard limit on intelligence. Proven by the fact that heritability of IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics in children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. In other words, the spread in QIs gets greater once individuals reach adulthood and education and society have played their role into their development.
Also, there's the fact tat IQ isn't a very good metrics for intelligence. It tests only specific fields of it. It doesn't test the capacity for abstractive thought at all, which is a big big part of what makes someone intelligent, giving him the capability to conceive and innovate new ideas.
this image again? eurofarts can't meme.
As soon as designer babies are possible all of the shitskins will simply change their race to white. We always win in the end
i am not so sure about this... i think we will see the first crispr babies in about 3-5 years but i am not sure how long they'll need to produce people with useful mutations like high iq...
it will take quite some time to see if your creation really has the wanted qualities and does not suffer any other disadvantages in return...
so i guess your children could still live in a world where they could reach any position in society... if they don't edit their offspring though they will run into problems.
Gene Rodenberry was fucking right on, he said there would be 3rd world war based on insane genetic super humans.
but he was wrong about which side would win a war like that...
Gene Dingleberry was a tool. Star Trek isn't even as good as Doctor Who, and Doctor Who is children's programming in a country that hates children.
America isn't white, my point was at the rate the Germans are letting sand nigs flood in America will soon be whiter. It's a comparison to express the severity of Germany. I am sorry such a tool went over your tiny brain.
nobody won that war but Khan.
go to \tv if you want an edgy debate about star trek or show off how much better your taste is.
i don't care which shows you watch while you slowly waste away..
There always seems to be the subtext that CRISPR'd high intelligences would be controllable. TPTB will have the same problem with hi-qs that Facebook, et al, had with AI (AI is racist, AI ignores programmers and creates efficiencies). Intelligence is all about pattern recognition, memory, and the ability to extrapolate from information. Thus, hi-qs will immediately recognize what the problems are and what needs to be done to end said problems. Once the population of 150+ iqs reaches a certain point, certain tribes of mankind will be excised like the cancer they are. There's a reason why efforts have been directed at dumbing-down and screwing up people instead of the reverse. (((They))) will not allow hi-q creation to go very far. Brain-washing has its limits. Hi-qs will either self-destruct or solve the problem.
The show is for spergy children. If you take it seriously, you must be a spergy child. You think he's actually right, because you take the show seriously. You're a spergy child.
china bans everything. They are only trying new shit because they are new to the modern world and do not have it's associated liberal brainwashing. It is really hard for me to imagine that china would let this take place without the elites giving their children some advantage first. Plus their competitors are practicing dysgenics right now anyways
>Asians doing well at any kind of test without cheating
they don't ban technology... they only act against religion and certain philosophies.
crispr editing will cost money will fucking will still be free... so yes the elites will be the first to adopt this technology.