Fuck Off Nazi Scum
1776 > 1488
Fuck Off Nazi Scum
1776 > 1488
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wtf is 1776
You have to go back.
If you are a american Fascist, 1776 should be your 1488, 1488 is for larpers who do not actually understand national socialist ideology and its purely german perspective.
1917 > 1776
Why would anyone be happy with the first picture?
That's what led to Justin Trudeau.
1476 is objectively superior in every way to all others.
1776 WAS 1488
America was always a WN country, until 65
1776 is when a bunch of jews used divide and conquer to split a perfectly homogenous anglo colony from it’s brethren and turn it into a 48% shitfest.
1492 >>>>>>>>>>>>
>Fuck Off
come make me
That's my flag you're posting with faggot.
1776 is about as far from 1488 as you can be. At least in a role of government sense.
Many of Hitler's policies were based in American policies, like his eugenics pogrom. Soros shills trying to make Americans feel distant from Hitler's Germany. SAD!
1969 best year
You must be fucking kidding me. Every immigrant who comes here and takes a citizenship test knows least that much.
America was a WN country, but that wasn't the defining thing everything was based on. The country was founded on principles of liberty.
1776 is proof that you are an ignorant imbecile who should not be allowed to make any decisions for anybody else, ever, much less vote. Bloody hell, you probably think that the rest of the world celebrates the 4th of July too.
On the day of rope, all collectivists will be purged. Nazis, commies, globalists, you name it.
whats the argument against national socialism? neo-nazis should be purged sure, but natsoc?
Some of the Nuremberg laws were based on Jim Crow laws, except the Nazis thought that the laws that the Democrats had passed were too stringent, i.e. they went with much more being required than "just one drop" for a person to be considered ethnically Jewish.
2016 > 1776 > 1488
>m-muh collectivists
You forgot the >
true good point. not sure why these shills think 1776 isnt compatible with 1488.
It's a collectivist ideology. It is the subjugation of the rights of the individual to the state. And in the case of the US, there is no monolithic German Folk or even American Folk. From that standpoint alone, it would fail.
how is that individualism going on in the west right now lad?
do you like rampant feminism and faggotry? IT looks like you do.
>It is the subjugation of the rights of the individual to the state
what is this claim based in? Hitler didn't take away individual rights. He even relaxed gun laws in Germany. Folk is applicable to all people. Even niggers have folk. So not sure why the concept of folk isn't compatible.
You must feel so tolerant with Muhammad's cock up your ass, swedecuck. Individual rights are one of the things that made the US great, and we're slipping to shit as those get taken away.
Those faggots want to go communist and do not give a fuck about individual rights. You're bringing up a collectivist group.
Nihilists will never do anything
>implying numales aren't all obsessed with virtue signaling about identity politics, just against their own race
>american flag
>wtf is 1776
There is no hope. Fascism brings misery and death, democracy rings degradation, I see no light lads.
it might be the hailing the dictator who was at war with america part I think
Amen #MAGa
Fascism doesnt bring misery and death. remember the brits declared war on germany not the other way around and churchill didnt accept any peace. If they just let hitler get his rightful german lands back, there wouldve been peace but (((they))) dont like strong white nations.
Liberalism is why we are where we're at. Men talk about their liberties when they feel they have no duties.
No doubt that this user has absolutely no idea. Absolutely sad state.
Damn near same thing fag.
Give it some time and nazi party will become corrupt to the core, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They just didnt live long enough, but you can consider modern Russia/China.
America went to war with Hitler on behalf of deceptive Jews.
>pic related
Even the lead prosecutor admitted Hitler was right.
I'm sorry how are you this retarded for a american? You obviously have to be ten or something to be this idiotic.
Hitler attached ussr, tho again, technically he didnt declare the war even in this case.
The answer to 1776 is 1984. You're all gonna get yours
You can't corrupt National Socialism.
Why do you think CIA and Jews have never done it? They can only separate NatSoc into individual parts and corrupt them, like the "White Nationalism" movement. NatSoc is designed to work even if the leader isn't as perfect as Hitler.
>a form of government is incorruptible
lol okay
It's famous for being a particularly uneventful year.
>Individual rights are one of the things that made the US great
Fucking lmao, (((individual/human rights))) is exactly why all the wetbacks are allowed to invite themselves into your country. Grow a fucking spine and start caring about your people instead of some faggots freedom to suck cocks without discrimination.
then why did you brits cry like little gaybois that year?
NatSoc isn't a form of Government. Look:
Nationalism is required to protect the Nation. You should love your Nation and protect it.
is required to protect the wealth of a Nation. This isn't Marxist Socialism. Pic related. Hitler didn't create a system of Government but only acknowledged the system created by nature itself. He was the first person to fight what we call the "New World Order." Nationalism and Socialism: protect the Nation and protect the State are concepts no one can corrupt. You can only cease following one or the other. If, for example, the wealth of the Nation is protected by certain measures we call this "Socialism" because the wealth a Nation generates should benefit the society and not the International banking elite. Anything which works against the Nation or Society is rejected. No system...just common sense. And because it's not a system it can be applied to actual systems, meaning NatSoc can be interpreted in numerous ways and applied to almost any form of Government.
>national socialist
Fuck off, leftists. Germany can keep it's shitty collectivism. America was founded on enlightenment principles.
>You can't corrupt National Socialism.
Said every corrupted system at first. Corruption is not a binary option; it's something that happens always and has to be kept in check. The fact that you don't understand this concept means you shouldn't be anywhere near any sort of authoritative position.
You have done zero research into what NatSoc is. Educate yourself before forming passionate opinions.
Yeah and 1945 made the Us Israel's Golem
porque no los dos?
>1 post by this ID
You all fell for some hard bait
""""""Enlightenment"""""" principles are proto-communism and proto-nihilism
>Swedecuck tries to call america cucked
Yeah, that proud, strong groupthink is really helping you out, huh? Collectivism is what caused your issues, dumbfuck.
Nice revisionism.
Check the immigration act o f 1790, free white peoples only.
Stupid burgers, why do you shit on collectivism, humans lived in tribes for thousand years, it is as part of our nature as breathing.
The only thing important is being able to control your government, not muh individualism.
>One is a historically significant year
>One is a numeric symbol for letters
This isn't even good shitposting.
>National Socialism isn't a government
>It's just a political ideology that you use as a guide to create an enforce policy
>It's natural, trust us
Guess the Nazi propaganda never truly stopped, huh? You guys are as bad as the Jews you hate so much.
The enlightenment was the first time in history anyone realized individuals were the only tangible unit of society. Communism is collectivist, just like socialism. You're WAY closer to communism than I am, faggot.
Nihilism doesn't exist; because any real nihilist would just let themselves die.
Hitler started the war you fucking retard.
If you disagree explain why? National Socialism literally equals Nationalism (protect the Nation) and Socialism (protect the Nation's wealth). So what is your argument?
>Break off from centralized bank
pick one
There was only one kike, and his name was alexander hamilton.
You're dangerously close to saying it wasn't real National Socialism. Fascism is most certainty a form of government. Just because you're blinded by some pie in the sky utopia doesn't mean the rest of us are.
As for types of governments out there, NatSoc is far from the worst. Minarchism is the truest of red pills.
>Fascism is most certainty a form of government
NatSoc is the ideology which prevents the abuse of fascism.
Gas the niggers, sandniggers, and kikes; then 1776. Objectively best policy.
>doesn't understand what collectivism is
Collective action is not collectivism. Being in a group is not collectivism. Collectivism is seeing groups as independent entities with their own rights, rules, thought, feelings, etc. Groups don't have any of those things because groups are only collections of individuals.
Amen brother! We don't need no collect-uh-vist government tellin' us what to do! Don't matter what skin color you have, as long as you read the constitution and respect muh rights, you're a real patriot! MAGA
and its a very strong ideology for that, no doubt
but it was defeated by simpler white supremacy
4 U
theres no reason to think mexican people are more likely to create a mexico
theres no reason to think the people that were in america are more likely to create an america
u just gotta like believe man
define white supremacy?
>adding snow nigger background to anglo founders
what the fuck are you doing nigger
Remove yourself.
1+7+7+6 = 1+4+8+8
>invades Poland
>invades Scandinavia
>invades Belgium
>invades Netherlands
The founding fathers were White Nationalists and if you think for a second that they weren't 100% about the 14 words you're a brainwashed redditor civic cuck.
>invades Poland
let me just stop you right there. Germans in Poland were being raped and murdered for 3 months before Hitler acted. He pled for Poland to cease their niggery. Hitler was coaxed into war according to Poland itself.
>Hitler sought to free the whole of Europe and Scandinavia from kike terrorists even creating the New German Order (benefiting all of Europe)..which kikes would later co-opt and twist into the New World Order (benefiting only Jews).
>that image
Holy mental gymnastics batman. That is some reddit-tier bullshit.
this actually Blew My Mind™
discuss or dont? ad hominems and snark belong on reddit.
On which part?
>NatSoc isn't a form of Government
Yes it is. It's a system that enforces a political ideology. That's a government.
>Hitler didn't create a system of Government but only acknowledged the system created by nature itself.
National Socialism is not synonymous with the state of "nature" - a term which you haven't given your definition of, so I'm assumign you mean comes about as a response to how the universe works. National Socialism has no more of a claim to "nature" than any other form of governmental policy. You're simply trying to shoehorn it into being more "Natural" than anything else.
>Nationalism and Socialism: protect the Nation and protect the State are concepts no one can corrupt
This is what EVERY fucking corrupt government says to abuse people and exercise undue power. This is why collectivism is garbage; because it's easy to morally justify corruption when you can say something is good for the collective: which is only an abstraction.
>because the wealth a Nation generates should benefit the society
Hello, Bernie.
>Anything which works against the Nation or Society is rejected.
And whatever works "against" the nation is completely up to whoever is in charge. I'm sure nothing can go wrong there.
>meaning NatSoc can be interpreted in numerous ways and applied to almost any form of Government.
It requires heavily centralized control to make it work, which only works with collectivist, authoritarian systems: America being neither of which.
You haven't learned a damn thing from any of the stuff that's come out of government recently.
>Germans in Poland were being raped and murdered
Got some a source for that? I hear your kind say it all the time but I've never seen a single piece of evidence.
Also, my internet is being a nigger right now, so replies may come slowly.
>Yes it is
Nationalism is love for Nation. Socialism is an ethnical system to protect a Nation's wealth. So what about National Socialism is a system of Government?
>National Socialism is not synonymous with the state of "nature"
If you create a Nation how can it survive with Nationalism to protect the Nation and Socialism to protect its assets?
>Hello, Bernie.
Are you saying a Nation's wealth should benefit other Nations? Hello, Jew.
>which only works with collectivist, authoritarian systems: America being neither of which.
Whats your problem with authority? America has always been authoritarian: the majority agree on laws and customs and trusts the Government to maintain them in spite of the disagreeing minority.
no worries man
That image is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever seen. First of all, who decides what is right? You?