Overlord thread

What kind of vote is this?

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Friendly reminder that these 3 lizards are at least mithril level. And one of them could be a godkin.

wheres my soul

Crusch Lulu might have dragon blood in her. She is an Awakened Elder Blood and has Dragon Adept as a job level.

A lizard is fine too?

ummm... spoilers??

ummm... why???

A-user-kin, t-t-this is d-definitely a-a-an anime a-a-nd m-m-manga thread.
W-w-what a-are y-you t-talking ab-bout?

>EE higher than Shalltear
Nips have good taste.

I literally meant what do I do there.
I can only see two links, both lead to some kind of wallpaper in different resolution.
Do I need to hide my filthy gaijin origins or what?

Go here.


> the nips have good taste
> Narbtard is over both chair and EE.

Very good taste, indeed.

Nabe a cute!

Nabe is tarted As are all her voters.

Begone the bugfug!
Nabe a cute!
A cute I tell you!

Why not use the anti roach version instead of ant&roach version? Or was it killed worse than mods kill LN threads. Which is good and nice becuase we are talking about the manga

I wonder what the glorious ainz will do after the Conquer the lizards. Maybe kill and eat the rest of the filthy humans?

>Only the emotion control override possessed by all undead had kept him calm.
Then why Chair doesn't have it?

>Why not use the anti roach version instead of ant&roach version?
Why not use anti spider version?

Yes, I totally agree.
Ainz further course of action after defeat of lizards should be this thread main discussion vector.
We are talking about anime and manga after all.

She does but since she is a vampire her bloodlust overwrites it.

quick, snarky response.

your mother


But you're such a cutie!

Is Aura as thirsty for the Papa Bone as Albedo and Shaltear?


Oh yea that other vampire that wears a scarf I remember now. But that was from the LNs so we cant say that

best goil still wins in the end. why do people always want to be hipsters and not support the main waifu?

She probably inherited crush on Momonga from Bukubukuchagama.
user you're mixing things up.
Shalltear wears no scarf.
Cuz she is obvious waifubait and it's generally difficult to feel affection for her?


pic related is a shal

Spelling is important no?

This is how far we've fallen?

Atleast we arnt talking about the LN user?

Yeah, because mod moving us to /fa/ is better.

So the twitter side story, other than revealing EE's name, does it have any other relevance?

The one that will have this thread deleted.

It tells us that according to the place you were in you get transported in a different place and time.

>Episode 18
Haven't been here in awhile. What's this episode 18 I see? I thought it ended at 13 episodes

It's manga chapter user.

If aura inherited crush from bukubukuchagama, does mare also want the papa bone?

I think it's the only thing he inherited so there's only some emotions under his settings when it's related to Papa Bones.
At other times he's just AI covered with some flavor text behavior.

>“Heh, yeah, if he treated me like that, I'd be his. I'd even give him my ass.”
Momom x Adventurers gay doujin when?

Why nips insist that Pestonya is pic related?

Would [perfect warrior] Ainz lose to Demiurge if they fought seriously?

Cuz it's cute and need pats?

Nigel , can you pls translate what they say if you are here?

With the same tier of gear - maybe.
With the best gear Ainz can use - no.

Probably because Perfect Warrior doesn't give any warrior skills to replace the disabled magic.

Baidu divers ought to deliver once it's daytime in the land of free.

The fact that EE, Lupus, CZ and Clem are above Aura, Mare, Sebas and Cocytus, or even above Solution, is triggering me.

>and suddenly Clementine
That aside, sasuga Ainz-sama, to be as high as the next four combined.

demiurge probably has enough skills, magic, and tricks to win. he was made by ulbert after all

>Kyouhukou places higher than Cocytus
>Jircniv that low
>Renner (?) that high

Can Demiurge beat Sebas?

No, he can't.

Renner got a lot of screentime recently
Sasuga So-bin waifu-forcing!

Yes because Demiurge can mindbreak Tsuare.

But what about his most manly form?

What part of
>he can't
do you not understand?

>Rubedo #89
She didn't even get screentime yet.
>bukubuku chagama
>death knight
>mountain goats

Because you're wrong.

>you're wrong
You can obviously post something to back that up.

Demiurge's third form is strongest in a manly sense. Is Sebas stronger in a manly sense?

>gets a bunch of art by artist
>only tenth

She's literally not relevant past volume 2.

>implying there's anything more manlier than rl Touch Me

Touch Me is basically a real-life mary sue.

Ulbert cucked Touch me .

And she still holds tenth place while being absent for 8 volumes.
Didn't Ulbert touch Cuck-me?

>And she still holds tenth place while being absent for 8 volumes.
I think it's more about her being in the anime.

You think?
Dat ass is borderline criminally perfect.

Does anyone have the mega with the PDF downloads? The one I have must be outdated or something because the first two volumes are translated like utter garbage.

I wonder if it will work that way?

Her voice acting was really good.

Yes, her declaration of "I won't lose" made me diamonds.

I'm sure you think you're being smart right now but I have access to neither google nor blogspot for a few days.

>wonder if it will work
Hey, it worked!
I can't write shit, but at least I can still read.

What worked
I'm really rather confused right now.

You'd think he would've realized he's a villain before he ended up in the NW, with a face like that.

>no google
>no blogspot
>requests mega link
You've got to bait harder than that, FBI-kun.

Check few previous threads for this image.
Some user explained what's this about.
And why would you think that?
It's perfectly heroic face user.

Or maybe I'm in China and my VPN is unusably slow while I'm in dorm, and I'd like to have the updated English version of Overlord.

On second thought you're right. With a chin that strong, he couldn't be anything but a classic hero.

>unusably slow VPN
>fast enough for Sup Forums
>not fast enough for basic lurking
Bait is still too small, Mossad-kun

I don't need a fucking VPN to get on Sup Forums you imbecilic slav.
Either way I found the MEGA already.


>strong chin
I thought this meant hammerjaw, not spearface.

>naberal 511 points behind alfredo.

Why didn't you vote? we could have won ;_;

Yeah thanks, I already found it.

Why did you ask in the first place then?
You'll have to get acquainted with proposed method if mods or DMCA clamp down on these threads in the future anyway.
Why though betrayed us!?

How did Lockmeyer place?

Doesn't Narb canonically support Albedo anyway?

>You'll have to get acquainted with proposed method if mods or DMCA clamp down on these threads in the future anyway.
>implying FBI actually lurks here
Get real.

I wasn't able to find the button

Might've missed him somehow but I don't see him there. Is Lockmeyer his full name?

>Get real
Were you not here when threads were purged for pastebin?

Cuz it's Lockmyer and no cuz nips have shit taste

I was here since Lizards were being translated, the reason we were getting nuked had nothing to do with the translations and more to do with some mod high on acid unironically thinking LNs belong on /jp/.

He's returned btw

Yesterday's thread was actually more or less pure cancer including a 3D OP image.

Not nigel but I think Ainz says something among the lines of:

"Hmm, the results are just as I anticipated, you have my thanks people"

The phrase in gray underneath that one says: "B-block voting?" Though, I wouldn't know how to interpret that.

It happened more than once in the last few days.
Comfy powerlevels threads gone under too.

>Ainz is Number 1
Sasuga Ainz-sama!

>the results are just as I anticipated
I'm sure...